Magical “Autumn” series created by artist Vilija Vitkute by using body painting and photography takes you to colorful Alby woods in Sweden.
Vilija Vitkute – artist based in Sweden that works with body painting, photography, film directing in collaboration with circus and dance performers. It takes between 2 – 6 hours to make bodypainting and photography, which is inspired by nature. Vilijas art talks about our connections to ourselves, to each other, and especially to nature, which have been severed and suppressed by modern life.
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Model: Leire Mese
Model: Leire Mese
Model: Regina Bauman
Model: Regina Bauman
Model: Regina Bauman
Model: Regina Bauman
Model: Regina Bauman
Model: Regina Bauman
Model: Leire Mese
Model: Leire Mese
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