Cats are pretty polarizing creatures—either you love them or... there's something wrong with you. And Xibang, a cartoonist from Singapore, definitely belongs to the first category.
Even though the man doesn't have a cat of his own, he has gotten to know enough of these adorable animals over his life to know what they are like on a day to day basis. In fact, Xibang even uses them as characters for many of his comics! Take a look at some of his strips below.
More info: Instagram
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"I've been doodling since I was a kid, and I'm largely influenced by manga and cartoon art that I grew up with," Xibang told Bored Panda. "I'm self-taught, which explains my obvious lack of artistic skill."
Xibang sure is humble but you have got to admit that even though his clean style looks simple, his comics are anything but inferior. Whether we're talking about playing, snuggling, or sleeping, Xibang can portray every vital part of the human-cat relationship.
"I've been making silly jokes for the Internet since a decade ago, but my comics only really took off when I drew the 'Death and the Dog' comic. I try to be positive and/or funny [but] I often draw stuff about how short and important life is [too] because when you have a kid, you start thinking about that kind of thing. A lot. So you get a bit of everything in my comics."
If cats have so many lives, why don't we see 200-year-old cats around?
Uh anyone who has kids KNOW FOR A FACT that the terrible twos are NOT cute. Now, that being said, not everyone's kids are the same. But damn my 2 girls were hell on the nerves at that age lol