40 People Who’ve Reached New Levels Of Cringe And Got Posted In The ‘Cringetopia’ Online Group
InterviewCringe is as cringe does. Even though the internet is full of wonderful things like cat pics, wholesome local news, and articles written by yours truly, it’s also home to the vast and spooky wilderness where you’ll find the most bizarre and cringe-worthy posts. And it’s the members of the ‘Cringetopia’ subreddit that bears the heavy burden of documenting the cringiest examples to share (and publicly mock!) with the world. These cringetopians have a duty to show us what to never ever do while at the same time providing us with some hilariously weird content.
We’ve collected some of the best recent posts that will make your face contort, your mind reel, and your lips say, “Oh God, why?! Please, no!” Remember to upvote the cringiest pics that hurt you emotionally (and maybe even physically). Oh, and if you haven’t had enough internet for today, then be sure to check out our previous posts about the ‘Cringetopia’ subreddit right over here: Part 1 and Part 2.
What the 1.3-million-strong ‘Cringetopia’ community teaches us is that cringey posts are more common than we might think. And we’ve all no doubt done embarrassing things that we still remember in the shower or late at night when we should be sleeping. However, ignoring these feelings and running away from them is far from healthy.
Bored Panda had a talk with a couple of the subreddit's moderators to learn more about how the massive community is managed, as well as how to live with the cringey things that we've done in the past (spoiler warning: it's to take responsibility for your mistakes and live life with courage). Scroll down for our interviews with them, as well as for our chat about embarrassment with award-winning social psychologist Vanessa Bohns, the author of the forthcoming book 'You Have More Influence Than You Think.'
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Dork A** Losers
Classic. Seen this one so many times and enjoying them being roasted.
W H I T E P E O P L E A M I R I G H T!!!
The Woman Is The Cringe One Here, In Case Anyone Is Confused
Keep Your Neck
So while the world has been trying to explain to everyone that "no" means no, this person is saying, "Well, actually.... if he really loves you then no means yes." She's ruining everything for everybody.
$4k Rent
So Much For Independent
Fjallmadur told me that the best way to confront embarrassing and cringey situations is to fully admit to them. "A person should own up to their mistakes and embarrassments because it makes them a better person. If you're too concerned about doing something that may make people laugh at you, then you're never going to live," the mod noted to Bored Panda that being afraid of embarrassing ourselves can't have a wider impact on how we tend to live our lives.
"The jocks think the geeks are cringey, and geeks think the jocks are. And everyone thinks bronies and furries are cringey. Someone will always be there to make fun of you," Fjallmadur said, urging people to not mind the critics. "Live your life the best you can."
Meanwhile, redditor Tejmar, another 'Cringetopia' moderator, told Bored Panda that the people behind the community are absolutely awesome and laid back. "I can say this mod team is one of the friendliest and easy-going groups I've been a part of," they praised their colleagues.
Cultural Appropriation
Yeah. Its great. You can NEVER roll your ankle, cause we don't have them./s
Want Another Baby But Your Husband Doesn't? Just Get Him Drunk
Easy Mistake
Just Stop
She Is Not The Cringe But Those 6k Neck Beards Are! I Freaking Love Her Idea
Earlier, I spoke with social psychologist Vanessa about other aspects of embarrassment as well. She noted that we ought to embrace our embarrassment instead of shying (or running!) away from it. Not only does it help our reputation, it also helps us accept the fact that we can’t always be perfect.
"We spend a lot of time and effort presenting an ideal version of ourselves to other people. When something happens that contrasts with the image we’ve been projecting—when we say or do something that shows we actually aren’t as graceful or as smart as we’d like people to believe—we feel embarrassed," Vanessa told Bored Panda previously.
It may be funny to the person doing it, but it is very disrespectful to the shop staff who deal with this exact same unoriginal nonsense all the time. Nobody condones that person who doesn't reshelve their books after browsing- how about we show the same respect to the staff by not messing up their shelves for a cheap laugh online.
I used to work for Borders Books & Music in Columba, MD and I'd rather have this guy move books around than the guy we had to deal with. He was taking Bibles into the bathroom, wiping feces on the pages, then putting them back onto the shelves. At this time the stores didn't have those tag detectors leading into the bathrooms.
Load More Replies...When the comments are just as stupid as the post. Guy was being an annoying prick and some of you have the nerve to praise the moron. Mind your own damn business and let people have their beliefs. If it doesn't hurt you, then shut up and chill.
Lmao thanks for acknowledging our existence
Load More Replies...Respect goes both ways though. When religion starts to encroach upon my own personal freedoms then I feel like religion does not respect me.
Load More Replies...Now try that with the Quran and then put your face on the internet.Just do it if you wanna be a "funny and smart" guy.I always see people mocking christians but those people NEVER make fun of muslims or jews.So go ahead and be special
That is incredibley dumb and inconsiderate f**k off before you cause anymore harm
Load More Replies...The Bible is not fiction. Even as an Atheist you should know that it’s proofed that most of the writings are historically. That’s science.
this is just rude. it doesn't matter if you believe in the Bible or not, but as long as no one is using their religion to hurt people, let people have their beliefs. and ik some of you will probably say "but they do use their religion to hurt people!" and while some Christians do, there are also plenty of Christians that are nice, respectful people. as long as people are being nice, please be respectful of beliefs.
I don't care what people believe, my comment here isn't even about the books. It's about w*nkers like this who disrespect the workers in a store. We have a system, designed to help people, so that when people come ask us about something specific we can find it for them! Messing around with stuff like that takes TIME away from that, and for ordering new books (or clothes, or toys, or whatever you work with), so we have the goods when you come in to the store! Also, if you can't remember where you took the item, or "can't be bothered" to put it back just give it to one of the employees, we will rather pur it back ourselves instead of not being able to find it. Jeez, these people p*ss me off!
I thought the whole thing was funny, but no, you are right. (no sarcasm, just an appropriate amount of shame)
Load More Replies...This is not only rude, it's super imposing. "I think such a thing doesn't exist so I think everyone should have deal with MY opinion."
not funny. its fine if you are atheist/agnostic but one has no right to mock/ridicule other's belief. Also, because of this 'funny' stunt, imagine the workload the shopkeeper had to go through. thanks but no thanks. (PS. I am an atheist)
why is it that, skptics, and unbelievers fell they have a right to act like this? It shows you the thought process of some one who is a hater. feel sad for him. He needs to get a life. It will most likely be his biggest contribution to life. sad,
I've been waiting for the day I can find a Godzilla book so I can put it in the religious section.
Everyone talking about how disrespectful this is to the store employees, and the only comment (At least at time of writing) saying it’s disrespectful to Christians is the atheist. How sad (and kudos to the atheist).
Go home and rearrange your own shelves as much as you like. Unless your last name is Barnes or Noble, it is infringing on someone else's property.
Do you also move the spice jars on the supermarket shelves so that spell out mildly rude words?
He's not exactly wrong here. Religion has become the grift of humanity, and if every religion claims to be the only right one, then none of them are.
Even though I don't buy bibles, it was a stupid idea. Have some respect for the employees and also for the people who DO buy bibles!
Because forcing your beliefs on someone by moving their choice of reading material in the name of stopping people from forcing their beliefs on you is absolutely moronic and hateful. Maybe you should check out the self help books on dietary needs and minding your own damn business? Literally one third of the world believes in Christianity. that's over 4 times the number of athiests in the world if you also include agnostics.... but somehow because you are a part of the athiest religion, your actions are justified.
A lot of people beliving in something does not make it right, and hence should not be considered a valid argument. For a long period of time it was mainstream knowledge that the Earth was a disc; it didn't make it any flatter, and going with the belief of the many, would only have kept us at a lower state of development as a species.
Load More Replies...I follow the 7 tennents of the satanic temple (different from the church) and I am an atheist. I think this guy was in the right here
sometimes public service takes sacrifice... Good on ya. Yes, fiction... OR fantasy OR Schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders
Its funny to me but dont actually do it. Its like putting books about pride in the fantasy section, the internet would rage. Just dont do it.
Oh this is my absolute favorite of all time. F*****g hilarious omg! 😎
That is the most childish, disrespectful things I've ever heard. Thanks for your picture though, so the adults can identify the order child.
If I worked at that store I would still appreciate the fun in it - there are worse things to do for an employee than putting away books because of a person making a statement....
Disrespectful. You'd never do this to the torah For the record I am not christian although I believe in God. I don't believe in organised religion but I'd never do something as disrespectful as this
Religion absolutely has led to hurt for a lot of people. However, that is no reason to engage in behaviour to hurt those who have done nothing to you. Many people use religion and faith to cope with crises in their own lives - for instance, I follow several individuals online who have lost family members to cancer and their faith kept them mentally afloat. Think of how harmful and hurtful it would be for someone dealing with a personal issue and relying on faith to hold them up to see someone doing this for a laugh. You're not going to impact the Bible thumpers by doing this. Sure, they'll rave and rage but then they'll just go back to feeling self-righteous. The people most likely to be wounded by this are ones who'd never have done anything to you.
This Is f*****g hilarious. I mean it's a little disrespectful but f*****g hilarious
“I’m an asshole that enjoys creating work for other people, even though they have nothing to do with the statement I’m trying to make”.
I would just stick the Satanic Bible in with all the other bibles
Damn, now I have to explain why I burst out laughing after I read that...
I just finished a psychology study and according to their guidelines your a morbidly overweight, abused man who secretly want to be raped by a mule.
Bet you then went home and masturbated over all that thrill it gave you. Tsk! Tsk! Now go to your room and don't come out for 40 days and 40 nights!
To all yelling about being respectful towards religions. Respect is something you earn. Being respectful means that if you are against abortion, then you don't do abortion but you have respect towards other people and let them choose for themself. If you are a teacher and you want respect, you pray and sign hymns in your privacy or with like-minded people but you don't make all your pupils to participate. If you believe in some religion, being respectful means you don't try to force everyone to believe the same thing. And you have to be respectful towards people who believe in another religion or are atheists or agnostics. And this should be obvious, you are not allowed to physically harm people who don't believe alike. Be respectful, then you have earned respect. I don't approve what the man did in the bookstore but I would like to ask what made him do that. Has he been pushed down, harassed and bullied by disrespectful religious people.
Last time i was in a barnes and noble I was so tempted to move a DND book to the bible section
I salute you sir for being brave enough what others was too chicken to do
How many bibles were in there? Bookstores around me might have one, and it's definitely not in the non-fiction section.
Whats The Point Of This
What The F Is Twitter
"Discovering you were wrong about something most everyone else around you has long known to be true is one of those moments. In that moment we learn, 'Wait a minute, maybe I haven’t been presenting the image of being smart or worldly that I thought I was presenting all this time,' which is embarrassing,” the social psychologist noted that embarrassment occurs when reality doesn’t align with our view of ourselves. In short, embarrassment denotes a contrast between our subjectivity and objective reality.
“One thing that’s interesting about embarrassment is that, for as much as we might experience it as painful in the moment, it’s actually very socially adaptive. Being embarrassed signals to other people that you care about what they think. And that actually draws people in to you.”
When You Just Want A Legitimate Business
Wow Real Help
That Is A Good Question
The expert continued: “So blushing, burying your head in your hands, laughing, acknowledging how embarrassing something was, are all totally healthy ways to react.” So while embracing our embarrassment is the healthy (and socially useful) way to react, trying to cover up our own faults and mistakes creates the opposite, negative effect.
“The unhealthy way to react is to pretend you’re not embarrassed, that you didn’t make a mistake, or to get angry. Those things undo the positive effect that embarrassment typically has on other people by conveying insincerity and pushing people away rather than drawing them in.”
Gatekeeping Children’s Names?
People Who "Fix Art"
"Fixing" art is such a stupid f**king trend. You're not "fixing" anything--you're a stupid, useless vain little sh*t with your head so far up your ass trolling for "woke" points that even a doctor can't surgically fix your idiocy. It's not about promoting anything good, it's about bullying others to make yourself feel good and it's so damn toxic I don't even know where to begin
"Uncle" seems more likely than "friend" though. Then you "have to".
Height Of Stupidity
I Am Terrorist
Prime America Moment
Classic Twitter
‘Come back from the horrors of war’ First, who would enlist you? Second, pretty sure you wouldn’t come back lazy git.
This Is Not Cute
Now Listen Here You Little S**t
'Who are you to tell us there is no covid?' Ans: I know because I read an article online
That's Totally How It Works
Legit Cringe Here
Yikes, That's Awkward
The Future Of Abortion
Once you ask me how much I make per year, we're done. That tells me all I need to know.
Feels So Bad Man
In fairness that person could have asked to not be mentioned (so that others don't start begging them for stuff) BUT that should have been explicitly mentioned.
This Made Me Cringe
The Kid Who Never Pays Attention In Class And Blames Everyone Else Made This
"My unwillingness to study is entirely to blame on the teacher. And I've got my parents to support me in this." Heard it about 100 000 times during the years I worked at schools. There are quite some delusional people in the world, most of them are parents who think that their child is a genius, while everyone can see it couldn't even figure out how to eat an apple.
I Want Death
*Starts pack and hunts sheep with a happy family, and forget their human existense.* I made a happy ending.
That’s A Flex
20 years ago, the village idiot was just the village idiot and maybe the village and extended family idiot. Internet favorises the spread of village idiot to the world. Lucky us
Once had a guy saying that covid was fake and that no one who hasn't been vaccinated has died and to stop letting the government control you. I replied so people who existed before the creation of vaccines didn't die at a young age? He didn't have a reply for that but kept saying covid was fake and that technology is the reason it was even a problem. This dude was a cringefest.
I feel honestly sorry for some of them... Maybe I am just too kind. Yeah, that's probably that.
Anyone else blocked from reading 39/40? I know its not a huge deal, but I don't want to have to pay for premium JUST so I can actually read stuff.
Every single one of these years old and has been posted her 100s of times.
20 years ago, the village idiot was just the village idiot and maybe the village and extended family idiot. Internet favorises the spread of village idiot to the world. Lucky us
Once had a guy saying that covid was fake and that no one who hasn't been vaccinated has died and to stop letting the government control you. I replied so people who existed before the creation of vaccines didn't die at a young age? He didn't have a reply for that but kept saying covid was fake and that technology is the reason it was even a problem. This dude was a cringefest.
I feel honestly sorry for some of them... Maybe I am just too kind. Yeah, that's probably that.
Anyone else blocked from reading 39/40? I know its not a huge deal, but I don't want to have to pay for premium JUST so I can actually read stuff.
Every single one of these years old and has been posted her 100s of times.