I gotta admit - being a non-native English speaker and hailing from Eastern Europe, the idea of a baby shower, for a long while, was kind of a mystery to me. Like, why on Earth would people gather to watch a baby being showered? It’s just weird (and way less entertaining than watching, say, a cat getting a shower). Later on, thankfully, I finally figured out that the showering in baby showers is a figurative one and ties in with gift-giving to the soon-to-be mom and her little spawn. Basically, providing the family with all the stuff they might need with their newest addition. And lastly, having watched a rom-com or two, I saw that this soiree is, in fact, a party full of baby shower games! Fast forward a couple of years, and I’m sort of an expert on baby shower game ideas, and thanks to my colleagues, I can now share this fun baby shower games list with you!

Right, so if you’re planning said event and need some cool baby shower ideas, you can be pretty certain you’ll find them here. And although we cannot provide you with party-goers - those are for you to figure out - we can sort out the entertainment part. So, from easy baby shower games like Find The Guest! to a bit more elaborate and a tad bit weirder like Guess the Candy Bar, there are plenty of choices, depending on your and your attendees’ taste. And if you’re up for a laugh (they say laughing is good both for the mom and the baby!), we’ve thrown in some of the funniest baby shower games ever into the roster, too.

Presuming you’ve got the baby and the attendee part figured out by now, it is probably time for you to scroll on down below and finally check out our selection of unique baby shower games. Once you are there, be sure to give the party games you liked the most your vote, and may your baby shower be the coziest and funniest one ever!


"Hello, My Name Is…"

When guests arrive, have them put on a name tag. During the shower, people can only be addressed by their name tag. If a guest addresses someone by their first name, they must deposit money into a piggy bank for the baby.


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    "Don’t Say Baby!"

    As each guest arrives, have them clip the clothespin to their clothing. When a guest is speaking to someone who says "baby," they take that person's pin and wear it. At the end of the party, whoever has the most pins wins.


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    "How Many Baby Items Can You Name?"

    Each guest should write down as many baby items as they can in one minute. Whoever comes up with the most items wins.


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    "Oh Baby, A Playlist!"

    Each guest must write down as many songs with the word "baby" in the title as they can think of. Give the guests a time limit—five minutes at most—and the person with the most songs written down wins.


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    "How Old Was She?"

    Arrange moms' photos from different ages on a poster board and let everyone guess how old they believe the expectant mother is in each photograph.


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    "Are You That Baby?"

    This game requires guessing your guests' babies. Make a collage of your guests' baby pictures on a poster or corkboard. Maintain a secret master list of who is who. Request that people write down their best guesses for who is who in the photos. Whoever has the most correct answers wins.


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    "Guess the Baby Food"

    You will need unlabeled jars, pureed baby food, paper, and a pen. Filled each jar with baby food. Give each guest a piece of paper and a pen, then ask them to smell each jar of puree and write down which foods they believe are inside.


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    "Blind Diaper Changing Challenge"

    Divide the guests into teams. Every team receives a doll, a blindfold, and diapers. Each team's first person in line must put on the blindfold, remove the diaper from the doll, and replace it with a new one. When the first team members have finished, the next in line goes, and so on. The team that finishes first wins.


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    "Free Dobby!"

    Make a note on your baby shower invitations that guests should bring a pair of baby socks to "free the house elves." Place the basket on a table and hang the poster over it while you're setting it up. Allow guests to place their baby socks in the basket, and then present the sock stash to the mom-to-be at the end of the shower who will soon appreciate them once her little one arrives.


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    "Name That Baby Tune"

    Play one children's song at a time and see who can correctly guess each song's name the quickest. Whoever gets the most correct answers wins.


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    "Find the Socks!"

    Place all of the baby socks, unpaired, on the floor. In one minute, each guest must match as many socks as they can. The person with the most matching socks wins.


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    "Pregnant Twister"

    Give each guest a pillow, a fanny pack, and a set of wrist weights to create the pregnant bellies. Place the weights in a fanny pack and strap the pack and pillow around their waists. The expecting parent will sit out this one and serve as the judge.


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    What's the Story?

    Make a list of ten baby-related words, such as "nursery," "bottles," "diapers," and so on. Then, think of ten words that have nothing to do with babies, for example, "concrete," "automotive store," "flying," and "oil." Give each guest both word lists and give them five minutes to write a story that includes all 20 words. Take turns reading the amusing stories aloud. The person who comes up with the most amusing story wins.


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    "Who Knows Mommy Best?"

    Friends and family members compete to see who knows the most about the mom-to-be in this entertaining baby shower game. It requires little preparation and is simple to play with a large group, making it one of the best baby shower games available.

    Read your list of questions aloud to your guests and have them write their responses on paper. The person with the most correct answers wins.


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    "What’s Mommy Craving?"

    Mom-to-be goes through all the strange things she's been craving one by one, without ever saying the food's name. Each guest writes down what they believe each one is. Whoever has the most correct answers wins.


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    "The Mommy or Daddy Game"

    Make a list of ten to twenty questions that can be answered with "mom" or "dad" (Who hasn't changed a diaper before? Who has consistently gotten at least eight hours of sleep each night?). Print enough copies to accommodate all of the guests.

    Distribute the list of questions to each visitor. After everyone has written down their answers, call the mom and dad-to-be up to the front, read the questions aloud, and have them respond. The guest with the most correct answers wins a prize.


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    "The Nursery Rhyme Quiz"

    Make enough copies for all of your guests by typing out a list of nursery rhyme snippets, leaving out keywords and phrases. Fill in the blanks with your guests. The person with the most correct answers wins.


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    "Pass The Pacifier"

    Form groups of four or five guests and have them stand in a line with a straw in their mouths. The first in line places the pacifier on their straw. When the host says "go!" the first person in line passes the pacifier from straw to straw, no hands allowed. Allow them to continue down the line. Whoever gets to the end of the line first wins.


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    "Baby Shower Grab"

    Using the clothespins, attach several baby clothes to a hanger. Hang the hanger with the clothes on a hook. Each guest should have one hanger of clothes. Place one hand behind each guest's back and ask them to remove as many pieces of clothing as they can without dropping the clothes or the clothes pins. Whoever gets the most done in less than a minute wins.


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    "Find the Guest!"

    Make a list of interesting facts that could apply to many of your guests. Each guest will need to quickly get to know one another in order to find people who fit into the various categories. The person who meets the most guests and can tick off the most interesting facts wins.


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    "Guess the Candy Bar"

    For this game, you will need diapers, mini-chocolate bars, and pens and paper were provided for each guest. Melt various types of mini-chocolate bars and pour one on each diaper. Allow guests to sniff (or even dip a finger into the chocolates) and guess which type is on each diaper. Whoever correctly guesses the most chocolates wins. Weird? Just a tad. But, who can resist the allure of chocolate?


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    "The Left-Right Game"

    Write or download the Left Right story and print it, then wrap a prize in a small and light enough box to pass around. Make a circle out of your guests' chairs. Once they're settled, hand a wrapped prize to a guest and begin reading the story aloud. When you read the words "left" or "right," guests must pass the prize to their left or right. The person who holds the prize at the end of the story gets to keep it!


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    "Baby Bump Balloon Pop"

    Nothing beats baby shower games with balloons, especially when you're making a lot of noise. For this one, divide your guests into teams and give each one a balloon. When the host says "go!" the first person from each team must inflate their balloon and place it under their shirt. When they're finished, the second person on each team follows suit, followed by the third, and so on. Once all team members have balloons hidden beneath their shirts, the first person must pop their balloon, followed by the second, third, and so on. The fastest team to blow up and pop their balloons wins.


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    "Do You Know Your Disney Babies?"

    Make a list of the names of Disney mom characters (Sarabi, Kala, Perdita, Elastagirl) on the left side of a piece of paper and leave the right side blank. Make enough copies to accommodate all of your guests. Ask your guests to write the correct kid’s name next to each mom (for example, Simba next to Sarabi). Whoever gets the most correct wins.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    "Rubber Ducky Raffle"

    On the underside of the rubber duckies, write the numbers of ten raffle tickets. Fill the tub with water and set the ducks afloat right before the party. Give each guest a raffle ticket. During the baby shower, pick a rubber ducky from the tub and read the number you pulled out with it. The guest who has the same number on the ticket wins the prize.


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    Diaper Raffle

    Explain in the baby shower invitations that anyone who brings a box of diapers to the shower will be entered into a raffle to win a prize. Distribute raffle tickets to those who brought diapers as guests arrive. Pull a ticket halfway through the shower and give the ticket holder a prize.


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    "Daddy Knows Best"

    You'll need to prepare a list of questions to ask the soon-to-be father, and then record your conversation with him. Gather everyone around the baby shower and play the video of the dad-to-be so everyone can see it, but pause after each question so guests can guess the answer.


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    "Bottle Race"

    Pour the beverage into each bottle. Each guest takes a bottle and drinks as quickly as they can. The person who finishes first receives a prize.


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    "How Well Do You Know Your TV Children?"

    Make a list of the most popular babies from movies/tv-series and ask your quest to guess their names.

    For example:
    What were the names of the three kids on The Simpsons?


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    "What's in your purse?"

    Make a list of items that people might have in their purses and assign a point value to each one. Distribute the list of objects to each guest. If a guest has it in her purse, she should circle the number of points that correspond to it. Then have guests add up their points, and the person with the most wins. You can make “What’s on your phone?” list instead.


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    "Baby Shower Bingo"

    Print enough Bingo templates for each guest and let the fun begin. The first person to complete a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins! You can also play four corners, the outside edge, multiple rows, or the entire house.


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    "Baby Stroller Olympics"

    Make a map of the land. Mark off the starting line with one stick and the finish line with another. Set up a few obstacles with lawn chairs, logs, or other materials within that area. Each guest will stand behind the starting line with a baby doll and a stroller. When the expecting mother says, "Go!" the guest will strap the baby into the stroller and push it through the obstacles until they reach the finish line. Each time the stroller or a guest collides with an obstacle, a one-second penalty is applied, and a guest is disqualified if the baby falls out of the stroller. The person who completes the task in the shortest amount of time wins.


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    "The Price Is Right Baby Shower Game"

    On a sheet of paper, write a list of baby items and specific quantities, and make enough copies for all of your guests. Make each guest write down how much they believe each item retails for, then total their guesses. Whoever comes closest to the correct total without exceeding it wins.


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    "Watch What You Say"

    Take notes on the mother-to-exclamations as she opens her gifts. Hold up the sheet of paper and say, "This is what she said the night the baby was conceived." Then have her read it aloud to all of the guests. It's a particularly enjoyable baby shower game if the father-to-be is present!


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    "Do You Know What It Is?"

    Give each guest a sheet of paper and a pen, then distribute the bags at random. Guests must write down what they believe is in each bag without opening it. After everyone has guessed what's inside each bag, the pregnant woman will open them one at a time and reveal what's inside. Whoever gets the most correct guesses wins.


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    "Place the Pacifier In the Baby’s Mouth"

    Blindfold each guest and see how close they can get their pacifier picture to the baby's mouth, a la Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Whoever comes closest wins!


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    "The Baby Name Game"

    Allow each guest to write down any baby names they can think of in the time allotted. You can also choose which letter the names should begin with to make the game more difficult. Whoever comes up with the most names wins.


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    "The Baby Bucket List"

    Instruct guests to write down at least one thing the new father should do during the first year of his child's life. Gather all of the notecards and present them to the soon-to-be father by the end of the party.


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    "The Baby Shower ABC’s"

    Vertically write the alphabet down the left side of a sheet of paper. Make enough copies to accommodate all of your guests. Give each guest a sheet and have them write down a word associated with babies for each letter. The person who writes the most words in one minute wins.


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    "Baby Shower Scramble"

    Choose a few baby words, then jumble the spellings on a piece of paper to make anagrams. Make a duplicate for each guest. Place a sheet of paper at each seat and set aside a minute during the party to see how quickly people can unscramble them. The person who can think of the most words in one minute wins.


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    "Yum, Applesauce!"

    Make holes in the bottoms of the bags so that they can be worn as ponchos. Divide the guests into two-person teams. Put trash bags over everyone's clothes, then blindfold everyone. Give each team a jar of applesauce and two spoons, and have them feed each other. The team that finishes their applesauce first wins.


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    "Who's the Celebrity Baby?"

    Gather a collection of images of celebrity babies and their parents. Give each celebrity baby picture a number and hang it up. Display the parent photos next to that. Allow 10 minutes for guests to match celebrity baby photos to their parents. The person who has the most correct matches wins.


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    "My Water Broke"

    For this game, you will need tiny plastic baby dolls and an ice cube tray. Fill each cube with water and freeze after inserting a plastic baby. Give each guest a drink containing a baby-filled ice cube. The goal of this baby shower game is for guests to melt the ice and get the plastic baby out in any way they can think of. Whoever gets their baby out first and shouts "my water broke!" wins.


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    "Emoji Anagrams"

    Print or order emoji anagram lists for each guest. Instruct guests to guess the (baby-related) words or phrases written in emojis and fill out the sheet with their answers. The person with the most correct answers wins.


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    "The Animal Gestation Game"

    List a variety of animals on the left side of a sheet of paper and the average number of days they've been pregnant on the right, but not in the same order. Guests should pair each animal with a gestation length. Whoever has the most correct matches wins.


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