What is the source of the most amazing facts? No, it's not historical events, and neither is the human body - it's our mother nature. With so many components like animals and plants comprising it, the weird facts are plenty. In this post we'd like to show you some of the most unusual facts about animals, so be sure to remember at least one of them, just for a right to brag about your knowledge.
Believe it or not, the biggest mammal in the animal kingdom, the blue whale can make a fart bubble so big that a horse could fit inside it (although we're pretty sure that wouldn't be very nice for the horse). Also, we bet you didn't know the unbelievable fact that a female wallaby while running from a predator, will toss her joey from her pouch to reduce her weight as well as to give her pursuer something to snack on. And did you know that an armadillo's armor is so thick that a bullet once bounced off it and hit the person who fired it? Scroll down for more weird and wonderful animal facts. They come from a website called Weird Nature and you're sure to learn a thing or two you didn't know before. Don't forget to vote for your favorite piece of animal trivia!
More info: Weird Nature
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Dolphin Facts
Elephant Facts
Bee Facts
Dragonfly Facts
Armadillo Facts
Shark Facts
Blue Whale Facts
Giraffe Facts
Turkey Facts
Crow Facts
My grandmother told me never to be mean to a crow. They'll remember you.
Alpaca Facts
Herding Dog Facts
Well, someone should herd little children. Maybe we can employee them in school. That'd be fun.
Bee Facts
Dog Facts
Bat Facts
Tiger Facts
Mosquito Facts
Watch out for the volcano that might blow any days now :U
Load More Replies...incorrect. there is a lake 'called "myvatn", which is literally translated as mosquitolake
Yeah I thought this suspect as Alaska has them so bad it's unbelievable swarms in the summer!
Load More Replies...wait.. shouldnt it be greenland, as greenland is the ice continent and iceland is mainly grass fields
Their preferred habitat is in grass blades and moisture so yeah I bet that they are there like in Alaska where they'll carry you away!
Load More Replies...Dam. You can put a saddle on the mosquitoes where I live in the Cariboo BC and ride the buggers.
This is a lie, I get eaten alive each summer... We even have Lake Myvatn meaning "Lake Mosquito" You see clouds of them and have to run inside nursing countless itchy bites!
Makes you wonder what other ones on here are false. Makes for good reading, tho.
Load More Replies...There are hundreds of mosquito breeds. And some only fertilize some plants and orchids. Lose those mosquitoes and we lose some rare and very special plants.....sadly I only found this out recently too.
Load More Replies...i knew that. HOWEVER, they also have painful and obnoxious AF black flies. It's painful. like really
Not true, there are mosquitos here in Iceland. We used to not have wasps either, but they snuck in aboard fruit shipments being imported here.
Yeah, go to Lake Myvatn in the summer and test that theory.... (Ok, they are gnats rather than mosquitos but the air is so thick with them that people up there war veils in the summer)
Good thing I was already planning on moving there
My family says at least twice every summer: "Time to move to Iceland." Note: mosquitoes really seem to love us.
really? is that inhabited countries? Greenland and Antarctica have them?
Owl Facts
Guinea Pig Facts
Lemur Facts
king julian had a conspiracy about the new york giants..........
Sloth Facts
Cougar Facts
Kodkod Facts
Manatee Facts
Maned Wolf Facts
Southern Viscacha Facts
Raccoon Facts
Ferret Facts
someone should make sex toys for ferrets, it will save the species
Pika Facts
Ruff Facts
Manatee Facts
the thing i want to know is why do they have it there .. why not on the chest
Cheetah Facts
That's so they can prey on stupid people who think they're cute and try to pet them. They're Darwin's little helpers.
Reindeer Facts
They also love to crank Led Zeppelin and sometimes play air guitar when nobody is watching
Weaver Spider Facts
Bee Facts
Wombat Facts
Boxer Crab Facts
Kinkajou Facts
Rabbit Facts
They also do that when they fight for females. The breeding season's in March and here's where the popular phrase "March hare" comes from.
Crocodile Facts
Barreleye Facts
Jerboa Facts
Muriqui Facts
Damselfly Facts
Bear Facts
Honey Badger Facts
Dolphin Facts
Reindeer Facts
Dog Facts
Well, men play " the one who pees the furthest", dogs "the one who pees the highest"
Cama Facts
Whether this one is true or not, that little thing is adorable!
Pygmy Gecko Facts
Kangaroo Facts
Lobster Facts
if thats what they are into let them do it, i mean we do much worse things.. remember 2 girls 1 cup
Cow Facts
Wolf Facts
Yes that's right. We have on Vancouver Island a species of wolf that are not genetically related to other wolfs. They are in a class of their own. I have seen them and they should be protected.
Armadillo Facts
Jellyfish Facts
Because they have jelly in their name? Kinda stupid...sounds like a gimmick done for money/attention.
Chameleon Facts
Panda Facts
Harvestmen Spider Facts
I've always been told it's bad luck to kill a Daddy Long Legs. I never would anyway. I don't kill any creature.
Marine Iguana Facts
Dassie Facts
Kangaroo Facts
i'm curious to know on what bases this decision is taken, and how was this process found out and proved
Termite Facts
Greenland Shark Facts
Thats not a Greenland Shark on the picture - looks more like a Great White
Opossum Facts
Opossums are awesome critters. Eating decaying plants from the garden and forest. Serve a great niche in our urban landscapes.
Elephant Facts
Shark Facts
Luna Moth Facts
Bearcat Facts
Bear Facts
Zebra Facts
Millipede Facts
That's sweet. Definitely better than getting impaled in the stomach by a penis.
Beaver Facts
Squid Facts
Vulture Facts
or did they become bald coz they were putting their heads in buttholes a lot?
Ant Facts
Anteater Facts
Honeybee Facts
Sperm Whale Facts
Spider Facts
Pufferfish Facts
Dog Facts
Whale Facts
Herring Facts
Bird Facts
According to a Native American legend, they used to be besties, but looked very drab. So the crow came up with the idea of painting each other's feathers. The crow was very artistic and wanted to do a good job, so he took a very long time to paint all the patterns you can see on owls today. On the other hand, the owl was very impatient and in order to save time, just dumped the paint on his friend. From then on, they've become mortal enemies. In order to save his skin, the lazy owl decided to avoid his former friend. And thus owls became nocturnal and crows remained diurnal.
Leech Facts
Platypus Facts
Maybe this is proof that mother nature likes to get high while creating stuff sometimes. :)
Cat Facts
Monkey Facts
Which is surprising because teeth baring is generally considered an aggressive gesture.
Trout Facts
Bug Facts
Turtle Facts
Mosquito Facts
Cat Facts
I'm having trouble believing this one because cats are notorious for their urinary tract and kidney problems...
Vulture Facts
Beetle Facts
Fruit Bat Facts
Bandicoot Facts
Bed Bug Facts
Centipede Facts
Caterpillar Facts
Spider Facts
Australia's reputation for having a bazillion ways it's trying to kill everything that lives there is well-deserved.
Camel Facts
Tarantula Facts
Even though I don't like spiders ...I like the colors on this one
Insect Facts
Caterpillar Facts
Dragonfly Facts
Bear Facts
Gorilla Facts
Wallaby Facts
Snail Facts
Porcupine Facts
Earwig Facts
Sloth Facts
If they read whilst birthing a poo baby they'd get through War and Peace
Beaver Facts
Great article but that tag line on each picture got irritating really, really, quickly.
Human beings are capable of communicating through written language, and sometimes caption photographs with annoying, repetitive, and unnecessary phrases. There. That's a thing you know now.
Why are there SO MANY sex facts. I just wanted to know if pandas can eat oranges... :|
wow .Just fascinating. I kept interrupting my husband every 3 minutes with "did you know that...........?"
Great article but that tag line on each picture got irritating really, really, quickly.
Human beings are capable of communicating through written language, and sometimes caption photographs with annoying, repetitive, and unnecessary phrases. There. That's a thing you know now.
Why are there SO MANY sex facts. I just wanted to know if pandas can eat oranges... :|
wow .Just fascinating. I kept interrupting my husband every 3 minutes with "did you know that...........?"