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Azhar Rahim
Community Member
1 posts
10 points
Azhar Rahim, a technology enthusiast from Pakistan, is a deep researcher and automation expert who dedicates himself to full-time blogging.
Azhar Rahim • upvoted 2 items 8 months ago
anukka reply
My ex became a gym bro after getting married. Two years into it he asked for a divorce because he was upset I did not know how much weight he was lifting in the leg press machine. Some months before he had "banned me" from going with him to the gym because I did not match his vibe, so when I returned I was kind of doing my thing and my own routine, but not focusing fully on him was apparently the wrong move. So well, that. Narcissist type. Obviously he had a new girl immediately after, but the reason he gave me about the weight was just so petty. Azhar Rahim • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Azhar Rahim • submitted a new post 1 year ago
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Azhar Rahim • upvoted 2 items 8 months ago
anukka reply
My ex became a gym bro after getting married. Two years into it he asked for a divorce because he was upset I did not know how much weight he was lifting in the leg press machine. Some months before he had "banned me" from going with him to the gym because I did not match his vibe, so when I returned I was kind of doing my thing and my own routine, but not focusing fully on him was apparently the wrong move. So well, that. Narcissist type. Obviously he had a new girl immediately after, but the reason he gave me about the weight was just so petty.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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