The Internet Is Applauding This Person Who Just Shut Down Anti-Vaxxers Using Their Own Logic
It’s hard to say who is more passionate, anti-vaxxers or those who enjoy shutting them down. Well, recently an anti-vaxxer was shut down epically for the second time. A Tumblr user, who later deleted their post, shared their strong stance on why everyone should re-think vaccines. As many people have done in the past, one commenter responded with the scientific facts and statistics that support vaccinations.
But, it never hurts to double down on facts or present an argument from a new angle so this time another online user responded to the same post in a fresh, brilliant way. Instead of arguing this user decided to use the anti-vaxxer’s logic against them. Scroll down below to find out why this user says if you question vaccines you should question everything.
This post encouraging people to ‘re-think vaccines’ has been making rounds online
So someone came up with a brilliant response using the same logic
People loved the satirical response
Share on FacebookAlas, no one who does not vaccinate will be convinced by this. If they are so stupid they are against vaccinations in the first place they will be too stupid to understand the satire.
Also, when you mix chemicals together they REACT. A lot of chemicals are really dangerous by themselves. Chlorine, for instance, is a poisonous gas and sodium literally explodes when it comes in contact with water. But when you react them together you get salt!
Don't forget that nasty chemical dihydrogen oxide!
Load More Replies...If my kid dies due to a preventable disease given to to them by your un-vaccinated child, believe me vaccines will be the least of your worries.
Serioues question. If your kid is vaccinated.. isn't your kid protected by the vaccine? I visit sick people, but I'm vaccinated, so I don't worry at all (and I shower/change clothes and shoes before visiting new people)
Load More Replies...Anti-vaxxer bugnuts need to be shown that time-honored cartoon of the kid on crutches watching his friends play and wondering why his parents didn't give him Salk shots. salkshots-...6a8e78.jpg
They'd call it a fake picture - you can't fix fucktard you can only wait for them to finally die out.
Load More Replies...Refusing to get a child vaccinated should be treated equal to refusing to feed a child ... it's life-threatening.
They probably should rethink school buses. A child with no seatbelt is too dangerous. kid in a car, no seatbelt: illegal. 50 kids in a bus, no seatbelt: sure why not.
Load More Replies...If you had a BABY, did not VACCINATE him, then BLAMED the doctors after his sudden DEATH, you should be ARRESTED and sent to JAIL for child murder. Then WHY is it legal for you to have children? And WHY would you let yourself? Educate yourself Re-Think having Children
And if there were, the people who need it most are the same ones who would refuse to take it. Or give it to their children.
Load More Replies...I think he's more supporting the point of the anti-vaxxers, rather than "shutting them down". It only demonstrates how ridiculous 90% of US laws are. How about this: How man parents put as much time and energy into researching vaccines before they vaccinate their kids as they put into buying a new car or phone service?
Vaccination is just like conducting a disaster recovery exercise before major things happen. It is to train the body to be prepared.
You can't fix stupid. You can only protect the child and make vaccines mandatory.
If you took a classroom of teenagers, made them sit at tables with PLASTIC safety goggles on, and then LET them work with dangerous chemicals like HYDROCHLORIC ACID and dangerous equipment like BUNSEN BURNERS to try and get a chemical reaction, you would be ARRESTED and SENT TO JAIL for child endangerment. Then WHY is it legal for chemistry teachers to do it? And WHY would you let them? Educate yourself. Rethink high school Chemistry classes.
The original post, the one on actual vaccine, must be written by somebody who does not have a first clue on whats in a vacinne.
No those are actual ingredients, aluminum to stabilize, formaldehyde to prolong shelf life etc.
Load More Replies...We vaccinated every kid in school in the 50's against polio. We didn't ask anyone, it was just done. And by doing this, we got rid of polio in this country. Hmmmmm. Re-think not vaccinating!
My cousin's boy passed away at 15 from polio related complications because they chose not to vaccinate. Vaccinations should not be a parents choice, it should be mandated by law! I have seen him as a child suffer a horrendous life and it is beyond heartbreaking! Be responsible. Be educated. Be informed. Do not gamble with their lives!
Scrolls down to the very bottom to see hidden comments from anti vaxxers
Make something sound scary enough and you can convince people against everything. Medicine. Gender Sciences. Politics. That's why they call it Fear-Mongering.
They should just round up al the anti-vaxxers and put them on a remote island by themselves and the only way to get off and back to civilization is if they vaccinate. Maybe then some sense will jump into their brain when they start dropping off like flies from diseases they thought they could avoid with 'proper hygeine'
Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) And for plenty of good reasons: 1. It can cause excessive sweating and vomiting. 2. A major component in acid rain. 3. It can cause severe burns in its gaseous state. 4. Accidental inhalation can kill you. 5. Contributes to erosion. 6. It decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes. 7. Prolonged exposure to solid DHMO causes severe tissue damage. Despite the known dangers of DHMO, it continues to be used daily by industry, government, and even in private homes across the U.S. and worldwide. Some of the well-known uses of Dihydrogen Monoxide are: 1. As an industrial solvent and coolant in nuclear power plants. 2. As a spray-on fire suppressant and retardant. 3. In pesticide production and distribution. 4. In spray-on oven cleaners. 5. In biological and chemical weapons manufacture. 6. Manufacture of alcoholic beverages. Call your congressmen, demand they rid the planet of DHMO.
What is worse is that FDA doesn't consider Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) dangerous. Call your congressman now and ask it to be categorized as LETHAL.
Load More Replies...Fair warning, antivaxxers. I will use every last f🤬cking one of these the next time you come at me with this nonsense!
Use this:
Load More Replies...Anti vaxxers must all be trump supporters. They're all about that smart...
Yes, please don't vaccinate. Cuz my kids, who have immune issues, will never ever contract anything from your children, who you don't protect by personal choice. And your knowledge of it is culled through the internet. Mine is by medical science. But whatever, cuz if your child infects my child and it kills him, YOU are still on the higher road, RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT?
I kind of been noticing something for a while. And maybe I’ve noticing it really late but, I see a huge increase in the correlation between stupid people and huge egos. You cant tell any of these anti-vaccine morons they’re wrong, even with all the facts at your side, because the fact of their huge stupidity is bigger than all of that. Somewhere along the way, this goddamn millenial-kissing media has brainwashed an entire generation to grow up into thinking they’re so goddamned special, and because theyre so damned special and unique, everything they believe in is 100% right. Then you got tv and the movies telling them ‘stay true to your beliefs and dont let anyone tell you different’, that now, theres a dangerously infinite number of ignorant morons walking around that KNOW EVERYTHING and youll never lecture them or tell them any different, because youre just a naysayer ‘trying to bring them down’, instead of someone trying to help. Long live the eternal decline of the human race.
Ehe no big deal I was never vaxxed I'm okay so far I did get a rabies shot tho only shot I ever got
Look, as much as I agree that anti-vaxxers are complete idiots... I can understand their point of view when presented with the fact that Americans literally DO pump children with all sorts of vaccines. Hell, in my country we get three or four at the most. Americans have, what? A dozen? I'm not saying they're right, but the American health care system (like most other things) are scandals, shams or just ineffective. But mostly b******t. This isn't and shouldn't be a debate about whether to vaccinate or not - it should be about reforming the entire procedure to comforr both sides, at least.
it's funny how the "choir" is always convinced they've owned the people they're debating by only making the point to their own base. You haven't owned anyone, you've only reinforced your own opinion.
Amazingly, the truth has been suppressed for decades. Twenty years ago, the MMR vaccine was found to infect virtually all of its recipients with measles. Scientists working at the CDC’s National Center for Infectious Diseases, funded by the WHO and the National Vaccine Program, discovered something truly disturbing about the MMR vaccine: it leads to detectable measles infection in the vast majority of those who receive it. The MMR vaccine’s manufacturer Merck’s own product insert, the MMR can cause measles inclusion body encephalitis (MIBE), a rare but potentially lethal form of brain infection with measles. Learn more by reading my article on the topic, “The Vaccinated Spreading Measles: WHO, Merck, CDC Documents Confirm.”
every child should be vaccinated against measles mumps and chicken pox /measles can be a very dangerous can kill it can effect the brain . I personally know of children dying from measles and chicken pox . and sterilization from complications of mumps.all childhood diseases can be fatal and those that think that it is unnecessary to vaccinate will blame themselves if their child gets sick and dies .I know of a case where her daughter died from complications of measles .she can never forgive herself.we live in a modern world with less deaths from contagious diseases because of vaccinations..Go back 150 years and see how many children did not survive the first 5 years of life .and how many epidemics killed millions of people .Small pox black plague, even the flu. people died of tetanus .not contagious but from a simple wound. diphtheria.whooping cough very contagious .and today thanks to vaccines the death count went down to 5% were the population is vaccinated
Load More Replies...Government Research Confirms Measles Outbreaks Are Transmitted By The Vaccinated Published 1 week ago on October 31, 2018 By Collective Evolution The Facts:Research reveals that a vaccinated individual not only can become infected with measles but can also spread it to others who are also vaccinated against it - disproving that multiple doses of MMR are 97 percent effective. Reflect On:A lot of awareness has been created regarding the pharmaceutical industry and the harm their products are doing. Why, when it comes to vaccines, are we still hesitant to even look at the evidence?
The aviation one was ruined by a full stop not a comma in the 35,000, it bothered me.
I would say that this article is one of the dumbest I have seen yet - to defend the most poisonous ingredients put into the body of my children with such comparisons is smart in a way but shows extreme dumbness of the author - this way of manipulation happens in many respects nowadays and it needs some intelligence to differentiate.
"When faced with them, ask: What proof would it take to convince you otherwise? If answer = nothing then it's about faith, not science." I beg to differ. Faith is not stupidity. Most of the Christians I know would have both themselves and their kids vaccinated, and I'm sure it's true of people of other religions as well. So faith in what? I know that some evangelical fundamentalists don't believe in the usefulness of medicine at all and will tell people who are sick that either their faith is not strong enough to cure them, or that they have some hidden sin that prevents them from being cured, but that to me is equal with stupidity. It's neither charitable nor helpful.
Ok people if you child is the one in how many that reacts to the vaccine and is left with autism, brain damage or dies you would not be backing this article. You are then blessed because not all children survive vaccination without some kind of reaction. Japan does not vaccinate and has the highest life expectancy for children in the world.
Whooping cough and polio, those are some fine examples of mild childhood illnesses
Load More Replies...You're spewing s**t from all orifices now. Don't you wish you'd been vaccinated?
Load More Replies...Alas, no one who does not vaccinate will be convinced by this. If they are so stupid they are against vaccinations in the first place they will be too stupid to understand the satire.
Also, when you mix chemicals together they REACT. A lot of chemicals are really dangerous by themselves. Chlorine, for instance, is a poisonous gas and sodium literally explodes when it comes in contact with water. But when you react them together you get salt!
Don't forget that nasty chemical dihydrogen oxide!
Load More Replies...If my kid dies due to a preventable disease given to to them by your un-vaccinated child, believe me vaccines will be the least of your worries.
Serioues question. If your kid is vaccinated.. isn't your kid protected by the vaccine? I visit sick people, but I'm vaccinated, so I don't worry at all (and I shower/change clothes and shoes before visiting new people)
Load More Replies...Anti-vaxxer bugnuts need to be shown that time-honored cartoon of the kid on crutches watching his friends play and wondering why his parents didn't give him Salk shots. salkshots-...6a8e78.jpg
They'd call it a fake picture - you can't fix fucktard you can only wait for them to finally die out.
Load More Replies...Refusing to get a child vaccinated should be treated equal to refusing to feed a child ... it's life-threatening.
They probably should rethink school buses. A child with no seatbelt is too dangerous. kid in a car, no seatbelt: illegal. 50 kids in a bus, no seatbelt: sure why not.
Load More Replies...If you had a BABY, did not VACCINATE him, then BLAMED the doctors after his sudden DEATH, you should be ARRESTED and sent to JAIL for child murder. Then WHY is it legal for you to have children? And WHY would you let yourself? Educate yourself Re-Think having Children
And if there were, the people who need it most are the same ones who would refuse to take it. Or give it to their children.
Load More Replies...I think he's more supporting the point of the anti-vaxxers, rather than "shutting them down". It only demonstrates how ridiculous 90% of US laws are. How about this: How man parents put as much time and energy into researching vaccines before they vaccinate their kids as they put into buying a new car or phone service?
Vaccination is just like conducting a disaster recovery exercise before major things happen. It is to train the body to be prepared.
You can't fix stupid. You can only protect the child and make vaccines mandatory.
If you took a classroom of teenagers, made them sit at tables with PLASTIC safety goggles on, and then LET them work with dangerous chemicals like HYDROCHLORIC ACID and dangerous equipment like BUNSEN BURNERS to try and get a chemical reaction, you would be ARRESTED and SENT TO JAIL for child endangerment. Then WHY is it legal for chemistry teachers to do it? And WHY would you let them? Educate yourself. Rethink high school Chemistry classes.
The original post, the one on actual vaccine, must be written by somebody who does not have a first clue on whats in a vacinne.
No those are actual ingredients, aluminum to stabilize, formaldehyde to prolong shelf life etc.
Load More Replies...We vaccinated every kid in school in the 50's against polio. We didn't ask anyone, it was just done. And by doing this, we got rid of polio in this country. Hmmmmm. Re-think not vaccinating!
My cousin's boy passed away at 15 from polio related complications because they chose not to vaccinate. Vaccinations should not be a parents choice, it should be mandated by law! I have seen him as a child suffer a horrendous life and it is beyond heartbreaking! Be responsible. Be educated. Be informed. Do not gamble with their lives!
Scrolls down to the very bottom to see hidden comments from anti vaxxers
Make something sound scary enough and you can convince people against everything. Medicine. Gender Sciences. Politics. That's why they call it Fear-Mongering.
They should just round up al the anti-vaxxers and put them on a remote island by themselves and the only way to get off and back to civilization is if they vaccinate. Maybe then some sense will jump into their brain when they start dropping off like flies from diseases they thought they could avoid with 'proper hygeine'
Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) And for plenty of good reasons: 1. It can cause excessive sweating and vomiting. 2. A major component in acid rain. 3. It can cause severe burns in its gaseous state. 4. Accidental inhalation can kill you. 5. Contributes to erosion. 6. It decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes. 7. Prolonged exposure to solid DHMO causes severe tissue damage. Despite the known dangers of DHMO, it continues to be used daily by industry, government, and even in private homes across the U.S. and worldwide. Some of the well-known uses of Dihydrogen Monoxide are: 1. As an industrial solvent and coolant in nuclear power plants. 2. As a spray-on fire suppressant and retardant. 3. In pesticide production and distribution. 4. In spray-on oven cleaners. 5. In biological and chemical weapons manufacture. 6. Manufacture of alcoholic beverages. Call your congressmen, demand they rid the planet of DHMO.
What is worse is that FDA doesn't consider Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) dangerous. Call your congressman now and ask it to be categorized as LETHAL.
Load More Replies...Fair warning, antivaxxers. I will use every last f🤬cking one of these the next time you come at me with this nonsense!
Use this:
Load More Replies...Anti vaxxers must all be trump supporters. They're all about that smart...
Yes, please don't vaccinate. Cuz my kids, who have immune issues, will never ever contract anything from your children, who you don't protect by personal choice. And your knowledge of it is culled through the internet. Mine is by medical science. But whatever, cuz if your child infects my child and it kills him, YOU are still on the higher road, RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT?
I kind of been noticing something for a while. And maybe I’ve noticing it really late but, I see a huge increase in the correlation between stupid people and huge egos. You cant tell any of these anti-vaccine morons they’re wrong, even with all the facts at your side, because the fact of their huge stupidity is bigger than all of that. Somewhere along the way, this goddamn millenial-kissing media has brainwashed an entire generation to grow up into thinking they’re so goddamned special, and because theyre so damned special and unique, everything they believe in is 100% right. Then you got tv and the movies telling them ‘stay true to your beliefs and dont let anyone tell you different’, that now, theres a dangerously infinite number of ignorant morons walking around that KNOW EVERYTHING and youll never lecture them or tell them any different, because youre just a naysayer ‘trying to bring them down’, instead of someone trying to help. Long live the eternal decline of the human race.
Ehe no big deal I was never vaxxed I'm okay so far I did get a rabies shot tho only shot I ever got
Look, as much as I agree that anti-vaxxers are complete idiots... I can understand their point of view when presented with the fact that Americans literally DO pump children with all sorts of vaccines. Hell, in my country we get three or four at the most. Americans have, what? A dozen? I'm not saying they're right, but the American health care system (like most other things) are scandals, shams or just ineffective. But mostly b******t. This isn't and shouldn't be a debate about whether to vaccinate or not - it should be about reforming the entire procedure to comforr both sides, at least.
it's funny how the "choir" is always convinced they've owned the people they're debating by only making the point to their own base. You haven't owned anyone, you've only reinforced your own opinion.
Amazingly, the truth has been suppressed for decades. Twenty years ago, the MMR vaccine was found to infect virtually all of its recipients with measles. Scientists working at the CDC’s National Center for Infectious Diseases, funded by the WHO and the National Vaccine Program, discovered something truly disturbing about the MMR vaccine: it leads to detectable measles infection in the vast majority of those who receive it. The MMR vaccine’s manufacturer Merck’s own product insert, the MMR can cause measles inclusion body encephalitis (MIBE), a rare but potentially lethal form of brain infection with measles. Learn more by reading my article on the topic, “The Vaccinated Spreading Measles: WHO, Merck, CDC Documents Confirm.”
every child should be vaccinated against measles mumps and chicken pox /measles can be a very dangerous can kill it can effect the brain . I personally know of children dying from measles and chicken pox . and sterilization from complications of mumps.all childhood diseases can be fatal and those that think that it is unnecessary to vaccinate will blame themselves if their child gets sick and dies .I know of a case where her daughter died from complications of measles .she can never forgive herself.we live in a modern world with less deaths from contagious diseases because of vaccinations..Go back 150 years and see how many children did not survive the first 5 years of life .and how many epidemics killed millions of people .Small pox black plague, even the flu. people died of tetanus .not contagious but from a simple wound. diphtheria.whooping cough very contagious .and today thanks to vaccines the death count went down to 5% were the population is vaccinated
Load More Replies...Government Research Confirms Measles Outbreaks Are Transmitted By The Vaccinated Published 1 week ago on October 31, 2018 By Collective Evolution The Facts:Research reveals that a vaccinated individual not only can become infected with measles but can also spread it to others who are also vaccinated against it - disproving that multiple doses of MMR are 97 percent effective. Reflect On:A lot of awareness has been created regarding the pharmaceutical industry and the harm their products are doing. Why, when it comes to vaccines, are we still hesitant to even look at the evidence?
The aviation one was ruined by a full stop not a comma in the 35,000, it bothered me.
I would say that this article is one of the dumbest I have seen yet - to defend the most poisonous ingredients put into the body of my children with such comparisons is smart in a way but shows extreme dumbness of the author - this way of manipulation happens in many respects nowadays and it needs some intelligence to differentiate.
"When faced with them, ask: What proof would it take to convince you otherwise? If answer = nothing then it's about faith, not science." I beg to differ. Faith is not stupidity. Most of the Christians I know would have both themselves and their kids vaccinated, and I'm sure it's true of people of other religions as well. So faith in what? I know that some evangelical fundamentalists don't believe in the usefulness of medicine at all and will tell people who are sick that either their faith is not strong enough to cure them, or that they have some hidden sin that prevents them from being cured, but that to me is equal with stupidity. It's neither charitable nor helpful.
Ok people if you child is the one in how many that reacts to the vaccine and is left with autism, brain damage or dies you would not be backing this article. You are then blessed because not all children survive vaccination without some kind of reaction. Japan does not vaccinate and has the highest life expectancy for children in the world.
Whooping cough and polio, those are some fine examples of mild childhood illnesses
Load More Replies...You're spewing s**t from all orifices now. Don't you wish you'd been vaccinated?
Load More Replies...