In small town of Finland, local water company Keski-Savon Vesi Oy asked the artist to spray paint electrical cabinets to prevent vandalism. Ugly boxes turned out to be the most beautiful outdoor art exhibition. Artist spray painted nature-inspired pieces to fit the gorgeous scenery filled with lakes and forests.
More info: Instagram
He turns electrical cabinets into beautiful nature inspired outdoor exhibition
Local water company asked the artist to paint electrical cabinets to prevent vandalism
The most boring parts of the view turned out the be beautiful art pieces inspired by nature around them
This town in Finland encourages local artists by giving them spaces to paint
Would you like to see this kind of art in your city?
People are loving the art around the parks and nature
You can see more of his art at his instagram
iHe does also amazing portraits
Spray paint isnt his only medium, he also masters water color…
…and markers…
… and the most beautiful color combinations!
You can see more of his art at his Instagram
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