Another Baby Gibbon Was Born In The Skopje Zoo – A Rarity Both In Nature And In The Zoo
Another baby white gibbon was born at the Skopje Zoo. The baby also has an older sister – Sophie, who was born about two years ago and about which all the world media wrote, precisely because gibbons are one of the most endangered species and carrying offspring is a rarity in nature and in zoos.
We do not know if it is a man or a woman, we do not want to upset the mother. This is the second birth of mom Betka and dad George. White-gibbon in the wild are endangered in many ways: the most common threat is the loss of their habitats, massive logging, road construction, agricultural activities, tourism, forest fires, uncontrolled deforestation, construction of new villages and oil fields. We hope that the world will not allow this species to be endangered anymore – said Tina Mickovska from ZOO in Skopje.
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