The fashion collection known as “Bridging” was created by Israeli fashion designer Michal Hidas in partnership with a Palestinian architect from Gaza. The textiles patterns were created from a series of optimistic architectural drawings made in Gaza, which Michal interpreted into a full collection. Bridgings’ unique aesthetics gained international recognition while spreading the possibility of an Israeli-Palestinian collaboration.

I interviewed Israeli fashion designer Michal Hidas and photographed her work for my web series YOTSRIM. The award winning web series YOTSRIM features Israeli creators in all fields of art and design.

You are welcome to watch the full episode on YouTube (3 minutes + English translation)

More info:


    Israeli fashion designer Michal Hidas | Yotsrim web series (3 minutes + English translation)

    Michal Hidas fashion collection | Photo by Shachaf Dekel

    Michal Hidas fashion collection | Photo by Shachaf Dekel


    Michal Hidas fashion collection | Photo by Shachaf Dekel