I was thinking - what would it look like if the ancient Slavic gods were represented in Roman-style sculptures? So I created these 3D models and then added some modern attributes to their supernatural abilities (God and Goddess of thunder got a boom-stick).

Then I continued creating their Roman and Hellenic counterparts, and ancient Egyptian gods were next!

More info: Instagram

Every time I make a breakthrough in the creative or technical aspect of my art piece, it becomes my favorite piece at that moment. But if I had to choose one, it would be Persephone. It was made for a special person in my life and it was the first one of this series. The time spent on every piece usually varies, sometimes it’s very fast, sometimes takes a whole week.


    The ideas for my work tend to come on their own, when I’m just relaxed, surfing the web, and not trying too hard to think of something creative. I think the best way to get good ideas is to take abstinence of visual sufficiency for some time and then look at some great art. I usually write down my ideas or make a sketch if they are more complex. It can be hard to sit down and start working, but once I get into the flow, it’s a great time, almost meditative.


    Like every artist, I face creative block sometimes, but in my opinion, the more you think about it, the harder it gets. The best way I deal with it is working on something else, which could be as simple as raking the leaves in my yard. For I am a sculptor, Michelangelo is very influential to me. I also get inspiration from Benvenuto Cellini, Bernini, Caravaggio, Salvador Dali. Also, when I saw the art of H.R. Giger and Beksinski, I realized the complete freedom of creativity one can have.


    Prints of my creations are currently available on clothes, phone cases, and even bedding. As for the future of my work, I might change up my style of art. This current 3D style of creating is everywhere now, the art space is very saturated with it and it’s getting a bit boring. I always want to keep things fresh.


    Perun Gromovnik

    Perun Gromovnik






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    Rick Penn
    Community Member
    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The horse be sayin’ “tell me U are wearing pants, sir? … PLEASE?” !!!

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