When it comes to taking (and passing) your driving test, it’s the little details that count. Remembering to check your blind spot, nailing the manoeuvre, and following the sat nav to a tee will all play their part in a successful pass.

But could astrology have an impact too? Whilst only a quarter of people in the UK (26%) believe that their star sign impacts their behaviour, chances are that astrology – and especially your rising sign – may be influencing your driving ability.

To find out how both your star sign and rising sign may be influencing your driving ability, PassMeFast worked alongside astrologer, Gemma Harwood, to create the following Cosmic Driving Profiles, allowing you to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your personality type and know where you need to focus when learning to drive.

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    Capricorns will take on new tasks with plenty of deliberation, so they will be ready to respond quickly when needed. Because they are so vigilant and serious, they are the best people to have around at times of emergencies, therefore their best performance is the emergency stop. Capricorn’s serious nature can have them a little on edge at times though, especially when driving somewhere dangerous. Being responsible is a super quality, but it helps to take it easy too.


    An Aquarius can be so focussed and methodical during difficult tasks, they may simply be able to adopt the notion that the car is an extension of themselves. Their self-reliance and sturdy, droid-like quality means they can easily take on (and enjoy) some long-distance driving. Once an Aquarius has read the manual and decided themselves on what’s the best way to approach a problem, it can prove to be almost impossible to show them another way though.

    Pisces are eager to try something new and excited for a fresh adventure, so you will find them happily responsive behind the wheel. They have huge sense of fun and great imaginations, so will shine in anything unusual such as monster trucks or hippie vans. Pisceans are frequent dreamers and can be quite emotive though, so they may have a tendency to switch off and go to a different place in their minds when having a bad day.


    Because of their eagerness, Aries are always ready to hit the accelerator and will be brave enough to give absolutely everything a go. They’re also independently driven, so they won’t need much encouragement when learning to drive. But this Fire sign may be a little bit impatient behind the wheel at times, meaning they may not always be great at waiting in traffic queues. The energetic nature of Aries means they would much rather be on the go.

    Taureans have so much determination, they’ll simply keep going even in the face of adversity or fear. As one of the most patient signs, it’s likely they’re great at traffic lights and timing their roundabout entrances. Expect them to appear self-assured, even when challenged.

    Taureans love their comfort zones and familiarity, so they may find it hard to adapt to new rules or environments. After settling into their way of doing things, they may need a gentle nudge to adapt. When learning a Taurus will learn do things at their own pace but practising fast response times to hazards will equal success.


    Geminis instinctively compose themselves in important situations, so they can always relax to some degree. With their adaptable nature too, they usually perform great under stressful conditions. They are mentally razor-sharp, so even spaghetti junctions will be a breeze. But Geminis love to talk about many different subjects, so they may have a tendency to want to ‘catch up’, even when a lot of concentration is required. Sometimes it’s better to remain focussed.


    With their careful approach, Cancerians are skilful at staying out of danger and spotting potential hazards early. Their caring nature means they excel at pedestrian and animal crossings while their tenacity and great intuition means they will perfect every manoeuvre eventually.

    Cancerians can be slow to find their comfort zone while adapting to a new skill. Like Taureans, they simply have their own pace to follow. They may also find long distance driving especially tiring. When learning, practising practical theory and the hazard perception test will keep a Cancerian up to speed.


    With confidence, a Leo will learn to drive with a big, warm smile on their face. With their creativity and conscientiousness, they can achieve anything. A Leo will master their parallel parking early-on, as it’s the most difficult manoeuvre and this will give them a sunny sense of satisfaction.

    If anything, a Leo driver may be more like the Aries driver than any other, in that they can have a tendency to become a little impatient. For this reason, they may find traffic queues particularly draining. When learning, memorising all the speed limits while giving some extra focus to changing pace and gears smoothly will help a Leo advance.

    Virgos have a responsible approach to everything, and this includes learning to drive. They can be so meticulous, that reversing in a straight line and around a corner are likely their natural strengths and their consideration for others on the road means their driving behaviour is spotless. A Virgo may have a tendency to become a little stressed though if they suddenly realise, they haven’t come completely prepared and this may mean they are in danger of panicking or being thrown a little off-guard.


    With their balanced approach to new tasks, it is likely a Libra has eaten well and perhaps even prepared with a little meditation before their first lesson. They are competent, accommodating and socially very alert, so they will be more than happy with busy locations like city centres.

    A Libra may at times become a little indecisive when faced with many options and possible routes to take whilst driving. Very often they may prefer to take a friend with them to keep them company.

    Scorpios like to think ahead carefully, so it’s likely they are mentally and emotionally prepared to drive. Their resilience and disciplined approach mean they are both tough and intuitive in extreme conditions, so night-time driving, high altitudes and fast speeds will be their forte. But a Scorpio may become annoyed quite easily whilst driving, especially if someone else on the road has cut before them early or is driving too close behind. It’s best not to become too involved with toxic drivers.


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    Sagittarians are always open to new experiences and with their optimistic nature, they can pep talk themselves through any situation. Their strengths are driving out of town or along country roads because they are adventurous and are often great with wildlife. Sagittarians can be quite spontaneous and impulsive though, while having a tendency towards ‘foot-in-mouth’ syndrome, so a strong reaction to an inconsiderate driver might land them in hot water.