“How Are Americans This Embarrassing”: 30 People Loving “Breathable” Face Masks On Etsy That Offer No Protection From Covid-19
Ah, the wonderful kind of people who believe that complying with laws and regulations is basically an infringement of their rights. They might support the need for "law and order" in other cases, but not when it comes to masks! They're dangerous, unnecessary, and basically just another way to control you, you mindless sheep!
All jokes (that aren't that funny anymore) aside, it probably won't come as a surprise to learn that anti-maskers have found a new way to anti-mask. Some people who previously refused to wear facial coverings are apparently resorting to wearing "breathable" masks, or, in other words—masks that offer no actual protection from the virus.
"While there are counties requiring masks in public; NO law requires a specific type or particulate rating of mask," one Twitter user wrote on their social media account. "The general public are making their own masks including open mesh. No fines have been issued while wearing them in public. This is about compliance, not safety," the person boasted about finding the loophole.
The "breathable" masks, which are made from mesh, tulle, or other porous materials, are being sold on websites such as Etsy. For this reason, many people were angered about such designs being sold by businesses. "Etsy is just blatantly allowing people to sell mesh face masks," one woman tweeted. "Spread the word, this [crap] shouldn't be allowed and they are just letting it happen," they continued. However, despite the public viral tweets and posts, the mesh masks are still available to buy on the website. In a statement sent to the news outlet Insider, an Etsy representative said that the company is trying to "actively review and remove items that violate" its policies.
Nonetheless, customers who actually bought the ineffective masks seem to love them! "Love it! No mask shame wearing these," one buyer reviewed the product upon sharing a selfie with a see-through face mask made from tulle. Scroll down below to see more of these specimens and tell us what you think about them in the comment section!
This post may include affiliate links.
Of COURSE it was made in the USA. We're the only ones stupid enough to make that
This whole thread is so damn depressing. Masks protect yourself a little, and protect those around you a LOT. All the comments about how this stupidity will be self-punishing and they'll feel bad when they're in a vent miss the point - these people WILL cause OTHERS to get sick and die. No way to tell exactly who, or exactly how many, so they all get to blithely carry on ignoring the fact that they are KILLING people. Laughing and posting proudly. It's like looking at posts of salad bars and buffets with the posters gleefully saying "Look - I just sneezed all over this, and know one knows! I haven't washed my hands in days and just touched ALL the rolls! Aren't I clever?" It's like the world is suddenly full of drunk drivers, insisting their right to drive outweighs the risk to others... except drunk drivers at least have the fact that they're drunk to help explain the stupid choices and callous disregard for others' health and safety.
"This mask was designed with the idea to help children with special needs such as autism be able to breathe while complying with mask requirements. This mask also helps women with trauma from rape and violence be able to comply without having an anxiety attack," the Etsy store NoveltyFaceMask explains the concept behind their product design. Luckily, they add that "there are no claims that these face masks protect against the transmissions of disease, virus, or bacteria. Wear at your own risk."
"...my lack of functioning brain cells feel accentuated to a right spectacular degree..."
The seller of mesh masks SHOEHANDY kindly informs: "The mesh masks without lining should be worn over a solid fabric or disposable mask for protection out in public." However, it seems as if the majority of people did not get the memo, as they're proudly posting selfies with their new, colorful masks.
What are people even supposed to say to this?? I mean, I'm at a loss for words too...
And here we have the glittery self entitled little princess that cares about no one but herself.
Hey, don't compare Princesses to this horrid, self entitled person, they have feelings too.
Load More Replies...It accentuates you’re eye wrinkles and patchy eyebrows. As you appear to be someone who cares more about looks than health - or others - thought you’d wanna know.
First i thought it was plastic wrap with Christmas band. Most ugly and stupid i seen here so far🤢🙄
You beat the system. What a glorious feeling of pride that must be.
An Etsy shop named ProcraftinatingCassy openly explains who their target audience is: "Face covering is not intended to prevent a virus of any kind, it is for those with a sense of humor, those who don't agree with the mask order, and our fellow rebels at heart. If this listing offends you, don't purchase anything... duh."
May I suggest that these people are asked to visit a COVID patient in hospital, wearing these masks. If they believe they are effective, they should have no worries giving some companionship to the sick.
In a now-viral tweet, Twitter user Emma hypothetically asks "how are Americans this embarrassing" upon sharing 4 screenshots of reviews of "breathable" face masks. The tweet has now amassed more than 340k likes and over 65k retweets in just a couple of days.
If you are getting migraines from being in a mask, you might want to see a doctor... -migraine sufferer
Why are you washing it? This won't catch any virus, you are breathing it all in, as you wished!
Not sure what point they are trying to prove, other than they are brain dead idiots. Nothing but a bunch of self entitled "You can't tell me what to do" morons.
They’re all still wearing masks, too. It shows they just want to spread the illness. They’re willing to wear the mask, as long as they can still spread their germs.
Load More Replies...It's not like this everywhere. I'm a Canadian living in Japan and they take this stuff seriously here. It's not 100% mask-wearing, but the situation is much less dire than in the US and it's pretty damn near 100% even considering that.
Load More Replies...Hopefully the 'breathable' mask will remove a few of you. Please don't use 'breathable' condoms, there'll be more of you.
HA best thing in this comment section 😂😂 I swear condons with holes r a thing
Load More Replies...Anyone else notice that the majority of this list fits the karen description? This is beyond annoying, this is beyond "haha they're so dumb". It's scary. The virus is real and more people will have to die before it's taken seriously. I live in a big tourist town and you would not believe how many people just walk around without caring. This sucks. People suck. This year sucks. based on the way things are going, next year will too
Covid shows who people really are. It's an excercise in empathy and these people really have none of that.
Load More Replies...Rename this post to "50 idiots proudly show their stupidity."
I wonder if they would be ok with their surgical staff wearing these the next time they or a loved one needs surgery.
Yes, because cloth masks don't prevent illness, virus, bacteria, infection as printed on the masks for purchase whether disposable, cloth, otherwise. And as reported by scientists not paid by the government or Big Pharma.
Load More Replies...So why didn't all these people just wear pantyhose over their heads instead of buying a mask :)
Honestly I feel bad for those children. The adults should know better, tbh if those adults get sick I don't want to hear their sob stories later. Should be put in their own territory and left to fend for themselves if they are willing to endanger those around them
Children aren't at risk for Covid ... so that doesn't really make sense. But they are at risk of being aborted. IN fact, 1.5 million tiny humans are destroyed by abortion each year just in America. 75 million worldwide each year. Do you know how many little Americans have died of Covid? 10. You might consider protecting children from parents who are aborting them not putting masks on them for a virus that has a 99.5 percent survival rate.
Load More Replies..."Masks for terrible people, get your masks for terrible people here."
Reminds me the "Bring out your dead" scene from Monty Python and The Holy Grail
Load More Replies...Stupid bitches like this - and I include any men in the photos - are why people are dying. You don't wear the mask to protect YOURSELF, you dumb twat. You wear it to protect OTHER PEOPLE from your snot and spit.
I want to spray all of these f*ckwits in the face with Lysol and ask how well their "mask" protected them..,.
I’m just gonna open a shots office with bleach and Lysol and other cleaning supplies
Load More Replies...The covidiots dont want to wear mask for the reasons of what? Can't breathe?.. that's "5 year old kid" kind of answers.. the real reasons is because their ugly a*s feel pretty and want to show off their prettiness.. they will say "no" very hard, but trust me.. that's what they feel inside.. i know this brainless kind of people.
I love wearing a mask. As an introvert, it's oddly given me the comfort to be more sociable, and an excuse to cover my ugly mug lol.
Load More Replies...There are 2 levels of stupid here. One is that they are putting everyone at risk, and two is that they actually paid money for those. I see a long list of suckers. Covidiots and idiots with money to blow.
Ok- those people are some kind of special but unless they lie about still being let in premises- what the hell? What blind person would let someone in wearing this useless s**t?
They talk about how they can breath so easily. But how they can breath without brain? Very fascinating..
Quick search through etsy and found that these mesh masks range between $11.95 and $20+. These morons are being robbed for what is essentially tutu fabric and men's bathing suit mesh. Hope a few designers used men's trunks to make these fantabulous breathable masks!
Seeing people not take the mask protocols seriously is very hard for me. I wear a mask everytime I go into a store because I am not trying to protect myself, but my immunocompromised father and aunt. I would hate to lose them over an illness that I had a way of not getting. Even if you don't think the mask work, please wear them and wear them appropriately for those people whose immunity makes it harder for them to fight this illness.
This was anger inducing. I also imagine they'll be befuddled how they caught the virus. "I wore a mask, I don't know how I could have caught it!"
I hope each one of these idiots contracts the very disease they are being blasé about. We could easily move on without these people. Not like they care a single iota about the rest of us.
Just one more example of why Etsy is a c**p site full of scam artists, Karens and self-entitled fools. The company could act responsibly, but they care only for the mighty dollar. Yet another reason never to shop on that site. Then again, I hardly needed yet another reason after having been ripped off multiple times by so-called sellers on Etsy.
I sell on etsy- not all of us are horrible and rip people off.
Load More Replies...Lol. All Trump voters. Yes it’s pathetic, but should be no surprise to anyone given Trump’s largest voting block is uneducated whites. He’s a bug light for knuckle-dragging idiots because they identify with him - he's just as stupid and uninformed as they are. And stupid is as stupid does.
Oh no he’s informed he legit said he knew covid was bad at the beginning he just wants to ruin society😊🙂
Load More Replies...What's also pathetic is that these morons seem to "proud" of their ignorance and stupidity.
I'm amazed that Etsy still allows these to be sold. Are they that capitalist? Shame on them.
I hate when I have to go out and 1/4th of the people are wearing their mask below their nose, or worse, only on their chin.
Time to bust out the squirt guns and show em how much we appreciate them doing there part. A healthy mixture of water, vinegar, and hot sauce should get the point across
This is another thing one of these people wanted to buy. Trust me, lady, the unborn who will be born with parents who didn't want them yet or at all and might have horrible health conditions definitely won't vote for him. Screenshot...9a-png.jpg
LOL my brother's girlfriend's very conservative father who is very pro life shared ''If you are a liberal, you are a traitor and you should consider suicide!'' You can't make this up. If they could tell which fetus is a future liberal ''america hating'', ''marxist communist'' or lgbtq they'd have no problem aborting it. Same if it was non white/future muslim.
Load More Replies...So many mediocre people being very explicit about their stupidity. And really, this mentality is not just in the US.
Sorry...it pretty much is... only in America does such a large % mock the medical science. Here less than 1 if a 100 is bying into masks = politics crap.
Load More Replies...I bet not one of them got into any place with a no mask no entry policy. This is the equivalent of pissing into a sieve and expecting the floor to stay dry!
What's the point of this article? It seems like a celebration of COVIDIOTS! I got annoyed after 3 and fail to see the point of this unless you're against wearing masks.
Not just americans, England have morons too. moron-live...091093.jpg
Idiocity aside, don't they see how much uglier they look with these compare to real masks? These are the stuff of nightmares!
I wonder how all these individuals would react if they were to go into surgery as a patient and see their health providers wearing these types of masks.
The guidelines for proper masks are currently "your face has to be covered." They should really be "the mask you choose to wear must not be partially nor completely transparent, and should be able to stop a strong air current from blowing out a candle flame."
I sincerely hope that the reason these masks were so cheap and shipped so fast was that somewhere, out there in the great us of a, there is a small fabric shop full to the brim with covid-positive people, coughing, sneezing, and yacking up hell onto these slices of fabric.
If you ever see any of these bio-terrorists heading your way, just hold in a big fart and deploy your payload in front of them. They might learn how masks can keep things out as well as in, unlike your poots.
just hope they are the ones Who contract this virus and not just pass it along to the rest of us.
These should just have written on them: look I’m an idiot and I like trump! Oh wait the net ones can’t BC THEY AREN'T SOLID THEY HAVE HOLES YOU IDIOTS
One can only hope there is some sort of sterilising agent within these "masks" cos the idea of these folks breeding is terrifying
Please, please tell me they are still getting refused entry to public places. It's scary!
On behalf of all Americans with a measurable IQ, I apologize. We can only hope these idiots will get the virus and expire before they have the opportunity to breed.
As an American. Yep it's only going to get worse from here. Give the safe ones your best wishes.
Do establishments really let these people into their premises with these masks on. Stronger rules should be enforced. If you "can't wear a mask due to a medical condition", you probably shouldn't be going out in public.
They can't breath while wearing a mask????? Really??????? I can wear one while working a 12 hour shift, and be perfectly fine!! The only complaint I have afterward is my feet hurting from being on them too long, not related to a mask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO ONE with a mesh mask should be allowed in a store or other place of business
Each and every one of these people is a giant douche. Id love to see their ratings and reviews AFTER they contract covid.
There's a small additional point here that I don't think anyone else has yet pointed out - with few exceptions, these essentially invisible "masks" mean that these people are now even more identifiable! You can see them coming; you can recognise their *full* faces; you could pick them out of a line up! And (and this is the best bit) THEY'RE NOW ON THE INTERNET FOR ALL TO SEE! Not just small town America - should they cross state lines, they will be known. Should they (and this is a smaller possibility than them catching the virus unfortunately) own a passport, they will be known in whatever country they try to visit. We know their faces. We know they are idiots. They have been exposed!
The stupidity of some is truly scary! It should be mandatory to watch any of the many videos on YouTube showing drs wearing multiple surgical style or people's clothing masks. They all show that oxygen saturation does not go down meaning everyone who wears one can breathe! As for all the bulls*it about beating the system; they should be made to talk to medical staff dealing with poorly and dying patients. They should be made to talk to the relatives of people who died. Except it wouldn't be fair on those people to have to deal with these idiots!
These Covidiots anger me! I wonder how they would feel if someone they loved became ill with Covid and had to be placed on a ventilator? Or, perhaps they wouldn't care at all because they are obviously two things: stupid and selfish. It is clear which candidate they will vote for come November. The one who kept calling Covid-19 a hoax; the one who suggests we stop testing for Covid so that the numbers go down and the one who also suggests that wearing a mask is for losers. I assume all these idiots listen to the chief idiot and follow his ravings. How perfect an example of self-important, self-entitled people without any sense of social responsibility and without the common sense granted to a flea.
Stupid….. stay home people, if you refuse to follow rules! We don’t want you around making sane people sick!
Nah, you stay at home and cower. Let the rest of us live how we want.
Load More Replies...After being duped so hard by Chinese Communists with this bioweapon. It amazes me that the karens and hysterical rule followers believe they have the credibility to be offended. Lol.
I don't understand what the hell is the "I can't breathe" issue everyone uses as an excuse . The same people have no problem with thick.scarves, Halloween masks, or motorcycle helmets. My mom had leukemia and COPD, so.she had to wear a mask almost 24/7. She never had complaints about not being able to breathe. My boyfriend, who's a welder sometimes has to wear a !medical mask, plus another mask due chemicals, and a welding helmet on top of those, in 100 degree weather inside tanks. No issues with breathing! Just another excuse to be noncompliant. If you really can't breathe through something so thin, maybe you should see a doctor. Hopefully you don't.require major surgery anytime soon,because I don't know HOW a surgeon and nurses will be able to perform it since they won't be able to "breathe" .
This kind of reminds me of the saying "He won't wear a condom because it feels like he's bathing with his socks on" And the whole breathing thing.....Medical professionals LIVE in masks. Not to mention the extra gear they wear that looks less like a medical ward and more like a trip to chernobyl. But sure! Breathable! I'll be sure your 5 star reviews are engraved into your headstones for you.
Meanwhile american doctors and nurses etc are cracking under the pressure of Caring for ever growing numbers covid patients , while being called liars and faking actors. Suicides, breaking down completely with stress or getting sick themselves. Only in america guys. ONLY in america does it happen this way.
Not good on their own, but could look nice with on top of a REAL MASK.
Maybe next year we won’t have a total idiot for president but then again. This man doesn’t feel confident enough to win so he hacks his way in like a 8 year old hacking Minecraft bed wars
If anyone says that the moonlanding was fake you gotta out stupid the stupid by saying "You believe in the moon?"
it should be encouraged to lower your own mask to sneeze on these people...
Yes every American has right to do what they think is best for their OWN health. You do not have the right to risk other Americans health, THAT IS THE POINT OF A MASK OR SHIELD!
"In a statement sent to the news outlet Insider, an Etsy representative said that the company is trying to "actively review and remove items that violate" its policies." NEWS FLASH: The only "policy" Etsy cares about is the policy that brings them money. Their singular focus is on making the dollars. Honesty, integrity, fairness??? Words that have absolutely no meaning to Etsy. Trust me...this is hardly the first time Etsy has allowed sellers to market garbage products or to rip off consumers. It is the core of their business model to treat customers as suckers.
If god existed they’d be deciding humans were a huge mistake right about now
No not all humans just a few million and trump
Load More Replies...I might get downvoted for this but..The United States Of America (not the entirety of it) sounds and looks like they are winning (sarcasm) at this pandemic, but there are covidiots all around the world.They should be looked at too, not just 'merica.
We just let them roam free is all. Covidiots Are everywhere we just have more sadly
Load More Replies...There have to be some people who bought this mask thinking it's breathable and it protects. This is very bad that those are even for sale.
Surely no one is stupid enough to think this protects them. If they are, they deserve getting the virus.
Load More Replies...I love these group of people who are showing the idiocy of the mask mandates that you are all blindly following. Masks have zero efficacy and incubate bacteria and viruses. If you like wearing a mask and complying with governments who never lie or deceive the public, go for it. Leave those who love freedom and can make their own health decisions alone. If you're masked and vaxxed, you're safe from all, according to your leaders. So, why are you concerned about the lightly masked? My body my choice, right?
Awesome! I got one too from FakeMask USA but you can't tell that's it's completely useless. But I just stopped wearing masks altogether. Nobody has said anything and if they do I just say, "Yeah I'll put it on", walk away, and don't.
Works just as good as the other masks. Check the studies. Recent study by U.S. Marines with and without masks same percentage got COVID same in Danish study. Prior CDC studies with flu and other viruses show the same. Problem is all cloth masks have holes. The virus is 0.1um. The water vapor that carries the virus is 1um. The holes in the best cloth 3 layer masks are 40um. That is 400 time larger than the virus and 40 times larger than the water vapor that caries it. There is a video, you can search for it, of a person lowering his mask and breathing in from a vap pen. He then breathes out and the water vapor goes through and around the mask in a large cloud of vapor.
Who’s the idiot when you’re wearing a mask for something with a 99% survival rate. Y’all are getting played.
Thanks for letting me know these exist! Great solution to oppressive government and discriminating businesses! A lot of people don't like being discriminated against for their accessory choice... Shocking, I know! "My body, my choice" right?! Also, in your down time, do some reading by sources that aren't pushed by the usual sources you blindly follow. It's important to see both sides of an argument before you make decisions, which based on this article and comment section, is pretty widespread. Peace!
I tried to write something meaningful here but I'm just speechless.What a bunch of idiots!
Bullsh*t!!! those people aren't having "trouble breathing". The masks my family use are almost twice as thick as the storebought ones, and I barely notice I'm wearing it. And it ACTUALLY WORKS. Unlike these idiot's "masks"
took awhile to page thru those people...........you just can't fix stupid!
Some Americans are hopelessly dumb. I wish them to catch Covid, they'll see in real life what it means to not be able to breathe. As long as they behave like this, they'll never see the end of the epidemic.
The Stock Market and lottery has been taking money from idiots for as long as I can remember. I guess it is just a lucrative customer base. I could make a fortune selling these masks to covidiots.
Except for two men (one a Trump lover), all the examples above were women. Were they all called "Karen"? LOL
Well, P.T. Barnum was right--"There's a sucker born every minute". I hate wearing a mask and can't breathe very well in it, but have a face shield that is great. It works for me and I can wear my glasses.
the only smart ones here, are the people making money off of this level of stupidity...
@Pseudo Puppy The "people" selling these masks aren't smart, they're evil
Load More Replies...Well, at least we know who will die first... or murder everyone else with their stupidity!
Why do these people continue to exist?
Not if I’m there to shove them in there big mouths
Load More Replies...thirty versions of the same two or three masks! what a poor effort at a Bored Panda post
It’s not rlly about that it’s just showing certain issues what did you expect?
Load More Replies...OK, after all of that stupidity, time for some logic! if each of these karens has COVID-19, symptomatic or otherwise, wearing this type of mask will not protect anyone. COVID-19 is highly infectious, and I doubt these people follow physical distancing guidelines. therefore, it is safe to say that each of these people would infect roughly 20 people each. do the math-20 x 50 = ~1000 people infected. The mortality rate for COVID-19 is ~2.4%. In conclusion, these people could cause up to 240 deaths. My point? WEAR A MASK.
I hope all of these people get the virus.. I can't stand idiots like this. These kinds of people are why it's so much harder to get through this virus.
Just imagine if God was real and it was doing this to easily identify who needs to be removed from the planet. I actually wish God existed...
So Bored Panda does a list about how stupid these masks are yet still includes the links to buy them so they can make money........ Not super ethical hmm?
I appreciate it. Now I can go on Etsy and shame these idiots😌
Load More Replies...A virus is 0.1 microns in diameter. Not even a N95 mask will stop it. A N95 mask will only filter particles to 0.3 microns. The only way to stop a virus is to stay completely away from people and anything connected to them, or wear a lab suit/bunny suit that is self contained with oxygen, etc. like a suit that an astronaut wears.
yes but it drastically slows the momentum of a breath containing the virus so It helps a lot
Load More Replies...I’m a “top 1% overall” of Bored Panda commenters But now, I’ve had it with Bored Panda. As a U.S. citizen, I'm SICK, TIRED, AND FED UP with all the America-bashing on this site. There are COVID idiots, even thugs, all over the world. In France, a mob beat up a bus driver until he was brain dead, because he insisted that passengers wear masks. Nothing that bad has ever happened in the U.S. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8493895/Bus-driver-left-brain-dead-beaten-insisting-masks-France.html Recently, tens of thousands of people in Britain, Germany, Switzerland, and France took to the streets to protest the wearing of masks. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8493895/Bus-driver-left-brain-dead-beaten-insisting-masks-France.html Note that these news stories appeared on British and Australian news websites.
Not sure what point they are trying to prove, other than they are brain dead idiots. Nothing but a bunch of self entitled "You can't tell me what to do" morons.
They’re all still wearing masks, too. It shows they just want to spread the illness. They’re willing to wear the mask, as long as they can still spread their germs.
Load More Replies...It's not like this everywhere. I'm a Canadian living in Japan and they take this stuff seriously here. It's not 100% mask-wearing, but the situation is much less dire than in the US and it's pretty damn near 100% even considering that.
Load More Replies...Hopefully the 'breathable' mask will remove a few of you. Please don't use 'breathable' condoms, there'll be more of you.
HA best thing in this comment section 😂😂 I swear condons with holes r a thing
Load More Replies...Anyone else notice that the majority of this list fits the karen description? This is beyond annoying, this is beyond "haha they're so dumb". It's scary. The virus is real and more people will have to die before it's taken seriously. I live in a big tourist town and you would not believe how many people just walk around without caring. This sucks. People suck. This year sucks. based on the way things are going, next year will too
Covid shows who people really are. It's an excercise in empathy and these people really have none of that.
Load More Replies...Rename this post to "50 idiots proudly show their stupidity."
I wonder if they would be ok with their surgical staff wearing these the next time they or a loved one needs surgery.
Yes, because cloth masks don't prevent illness, virus, bacteria, infection as printed on the masks for purchase whether disposable, cloth, otherwise. And as reported by scientists not paid by the government or Big Pharma.
Load More Replies...So why didn't all these people just wear pantyhose over their heads instead of buying a mask :)
Honestly I feel bad for those children. The adults should know better, tbh if those adults get sick I don't want to hear their sob stories later. Should be put in their own territory and left to fend for themselves if they are willing to endanger those around them
Children aren't at risk for Covid ... so that doesn't really make sense. But they are at risk of being aborted. IN fact, 1.5 million tiny humans are destroyed by abortion each year just in America. 75 million worldwide each year. Do you know how many little Americans have died of Covid? 10. You might consider protecting children from parents who are aborting them not putting masks on them for a virus that has a 99.5 percent survival rate.
Load More Replies..."Masks for terrible people, get your masks for terrible people here."
Reminds me the "Bring out your dead" scene from Monty Python and The Holy Grail
Load More Replies...Stupid bitches like this - and I include any men in the photos - are why people are dying. You don't wear the mask to protect YOURSELF, you dumb twat. You wear it to protect OTHER PEOPLE from your snot and spit.
I want to spray all of these f*ckwits in the face with Lysol and ask how well their "mask" protected them..,.
I’m just gonna open a shots office with bleach and Lysol and other cleaning supplies
Load More Replies...The covidiots dont want to wear mask for the reasons of what? Can't breathe?.. that's "5 year old kid" kind of answers.. the real reasons is because their ugly a*s feel pretty and want to show off their prettiness.. they will say "no" very hard, but trust me.. that's what they feel inside.. i know this brainless kind of people.
I love wearing a mask. As an introvert, it's oddly given me the comfort to be more sociable, and an excuse to cover my ugly mug lol.
Load More Replies...There are 2 levels of stupid here. One is that they are putting everyone at risk, and two is that they actually paid money for those. I see a long list of suckers. Covidiots and idiots with money to blow.
Ok- those people are some kind of special but unless they lie about still being let in premises- what the hell? What blind person would let someone in wearing this useless s**t?
They talk about how they can breath so easily. But how they can breath without brain? Very fascinating..
Quick search through etsy and found that these mesh masks range between $11.95 and $20+. These morons are being robbed for what is essentially tutu fabric and men's bathing suit mesh. Hope a few designers used men's trunks to make these fantabulous breathable masks!
Seeing people not take the mask protocols seriously is very hard for me. I wear a mask everytime I go into a store because I am not trying to protect myself, but my immunocompromised father and aunt. I would hate to lose them over an illness that I had a way of not getting. Even if you don't think the mask work, please wear them and wear them appropriately for those people whose immunity makes it harder for them to fight this illness.
This was anger inducing. I also imagine they'll be befuddled how they caught the virus. "I wore a mask, I don't know how I could have caught it!"
I hope each one of these idiots contracts the very disease they are being blasé about. We could easily move on without these people. Not like they care a single iota about the rest of us.
Just one more example of why Etsy is a c**p site full of scam artists, Karens and self-entitled fools. The company could act responsibly, but they care only for the mighty dollar. Yet another reason never to shop on that site. Then again, I hardly needed yet another reason after having been ripped off multiple times by so-called sellers on Etsy.
I sell on etsy- not all of us are horrible and rip people off.
Load More Replies...Lol. All Trump voters. Yes it’s pathetic, but should be no surprise to anyone given Trump’s largest voting block is uneducated whites. He’s a bug light for knuckle-dragging idiots because they identify with him - he's just as stupid and uninformed as they are. And stupid is as stupid does.
Oh no he’s informed he legit said he knew covid was bad at the beginning he just wants to ruin society😊🙂
Load More Replies...What's also pathetic is that these morons seem to "proud" of their ignorance and stupidity.
I'm amazed that Etsy still allows these to be sold. Are they that capitalist? Shame on them.
I hate when I have to go out and 1/4th of the people are wearing their mask below their nose, or worse, only on their chin.
Time to bust out the squirt guns and show em how much we appreciate them doing there part. A healthy mixture of water, vinegar, and hot sauce should get the point across
This is another thing one of these people wanted to buy. Trust me, lady, the unborn who will be born with parents who didn't want them yet or at all and might have horrible health conditions definitely won't vote for him. Screenshot...9a-png.jpg
LOL my brother's girlfriend's very conservative father who is very pro life shared ''If you are a liberal, you are a traitor and you should consider suicide!'' You can't make this up. If they could tell which fetus is a future liberal ''america hating'', ''marxist communist'' or lgbtq they'd have no problem aborting it. Same if it was non white/future muslim.
Load More Replies...So many mediocre people being very explicit about their stupidity. And really, this mentality is not just in the US.
Sorry...it pretty much is... only in America does such a large % mock the medical science. Here less than 1 if a 100 is bying into masks = politics crap.
Load More Replies...I bet not one of them got into any place with a no mask no entry policy. This is the equivalent of pissing into a sieve and expecting the floor to stay dry!
What's the point of this article? It seems like a celebration of COVIDIOTS! I got annoyed after 3 and fail to see the point of this unless you're against wearing masks.
Not just americans, England have morons too. moron-live...091093.jpg
Idiocity aside, don't they see how much uglier they look with these compare to real masks? These are the stuff of nightmares!
I wonder how all these individuals would react if they were to go into surgery as a patient and see their health providers wearing these types of masks.
The guidelines for proper masks are currently "your face has to be covered." They should really be "the mask you choose to wear must not be partially nor completely transparent, and should be able to stop a strong air current from blowing out a candle flame."
I sincerely hope that the reason these masks were so cheap and shipped so fast was that somewhere, out there in the great us of a, there is a small fabric shop full to the brim with covid-positive people, coughing, sneezing, and yacking up hell onto these slices of fabric.
If you ever see any of these bio-terrorists heading your way, just hold in a big fart and deploy your payload in front of them. They might learn how masks can keep things out as well as in, unlike your poots.
just hope they are the ones Who contract this virus and not just pass it along to the rest of us.
These should just have written on them: look I’m an idiot and I like trump! Oh wait the net ones can’t BC THEY AREN'T SOLID THEY HAVE HOLES YOU IDIOTS
One can only hope there is some sort of sterilising agent within these "masks" cos the idea of these folks breeding is terrifying
Please, please tell me they are still getting refused entry to public places. It's scary!
On behalf of all Americans with a measurable IQ, I apologize. We can only hope these idiots will get the virus and expire before they have the opportunity to breed.
As an American. Yep it's only going to get worse from here. Give the safe ones your best wishes.
Do establishments really let these people into their premises with these masks on. Stronger rules should be enforced. If you "can't wear a mask due to a medical condition", you probably shouldn't be going out in public.
They can't breath while wearing a mask????? Really??????? I can wear one while working a 12 hour shift, and be perfectly fine!! The only complaint I have afterward is my feet hurting from being on them too long, not related to a mask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO ONE with a mesh mask should be allowed in a store or other place of business
Each and every one of these people is a giant douche. Id love to see their ratings and reviews AFTER they contract covid.
There's a small additional point here that I don't think anyone else has yet pointed out - with few exceptions, these essentially invisible "masks" mean that these people are now even more identifiable! You can see them coming; you can recognise their *full* faces; you could pick them out of a line up! And (and this is the best bit) THEY'RE NOW ON THE INTERNET FOR ALL TO SEE! Not just small town America - should they cross state lines, they will be known. Should they (and this is a smaller possibility than them catching the virus unfortunately) own a passport, they will be known in whatever country they try to visit. We know their faces. We know they are idiots. They have been exposed!
The stupidity of some is truly scary! It should be mandatory to watch any of the many videos on YouTube showing drs wearing multiple surgical style or people's clothing masks. They all show that oxygen saturation does not go down meaning everyone who wears one can breathe! As for all the bulls*it about beating the system; they should be made to talk to medical staff dealing with poorly and dying patients. They should be made to talk to the relatives of people who died. Except it wouldn't be fair on those people to have to deal with these idiots!
These Covidiots anger me! I wonder how they would feel if someone they loved became ill with Covid and had to be placed on a ventilator? Or, perhaps they wouldn't care at all because they are obviously two things: stupid and selfish. It is clear which candidate they will vote for come November. The one who kept calling Covid-19 a hoax; the one who suggests we stop testing for Covid so that the numbers go down and the one who also suggests that wearing a mask is for losers. I assume all these idiots listen to the chief idiot and follow his ravings. How perfect an example of self-important, self-entitled people without any sense of social responsibility and without the common sense granted to a flea.
Stupid….. stay home people, if you refuse to follow rules! We don’t want you around making sane people sick!
Nah, you stay at home and cower. Let the rest of us live how we want.
Load More Replies...After being duped so hard by Chinese Communists with this bioweapon. It amazes me that the karens and hysterical rule followers believe they have the credibility to be offended. Lol.
I don't understand what the hell is the "I can't breathe" issue everyone uses as an excuse . The same people have no problem with thick.scarves, Halloween masks, or motorcycle helmets. My mom had leukemia and COPD, so.she had to wear a mask almost 24/7. She never had complaints about not being able to breathe. My boyfriend, who's a welder sometimes has to wear a !medical mask, plus another mask due chemicals, and a welding helmet on top of those, in 100 degree weather inside tanks. No issues with breathing! Just another excuse to be noncompliant. If you really can't breathe through something so thin, maybe you should see a doctor. Hopefully you don't.require major surgery anytime soon,because I don't know HOW a surgeon and nurses will be able to perform it since they won't be able to "breathe" .
This kind of reminds me of the saying "He won't wear a condom because it feels like he's bathing with his socks on" And the whole breathing thing.....Medical professionals LIVE in masks. Not to mention the extra gear they wear that looks less like a medical ward and more like a trip to chernobyl. But sure! Breathable! I'll be sure your 5 star reviews are engraved into your headstones for you.
Meanwhile american doctors and nurses etc are cracking under the pressure of Caring for ever growing numbers covid patients , while being called liars and faking actors. Suicides, breaking down completely with stress or getting sick themselves. Only in america guys. ONLY in america does it happen this way.
Not good on their own, but could look nice with on top of a REAL MASK.
Maybe next year we won’t have a total idiot for president but then again. This man doesn’t feel confident enough to win so he hacks his way in like a 8 year old hacking Minecraft bed wars
If anyone says that the moonlanding was fake you gotta out stupid the stupid by saying "You believe in the moon?"
it should be encouraged to lower your own mask to sneeze on these people...
Yes every American has right to do what they think is best for their OWN health. You do not have the right to risk other Americans health, THAT IS THE POINT OF A MASK OR SHIELD!
"In a statement sent to the news outlet Insider, an Etsy representative said that the company is trying to "actively review and remove items that violate" its policies." NEWS FLASH: The only "policy" Etsy cares about is the policy that brings them money. Their singular focus is on making the dollars. Honesty, integrity, fairness??? Words that have absolutely no meaning to Etsy. Trust me...this is hardly the first time Etsy has allowed sellers to market garbage products or to rip off consumers. It is the core of their business model to treat customers as suckers.
If god existed they’d be deciding humans were a huge mistake right about now
No not all humans just a few million and trump
Load More Replies...I might get downvoted for this but..The United States Of America (not the entirety of it) sounds and looks like they are winning (sarcasm) at this pandemic, but there are covidiots all around the world.They should be looked at too, not just 'merica.
We just let them roam free is all. Covidiots Are everywhere we just have more sadly
Load More Replies...There have to be some people who bought this mask thinking it's breathable and it protects. This is very bad that those are even for sale.
Surely no one is stupid enough to think this protects them. If they are, they deserve getting the virus.
Load More Replies...I love these group of people who are showing the idiocy of the mask mandates that you are all blindly following. Masks have zero efficacy and incubate bacteria and viruses. If you like wearing a mask and complying with governments who never lie or deceive the public, go for it. Leave those who love freedom and can make their own health decisions alone. If you're masked and vaxxed, you're safe from all, according to your leaders. So, why are you concerned about the lightly masked? My body my choice, right?
Awesome! I got one too from FakeMask USA but you can't tell that's it's completely useless. But I just stopped wearing masks altogether. Nobody has said anything and if they do I just say, "Yeah I'll put it on", walk away, and don't.
Works just as good as the other masks. Check the studies. Recent study by U.S. Marines with and without masks same percentage got COVID same in Danish study. Prior CDC studies with flu and other viruses show the same. Problem is all cloth masks have holes. The virus is 0.1um. The water vapor that carries the virus is 1um. The holes in the best cloth 3 layer masks are 40um. That is 400 time larger than the virus and 40 times larger than the water vapor that caries it. There is a video, you can search for it, of a person lowering his mask and breathing in from a vap pen. He then breathes out and the water vapor goes through and around the mask in a large cloud of vapor.
Who’s the idiot when you’re wearing a mask for something with a 99% survival rate. Y’all are getting played.
Thanks for letting me know these exist! Great solution to oppressive government and discriminating businesses! A lot of people don't like being discriminated against for their accessory choice... Shocking, I know! "My body, my choice" right?! Also, in your down time, do some reading by sources that aren't pushed by the usual sources you blindly follow. It's important to see both sides of an argument before you make decisions, which based on this article and comment section, is pretty widespread. Peace!
I tried to write something meaningful here but I'm just speechless.What a bunch of idiots!
Bullsh*t!!! those people aren't having "trouble breathing". The masks my family use are almost twice as thick as the storebought ones, and I barely notice I'm wearing it. And it ACTUALLY WORKS. Unlike these idiot's "masks"
took awhile to page thru those people...........you just can't fix stupid!
Some Americans are hopelessly dumb. I wish them to catch Covid, they'll see in real life what it means to not be able to breathe. As long as they behave like this, they'll never see the end of the epidemic.
The Stock Market and lottery has been taking money from idiots for as long as I can remember. I guess it is just a lucrative customer base. I could make a fortune selling these masks to covidiots.
Except for two men (one a Trump lover), all the examples above were women. Were they all called "Karen"? LOL
Well, P.T. Barnum was right--"There's a sucker born every minute". I hate wearing a mask and can't breathe very well in it, but have a face shield that is great. It works for me and I can wear my glasses.
the only smart ones here, are the people making money off of this level of stupidity...
@Pseudo Puppy The "people" selling these masks aren't smart, they're evil
Load More Replies...Well, at least we know who will die first... or murder everyone else with their stupidity!
Why do these people continue to exist?
Not if I’m there to shove them in there big mouths
Load More Replies...thirty versions of the same two or three masks! what a poor effort at a Bored Panda post
It’s not rlly about that it’s just showing certain issues what did you expect?
Load More Replies...OK, after all of that stupidity, time for some logic! if each of these karens has COVID-19, symptomatic or otherwise, wearing this type of mask will not protect anyone. COVID-19 is highly infectious, and I doubt these people follow physical distancing guidelines. therefore, it is safe to say that each of these people would infect roughly 20 people each. do the math-20 x 50 = ~1000 people infected. The mortality rate for COVID-19 is ~2.4%. In conclusion, these people could cause up to 240 deaths. My point? WEAR A MASK.
I hope all of these people get the virus.. I can't stand idiots like this. These kinds of people are why it's so much harder to get through this virus.
Just imagine if God was real and it was doing this to easily identify who needs to be removed from the planet. I actually wish God existed...
So Bored Panda does a list about how stupid these masks are yet still includes the links to buy them so they can make money........ Not super ethical hmm?
I appreciate it. Now I can go on Etsy and shame these idiots😌
Load More Replies...A virus is 0.1 microns in diameter. Not even a N95 mask will stop it. A N95 mask will only filter particles to 0.3 microns. The only way to stop a virus is to stay completely away from people and anything connected to them, or wear a lab suit/bunny suit that is self contained with oxygen, etc. like a suit that an astronaut wears.
yes but it drastically slows the momentum of a breath containing the virus so It helps a lot
Load More Replies...I’m a “top 1% overall” of Bored Panda commenters But now, I’ve had it with Bored Panda. As a U.S. citizen, I'm SICK, TIRED, AND FED UP with all the America-bashing on this site. There are COVID idiots, even thugs, all over the world. In France, a mob beat up a bus driver until he was brain dead, because he insisted that passengers wear masks. Nothing that bad has ever happened in the U.S. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8493895/Bus-driver-left-brain-dead-beaten-insisting-masks-France.html Recently, tens of thousands of people in Britain, Germany, Switzerland, and France took to the streets to protest the wearing of masks. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8493895/Bus-driver-left-brain-dead-beaten-insisting-masks-France.html Note that these news stories appeared on British and Australian news websites.