“Gush i Bac” is a project & a book that was published this month in Skopje, Macedonia. This graphic novel is a depiction of my daughter’s world and her autism. She invented her own words in order to communicate with the surrounding as she is having difficulties with the conventional language. This project has an aim to raise awareness about autism, as well as the difficulties autistic persons have with integrating into society.

The funds raised from the sales of Gush i Bac, including the illustrations from the book and merchandise containing the work, will go towards providing better conditions for autistic children from socially underprivileged families, as well as the professionals who work with them in Macedonia.

Who is Erato?

‘Eleven years ago, our second daughter was born. We named her Erato. She was diagnosed with the autistic spectrum disorder, a condition that turned our lives around. It was as if we had entered a bewitched forest or a mysterious labyrinth. We walked from one place to another, looking for an exit, a salvation. We still do… Following Erato through life taught us joy and happiness – we learned to laugh at things others found invisible. Erato is exceptionally curious, cunning and mischievous. She always finds a way to get what she wants. She never gives up. She likes meeting people too. What she likes, even more, is to hug them and kiss them. Her skill at handling her computer, tablet, and smartphone is godly. She adores chocolate and candy. Going to the neighborhood store makes her unbelievably happy. She’s emotional and gets very sad when someone gets mad at her. The things she can see, and hear, are unknown to us.” -says Domnika Kardula, Erato’s mother


An artist’s gift to his daughter “ Zoran Kardula took all the words she invented (47 in total), invited artists and designers from the Republic of Macedonia to illustrate them, and turned Erato’s world into a book. Now, everyone can learn the words, and find out what they mean. In a way, in addition to a present from a father to his daughter, the wonderful book is a gift to the world — a tool to better understand people with autism.

Illustrations by: Ruki Cuki, Vane Kosturanov, Marko Janev, Zoran Cardula,Nemanja Trajkovik, Diano Zdravkovik, Shemko, Filip Velkovski, Ivan Durgutovski, Dijana Dimitrievska, Goran Kostovski, Milan Stojanov,Vlatko Ristov, Anastasija Jovceska, Tatjana Koceva, Elena Andreeva, Dejan Handziski, Nikola Radulovik, Martina Petkovska, Bisera Krckovska, Miki Stefanoski, Gjorgi Janevski, Aleksandar Ilievski, Nebojsa Gelevski – Bane, Vidana Boskova Micevska

Em Ellephantski, Ana Stojanovska, Igor Delov, Anastazija Manasievska, Venco Milosevski. Gjorgi Jovanovik

Photo by: Teano Kardula, Vase Amanito

The book is called Gush i Bac, which are Erato-styled abbreviations of the Macedonian words gušne (hug) and baci (kiss). To make sure the words were well understood, the dad translated Erato’s vocabulary into 19 languages, including English, Macedonian, Albanian, Serbian, Turkish, Aromanian and so on. Thirty-three talented local artists joined the effort too — by creating thought-provoking illustrations for each of the 47 words. I, for one, have a nagging suspicion that Erato is a wizard! She has to keep quiet and be careful around words, because she might accidentally perform a spell. Guš i Bac is her spellbook that – try as we might – us ordinary humans just can’t understand. We can just stare in awe at the magic contained inside. And one day, hope to learn its secrets.” – part from an article published by MetDaan


Photo by Vase Amanito

More info:


    book “Gush i Bac”

    book “Gush i Bac”

    book “Gush i Bac”



    #JazikotNaErato / Erato language

    book “Gush i Bac”

    book “Gush i Bac”


    book “Gush i Bac”

    book “Gush i Bac”

    book “Gush i Bac”

    Exibition in Cifte amam – National Gallery of Macedonia

    Exibition in Cifte amam – National Gallery of Macedonia


    Opening of the book promotion and exibition of Eratos words illustrations


    photo by Nebojsa Gelevski Bane

    photo by Vanco Dzambaski

    photo by Vanco Dzambaski

    photo by Vanco Dzambaski

    photo by Vanco Dzambaski

    Photo by Vase Amanito