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Elsie Collins
Community Member
1 posts
269 points
I am an award winning apparel/costume designer, master milliner, and teacher.
Elsie Collins • commented on 30 posts 3 years ago
Show All 30 Comments
Elsie Collins • upvoted 10 items 3 years ago
I drove us. Started to parallel park (been working/parking in SF for years by then) and he said, “I’ll park this for you, women don’t do well at parallel parking.” At dinner he was dismissive only to female wait staff. I ran into these two hilariously drunk surfer dudes on my way from the bathroom, they told me my date was a jerk. We laughed about it and I went back to my table. When leaving, the drunk dudes were also outside, I said bye to them and Assholio had the nerve to bark, “she’s with me!” I told him to wait while I got in the car and unlocked the doors..except I didn’t. I drove off and left him standing there. The two drunk dudes whooped and yelled go, lady, go! Such an awesome finish to a terribly embarrassing date.People-Share-Worst-First-Date-Stories
Having the usual get to know you conversation over drinks. I was telling how my car was stolen the night before and her response was.."Don't you just hate blacks?" I never said who stole it....I was out of there...People-Share-Worst-First-Date-Stories
She had 22 cats and would just randomly take in strays. Not give them any vet care and was planning on keeping a recent litter. I love cats... I paid the bartender when she went to the bathroom and hyper walked to the door. Forwarded her contact info and a summary of what she told me to the humane society.People-Share-Worst-First-Date-Stories
Not me but this happened to a friend. Context: friend has a beard. So my friend picks up this girl and they’re on their way to dinner and she says “You do realize that if this is gonna work you have to shave that off right?” He didn’t say anything, just turned around and dropped her back off at her housePeople-Share-Worst-First-Date-Stories
The fact that within 10 minutes of meeting him he started making sexual comments and "joking" about following me home so he could stalk me if I rejected him. I got out with the help of a bartender who let me leave out the back door.People-Share-Worst-First-Date-Stories
On a first date with a military guy. He spent a large portion of the date talking about why the strippers in Toronto were better than the strippers where we lived. To change the topic, I asked him if he did any volunteer work with the military overseas and he said "NO! I joined the military to kill people not help people!" I got my bill, chugged my beer, and left as fast as I could.People-Share-Worst-First-Date-Stories
Had a first date with a girl who insisted we go to a really expensive place, where she ordered a $25 dollar appetizer, $45 steak and a $15 drink. She wouldn't put down her phone, kept taking calls and answering texts. The waitress noticed and motioned for me from behind her. I excused myself, and the waitress had separate bills all made up and asked if I wanted to pay my share and leave her at the table. I said, "That would be wonderful!" So I did.Show All 10 Upvotes
Elsie Collins • submitted a list addition 6 years ago
Elsie Collins • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Elsie Collins • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
She had 22 cats and would just randomly take in strays. Not give them any vet care and was planning on keeping a recent litter. I love cats... I paid the bartender when she went to the bathroom and hyper walked to the door. Forwarded her contact info and a summary of what she told me to the humane society.People-Share-Worst-First-Date-Stories
Not me but this happened to a friend. Context: friend has a beard. So my friend picks up this girl and they’re on their way to dinner and she says “You do realize that if this is gonna work you have to shave that off right?” He didn’t say anything, just turned around and dropped her back off at her housePeople-Share-Worst-First-Date-Stories
The fact that within 10 minutes of meeting him he started making sexual comments and "joking" about following me home so he could stalk me if I rejected him. I got out with the help of a bartender who let me leave out the back door.People-Share-Worst-First-Date-Stories
Having the usual get to know you conversation over drinks. I was telling how my car was stolen the night before and her response was.."Don't you just hate blacks?" I never said who stole it....I was out of there...People-Share-Worst-First-Date-Stories
On a first date with a military guy. He spent a large portion of the date talking about why the strippers in Toronto were better than the strippers where we lived. To change the topic, I asked him if he did any volunteer work with the military overseas and he said "NO! I joined the military to kill people not help people!" I got my bill, chugged my beer, and left as fast as I could.People-Share-Worst-First-Date-Stories
I drove us. Started to parallel park (been working/parking in SF for years by then) and he said, “I’ll park this for you, women don’t do well at parallel parking.” At dinner he was dismissive only to female wait staff. I ran into these two hilariously drunk surfer dudes on my way from the bathroom, they told me my date was a jerk. We laughed about it and I went back to my table. When leaving, the drunk dudes were also outside, I said bye to them and Assholio had the nerve to bark, “she’s with me!” I told him to wait while I got in the car and unlocked the doors..except I didn’t. I drove off and left him standing there. The two drunk dudes whooped and yelled go, lady, go! Such an awesome finish to a terribly embarrassing date.People-Share-Worst-First-Date-Stories
Had a first date with a girl who insisted we go to a really expensive place, where she ordered a $25 dollar appetizer, $45 steak and a $15 drink. She wouldn't put down her phone, kept taking calls and answering texts. The waitress noticed and motioned for me from behind her. I excused myself, and the waitress had separate bills all made up and asked if I wanted to pay my share and leave her at the table. I said, "That would be wonderful!" So I did.I Made A Victorian Walking Dress With A Matching Hat And Parasol For A Festival In A Nearby Port Town (B6400, TV1884 Wash Overskirt, Self Drafted)
Simplicity 8262, Modified To Have A Hood Instead Of A Double Collar. Now To Walk Around Looking Dramatic
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