Madrid-based advertising and industrial photographer Miguel Vallinas presents his whimsical photo series, titled “Second Skins”, where various animals take up a role that’s completely new to them. Dressed in fashionable clothes, each of them poses as a typical human model would, and it appears the their outfits match their personalities as a true second skin.
Vallinas photographed over 50 animals, picking them outfits that of different styles and even decades. A swan looks like a studious girl, whereas a flamingo becomes a sharp NYC business lady – and check that stylish jacket that the donkey wears! Detailed retouching makes the outfit and the pose of the animals come together into a very coherent look.
The series is a sister project of the “Pieles” photo sequence, where the Vallinas photographed himself dressed up in different professions. You might also remember another Spanish photographer, Barcelona-based Yago Partal and his “Zoo Portrait” series. What is it with the Spaniards and their love to dress their animals up?
Source: (via)
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A great article. Thanks for your generosity in this sharing with us all. For me it was always difficult to repeat this. I work with photo editing services – lavalu and if I need something like this. Unfortunately, my hands cant’s do it. But I have to observe all photo editing websites like this and study Photoshop in all the aspects ASAP. Thank you again for a great help!