Artist Posts Painting Of A Woman And Her Cat On Facebook And It Gets Shut Down Because…nudity!?!
I wanted to promote my pet portrait business, so I boosted my story of the painting I made called “Holly and Rachel Stargazing”. Then I get a notice from Facebook that they disapproved my ad because they don’t allow nudity, even non-sexual nudity.
Ok, so the cat is naked…I get it. The woman’s face is naked…I see that.
Wait, no, hold on a minute! Nudity?
So I respond to Facebook to let them have the opportunity to review my ad to see what nakedness lies therein. They determine that it is not nakedness after all and decide to approve my ad. No real explanation, just approval. Oh goody! I can spend money on Facebook once again! Have a nice day!
I just took down the ad. My question…should I respond to their inquiry about whether I found their support helpful? What would you do?
More info:
The Offending Naked Ad
My Response to Facebook, and Their Reply
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