In her compelling series “Animeyed,” Budapest-based artist Flora Borsi combines the art of self-portraits with a fun quirkiness that turns each image into a work of surrealism. Truth be told, it’s also not the first time we have featured the artist on Bored Panda, and if you’d like to see her older work you can find it by clicking here.

The idea for Animeyed came about when Borsi tried to take a selfie with her dog. After taking that photograph, she realized that the image showed her dog’s eye looked just like one of her own. This single photograph was the inspiration (and the trigger) in making her Animeyed series.

From fluffy squirrels wrapped around her neck to parrots flying beside her, Flora Borsi went all out in finding the perfect creatures for completing her photo series.

More info: Instagram | |

Now, if you find yourself believing that every animal was in the studio with Flora, you might be... highly mistaken. The digital techniques Flora uses ensure that each image looks as natural as possible, and one could assume the images weren't fabricated in any sort of way. In fact, one of her main goals is to ensure the images look real and as though they are unedited snapshots, making it seem as if Flora is some kind of an animal whisperer.


    Since finding her passion for photography, Flora Borsi has exhibited her work internationally with solo exhibitions in Europe and across the USA. She has also taken part in the Continental Shift group exhibition at Saatchi Gallery. She has also exhibited at the Louvre, France. Her ethereal aesthetic has won multiple art prizes and garnered critical acclaim from the press including The Guardian’s Observer and BBC Culture. Her artwork was also the face of Adobe Photoshop in 2014.


    In addition to experimenting with the diverse aesthetics of the animal kingdom, "Animeyed" also unexpectedly aims to confront Borsi's own identity and femininity. According to her website, “her work often features the female body and she plays with hiding and revealing the eyes or face to leave only the feminine form, exploring questions of female representation and the relationship between body and self.” 


    With this dynamic and dual approach in mind, Borsi's exquisite series and one-of-a-kind artistic practice both become even more intriguing. However, "Animeyed" isn't the only series that feature her masterly manipulations and self-portraits, Borsi also has a lot of new works that conceptualize “dark fantasies and atmospheric dreams,” and most of them can be found on her Instagram page.

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