We all make decisions that we later end up regretting. Some are minor or even funny while others really impact our life negatively. Have you ever wished you could go back in time? Well, these people have.
Our community members were asked to share some bad decisions they regret making, and quite a bunch of them delivered. Scroll down to do some “eavesdropping” and see if you can relate.
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Procrastinating. I wanna stop, but maybe later?
lemme try to help. if you need to do something, start it now so you wont have to later. dont overwork yourself, you can take 5-10 minute breaks if youve done a good amount of work. if you want, get a lil candy to reward yourself :)
Staying at a job too long where I was unappreciated and paid crap wages, for no good reason other than it was familiar and the prospect of leaving it was scary.
Not visiting my relatives when I was a teenager because I wanted to look "cold and distant". Now many of my amazing and loving aunts, uncles and grandparents are dead, and I would give up anything to go back in time and hug them.
"go back in time and hugged them"*, sorry for the typos
Not being able to say "no" when I should.
Try searching up some refusal skills. They help quite a lot. If you don't want to search 'em up, here are the refusal skills. 1. Say "No" in a strong voice but calmly 2. Just leave the situation 3. Suggest another idea 4. Try changing the subject
Stress eating, “eating my feelings”. Wish I could address my stress and anxiety better, and stop normalizing food as stress reduction.
Letting myself get used time and time again.
marrying the wrong person
Im sorry for your experience, but I'm really glad that someone out there can understand me. I'm going through a lot right now and nobody understands me. It's hard, really had. And ther is nobody, literally nobody I can talk to. It's feels like I'm drowning
Trusting a fart after eating Mexican food.
Going to a huge 4-year uni instead of a CC. Costs were nuts and the teaching was impersonal
Not speaking my real feeling because it can sound harsh. It always ended up with me being hurt cause I’m too sensitive.
Boy, how great my life would be if I can speak it up.
When I bought my home, I put my husband on the deed even though the mortgage was in my name and my parents had given me the downpayment. He tried to get half when we divorced, but I reminded him that I paid off his student loans with my inheritance and he shut right up. I miss that house.
I hope young people here read this. So many of my friends and relatives made this same mistake. Just think seriously about the financial side of divorce before you get married or make any major decisions. Thank you for posting.
binge watching shows, and them missing them once i watched all the episodes later
Not caring about high school, I had no GPA in 11th grade. Still doing well in life but if I would have applied even anything back then who knows.
engaged in an online discussion
Arguing on the Internet is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon craps all over the board and then struts around like it won.
Started "dating" too soon. It set the unstable pace for the rest of my emotional life. And led to worse decisions.
I started becoming intensely interested in boys crazy early, like third grade. I often wonder if I had managed to focus more on friends and becoming my own person, could I have avoided a lot of the emotional trauma of trying to have serious relationships so early in middle anf high school. I think I was seeking approval where it came most easily at that time. I lucked way out finding my husband and having a real, healthy partnership.
Looked for happiness and left a high paying job to do things I wanted to do like travel, write and what not.
Now I am in a role that is not just annoyingly demanding but comparatively low paying.
Nearly committing suicide
Has happened twice, and another time if i had a weapon. My mother found me disassembling razor blades to do it with once about a year ago, and around a month ago i had another incident where i REALLY wanted to but couldn't work up the nerve to just do it. i have scars from that day (testing out my weapon of choice on my wrists, which i lied aobut and claimed were papercuts). Depression is hard. I hope you feel better though, you deserve a good life.
50 years ago, I could have bought cakes of Red Seal pu’er tea in Hong Kong for about two bucks a cake. They had piles of them. Now one is worth about $300,000.
Yep 34 years ago I could have put $500 into an empty prepaid cell phone business and had mu own territory. But hey it was just a passing fad right.
Using the key once on my math homework. Now every time I can't complete it easily I get frustrated, remember how easy copying the key is, and copy it. I can not stop it's insane
Not going to college! I wish I had pursued my dream to be an avian vet; now I don’t have the time to do it.
It's never too late! I went to college with a wonderful couple in their 60s that were working on their third degree (not meant as a pun). With online or correspondences courses available, you just need to find what works for you.
Staying with my family. My parents divorced and I stayed with mum, she overworked herself to the point where she had to retire early due to mental breakdown. Now she has crappy pension and (in her opinion) has to take care of Granny that can no longer walk. Since I started working along with attending Uni, I became far more straightforward and clearly say that I don't agree with that. She is exhausted and all she does is complain to me in the evening about everything at granny's. I love my family, they gave me and my brother what they could with the little we always had, but it's a while that I started to notice just how toxic this family actually is. Every little thing will either be ignored or start a both sided yelling fit, there is no room for healthy discussions, every time I wanted to raise a valid argument over something, it's ignored or I'm point blank told that someone like me (a stupid student that can't hold a job, I work with people, not really possible nowadays) should just shut up and leave if I don't like something and in the next breath they start to discuss when will we do the transfer of ownership of Granny's apartment (another issue altogether). I just can't, I'm exhausted, every little thing that happens at our place becomes my fault although I warned them it could happen. I just wish everything will be open again so I can at the very least escape to my job...
Trust a friend that pushed me in a lake causing me to get surgery on my foot.
Playing video games at school, I never got caught but now I can't sleep well.
Playing video games since I was 5 ...... a solid 40 years never did i cringe
I said my opinion on a character's sexuality in an anime because I think he's Bisexual (not proven and I even say that but it is a huge theory) and I started an entire war on a YouTube video with one comment that said "There is no way this character is straight"
Giving up when I gained weight when pregnant with my son. It resulted in me continuing to gain weight after his birth. I became depressed after my son was born, but turned it in on myself instead of getting professional help. Had I done so, I would not be obese with high blood pressure, Type 2 Diabetes and bad hips, back, knees. My son also probably wouldn't weigh nearly 400lbs now...both of us struggling to lose weight and get healthy. I grew up in a household where problems with in the family were not discussed outside the family. I wish I'd been able to see how much going to therapy would have helped everyone around me.
In 2010, without really understanding what it was, I was going to buy $300 worth of Bitcoin but talked myself out of it...
Yep. Me too. It was a mystery and expensive for me at the time. An older guy that was painting on the job I was working at had a whole bunch and was going to teach me how to do it. I hope he's doing well now!
Load More Replies...Giving up when I gained weight when pregnant with my son. It resulted in me continuing to gain weight after his birth. I became depressed after my son was born, but turned it in on myself instead of getting professional help. Had I done so, I would not be obese with high blood pressure, Type 2 Diabetes and bad hips, back, knees. My son also probably wouldn't weigh nearly 400lbs now...both of us struggling to lose weight and get healthy. I grew up in a household where problems with in the family were not discussed outside the family. I wish I'd been able to see how much going to therapy would have helped everyone around me.
In 2010, without really understanding what it was, I was going to buy $300 worth of Bitcoin but talked myself out of it...
Yep. Me too. It was a mystery and expensive for me at the time. An older guy that was painting on the job I was working at had a whole bunch and was going to teach me how to do it. I hope he's doing well now!
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