50 Pet Haircuts That, For Better Or Worse, Completely Transformed Their Look (New Pics)
Whether it's to keep them cool in the scorching summer or to prepare them for surgery, there are a number of reasons why a pet might need a haircut. However, not all of them go the same as the owners imagine in their heads. Some furry friends end up with the most comically unfortunate looks! So we at Bored Panda collected pictures from all over the internet, showcasing our beloved companions who will just have to grow it out.
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My Dog Got A Haircut Yesterday, Someone Please Tell Me Why He Now Looks Like An Emo, Goth Teenager Who Tells His Mom "It's Not Just A Phase"
Sheep Dog?
For dogs and cats, proper hair hygiene is essential. And it starts with grooming.
"Grooming is as important as bringing your pet to the vet for regular checkups," Lauren Lakritz, who is an Animal Care Technician in the ASPCA's Animal Recovery Center (ARC) and a certified professional groomer, said.
"It's maintaining the well-being of your animal."
He Looks Like He's Ready To Teach Some Kung Fu
I Was Told To Save Whatever I Could, And That They Wanted Clean Face/Feet. How Did I Do?
I Accidentally Found This While Looking Up Dog Haircuts. It’s So Ridiculous, I Had To Share
I noticed that too. She's damn proud of her hair ❤️❤️❤️
Load More Replies...Are they reproducing - because the first dog on this thread was very similarly "coifed"
Good groomers don't just cut for beauty; they are on the constant lookout for signs of trouble beneath the furry surface.
"A groomer may discover health issues before you know they exist, including cysts, bad skin conditions, and ear infections—all of which can hide under fur," Lauren added.
Chico The Rock Star, Before And After
SO HANDSOME and happy!! I think the groomer should only allow the dog to leave with a haircut that makes them happy and not ashamed
So Cooper Got A Haircut Today And I Refuse To Believe That This Is The Same Dog I Had Yesterday
Is It Me Or Does She Look Like Sid's Granny?
My Cat Has Also Just Got Back From The Groomers, But I Am Not Laughing I'll Be Sleeping With One Eye Open Tonight
For instance, matted hair can progress quickly from causing mild skin irritation to infecting wounds.
Fleas and ticks can live relatively invisibly in a hair mat, and mats around the hind end can cause an accumulation of feces that sometimes obstruct defecation.
Severe hair mats can grow so tightly that they can even restrict or cut off blood circulation, which can eventually require amputation.
Mr. Kitty Took A Hit At The Groomers Too
Thank You Pet Groomer
Pretty Sure She'll Want To Talk To The Manager About This Haircut
"Simply put, animals, especially those with long hair, suffer when they aren't maintained or regularly groomed," Lauren said.
Cats, especially breeds with medium and long length hair, are also prone to health issues caused by matting. Sometimes Lauren has to completely shave them to eradicate their dangerously-matted coats.
This Dog
My Sister’s Dog Is Not Pleased With His New Haircut
He looks like he's about to yell about some snakes on a motherf'ing plane.
“Managing animals who are scared or otherwise not cooperating is a huge challenge," Lauren explained. She has clipped breeds ranging from Yorkshire terriers and miniature Poodles to large-breed dogs and cats.
Breeds like Schnauzers, Airedales and Scottish terriers, whose coats have patterns or skirts, may require professional grooming.
Told The Groomer To Leave Him A Goatee
When My Dog Comes Home From The Groomers
Took The Dog To The Groomer. I Don't Know To Feel Sorry Or Happy For Him
But generally, there are ways to prevent trips to groomers or veterinarians to treat matted hair.
Brushing your pet on a regular basis at home can help prevent injury and save money too because groomers often charge extra for mats. Doing so may also allows your pet to get used to being handled and brushed, which will hopefully make it less stressful if they ever need to visit a groomer.
Dad Took The Dog To The Groomers And Told Them To Shave Off As Much As They Could. I Promise You It’s The Same Dog
I'm Not Gonna Name The Place Where He Got His Haircut From... Not Happy With It
It's Morgan Pawlen
Other important hygienic responsibilities include cleaning your pet’s ears regularly, and starting oral hygiene at an early age so they can get used to the routine.
However, owners should ask a vet or groomer to show them how to do it properly at first.
Grooming your pets isn't just for the eyes. It's a responsibility all owners should take seriously to keep their pets clean, healthy, and happy.
But if you're up for more similar pictures, check out our earlier publications on regrettable dog haircuts here and here.
My Friend's Cat Had A Really Bad Haircut And He's Drinking To Forget
A Travesty Of Justice When Groomers Refuse To Follow Directions. My Poor Girl Is Naked And I Can Barely Recognize Her
I’ll have to put her in a t-shirt to protect her from sunburn.
Interesting Cut I Did Today
The Groomer Came For My Orange One Yesterday. Summer “Lion Cut”
That's Why I'm Afraid To Go To The Hairdresser
Forgot About This Photo From 11 Years Ago. Yes, This Was The Requested Cut. Dog's Name Was Cutie
Barley, The Shoodle (Sheep/Poodle)
There is a book on how to groom a poodle to make it look like a whole range of other dog breeds, schnauzer, saluki etc. This is not one of those cuts.
Be Specific With A New Groomer Or Your Dog Can Turn Into A Poor Picture Of David Bowie
The Groomer Torched My Dog
Groomer Shaved My Woolly-Coated Husky When I Only Asked Him To Be “Neatened” Up
I Might Have Failed At Dino Cutting My Cat
My Friend's Cat Is Definitely Not Impressed With His New Haircut
My Wife Took Our Dog To The Groomer And Picked Up Severus Snape
"Snape's eyes were boring into Harry's. It was exactly like trying to stare down a hippogriff."
The Mohawk Is Doable
When The Groomer Shaves Off Your Eyelashes And Nothing Else
No, She Doesn’t Need To Speak To The Manager. She Is The Manager
"Better wizards than you have lost buttocks you know!" Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, HP and the Goblet of Fire page idgaf
My Poor Gizzy
Olive's Fur Got Matted While We Were Out Of Town. Took Her To The Groomer, And This Is The Result
Wife's Cousin Took Her Dog To The Groomer. Asked Them To Leave As Much Hair As Possible
It’s Not A Phase, Mom
I'm Heartbroken
Sir Simon Got A Haircut. He Does Not Approve
Client Requested This Cut. It Was So Freaking Difficult To Do A Schnauzer Cut The "Wrong" Way
When you asked the groomer to take a little off the top, but he/she got carried away.
Dougal Goes To The Groomer
Lazy Orange Cat Gets A Haircut
Took My Dog To The Groomer And He Comes Back With A Bowl Cut
Mom Gave The Cat A Haircut
When Your Expectations Are Not What You Get
I Think The Groomer Gave Me The Wrong Dog
Many of these are disturbing. Shows owners are neglecting care if their pets. Cats are sensitive to shaving. Not funny, bp.
And shaving an animal with a double coat can be bad for them, the fur may not grow back the same and it affects their temperature regulation. It should only be done if absolutely necessary
Load More Replies...and chose a brush that is right for the coat and does not hurt. I found a human tangle teaser works great on short or medium long fur
Load More Replies...Why are there so many cats getting haircuts?! Unless their coats are matted (generally avoidable by taking proper care of them) or they need an operation, there is absolutely no need to shave them like this. Pretty horrible to see, honestly.
So that people can show off the fancy "lion cut" on social media :-(
Load More Replies...I wonder how many of these with a normal-looking "before" photo, that photo is also "before" they skipped brushing their dog for several months. I'm sure some of them are just incompetent groomers, but I'd bet a good share are the owner's fault.
Cats should not be shaved unless for medical treatment or in cases of neglect (by the owners or a poorly/elderly cat)** which causes severe matting. A lot of the featured dogs were groomed unecessarily when all they needed was a wash, brush and trim. Animals should not be "groomed" (including having their fur dyed) for the amusement of the owner. **also applies to canines
I'm really not sure which I think is worse. Ignorant or stupid owners that probably shouldn't have a pet in the first place or the groomers carrying out the owners' instructions, regardless of whether it's in the best interests of the animals.
A lot of those poor dogs will get sunburned or get coat issues when it grows back. Has none of these "groomers" ever heard of scissors?
So what I learned from this is that I do a significantly better job at grooming than I thought
Why on earth would you shave a cat? Unless it's for surgery it's animal cruelty
And this, folks, is why I learned to groom my own dogs. Most of these are shameful and harmful to the dogs and cats coats
or you go to a trained groomer that does take the time to learn about different coats and trims/cuts/shears accordingly. We had no idea how to care for a long haired podengo portuguese so we found a groomer that showed us how to pull out the dead hair instead of cutting and ripping his hair with brushes.
Load More Replies...Unless the animal is full of mats, just bathe and brush. Their hair grows the way nature intended.
I don't know about cats, but dog breeds are definitely a bit like humans in the sense that if you were to take someone with a 4c hair to someone who has never cared for that hair type, they will probably mess it up. I had my Spaniel's fur butchered by a groomer who has never worked on a Spaniel before. So now I try to take him to places that are more familiar with the breed. (They aren't very common where I'm from.) Would have loved to see how he would have ended up like when we were in the UK, but I just never got around to it. For a Samoyed, Huskey, or Malamute, I would be checking their references and specifically for the breed.
These are mostly really awful. a lot of those animals shouldn't be having their fur shaved like that.
Too many of these show total disregard for the owners and the animals. I think some of these cuts are so bad the owners would have good case for small claims court. Groomers obviously don't know what they are doing
I found no humor in any of these. Apparently if you have a table, some shears, and hate animals you're qualified to be a groomer.
I feel this on a deep level and am Very resentful. I have worked as a pet Groomer for over 20 YEARS. THE PEOPLE WHO NEGLECT THEIR PETS WILL COMPLAIN THE MOST. WE, As Animal Specialists only want to keep the animals in Our Care comfortable and Healthy. If I shave your dog down, it's not because it's funny or easier; it's definitely NOT. It's for the health of the animal. Also, I can guarantee that most of the weirder cuts were requested by the owners. I have a regular customer who asks that the dog(a Bearded Collie) looks like a Muppet character. I hate this Post so much.
Some of these pets look like they have HUGE heads. This is literally abuse to the animals,
Almost all of the cats look pretty much the same. (I didn't know cats even got haircuts), while the dogs vary a lot. Yet another reason why dogs beat cats. ;) Actually, the animal I've loved the most in my life was a cat... but I'm still a dog person!
Most of these are definitely money back situations. A few of them are not the same dog. Just horrible. I feel bad for these dogs, cats and owners
DOG on it! I need more posts like this. My life is a CATastrophy and I want more content like this to make it more PAWsome!
Because a lot of them are experts on their particular pets and probably do have far more knowledge and experience than some of these "groomers." Far too many of these animals have been seen by "groomers " that have no more knowledge than the stupid "likes" chasing owners, or they prefer the money more than doing what's best for the animals.
Load More Replies...Many of these are disturbing. Shows owners are neglecting care if their pets. Cats are sensitive to shaving. Not funny, bp.
And shaving an animal with a double coat can be bad for them, the fur may not grow back the same and it affects their temperature regulation. It should only be done if absolutely necessary
Load More Replies...and chose a brush that is right for the coat and does not hurt. I found a human tangle teaser works great on short or medium long fur
Load More Replies...Why are there so many cats getting haircuts?! Unless their coats are matted (generally avoidable by taking proper care of them) or they need an operation, there is absolutely no need to shave them like this. Pretty horrible to see, honestly.
So that people can show off the fancy "lion cut" on social media :-(
Load More Replies...I wonder how many of these with a normal-looking "before" photo, that photo is also "before" they skipped brushing their dog for several months. I'm sure some of them are just incompetent groomers, but I'd bet a good share are the owner's fault.
Cats should not be shaved unless for medical treatment or in cases of neglect (by the owners or a poorly/elderly cat)** which causes severe matting. A lot of the featured dogs were groomed unecessarily when all they needed was a wash, brush and trim. Animals should not be "groomed" (including having their fur dyed) for the amusement of the owner. **also applies to canines
I'm really not sure which I think is worse. Ignorant or stupid owners that probably shouldn't have a pet in the first place or the groomers carrying out the owners' instructions, regardless of whether it's in the best interests of the animals.
A lot of those poor dogs will get sunburned or get coat issues when it grows back. Has none of these "groomers" ever heard of scissors?
So what I learned from this is that I do a significantly better job at grooming than I thought
Why on earth would you shave a cat? Unless it's for surgery it's animal cruelty
And this, folks, is why I learned to groom my own dogs. Most of these are shameful and harmful to the dogs and cats coats
or you go to a trained groomer that does take the time to learn about different coats and trims/cuts/shears accordingly. We had no idea how to care for a long haired podengo portuguese so we found a groomer that showed us how to pull out the dead hair instead of cutting and ripping his hair with brushes.
Load More Replies...Unless the animal is full of mats, just bathe and brush. Their hair grows the way nature intended.
I don't know about cats, but dog breeds are definitely a bit like humans in the sense that if you were to take someone with a 4c hair to someone who has never cared for that hair type, they will probably mess it up. I had my Spaniel's fur butchered by a groomer who has never worked on a Spaniel before. So now I try to take him to places that are more familiar with the breed. (They aren't very common where I'm from.) Would have loved to see how he would have ended up like when we were in the UK, but I just never got around to it. For a Samoyed, Huskey, or Malamute, I would be checking their references and specifically for the breed.
These are mostly really awful. a lot of those animals shouldn't be having their fur shaved like that.
Too many of these show total disregard for the owners and the animals. I think some of these cuts are so bad the owners would have good case for small claims court. Groomers obviously don't know what they are doing
I found no humor in any of these. Apparently if you have a table, some shears, and hate animals you're qualified to be a groomer.
I feel this on a deep level and am Very resentful. I have worked as a pet Groomer for over 20 YEARS. THE PEOPLE WHO NEGLECT THEIR PETS WILL COMPLAIN THE MOST. WE, As Animal Specialists only want to keep the animals in Our Care comfortable and Healthy. If I shave your dog down, it's not because it's funny or easier; it's definitely NOT. It's for the health of the animal. Also, I can guarantee that most of the weirder cuts were requested by the owners. I have a regular customer who asks that the dog(a Bearded Collie) looks like a Muppet character. I hate this Post so much.
Some of these pets look like they have HUGE heads. This is literally abuse to the animals,
Almost all of the cats look pretty much the same. (I didn't know cats even got haircuts), while the dogs vary a lot. Yet another reason why dogs beat cats. ;) Actually, the animal I've loved the most in my life was a cat... but I'm still a dog person!
Most of these are definitely money back situations. A few of them are not the same dog. Just horrible. I feel bad for these dogs, cats and owners
DOG on it! I need more posts like this. My life is a CATastrophy and I want more content like this to make it more PAWsome!
Because a lot of them are experts on their particular pets and probably do have far more knowledge and experience than some of these "groomers." Far too many of these animals have been seen by "groomers " that have no more knowledge than the stupid "likes" chasing owners, or they prefer the money more than doing what's best for the animals.
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