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Dominykas Zukas
BoredPanda Staff
A storyteller, crafting various tales aiming to capture your minds and hearts
- Bachelor's degree in Communication and Multimedia Design, The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Activity & Interests
- I make music and love experimenting, so from the handful of songs I made, each one is very different than the last
- Wrote a few fictional short stories and have a plan to turn one of them into a short animated movie eventually
- Have seen A LOT of movies and series, and will recommend Mr. Robot to almost anyone
- Dedicated to keeping Arctic Monkeys as my top 1 Spotify artist
- Love story-driven video games, especially RPGs like The Witcher and Mass Effect
- Memes have messed up my sense of humor, and I love it
Hey! I’m Dominykas, and I come from Lithuania. According to my diploma, I’m a UX Designer. However, when during my studies, I (re)discovered my passion for storytelling, I’ve been doing that ever since, mostly in writing. I have written a few short stories, some songs, and a good bunch of articles, and I plan to keep expanding on all these fronts. Aside from that, I’m also a film buff, traveler, casual basketball player, video game enthusiast, and nature lover who will rarely pass up on a little hike through the forest or a simple walk around a park.