The movie Avengers: Infinity War premiered on the 23rd of April, 2018 and it has already become the 14th highest-grossing film of all time. But if you aren’t a Marvel fan, you probably need to do some catching up to fully enjoy the release. To see how well her wife, Brenda, knows her superheroes, Gabrielle Regan-Waters asked her to name Infinity War characters. However, it’s worth mentioning that the examinee had only seen two Marvel films before taking up the challenge (Captain America and Thor 2: The Dark World). The results turned out to be so bad, they’re actually good. In a hilarious kind of way.

“I’ve seen all Marvel Cinematic Universe films and am certainly more familiar with the characters than she is,” Regan-Waters told Bored Panda. “But I’m not a part of the fandom. I just enjoy the films when they come out.”

“She saw a trailer for Infinity War and was confused by all the different characters. She was vaguely familiar with some of them just due to pop culture osmosis so I wondered how many of them she actually knew.”

Earth’s No. 1 team made its debut in a comic book in 1963 and since then it has had a lot of recruits, many of whom appeared in the latest movie. Gabrielle uploaded her wife’s attempt to name them to Twitter, and it quickly went viral, accumulating over 133K likes and 56K retweets.

However, Gabrielle doubts if this will make Brenda take a bigger interest in Marvel. “She watched Captain America because she likes Chris Evans but she’s not even entirely sure why she saw Thor 2 in theatres back in 2013. Like I said, I’m only a casual fan anyway, so I’m not going to push her into something she won’t enjoy. She’ll remain just as uninformed as she is now, unless Marvel somehow decides to have a film about the ‘War Maiden’ family. She loves romance — especially lesbian romance!”


More info: Twitter


    This woman asked her wife to name Infinity War characters

    She totally delivered


    Here’s what people thought of her renaming skills: