Even though we all have experienced some bad days, it only takes one random act of kindness to make it 100% better. A great example of just that is a story about illustrator Guy Kopsombut and imgur user Jeroen also known as FrozenFoodGuy. Guy Kopsombut, who goes by the nickname ‘4amshower’ is an illustrator who creates beautiful and heartwarming illustrations that are guaranteed to make you smile.

In an interview with Bored Panda, Guy shared his outlook on life,  “I want to do something to remind people that there is still good in the world, to help them smile on a daily basis. My goal every day is to help one person, any one person in the world smile each day with my comics. If I am able to do that, then it will have been worth drawing them.” He says that being raised as a Buddhist and meditating really helps a lot to have a positive outlook on life.

Not so long ago, 4amshower shared one of his works on Imgur and a user named Jeroen spotted it. According to Jeroen, Guy’s work made him feel better even though at the time he was battling cancer. So, Jeroen commented on Guy’s work saying that his illustration was ‘a nice post to wake up to’. Without hesitation, Guy offered Jeroen to send him a print of his work so he could have it. “I was a bit dazzled when I received his message, especially when in our correspondence he offered to send me 2! Honestly, it made me a bit emotional. I often love stories where people reach out to each other, and now I was part of such a story myself!” Jeroen told Bored Panda.


Quickly enough, Jeroen received the prints from the artist and hung them on his wall. In an interview with Bored Panda, Jeroen also shared the wonderful news that his health is getting better, “My recovery is looking good so far and the first X-ray showed no signs of any tumor anymore. So even though I still have a long road to go, things are starting to look up again!”.

Scroll down to see the prints that Jeroen received, and don’t forget to tell us what you think in the comments!

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    Meet Guy Kopsombut, an illustrator from Nashville who recently shared some of his work online

    Image credits: Guy Kopsombut

    His works are mainly inspirational and beautiful illustrations that would make anyone feel better about themselves

    Image credits: 4amshower

    Guy’s work quickly caught Imgurian Jeroen’s attention


    Jeroen has been struggling with genetic progressive muscle disease (which made him wear this cool superhero armor) and was also diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer

    Image credits: FrozenFoodGuy

    Guy responded to his comment with a very generous and heartwarming offer


    Needless to say, Guy came through on his promises and this is the illustration that Jeroen chose. ” It felt like it reflected my life perfectly!”

    Image credits: 4amshower

    The artist even made one personal illustration for Jaroen and sent it to him. “It Honestly it made me a bit emotional,” Jaroen told Bored Panda

    Image credits: 4amshower

    “They’re hanging on the wall right across my bed, so I can look at them every day during my recovery!”

    Image credits: FrozenFoodGuy

    Image credits: FrozenFoodGuy

    Many people fell in love with this heartwarming story