As ordinary people around the world suffered from the health and economic impacts of the pandemic, billionaires have actually expanded their fortunes. According to the Institute for Policy Studies analysis of Forbes data, the combined wealth of all U.S. billionaires increased by $1.763 trillion (59.8 percent) between March 18, 2020 and July 9, 2021, from approximately $2.947 trillion to $4.711 trillion.
This just shows that people with and without money lead very different lives. Recently Reddit user u/amaltheahope asked others on the platform, "What is something that rich people do that really annoys you?" and everyone immediately started sharing some relatable examples of all the irritating stuff wealthy folks are known for. From happiness to food, continue scrolling to check out the most-discussed topics.
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When they insist that money doesn’t buy happiness. Maybe it doesn’t buy happiness, but it does buy vacations, therapy, adequate medical care, and not having to worry about whether or not you’ll have the money to pay rent and eat every month.
When they act like everybody has the same 24 hours in a day. Like, oh OK, how many hours did you spend at the laundromat last week? Or how many hours did you spend on the bus?
This needs to be higher. I have people in my family who have no concept that this is a real thing and I can't count the number of times I've been told or yelled at for saying I don't have time.
u/amaltheahope told Bored Panda the idea to post this question popped into their head quite randomly and since it looked like other users hadn't asked it before, they just went ahead and asked. "I was also curious about other people's opinions because basically, I also have some things that I hate about rich people," u/amaltheahope said.
The Redditor thinks many of the replies are quite universal. "Basically, I have the same sentiments as most of the commenters!" they said, laughing. "We have a common ground — hate towards annoying things rich people do!"
u/amaltheahope believes people can get along despite their wealth gap, but it takes respect, open communication, and understanding on both ends.
When they don't pay taxes.
Really rich people can afford expensive accountants who know all the loopholes in tax laws. Poor people just have to shut up and pay.
Not only that, but a lot of the loopholes that fancy accountants exploit are only accessible to the rich. It really is disgusting.
Load More Replies...For a poor person taxes are an obligation, for a rich person it is a rather relative, flexible term.
relative yes, flexible term? No... also it's progressive, which isn't actually fair if you think about it
Load More Replies...considering that the 1% in the US pays 35% of all income taxes while earning 18% of all income. When they say the rich dont pay taxes it is a misleading statement. There are many types of taxes paid, many that dont kick in until one has a certain amount of earnings. SO when they say "Zero" they mean zero of one type or subsection of taxes. But in the end, they pay a pretty good chunk of it to their percentage of earnings a year. Now if you want to talk about their assests they have, which are wealth but not actual money they have, that is something else.
tax on wage/salary income is the among the worst atrocities committed against people.
So you mean the 90 year old couple on my block that bought a house for 30k back in the 1960s and today is valued at 1.5 million because of how the neighborhood has changed should be taxes as millionaires because they now have on paper "wealth". You really dont understand how things work, do you
Load More Replies...In the US you pay 37% taxes if you make $518,000 single or $622,000 a year married. That's not enough. Seriously? How about worrying about wasted taxpayers dollars instead. Now you don't even want to go there.
Rich know how to get paid. If you take stock options, you don't' pay income taxes. Then you can go take a loan out on those stock options and that isn't income therefore not taxed. Congress writes the rule, the accountants figure out how to use those rules. It sucks, but changing it seems impossible.
So, you don't know what you talking about and you can change it - run for congress! WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT
Load More Replies...Even worse, when they set up the system so companies become unstable quick profit machines that will crash with certainty at the smallest bump, but they get money from the government to keep the company afloat, despite doing everything they can to not contribute their own share. That means they pretty much suck all the money for themselves, leaving us only scraps that will eventually go in their pockets anyway.
we have all taxes included in prices and get payed with taxes already deducted from pay check so - no idea how would I do something like that if I had to do it myself - I'm so happy I don't live in America
So they pay someone 100,000 a year to help them not pay taxes. taxes that many or many not be over 100,000. They still are paying out money.
So I live in Sweden. I know Swedish tax laws, not US. At least here, 1 problem is that it takes a lot of billable time to evade taxes. And you need to get into it before the year is over - preferable before the year has even started.
I've come across a youtuber who's been flaunting how she has all these passports, citizenships and offshore accounts and pays less than $100 in taxes, then goes on saying there's nothing wrong she's doing because it's legal. Just because you can do something doesn't mean it's ethically right.
It's not legal, she's evading (if she's even telling the truth), you have to declare all income worldwide. My guess (I prepare taxes) is that she's lying, most people who brag about their refund or bill are lying - they also don't tell you when they get the letter that says they have to pay back that big refund they weren't entitled to. The IRS can be a little slow sometimes.
Load More Replies...please know affluent families are often taxed $40,000+ in federal tax alone. We pay a high % of income compared to many families. I am not complaining or saying all these big corporations and multi-millionaires always pay what they should. But it's a bit of a misnomer than the "rich" don't pay taxes.
yes, yes, 1000 times yes. Continual tax breaks ensure that the exceedingly rich do not pay their fair share. They then receive upper-class welfare - in Aus for example, private schools are paid more per student than public schools. (This is mainly due to the schools religious affiliation and our extremist PM ensuring that religions institutions are accountable for nothing, but get everything... but that's another post) The kicker is that they then proceed to bitch and moan about how society is crumbling. They cant find good, educated employees - due to the education system they are destroying. The crime rate is on the rise - due to massive inequality (and aforementioned lack of education) caused by them. All this while working in a management position their daddy got them - with no skills or experience or basic ability or understanding or anything.
They avoid taxes through donations to chattily and other things that are tax deducible and it is not a crime
They don't pay taxes like everyone else, at least, not in the US. Poor people pay relatively more taxes than the rich and in absolute figures the majority of taxes comes from what the common people pay on taxes. The wealthiest 5% follow the advice of Don the Con: "Be smart, dodge taxes and be proud of it." FYI: or or
Load More Replies...Try to be relatable to "regular" people on social media. Like remember when celebrities were struggling just as much as everyone during covid in their multi-million dollar homes? Yeah, they can f**k themselves.
Rich folks can afford doctors, catering, NOT WORKING. Remember when Kim Kardashian was bored of social distancing, so she threw a party on a private island? Rich folks weren't crammed inside an apartment for 16 months with roommates. COVID does not impact the rich and the poor equally.
The sad thing is that financial inequality is skyrocketing.
To put things into perspective, the before-mentioned analysis offers this comparison: in 1982, the "poorest" American on the first annual Forbes magazine list of America's richest 400 had a net worth of $210 million in today's money and the average member of that list had a net worth of $600 million. But in 2020, Americans needed a net worth of $2.1 billion to enter the Forbes 400, and the average member held a net $8 billion. That's 13 times the 1982 average after adjusting for inflation.
Get away with things because they have money for better lawyers/bail/payout etc.
If the punishment for breaking a law is a fine, that law only exists for the poor.
My aunt and her wife both work for the state. Her wife is the Deputy Commisoner of Environmental Protection. And I'm not sure what my aunt did but she was pretty high up and retired right before covid. Never had any kids. Needless to say, they're pretty well off.
They send my 95 year old Grandma a bill every month for what she owes them. When my aunt takes her to Starbucks and "buys" her drink, goes on the bill.
My grandma would offer money on her necessaties, because that's who she is. Pay for her groceries they bring her, etc. But they literally keep record of anything they ever pay for and bill her at the end of the month.
Like...where's your soul?
A variety of explanations have been proposed to explain how inequality can affect a country's economy. But a high level of disparity usually means a high level of poverty. Poverty is associated with increased crime and poor public health, which places additional burdens on the economy.
In the face of increasing food prices and lower incomes, support for pro-growth government policies declines. As wealthy citizens maintain disproportionate political power compared to poorer citizens, inefficient tax structures develop in favor of the wealthy. Unequal income distribution increases political instability, which threatens property rights, increases the risk of state repudiated contracts and discourages capital accumulation. Also, a widening rich-poor gap tends to increase the rate of rent-seeking and predatory market behaviors that hinder economic growth.
When they lack perspective. It's shown through the advice they give ('Just borrow money from your parents,' and, 'Go back to school'). It shows that they have no idea how so many people live
What if your parents don’t have money? What if you can’t afford school?
Offering the 'You should just…' advice. Having unlimited funds allows for risk taking in a way that working people can’t relate to. No, I can’t just quit my job. I have rent to pay.
I waited tables in college...had some older guy hand me a mediocre tip with the advice 'go get an education' oh wow thanks, never thought of that...your $8 is really going to afford me that opportunity now...I was already in school full-time while also working full time to afford to go to school 🙄
Thanking us poor folks for sending them on a trip into space.
There is just not enough space for them on Earth. They need "space".
Pretend like they work harder than everyone else.
Some do work hard and expand their wealth. Some others just become presidents of the country and grab more cash from the public funds.
Employ others for low pay and bad benefits in an unsafe working environment and think they're doing the people they employ a favor.
You're not entitled to own a business. And if you can't pay your employees a living wage and benefits without your business failing, then it should fail. But they only love the free market when it benefits them. When it doesn't, they cry to the government for welfare.
Use their money and power to make laws and policies to enrich themselves even more, all while keeping the rest of us fighting among ourselves for the scrapes
Yet we still continue to fight amongst ourselves and won't join together. And these rich folks the government and these corporations know this. So who's really to blame? We all could band together and do something about it but we won't. Because nobody wants to listen or take the first step. So we're pretty much doing it to ourselves.
Failing to recognize the extent to which luck (including luck of birth) played into their success.
Just the luck of growing up in an environment where these possibilities were always real because your parents, their friends, your older siblings, relatives, etc were already achieving them (and they were because they had a similar start in life).I don't think these people understand how massive a hurdle that is that didn't exist in their life.
Assume they deserve and earned everything they have and that consequently, poor people just aren't working hard enough. Even if a person legitimately built their own wealth and jumped socio-economic status on their own, they're still engaging in survivor bias.
Lots of poor people work very hard and take on a lot of misery in service of a better life. And a lot of those people stay poor forever and never get their break.
Yes, this. Being lucky is the single thing that dictate what your life will be like.
Guilt trip the public into donating money (that they may not have much of) to help [Enter charitable cause here] when they could just hand over wads of their own cash without feeling the pinch.
Assume they are intelligent
Being able to afford a good education doesn't mean they learned anything.
[Mess] up the whole world and then get bailed out when they [mess] up.
That's been going on from the start. There are hundreds of cases where taxpayers still are paying for the cleaning of polluted areas while the companies have gone bust only to surface again under a new name. "Hey Shell, you owe use 15 billion for cleaning up the oil fields you abandoned." "Sorry, that was Shell-oil, they've gone bust, we're Shell and have got nothing to do with Shell-oil."
Exploit poor people to film themselves acting generous. I’m all for buying homeless people things, but you don’t have to film yourself giving to them and post it all over social media. They are people too, with friends and family. No need to make them feel small when they already struggle in life.
Burn £20 notes in front of a homeless person, after they were asked for money. Ronald Coyne, a Tory Cambridge student did this. Insufferable c**t.
When they complain that people on welfare haven’t earned that money and don’t deserve it; meanwhile rich people spoil their kids or give them comfortable jobs as if they've earned that stuff.
Or when they police people on welfare. In the U.S., rich folks get considerably more money through tax breaks than poor people ever do, but you don't hear proposals about drug testing them. Now people on SNAP (food stamps) on the other hand...
My rich friend orders 20 things from McDonald’s and eats two of them, and then throws the rest away. I’m not exaggerating. She is infinitely kind and generous, but that kind of waste makes me shake my head."
When they tell people, 'Travel and expand their horizons.' Traveling is expensive
Complain about being stuck in their large mansion with a pool, tennis court, etc. during the pandemic.
My < 700 sq. ft. apartment is probably the size of their closet.
Assume that people who have low-paying jobs just didn't work hard enough or aren't smart enough to get any better jobs.
I've known some fairly rich people complain that they have too much money. Give it to me then — I'll put it to good use.
Lecture us on saving the planet from their big diesel super yachts, private jets and mansions (not counting their city homes and holiday homes) that houses their classic car collection that they drive around for fun.
I agree with you on the yachts and private jets, but classic cars do very little damage (comparatively) to the planet as they are driven very little, and usually the rich tend to keep them as an investment and not drive them at all. I have more issue with the SUVs with ridiculously large engines that they do drive all over the place.
When they're so freaking cheap. They won't leave tips or will argue over 10 cents while shopping
I was a pizza delivery driver in my long lost youth. Blue collar folks almost always tipped, and wealthy folks rarely did. I knew that if I was delivering to “The Island”, the richest neighborhood in my city, I was never going to get a tip.
Some of them behave narcissistically, mainly by sexually assaulting people and sending out hush payments (like Trump, Clinton, Cosby, O’Reilly, Ailes, Weinstein, Epstein, etc.), and some of them abuse workers’ basic rights by intentionally putting bathrooms far away from workspaces (like Jeff Bezos did with Amazon’s warehouses).
everyone talk about that bottle thing, but i see nobody talks about how they track every footstep you make at work. If you are not efficient enough, you are out. Folks, that's not normal!
Tell us to “appreciate what we have”.
When rich leaders have fake philosophies like, 'We're in this together,' and, 'First to arrive, last to leave,' etc.
Oh God yes - I worked for a guy who SO bought into that s**t and breathed it out on the rest of us. It was thin, superficial rubbish and his tutoring business was thin and superficial and I left.
Move to low cost of living places and then drive up the cost of living for locals, who then can’t afford to live in their hometown. Thanks for ruining Bozeman you dickheads
My relatives are fairly well off. I don't know what it is about them but they have a notorious habit of bossing people around. My aunt (who I am very close with) straight up told me to go out and start a walking dogs business out of nowhere and that when she sees me again, I better have a walking dog business. What??? This is the way they function and when you stand up to them you get told you're lazy, don't care etc.
Just for clarity. I'm looking for work. Her method wouldn't work for where I live. It's nowhere near practical. Even if it was, it's extremely bossy.
This post is very generalized. Some of this behaviour can be seen with non rich people. I know many normal people, who order too much food and throw away whatever they don‘t eat for example. I also know non rich people, who get away with breaking rules, because they‘re manipulative or/ and take advance of other people‘s weaknesses. also not being thankful, disrespectful or spoiled is something i have witnessed a lot everywhere. buying cars/ brand clothing as status symbols is also a thing, that superficial/ insecure people will do regardless of them being rich or not. tax manipulation? yes, i know a few people, who do this and they‘re far away from being rich.
Plus, some of the remarks are ridiculous. For example the „Buy multiples houses. Save some for us.“… There‘s got to be people, wo have the money for that. They‘ll rent out for the people, who don‘t have the money to buy a house. unless they just buy it and leave it empty, it’s allright. or what‘s wrong with them dressing badly? I wouldn‘t want anyone criticizing me for something, that‘s only my matter.
Load More Replies...The wisest comment I ever heard was this one, can't recall source: "Money will only make you more of who you already are."
I don't agree with a lot of the comments as ignorance, arrogance, jealousy, greed are found amongst different people coming from different social classes. As well as kindness, generosity, consideration, warmth.
Pretty ignorant post, The way bored panda spreads hate for rich people is ridiculous. You’d think it was illegal to be rich. Now I expect a post about the poor. Rich or poor it’s still classism and inappropriate. Stop worrying what other people do with there money and focus on your own financial situation.
Thank you for this! I noticed that since recently they are starting to do a lot of hate against the rich… I used to really like this website but it’s not what it was.
Load More Replies...One of my college roommates was obscenely wealthy and until she got to college with us, she didn't realize that not everyone lived the way she did. In the second month of college, she got upset that we all wouldn't go skiing with her for the weekend with two days notice. She didn't understand why the other three of us were always watching the clock to make sure we got to the dining hall for dinner when we could just order in, and she didn't understand why we were all excited when I told everyone that my job let me access laundry machines for free and I would let them in on it. She is a nice person, but had lived a sheltered life around other rich people and she couldn't comprehend college meal plans that were part of scholarships or side hustles for spending money.
Sad, that her parents never taught her. You said, she is a nice person. So let‘s hope she learned some life lessons during college life and learns to be thankful for all of her privileges. I knew a girl like that, too. She never finished college, because she was not ready for real life at all.
Load More Replies...My stepmother's extremely wealthy mother saw me come home from my crap part-time job one afternoon and asked me if I'd left because I was 'bored'. It's like, 'No, Dorothy, I left because I was on an even shorter shift this afternoon. 31 year-olds who have no money and are retraining can't actually afford to leave their hourly wage because they're bored.' She hadn't worked since the 1950s and got the shits when she had to pay tax on her investments. She was truly unbelievable. A good Catholic who never did a day's charity work that I ever saw.
To me, the problem isn't being wealthy. Rather it's things like not paying your share into the system, buying influence over lawmakers, not contributing to the well-being of your fellow humans, making (or allowing to be made) policies at the business you run that make working conditions poor and/or paying low wages. It's things like complaining about how working class folks won't "try harder", pushing people into the highly manipulated stock market for their retirement, not supporting social programs like universal healthcare, buying fame, and crowing about contributing 1 million to x charity by throwing a 2 million "vanity" party to raise it. It's their refusal to acknowledge (or just not caring) that it's the system they created that protects their wealth more than anything they ever did. I have a problem with corporations that break the law and choose what fines they will pay. Or the unequal justice system that allows the rich to buy their way out of criminal acts. Etc. etc. etc.
Corporate executives who rationalize treating their workers badly on the grounds that they have a responsibility to their stockholders. Also, the stockholders who accept this rationalization instead of reining in some of the ludicrous salaries and perks of those corporate executives.
God, I couldn't even finish this post it made me so furious realizing I work my ass off for s**t pay.
This Jeff Bezos thing is REALLY ticking me off. There are literally thousands of charities or shelters you could give your money to, but instead your going to outer space because your bored. Ughhhhhhhhhhh
I've always thought that part of any ivy league school curriculum should be students having to spend a year living in poverty to appreciate what they have and how much others suffer on a daily basis. Sometimes its easy to lack compassion for others when you are so far removed from the experiences that other people suffer in their daily lives. Let them experience the stress of not knowing where your next meal may be coming from, whether you will be able to afford your apartment this month, pray that the gas in your car lasts until your next paycheck because riding the bus takes so long. That you have to do your own washing, cleaning and cooking. That you hope that you don't get sick because you cannot afford to lose even one day of wages.
Make more than $5k daily with BLANK ATM Programmed Card and cash money directly in any ATM Machine around you. There is no risk of being caught, because the card has been programmed in such a way that it's not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you. Now email us today at our E-mail address at: {} or visit for you to get your own Programmed Card today.
Unions folks. Make the rich pay fair wages and provide benefits. Don't believe all the very expensive ads and videos and other propaganda the companies put out to trick you into voting down unions.
when they pat themselves on the back and refer to themselves as Job Creators!
The other problem is that in America, not all education is equal. Some people are taught to sit down, shut up, follow orders, and do repetitive, menial tasks over and over all day long, while other people are taught to be independent, innovative, creative and confident. Some people are taught to be leaders, while others are taught to be cogs in the machine. As well, even university entrance is "gated" by requirements that make it very difficult for low-income students, such as basing entrance on extracurricular activities that some poor kids can't afford.
I loves several people I loved to a diseases that really god and expensive medical care could cure. But, that wasn't possible so they all died. I really wish I had money to help.
Most poor people will not be able to fathom what it’s like to be rich (without being born rich) or what it takes or what kind of person you even need to be. Honestly money just isn’t for everyone, just like anything else. People may not like being poor but at the same time they are almost always unwilling to do what needs to be done to get more. Whether it’s the physical or mental or emotional side of things. People are stupid in general, it’s just a fact. Most people aren’t smart and average isn’t good enough. That’s why lottery winners end up worse off. Money doesn’t fix people really, and you can’t get loads of it until you address certain mentalities and accept certain narratives. And it’s a painful process, with a lot of sacrifices and a lot of hardening yourself against getting sucked into people’s woes. The truth is usually not pretty and people don’t like that.
Well, the truth ain't pretty, but have you considered that I may want more money but am unwilling to do what it takes to get more b/c I don't want ot be a prostitute? If it comes to money or conscience, I'll do without money. And I'm guessing you think it's okay to do whatever it takes, and that's fine for you, but don't criticize those who won't go to all lengths for money, or as you put it, "unwilling to do what needs to be done". Peace out.
Load More Replies...Reading the comments is very amusing. "Yeah, those poor rich people have problems too, you know." "Not all rich people are like this, and some poor people do the same things." I really do not get why poor people are defending jerks who wouldn't even give them the time of day if it could save the poor suckers life.
are you assuming everyone here is poor? most people on here should be middle class. your comment implies that all rich people are jerks. people can be jerks regardless of them being rich or not.
Load More Replies...Non-rich is the new way for saying poor? I'm a bit lost with all the euphemisms these days...
„poor“ is in the eye of the beholder. rich as well. most people are somewhere between that, middle class.
Load More Replies...This post is very generalized. Some of this behaviour can be seen with non rich people. I know many normal people, who order too much food and throw away whatever they don‘t eat for example. I also know non rich people, who get away with breaking rules, because they‘re manipulative or/ and take advance of other people‘s weaknesses. also not being thankful, disrespectful or spoiled is something i have witnessed a lot everywhere. buying cars/ brand clothing as status symbols is also a thing, that superficial/ insecure people will do regardless of them being rich or not. tax manipulation? yes, i know a few people, who do this and they‘re far away from being rich.
Plus, some of the remarks are ridiculous. For example the „Buy multiples houses. Save some for us.“… There‘s got to be people, wo have the money for that. They‘ll rent out for the people, who don‘t have the money to buy a house. unless they just buy it and leave it empty, it’s allright. or what‘s wrong with them dressing badly? I wouldn‘t want anyone criticizing me for something, that‘s only my matter.
Load More Replies...The wisest comment I ever heard was this one, can't recall source: "Money will only make you more of who you already are."
I don't agree with a lot of the comments as ignorance, arrogance, jealousy, greed are found amongst different people coming from different social classes. As well as kindness, generosity, consideration, warmth.
Pretty ignorant post, The way bored panda spreads hate for rich people is ridiculous. You’d think it was illegal to be rich. Now I expect a post about the poor. Rich or poor it’s still classism and inappropriate. Stop worrying what other people do with there money and focus on your own financial situation.
Thank you for this! I noticed that since recently they are starting to do a lot of hate against the rich… I used to really like this website but it’s not what it was.
Load More Replies...One of my college roommates was obscenely wealthy and until she got to college with us, she didn't realize that not everyone lived the way she did. In the second month of college, she got upset that we all wouldn't go skiing with her for the weekend with two days notice. She didn't understand why the other three of us were always watching the clock to make sure we got to the dining hall for dinner when we could just order in, and she didn't understand why we were all excited when I told everyone that my job let me access laundry machines for free and I would let them in on it. She is a nice person, but had lived a sheltered life around other rich people and she couldn't comprehend college meal plans that were part of scholarships or side hustles for spending money.
Sad, that her parents never taught her. You said, she is a nice person. So let‘s hope she learned some life lessons during college life and learns to be thankful for all of her privileges. I knew a girl like that, too. She never finished college, because she was not ready for real life at all.
Load More Replies...My stepmother's extremely wealthy mother saw me come home from my crap part-time job one afternoon and asked me if I'd left because I was 'bored'. It's like, 'No, Dorothy, I left because I was on an even shorter shift this afternoon. 31 year-olds who have no money and are retraining can't actually afford to leave their hourly wage because they're bored.' She hadn't worked since the 1950s and got the shits when she had to pay tax on her investments. She was truly unbelievable. A good Catholic who never did a day's charity work that I ever saw.
To me, the problem isn't being wealthy. Rather it's things like not paying your share into the system, buying influence over lawmakers, not contributing to the well-being of your fellow humans, making (or allowing to be made) policies at the business you run that make working conditions poor and/or paying low wages. It's things like complaining about how working class folks won't "try harder", pushing people into the highly manipulated stock market for their retirement, not supporting social programs like universal healthcare, buying fame, and crowing about contributing 1 million to x charity by throwing a 2 million "vanity" party to raise it. It's their refusal to acknowledge (or just not caring) that it's the system they created that protects their wealth more than anything they ever did. I have a problem with corporations that break the law and choose what fines they will pay. Or the unequal justice system that allows the rich to buy their way out of criminal acts. Etc. etc. etc.
Corporate executives who rationalize treating their workers badly on the grounds that they have a responsibility to their stockholders. Also, the stockholders who accept this rationalization instead of reining in some of the ludicrous salaries and perks of those corporate executives.
God, I couldn't even finish this post it made me so furious realizing I work my ass off for s**t pay.
This Jeff Bezos thing is REALLY ticking me off. There are literally thousands of charities or shelters you could give your money to, but instead your going to outer space because your bored. Ughhhhhhhhhhh
I've always thought that part of any ivy league school curriculum should be students having to spend a year living in poverty to appreciate what they have and how much others suffer on a daily basis. Sometimes its easy to lack compassion for others when you are so far removed from the experiences that other people suffer in their daily lives. Let them experience the stress of not knowing where your next meal may be coming from, whether you will be able to afford your apartment this month, pray that the gas in your car lasts until your next paycheck because riding the bus takes so long. That you have to do your own washing, cleaning and cooking. That you hope that you don't get sick because you cannot afford to lose even one day of wages.
Make more than $5k daily with BLANK ATM Programmed Card and cash money directly in any ATM Machine around you. There is no risk of being caught, because the card has been programmed in such a way that it's not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you. Now email us today at our E-mail address at: {} or visit for you to get your own Programmed Card today.
Unions folks. Make the rich pay fair wages and provide benefits. Don't believe all the very expensive ads and videos and other propaganda the companies put out to trick you into voting down unions.
when they pat themselves on the back and refer to themselves as Job Creators!
The other problem is that in America, not all education is equal. Some people are taught to sit down, shut up, follow orders, and do repetitive, menial tasks over and over all day long, while other people are taught to be independent, innovative, creative and confident. Some people are taught to be leaders, while others are taught to be cogs in the machine. As well, even university entrance is "gated" by requirements that make it very difficult for low-income students, such as basing entrance on extracurricular activities that some poor kids can't afford.
I loves several people I loved to a diseases that really god and expensive medical care could cure. But, that wasn't possible so they all died. I really wish I had money to help.
Most poor people will not be able to fathom what it’s like to be rich (without being born rich) or what it takes or what kind of person you even need to be. Honestly money just isn’t for everyone, just like anything else. People may not like being poor but at the same time they are almost always unwilling to do what needs to be done to get more. Whether it’s the physical or mental or emotional side of things. People are stupid in general, it’s just a fact. Most people aren’t smart and average isn’t good enough. That’s why lottery winners end up worse off. Money doesn’t fix people really, and you can’t get loads of it until you address certain mentalities and accept certain narratives. And it’s a painful process, with a lot of sacrifices and a lot of hardening yourself against getting sucked into people’s woes. The truth is usually not pretty and people don’t like that.
Well, the truth ain't pretty, but have you considered that I may want more money but am unwilling to do what it takes to get more b/c I don't want ot be a prostitute? If it comes to money or conscience, I'll do without money. And I'm guessing you think it's okay to do whatever it takes, and that's fine for you, but don't criticize those who won't go to all lengths for money, or as you put it, "unwilling to do what needs to be done". Peace out.
Load More Replies...Reading the comments is very amusing. "Yeah, those poor rich people have problems too, you know." "Not all rich people are like this, and some poor people do the same things." I really do not get why poor people are defending jerks who wouldn't even give them the time of day if it could save the poor suckers life.
are you assuming everyone here is poor? most people on here should be middle class. your comment implies that all rich people are jerks. people can be jerks regardless of them being rich or not.
Load More Replies...Non-rich is the new way for saying poor? I'm a bit lost with all the euphemisms these days...
„poor“ is in the eye of the beholder. rich as well. most people are somewhere between that, middle class.
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