Artist Makes Daily Gifs Of American Presidents… And Things Get Weird! (12 Gifs)
GIF Artist Chris Timmons has created plenty of bizarre and hilarious GIFs, but following the 2016 election, he definitely had presidents on the brain. “So many people couldn’t believe Donald Trump was going to be our president, and it got me wondering, who were all the other guys who had occupied the Oval Office,” Timmons explains.
Other than Washington, Lincoln, and a handful of others, how many American presidents can you even name? And could you pick them out in a police lineup?
“I’m always impressed when artists take on daily GIF challenges, and I figured what better way to celebrate summer than to lock myself in a room and animate presidents day after day,” says Timmons.
He kicked things off with George Washington on June 1st and hopes to finish up with Trump on July 15—assuming there’s no last minute addition. The daily creation of GIFs has been intense and perhaps has inspired the brilliant insanity of his recreations. How will it all end? We’ll have to stay tuned to find out.
More info: chris-timmons.com
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#1 - George Washington. Founding A New Country Is Hard. Founding A New Country While Riding A Puppy Is Adorable
#3 - Thomas Jefferson. Some Said That Thomas Jefferson Spent Too Much Time At The Barbershop. But Everyone Else Just Said "Damn, Lookin' Fresh Thomas!!"
#6 - John Quincy Adams. Son Of Uptight Prez #2, John Jr. Rebranded Himself As John “quincy” Adams, America’s Fun-Time President™
#7 - Andrew Jackson. Although His Memoir Claims He "Never Watched Ducktales," Andrew Jackson Was Known For Swimming Daily In His Money Vault
#16 – Abraham Lincoln. Putting America Back Together Wasn’t Nearly As Hard As Keeping The Peace In Abe’s Monday Night Bowling League
#17 – Andrew Johnson. To Celebrate The End Of The Civil War, Good Ol’ Boy Johnson Attempted To Bring Bacon To The Union
Andrew Johnson was an a*****e that tried to undo everything that Lincoln put in place after the war, probably the worst president we've ever had