Ashley and Larry are two stray cats that lived in a small village in Greece. Ashley is a one year old female cat that used to be full of life; fat, with amazing gray fur, playful and full of appetite. Larry is an older male cat with amazing character that loves petting and purrrrrs all the time.

Life of a stray is harsh and dangerous and things got difficult for the two buddies, putting their lives at risk.

Couple of weeks ago both buddies were found in bad condition: Ashley with a swollen belly, loss of appetite and weight.

Larry with swollen paws that caused bleeding and made him feel weak. Every move he made caused him pain and thus he could hardly found food and protect himself.

We couldn’t let them helpless and we rushed them to the vet clinic.

The things are difficult for Larry but his condition is curable. The swelling from his paws will be able to be removed with surgery. Still his hematocrit was so low that the surgery was too risky…and so we are waiting some days so that he will get better He is now hospitalized at the vet’s clinic…

Ashley on the other hand wasn’t that lucky… She was diagnosed with Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a painful, incurable disease that until recently was nearly always fatal for cats.

BUT!!! We were informed that now there is a cure! A new promising treatment is nowadays the only hope for cats with FIP! ! Still, the cost of the treatment is more than 2000 euros (depending on the progress). Hospitalization in the vet clinic and additional tests will also be needed throughout the minimum three months of treatment increasing the costs!


Nomatter the high cost… knowing there is HOPE we couldn’t make the decision for “putting her to sleep” – euthanasia… We decided to help her fight the desease!

We purchased the first doses of the medicine for her treatment and Ashley started her treatment!

Taking the decision to apply this incredibly expensive treatment to a stray kitten seems a romantic attempt. But we believe that every life matters and we want to give her the chance to fight for her life!

Please support our effort and stand by Ashley and her buddy Larry.

Ashley’s gogetfunding campaign:


    #AshleyTheCat at the vet’s waiting for the treatment

    #LarryTheCat hospitalized, waiting patiently to get better


    #LarryTheCat on his first day at the vet’s


    #LarryTheCat loves petting and company