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Mad Mar
Community Member
4 posts
1.1K points
Crazy bacon loving cat herding artist from Connecticut.
Mad Mar • commented on 30 posts 2 years ago
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Mad Mar • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
Mad Mar • upvoted 6 items 2 years ago
This Instagram Page Is Dedicated To The History Of "Ordinary People" And Here Are 30 Of The Best Pics
As President My First Order Of Business Will Be To Make Cheese The Standard Date Gift Instead Of Flowers
When I was a young lad, my brother and I used to go to this gymnastics play area. They had trampolines, those bars you swing around, and a tightrope over a pit full of pieces of foam. My brother and I decided to play hide and seek, I hid first. About an hour later, the place is closing. My mum asks my brother where I am, he says we're playing hide and seek and I've hidden really well. Three hours later, the staff have locked all of the doors and phoned the police, my mum was in a blind panic, my brother had given up on finding me and was bouncing on a trampoline, the staff were frantically tearing the place apart looking for me. My brother got bored of trampolining so decided to play in the foam pit. He jumped in and heard a loud "OUCH". I climbed out of the foam and said "did I win?" We never went back to that place.Show All 6 Upvotes
Mad Mar • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Mad Mar • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
Mad Mar • submitted 16 list additions 3 years ago
Mad Mar • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Mad Mar • upvoted 11 items 2 years ago
This Instagram Page Is Dedicated To The History Of "Ordinary People" And Here Are 30 Of The Best Pics
I Found This Gorgeous Artwork At A Thrift Store In Knoxville. I Don't Know Who The Artist Was, But I Think Freddie In The Style Of Gustav Klimt Was A Fantastic Idea
As President My First Order Of Business Will Be To Make Cheese The Standard Date Gift Instead Of Flowers
When I was a young lad, my brother and I used to go to this gymnastics play area. They had trampolines, those bars you swing around, and a tightrope over a pit full of pieces of foam. My brother and I decided to play hide and seek, I hid first. About an hour later, the place is closing. My mum asks my brother where I am, he says we're playing hide and seek and I've hidden really well. Three hours later, the staff have locked all of the doors and phoned the police, my mum was in a blind panic, my brother had given up on finding me and was bouncing on a trampoline, the staff were frantically tearing the place apart looking for me. My brother got bored of trampolining so decided to play in the foam pit. He jumped in and heard a loud "OUCH". I climbed out of the foam and said "did I win?" We never went back to that place.Gut-Feeling-Came-True-Reddit
There is such a thing as a feeling of "impending doom" when your body is like - "yo, you are about to die" - it is a real thing. I had not been feeling well, and all of a sudden I sat up and had a distinct feeling of you are going to die soon if you don't do something. I drove myself to the ER and on the way was getting chest pains. I went in, told them and they took me to the back. After some tests there were a lot of people around me injecting me with a lot of different stuff. Turns out I had a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in my lung) which at any second could have gone to my brain and killed me then and there. The doctors said if I had left it any longer I would have been dead. Thanks brain! Mad Mar • upvoted 9 items 3 years ago
The Rock was at the Gold Coast, Australia to film San Andreas. He came into the place where I worked in Surfers Paradise with a woman and a young child. He was kind-of in disguise, had his head covered and had something partially obscuring his chin. I served them and didn't recognize him at first. The woman handled the talking, and he just kind of hung back quietly. I looked at him once, and probably wouldn't have given him a second thought, but his eyes widened for that split second (possibly he was wondering if I'd recognized him and was about to cause a scene, it was a packed centre) and it just clicked in my head to connect the eyes with the news of the Rock being in town. Once I made the connection, it was totally obvious who he was, and since I was still looking at him, I could tell by now he knew he'd been spotted. Then I just wished the group enjoy their day and half-smiled at him, and he gave me a nod, and they went about their business. I didn't tell anyone at work, because I didn't want the dude to get swamped when he was trying to spend time with his family. I didn't tell anyone I knew, because it's really not that much of a story. In fact, this is the first I've ever shared this story with anyone.My Son Wanted A Rainbow Blanket, And Then Proceeded To Pick Out The Hardest Pattern I've Ever Attempted. Finished This Behemoth, And With 3 Weeks To Spare Before His Birthday!
Would You Rather Questions
Would you rather lose a finger or have a headache every day for the rest of your life?Would You Rather Questions
Would you rather be in a bad relationship for the rest of your life or be single forever?This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Mad Mar • 69 followers