Body Language Specialist Breaks Down Amber Heard’s Visual Communication From Her Recent Testimony
Communication plays a significant role in our everyday life; we use words to express our fear, anger, happiness, sadness and, perhaps, disgust. It’s the basis of human interaction. Without communication, our lives would’ve been much duller, and we’d never be able to read people’s feelings. However, there’s also an unspoken but a pretty intriguing part to our communication: our body language. The way we walk, our facial expressions, voice tones, etc. – every little movement could let our peers dig deeper into our inner emotions.
Now, many are familiar with the ongoing Johnny Depp-Amber Heard defamation trial. The case remains to be the number one discussion topic among netizens, but for those who have been living under a rock – Depp is suing Heard for $50 million over the op-ed she wrote in The Washington Post in 2018.
Every supporter is eager to know the truth, and a body language expert called Janine Driver, once again, took the matter into her own hands and analyzed Amber Heard’s recent testimony. Moreover, Bored Panda has already covered Janine’s previous examination concerning both Depp and Heard, so click here if you’re interested to learn more.
More info: CourtTV
Body language specialist reviews Amber Heard’s testimony and examines her nonverbal communication
Image credits: COURT TV
Janine Driver is a New York Times best-selling author and an award-winning speaker. The woman spent over 16 years working as a federal law enforcement officer, and is now focused on sharing her “people-reading” skills with the world. Driver has previously examined the physical behavior of both Johnny Depp and Amber Heard – however, she was once again invited by Court TV to share her opinions regarding Amber Heard’s recent testimony.
Gestured signals are crucially important, as they can help determine the person’s true emotions
Image credits: Entertainment Tonight
Whether you choose to believe in the body language phenomenon or not, understanding what hides behind a masked individual is not an easy job. There are many misconceptions regarding the people-reading process, for instance, every country has its own set of gestures and mannerisms, so what might seem like a misleading body signal could mean a completely normal thing to a person outside of your culture.
Nevertheless, the whole world is watching the seemingly never-ending trial of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. The couple has an uneasy history together and their fans are hoping that this lawsuit will be able to clear the air, and let the ex-lovers finally move on from such an exhausting period of their life.
Image credits: COURT TV
Image credits: COURT TV
Janine Driver begins her analysis by examining Heard’s first statement; at the very beginning, the actress shared her thoughts regarding the lawsuit and even mentioned that this process is the most “painful and difficult” thing she’s ever gone through – Driver says that at the end of that sentence, Amber has sucked in her lip, sort of replicating a similar motion that we did when we sucked our thumbs, revealing that it’s a comforting gesture.
The body language expert says that Amber Heard uses a lot of start-stop sentences, meaning that she’s being deceptive
Another issue with Amber’s testimony is that she uses a lot of start-stop sentences. The body language expert says that this type of structure is congruent with someone who’s being misleading. The woman also mentioned that Heard’s “percentages” are off, which basically means that she’s very talkative at the beginning, yet when it comes to the actual incident she barely says a thing. For instance, Driver has mentioned the infamous case of Jussie Smollett, who happened to stage a hate crime in Chicago in 2019. His percentages were similar to Amber’s and they both gave a lot of irrelevant information.
Image credits: COURT TV
Janine says that liars often give a ton of truthful information at the start, to sort of distract the people from the actual events. When Amber Heard started speaking about the attack, she gets to about 15%, when in reality it should’ve been at least 50%, which is why the body language experts says that she’s simply stacking the deck.
Image credits: COURT TV
Janine Driver mentions that Heard has dropped a pronoun when she spoke about her former husband, which suggests that the information is false
Image credits: COURT TV
Moreover, the expert also analyzed her actual statement. At one point, when the actress was talking about the attack, she said “he slapped me” – however, Janine encouraged everyone to re-listen to the clip because what Amber actually does is, she drops the pronoun and says “slapped me” instead. The body language specialist reveals that when people drop or change the pronouns it, once again, means that the individual is being deceptive. Besides, Heard is also guilty of changing her tenses, which is often a mistake that those who make stories up on the spot do.
Although, when Heard gave a statement regarding one of Depp’s unpleasant comments, the expert believed it to be true
Image credits: COURT TV
Image credits: COURT TV
The next part of the analysis was focused on Amber Heard’s description of one of Depp’s comments which made the woman feel “dirty”. The professional believes that this part is truthful, she says that when Heard talks about the unpleasant remarks that her former husband made, her upper lip comes up, which shows disgust, plus, the overall body language and her voice tone make it all congruent. Though, the problem is that when she talks about the attack, the body language and the story isn’t harmonious.
Image credits: COURT TV
Image credits: COURT TV
Moreover, the actress was also noticed holding her nose up high, and Driver said that when people do that, it portrays their confidence, superiority, arrogance and indignation. These qualities are totally out of place for an abused woman, meaning that it’s pure smugness.
The specialist says that the reason why Depp kept his head down was because he wanted to “alleviate that negative feeling”
Image credits: COURT TV
When it comes to Johnny, during Heard’s testimony, his head was facing the table and he never seemed to make the eye contact with his former partner. Janine Driver says that the actor does it to ease the negative feeling. Moreover, the body language expert mentioned that people who break eye contact are usually the ones who have been abused.
Image credits: COURT TV
The victims will often avoid eye contact all together. Janine revealed that many people have this common misconception about the eye avoidance, thinking that the individual is being deceptive. However, when folks do that it’s mostly connected with the fact that they simply want to avoid listening to the person’s “obnoxious”, as Janine said, talk.
Image credits: Entertainment Tonight
The defamation case is far from being done, and we’re yet to hear all the details regarding the Depp-Heard relationship, but what do you think about the situation so far? Do you agree with what the body language expert has said?
You can watch the full interview here:
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Saulė is a photo editor at Bored Panda with bachelor's degree in Multimedia and Computer Design. The thing that relaxes her the best is going into YouTube rabbit hole. In her free time she loves painting, embroidering and taking walks in nature.
This isn't admissible in court - which is why neither of them have called such an expert to the stand. All the same it IS interesting and whilst I did believe Heard at the start (why wouldn't I?) I am finding it difficult to look upon her as anything but a liar now. I read that part of her testimony is a direct, word for word, quote from a film. I can't say whether that's true or not but I believe she's made up the attacks she 'suffered' as some kind of revenge. Although this happens in a tiny number of cases it DOES happen and I think that's what we're witnessing. She has hurt the man, his career and the cause of all people, most especially women, who suffer from domestic abuse. For decades to come abusers will point at this case and say they are being unfairly abused..
As a victim of domestic violence myself, this case enrages me. We are absolutely not believed because too many women use it to get revenge on their ex, thus f*****g the rest of us over. I saw maybe 10 minutes of just Johnny Depps testimony myself and saw myself in him. This was not mutual domestic violence. I believe Mr. Depp is the sole victim and she is still victimizing him in court. Like unless she destroys him, she won't be satisfied.
Load More Replies...Exactly I was terrified of my abuser. I couldn’t have acted like this even with all the guards in the world. She is harming abused people
Same. My abuser (ew it feels gross to call them my anything) even did the same thing amber heard is doing and he tried to flip the script on me by gaslighting me into thinking that I was actually the one doing the abusing instead of him. It messed with my head so much... Now even just thinking of him makes me want to throw up. If I was forced to go to court with him I'd likely have panic attacks just from being in the same room as him and likely wouldn't be able to Answer questions correctly because he had this effect on me where he always triggered my disassociation which basically makes me zone out and stare into space regardless of what's happening around me
I did find this interesting in that I see these interactions much the same way, and I also see a lot of myself when I look at Johnny's interactions in court. the attempts at humour to try and ease the negative feelings, the poor posture, the smiling, or even laughing, but it's such an uneasy laughter. I also noticed in the clip, at the exact moment Amber said she "shared a life" with Johnny, you could see his reaction, and hers. she said it specifically to hurt him, and it did, and she knew it. I don't know the actual markers that these experts study, but I've noticed over the years that I've gotten quite good at spotting a phony. When I watch her, I feel uncomfortable. I don't feel sympathy for a victim, I don't feel angry that someone is trying to defame a celebrity, I feel uncomfortable at what I'm looking at. because something's off. It's unsettling.
Wow, you see a lot, and seem pretty sure of the veracity of your suppositions. You could probably do something professionally with that skill if so. I haven't seen much video footage, but my friend reads Depp's behaviour (the attempts at humour, the laughing that you mention) as indicative of "smug arrogance", I think was how she put it - so she's got completely the opposite feeling from you. Anecdotally, she seems pretty "good at spotting a phony" as you put it (she has an almost 6th sense, it seems like, when one of our group gets a new boyfriend) but don't know if she's as good as you.
Exactly I'm also a survivor of domestic and physical abuse. I couldn't look at them and at times she stares him down. I still to this day have panic attacks and fear nightmares. It never stops literally not mentally I've been threw therapy and I promise I still can't walk in any room or store where they are. Her testimony is a joke she's setting abuse victims back male and female with her charade. JD has admitted his faults on the stand he never denies using drugs and alcohol. There is no pattern of abuse in history. The text messages irritate me who cares he was venting a lot of abused people do. Then there's the recording you hear her mental abuse with her own words she admits to hitting him then says he's admirable for not returning the physical abuse. She's an evil vile woman. Women like her should be in jail for false accusations. Took courage for him as a man especially say I was abused. She has past abuse charges as well.
There's a few posts here saying "Heard must be lying because I've been abused and I would never act like the way she is in court (staring him down, seeming unafraid to be in the same room etc.)". Ok, let's agree that the way you imagine yourself acting in a hypothetical situation is not only correct, but also the way all human beings (Heard included) would act in that situation. So is the way JD is acting in court the correct way for an abused person to act when faced with their abuser? Because he also seems unafraid to be in the same room. There's a lot of footage of him making little jokes, chuckling, reacting with bemusement, etc. Is that the way you would react faced with your abuser? It doesn't seem like it from what you've said...
Look not everyone is a perfect victim. I'm a Survivor too and I was not believed and called a liability in my own trial bc I was not a perfect victim. Not defending heard but please stop saying a victim needs to act a certain way in order to be believed. That statement is very damaging to all victims.
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He has taken her to court twice she didn’t instigate either court case so how can you say she’s in court to abuse him again. Cocaine + alcohol equals violence everyone knows that . He’s telling the truth because he was so off his head on drugs he honestly can’t remember. The body language expert is ridiculous I was horribly abused by an ex partner and I stated him straight in the face to show him I’m not scared of you anymore your pathetic so to imply you would look down is stupid.He slapped her on the Boston flight wait and see I can guarantee people will give evidence to support this . And as a fellow abuse survivor I’m surprised you can support someone who wrote such vile emails to his friend Bethany about Amber .how can you justify them abuse takes many forms not just violence and Depp himself has excepted that .Because he’s powerful in Hollywood doesn’t mean he’s innocent
Fact check the movie quote testimonial.. it was a meme and not based on her actual words. It's a false claim
I am not defending Heard at all, but Snopes debunked her supposedly quoting The Talented Mr. Ripley.
8ve seen The Talented Mr. Ripley. Her speech didn't match it word for word, but was very close.
I have quoted that exact same conversation from the talented mr Ripley when I explain what it was like to be in a relationship w a narcissist and being love bombed. The quote is perfect and very rudimentary in its explanation. Ive must've quoted to people a million times to explain how I felt. Depp is definitely a love bomber that's easily accessed from all his exes saying the exact same thing about how their romances start and then comes the outbursts w him throwing things around them. The only person that won't confirm or deny this is Kate moss. But Jennifer grey said this, Ryder, Ellen barkin and his first and second wife. They also said he was paranoid and jealous. He's got to be so incredibly charming and beautiful when he first shines his sun on you I can't even imagine especially when he was young and gorgeous. I'm not taking sides here I'm just stating what has been already said by others
You seriously trust snopes to debunk anything..they’ve been known to “debunk”’things that were actually proven later to be the truth just saying. Plus it is hearsay since we didn’t hear it
Newsweek fact checked it too. She said she felt like the most beautiful woman in the world when they first started the romance and then he'd just disappear The quote in the movie was when the his sun shines on you it's glorious then he forgets you and it's so cold. When his attention is on you, you feel like the only person in the world. She didn't say any of that.
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All the abuses she talks about were documented when happened through her therapists back them. The last incident there's evidence of cops being called called & restraint order issue. That corroborates the claims as oppose to saying she is making it up.
This shows a really fundamental lack of understanding of the terms documented and evidence. I told my therapist I was a penguin. They documented it. Am I????
This is for Julie as there's no reply button under her comment. Amber's "abuses we're documented through her therapists". You do know people can and do lie to their therapists? Do you also know that it isn't that hard to get a restraining order? I've had to get one. I didn't even need much proof. Also, what about the officer who testified about responding to a call from Amber claiming abuse, yet there was no sign of a fight and no marks or injuries? Amber Heard has exactly zero proof. Not one shred. She claimed that in one incident that he gave her 2 black eyes, a broken nose and a split lip. Those kind of injuries include massive swelling that takes several days to weeks to go away. Yet there is video evidence of her on a live television program the very next day with not one single injury, no swelling, nothing. No makeup in the world can cover that up. Not to mention if she had shown up to the studio with the injuries she claimed someone would have spoken about it.
To Julie: where are all the alleged medical records she should have if all this severe violence occurred? Where is all the witness statements from all the staff? Where are the security footage of it as there are cameras in their building and in the penthouses? Why was he the only one ever being seen with signs of abuse? Why does he have all the dv medical records? Where does he say he did this to her on her secret recordings where she admits to abusing him? I’m an abuse survivor so I can read body language extremely better than most and she is lying 100% I will bet my life on it! I know an abuser when I see on and a victim as well! She is not one! Please educate yourself on DV victims! Your post is insulting to true victims! Plus she can’t act to she anyones life! His money was running out so she wanted to get out and ruin him as well!
Please be a penguin. I really want to tell my friends i had a conversation online with a penguin
Yes and you can be anything you want to be lol! I told mine I'm the Fairy Queen and I rule over a fairy kingdom in my back yard so does that make it true because I said it and it was also documented! Point made very well..check and mate!
Without knowing too much about body language, watching her testimony gave me the feeling that she wasn't being honest. It just felt fake. I wonder, while watching her testify, if the jury is getting the same feeling.
I have two comments. First I do believe that there was drug use and drinking on Depp's part. He has never denied that he drank and did drugs, Even going so far as to list the drugs he had done. Second, I'm puzzled as to why Amber heard never sought medical attention never went to the emergency room never reported anything all these times he supposedly did these things to her. If if someone tried to cut me in the vagina with a bottle I believe I would seek medical attention. To quote Shakespeare--- "There is something rotten in the State of Denmark"!
Load More Replies...She never did prove that he broke her nose, did she? No ER visit, no doctor's statement, no x-rays or invoice for corrective surgery to reset it. No way an actress with a face like that wouldn't run to a doctor right away.
She stated that Depp broke her nose. You cannot cover that with make up! Where is a doctor's medical treatment of that broken nose? She cannot hide somewhere until it heals itself without noticeable difference in her appearance! Heard has to have lied about that without question!
Look at her nose. It is perfect! Never even had the first punch or that delicate thing would not have that pretty nose. Noses do not come back from being broken without surgery. She not only never had that she never visited a dr for it. Can not wait for cross examination! Lies are so easy to see not only in body language but in what and how she says it!
She made sure her lawyers brought up his drug use. But its reported now . She was just at coachella doing lines of coke
"if someone tried to cut me in the vagina with a bottle I believe I would seek medical attention". Two things: 1. People often behave in unexpected/unpredictable ways in response to trauma. 2. When people say, "if X happened to me, I'd do Y", they often get that prediction wrong (and it implies there is a universal response to X, i.e., the way you suppose you would react is the way that all people would react - which is not true). Another thing: the vast majority of sexual assault/domestic violence goes unreported and the victim doesn't seek medical attention - even more so when the perpetrator is known to the victim. So in short, if it happened, it's more likely than not that Heard wouldn't go to the ER, statistically speaking. To be clear: I am not making a judgement on what actually happened and there are plenty of reasons to doubt Hears - but the reasons you give are not among them.
Thank you! I was going to say. I wouldn't. I'm an extremely private person and it's no one else's business. That said. I've never been physically ab*sed by someone I was dating so I don't actually know. But if I was. I'd only tell someone who could it between us. If I did tell. I'm not defending her btw as up untill now I hadn't known much about the trial, as I hadn't been following it.
I never meant to imply that Depp was an angel. I screamed back at and broke things when my abuser started sh!t. Because we aren't perfect doesn't make us any less abused than if we were.
I agree that many DV victims don't seek medical treatment for their abuse but for an actress such as herself to not get her nose looked at by a 'discreet' LA plastic surgeon is highly suspicious. She could have easily made up a story for that and gotten treatment. It isn't like celebrities get plastic surgery all the time. Plus, she would have had the ability to go to any of these discreet medical professionals that wouldn't call the police. On top of lack of seeking medical treatment, she took pictures of some of the alleged injuries so there was definitely a point when she decided to "document" it, medical records would have gone a lot further than fake-able photos
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Read about Natalie wood she had an audition when young it was in a hotel her mother waited outside in the car . When she returned to her mother she was bleeding badly and had been raped but never went to the hospital despite needing treatment because do so as her mother stated would mean never getting an acting role in Hollywood again. Johnny Depp has a powerful influence in Hollywood had she reported him at the time her career would be dead
BS.. this anger me.. So many true DV victims never leave. Why, finances, first and foremost. Heard had evey opportunity to leave and she had the finances to do it. If in fact she had gone through what happened she would not have gone back over and over and over and over again. Especially when she had a great income on her own. DV Victims that stay have no resources to leave... Heard needed the high and the drama the thrill of being able to abuse Johnny. In my opinion.. I couldn't even watch all he lies.. turned off her testimony when she played the crying scene for the jury. She was not crying and she should have been. NOT ONE REAL TEAR.Blow up screen shots and look for yourself. She is a dark and troubled young woman who is in desperate need of mental health help. No, Johnny. He hit the bottle into the wall. Now let's just think about that. Because of the abuse he and his father suffered he wanted to strike back, clearly. But he controlled himsle enough to hit the wall not Heard.
"BS.. this angers me.." - finding your comment a little hard to parse. Are you saying DV victims never leave because of finances, but Heard had finances, so her staying means she wasn't a DV victim? That's some interesting math: DV victim - finances = stay; Heard + finances + stay = not DV victim. Not sure that quite adds up? Also it suggests: DV victim + finances = leave; which is very often not the case (yes finances are an important reason why DV victims stay, but it's far from the only one, and adding finances to the equation is often not enough). Also the stuff about her crying (or not) - unsure what your point is there? What does it tell us if she cries on the stand, or doesn't cry on the stand? And your final bit, it seems you're saying Depp was abusive in his actions but didn't actually hit her (though you believe he wanted to). That's pretty damning of Depp. Seems like you're anti-both of them? Hard to tell.
Heresy. Speculation and BS. Had she reported him then and gotten seen to with her so called injuries, his career would have been sunk. Look at what all the false allegations have done to his career. It isn't 1959 anymore. People do not reward that behavior. Which is exactly why Heard never reported any of this since 2014... Please. She is trying to destroy him because he said NO MORE. You gotta go! He truly loved her and what did she do. Abused him like his mother did. She took advantage of his past and used it for her sick need for the fight now make up next drama that she craved.(in my opinion)
What are you talking about? She told the whole world what he allegedly did (hence the lawsuit), he lost his career and she's still working.
Idk why you're getting downvoted this is all true. Heard was 23 unknown actress when they met. He was a 48 yr old highly powerful man. The power imbalance was insane. I mean look what's happening right now. What if she's not lying? Everyone thought Anita hill and Monica Lewinsky were lying too. They said all the same things about them that's being said right now. Trying to find any and every angle to tell if she's lying. Depps fist wife got a restraining order, Jennifer grey said he was paranoid and jealous she left him a note in a hotel room to break up w him bc she didn't want to deal w it, Ryder was 17 yr old virgin that had never been kissed he was 26 when he love bombed her, moss won't confirm or deny what happened during their recorded tumultuous years, Ellen barkin testified he love bombed her then got jealous and paranoid and threw things around her his second wife said the same.
Before anyone starts downvoting me this was everything that's already been said by these women. They all said he never hit them but he would throw things around them. All of them said he was so charming and beautiful and gentle and then he'd have outbursts. It's all for anyone to look up. The only one that hasn't said a word is Kate moss. His first wife had long voice mail messages where he threatens her she was paid over a million in 1989 and signed a contract not to speak then he went after a teen age Winona a month or so later. She loved him dearly but she also said she was like the only most beautiful person in the world w him and then he'd get paranoid and jealous. She had her lawyer strike her testimony from the uk trial. Ellen barkin did testify she talked about what happened years ago so did Jennifer grey. Man I don't want to be wrong again about another woman if she's telling the truth.
Since I'm being downvoted did you see the testimony from the neighbor?? Cmon please defend that craziness. You cannot defend it. It's impossible. This testimony was recorded way before any trials and it had nothing to do w heard until it did. History is repeating itself again I cannot believe it.
it's seems like the whole time she answers questions she stares at the side where I'm assuming the jury is and to me it seems like she's trying to act out and describe things to the jury to try to convince them something instead of just looking out towards her lawyers and answering the questions
Every witness on both sides looks at the jury. I found it odd. It's like they've been coached to do it.
Highly likely. If you're called to give testimony in most cases, you practice and often with the lawyers of the side you're supporting. You're also instructed on how to sit and what facial expressions to give etc. even when not in the stand. Most commonly defendants are taught to be as blank as possible when sitting in court because the jury looks to their facial expressions to try and judge if they did it or not - and any facial expression is subject to the confirmation bias of the viewer. If you think the defendant did it and they seem upset, you think they're faking. If they crack a joke with their lawyer, you think they're callous. Best practice is to be as blank as possible so there's nothing to read.
This is ridiculous. Body language "experts" are not a reliable source of information.
Neither are liars. To be clear they are both lying where it makes them look better. It's literally their job in life.
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F**k ur mom.. justice for depp
Body Language is credible though. It’s exactly why we have gut feelings about people and situations - we’re unknowingly observing and processing hundreds of minutiae of another person or scene and computing these factors to assess our response. We happily recognise, and acknowledge ‘smug’, ‘sad’, ‘angry’ - it’s just breaking down what validates why we see these things. Agreed the above ‘expert’ statements read very poorly, but there are many I’d happily pay attention to. The Behavioural Panel on YouTube is very compelling, I don’t take it as gospel, but I do put weight by their interpretations and backgrounds. (See their breakdown of the Chris Watts bodycam footage)
Just going to weigh in. When people say they're a good judge of character, they don't often realize it's because they've already picked up body language cues. On the subject of The Behavioral Panel on YouTube, I like that you brought up their breakdown of Chris Watts, I would also suggest their breakdowns of Stephanie Lazarus as well as their breakdown of Michael Peterson. They have done their breakdowns of the Depp Heard trial. A two part as of now. As you said, their backgrounds lend much credibility, but also as they make sure it's known, their channel is learning tool. Not full fact.
Thanks! Also the piece on Russel Williams as an exercise of the Detective mastering interrogation incorporating body language. Riveting.
You're one of those annoying people who don't understand informal fallacies. An argument from authority is used when an expert in another field is being used as credibility for an arugment/proposition in a field not relating to theirs. I.E. body language expert being deferred to about body language is not an argument from authority.
WRONG. An argument from authority is when you rely on an "expert's" credentials to make your case instead of presenting a logical argument. For example, "I think you're diabetic because your blood glucose is over 45" is not an argument from authority, but "I think you're diabetic because I'm a doctor" IS. You're thinking of argument from *false* authority, which is a different thing. Looks like you're one of those annoying people who doesn't understand informal fallacies, Eli.
One of the things that I worry about if I were ever in court but innocent (yes, irrational worry I know xP) is that a lot of documented general body language can also happen as a result of where trauma and neurodivergence intersect. I read this and I'm like "I have stop-start sentences from struggling to maintain my train of thought/focus issues. I drop pronouns because I'm still scared my abuser will hurt me if I directly implicate them in any way and that becomes an obsessive-compulsive speech pattern for me. I mean hell, I struggle with eye contact and maintaining the ability to speak at the best of times, so when in high stress I'd look like the biggest liar. I think it's important that body language expertise include how different neurotypes and disorders can influence it, basically.
All those points are totally important considerations. And that’s why establishing a baseline is crucial. That’s essentially why police interrogations often start off by building rapport with a subject; to get them more relaxed and establish a baseline for their behavior and mannerisms while asking benign questions. Then they can take note of clusters of behavioral changes. The whole point of analyzing these things if to look for potential signs of deception. No credible analyst will say that any one cue is 100% deception.
I kinda disagree - as actors they’re portraying (faking? inventing? mimicking?) an idea of a personality and recognisable character behaviours, not the basic primal, subliminal responses we all show unwittingly and instinctively.
That's a common misunderstanding of what actors do. As an actor myself I can tell you that actors are trained to dive deep into and reveal their own feeling, not to fake feelings. That's exactly what actors are trained to not to do. So, if anything, most good actors would be more prone to being truthful through their facial expressions and emotions than an untrained person. And any actor knows what a crucial part of communication, what a huge part is nonverbal. And the kinds of behaviors that she is describing are unconscious behaviors. Tiny micro gestures and unconscious indicators that people don't consciously control. A good actor is not going to curl their lip to express disgust - unless they're actually feeling disgust.
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However you are talking about an actress that has always been very bad at her job and an actor that is moderately bad at his job. They've been trained, but doesn't mean their good at it
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It's not credible or it would be used in court. Gut feeling can be anything from social anxiety to a precieved threat that may or may not be real. This lady is full of s**t. Humans are too complex for this field to be legit.
I didn’t say credible in a court of law. Just that we all use it instinctively, therefore a credible, proven proposition. The FBI uses body language training techniques…
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It's not credible period. Humans are too complex for this field of study to be factual. The FBI and other law enforcement agencies use a lot of things in their line of work it doesn't mean it's credible and it doesn't make it correct.
Your entire comment history just reads as one bitter, crass whinge after another. I’m happy with my more thoughtful assessment thanks!
I don't think it ridiculous. 1. Our communication is based only about 20 % of the spoken word, the other 80 % are nonverbal. 2. She just tells us Amber Heard seems deceptive, she doesn't tell us what she's deceptive about. She might lie about being slapped, she might lie about she was disguted by being slapped at that time or something completly other. So of course no sentence should come cause of what body language experts say, but it helps decide how trustworthy a person is. And in dubio pro reo.
Yeah but body language analysis is one of those forensic pseudo-sciences, you can’t be an expert on the body language of a person you don’t know. I’m skeptical of her story because her former assistant says that she told Amber about the time she was raped and Amber basically stole her story.
Disagree with the first part of your comment, Ben Moss. You can most certainly use the body language of a stranger to figure out if they're anxious, angry, lying, etc. You may miss some of the more minute cues if you're not experienced in reading body language, but you can certainly use it to get a read on someone you don't know. Second part of your comment is shocking. I haven't really followed this situation at all so I wasn't aware that she'd done something so bad. Not only hijacking her assistant's trauma for her own use, but also proving to the world that she comfortable lying about big and terrible things. Telling someone that their permed mullet looks nice doesn't mean you're a pathological liar, but lying about rape certainly does.
This lady here trained CIA and FBI and police in interrogation tactics and other stuff that has to do with body language. You can learn a lot just buy watching how a person is behaving or by what they are saying. We all do it every day. It's how we "read a room". We can tell when someone is upset or angry just by reading their body language. You can tell when they are lying. Actors use this to do their job. They use body language to protray what feeling they are trying to get across to us the viewers. So her being deceptive like this on trial where she is under oath to tell the truth is important. Body language experts are a reliable source of information.
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No. Studies show that even highly-trained individuals are little better than 50/50 at spotting lies. Body language 'experts' are snake-oil salesmen.
Which studies? The studies I've seen show it to be very effective when done properly. It's important to know that no body language signs are the same between people (despite popular belief), which is why a baseline is established from a timeline of behaviors (same reason why we can read people close to us better than any expert). It's inadmissible because of how easy it is to get it wrong, not because it doesn't work. With several days of trial footage, there's a decent baseline (though admittedly not perfect), and the individual is highly trained in it, which is less likely to produce inaccuracies (but not impossible). I agree that without any baseline for behavior body language is useless, and any attempts to read someone without one are little better than guessing in those situations, though.
Three are DePaulo & Pfeifer, 1986; Ekman & O’Sullivan, 1991; Kraut & Poe, 1980. A meta-analysis by DePaulo, Charlton, Cooper, Lindsay, & Muhlenbruck, 1997, suggested that lie-detection training does not improve people's *ability* to detect lies but only their *confidence* in doing so - in other words, they will hold strongly to their conclusions even though those conclusions have a roughly equal chance of being wrong.
At one point fingerprints were "pseudoscience". Same for DNA...lie detectors, etc. Just because something isn' currently admissable in court (especially a CIVIL suit) doesn't mean it holds no validity. As mentioned above, many law enforcement agencies use it as one of their tools.
Lie detectors literally are pseudoscience. They don't work at all. Great example there, big hoss. What separates science from pseudoscience isn't time - it's results that can be replicated under laboratory conditions. DNA and fingerprinting can pass that test. Body language and using polygraphs to read minds can't.
Yeah, that's not it. Fingerprints were suspect because they were unproven. When proven, they were accepted. Body language interpretation has been actively proven wrong. Not to mention, these people are trained actors. Trying to read body language here is clickbaity entertainment.
Polygraphs are not allowed in court either but, those giving Heard that exam would have a field day with her if it were allowed!
I wish these articles would stop I wish this trial was over. This is all a distraction for what's really happening. Our rights are being taken from us so the media puts this c**p up non stop to deflect what we really should be focusing on. These two rich people fighting out abuse claims when depp will not win. She's already proven he's abused her at least once. He was found to be a "wife beater" in the uk trial. None of this is helping men or women that have been abused at all. It's not raising awareness it's bringing out the misogynists and it's making a mockery of men that have suffered bc it's mixed w fantastical acting ridiculous lies and utter disrespect. This is not helping men at all and she's making it much harder for women. Body language whatever.
These experts may not testify in count but greatly help law enforcement in gaging the reactions and the honesty of suspects. Its a legit field with practical uses and is interesting.
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Maybe but it's not ridiculous, don't just go saying people knowledge ridiculous like u have learnt it..u are the one who is ridiculous and bs'ing.. Justice for depp.
This isn't admissible in court - which is why neither of them have called such an expert to the stand. All the same it IS interesting and whilst I did believe Heard at the start (why wouldn't I?) I am finding it difficult to look upon her as anything but a liar now. I read that part of her testimony is a direct, word for word, quote from a film. I can't say whether that's true or not but I believe she's made up the attacks she 'suffered' as some kind of revenge. Although this happens in a tiny number of cases it DOES happen and I think that's what we're witnessing. She has hurt the man, his career and the cause of all people, most especially women, who suffer from domestic abuse. For decades to come abusers will point at this case and say they are being unfairly abused..
As a victim of domestic violence myself, this case enrages me. We are absolutely not believed because too many women use it to get revenge on their ex, thus f*****g the rest of us over. I saw maybe 10 minutes of just Johnny Depps testimony myself and saw myself in him. This was not mutual domestic violence. I believe Mr. Depp is the sole victim and she is still victimizing him in court. Like unless she destroys him, she won't be satisfied.
Load More Replies...Exactly I was terrified of my abuser. I couldn’t have acted like this even with all the guards in the world. She is harming abused people
Same. My abuser (ew it feels gross to call them my anything) even did the same thing amber heard is doing and he tried to flip the script on me by gaslighting me into thinking that I was actually the one doing the abusing instead of him. It messed with my head so much... Now even just thinking of him makes me want to throw up. If I was forced to go to court with him I'd likely have panic attacks just from being in the same room as him and likely wouldn't be able to Answer questions correctly because he had this effect on me where he always triggered my disassociation which basically makes me zone out and stare into space regardless of what's happening around me
I did find this interesting in that I see these interactions much the same way, and I also see a lot of myself when I look at Johnny's interactions in court. the attempts at humour to try and ease the negative feelings, the poor posture, the smiling, or even laughing, but it's such an uneasy laughter. I also noticed in the clip, at the exact moment Amber said she "shared a life" with Johnny, you could see his reaction, and hers. she said it specifically to hurt him, and it did, and she knew it. I don't know the actual markers that these experts study, but I've noticed over the years that I've gotten quite good at spotting a phony. When I watch her, I feel uncomfortable. I don't feel sympathy for a victim, I don't feel angry that someone is trying to defame a celebrity, I feel uncomfortable at what I'm looking at. because something's off. It's unsettling.
Wow, you see a lot, and seem pretty sure of the veracity of your suppositions. You could probably do something professionally with that skill if so. I haven't seen much video footage, but my friend reads Depp's behaviour (the attempts at humour, the laughing that you mention) as indicative of "smug arrogance", I think was how she put it - so she's got completely the opposite feeling from you. Anecdotally, she seems pretty "good at spotting a phony" as you put it (she has an almost 6th sense, it seems like, when one of our group gets a new boyfriend) but don't know if she's as good as you.
Exactly I'm also a survivor of domestic and physical abuse. I couldn't look at them and at times she stares him down. I still to this day have panic attacks and fear nightmares. It never stops literally not mentally I've been threw therapy and I promise I still can't walk in any room or store where they are. Her testimony is a joke she's setting abuse victims back male and female with her charade. JD has admitted his faults on the stand he never denies using drugs and alcohol. There is no pattern of abuse in history. The text messages irritate me who cares he was venting a lot of abused people do. Then there's the recording you hear her mental abuse with her own words she admits to hitting him then says he's admirable for not returning the physical abuse. She's an evil vile woman. Women like her should be in jail for false accusations. Took courage for him as a man especially say I was abused. She has past abuse charges as well.
There's a few posts here saying "Heard must be lying because I've been abused and I would never act like the way she is in court (staring him down, seeming unafraid to be in the same room etc.)". Ok, let's agree that the way you imagine yourself acting in a hypothetical situation is not only correct, but also the way all human beings (Heard included) would act in that situation. So is the way JD is acting in court the correct way for an abused person to act when faced with their abuser? Because he also seems unafraid to be in the same room. There's a lot of footage of him making little jokes, chuckling, reacting with bemusement, etc. Is that the way you would react faced with your abuser? It doesn't seem like it from what you've said...
Look not everyone is a perfect victim. I'm a Survivor too and I was not believed and called a liability in my own trial bc I was not a perfect victim. Not defending heard but please stop saying a victim needs to act a certain way in order to be believed. That statement is very damaging to all victims.
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He has taken her to court twice she didn’t instigate either court case so how can you say she’s in court to abuse him again. Cocaine + alcohol equals violence everyone knows that . He’s telling the truth because he was so off his head on drugs he honestly can’t remember. The body language expert is ridiculous I was horribly abused by an ex partner and I stated him straight in the face to show him I’m not scared of you anymore your pathetic so to imply you would look down is stupid.He slapped her on the Boston flight wait and see I can guarantee people will give evidence to support this . And as a fellow abuse survivor I’m surprised you can support someone who wrote such vile emails to his friend Bethany about Amber .how can you justify them abuse takes many forms not just violence and Depp himself has excepted that .Because he’s powerful in Hollywood doesn’t mean he’s innocent
Fact check the movie quote testimonial.. it was a meme and not based on her actual words. It's a false claim
I am not defending Heard at all, but Snopes debunked her supposedly quoting The Talented Mr. Ripley.
8ve seen The Talented Mr. Ripley. Her speech didn't match it word for word, but was very close.
I have quoted that exact same conversation from the talented mr Ripley when I explain what it was like to be in a relationship w a narcissist and being love bombed. The quote is perfect and very rudimentary in its explanation. Ive must've quoted to people a million times to explain how I felt. Depp is definitely a love bomber that's easily accessed from all his exes saying the exact same thing about how their romances start and then comes the outbursts w him throwing things around them. The only person that won't confirm or deny this is Kate moss. But Jennifer grey said this, Ryder, Ellen barkin and his first and second wife. They also said he was paranoid and jealous. He's got to be so incredibly charming and beautiful when he first shines his sun on you I can't even imagine especially when he was young and gorgeous. I'm not taking sides here I'm just stating what has been already said by others
You seriously trust snopes to debunk anything..they’ve been known to “debunk”’things that were actually proven later to be the truth just saying. Plus it is hearsay since we didn’t hear it
Newsweek fact checked it too. She said she felt like the most beautiful woman in the world when they first started the romance and then he'd just disappear The quote in the movie was when the his sun shines on you it's glorious then he forgets you and it's so cold. When his attention is on you, you feel like the only person in the world. She didn't say any of that.
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All the abuses she talks about were documented when happened through her therapists back them. The last incident there's evidence of cops being called called & restraint order issue. That corroborates the claims as oppose to saying she is making it up.
This shows a really fundamental lack of understanding of the terms documented and evidence. I told my therapist I was a penguin. They documented it. Am I????
This is for Julie as there's no reply button under her comment. Amber's "abuses we're documented through her therapists". You do know people can and do lie to their therapists? Do you also know that it isn't that hard to get a restraining order? I've had to get one. I didn't even need much proof. Also, what about the officer who testified about responding to a call from Amber claiming abuse, yet there was no sign of a fight and no marks or injuries? Amber Heard has exactly zero proof. Not one shred. She claimed that in one incident that he gave her 2 black eyes, a broken nose and a split lip. Those kind of injuries include massive swelling that takes several days to weeks to go away. Yet there is video evidence of her on a live television program the very next day with not one single injury, no swelling, nothing. No makeup in the world can cover that up. Not to mention if she had shown up to the studio with the injuries she claimed someone would have spoken about it.
To Julie: where are all the alleged medical records she should have if all this severe violence occurred? Where is all the witness statements from all the staff? Where are the security footage of it as there are cameras in their building and in the penthouses? Why was he the only one ever being seen with signs of abuse? Why does he have all the dv medical records? Where does he say he did this to her on her secret recordings where she admits to abusing him? I’m an abuse survivor so I can read body language extremely better than most and she is lying 100% I will bet my life on it! I know an abuser when I see on and a victim as well! She is not one! Please educate yourself on DV victims! Your post is insulting to true victims! Plus she can’t act to she anyones life! His money was running out so she wanted to get out and ruin him as well!
Please be a penguin. I really want to tell my friends i had a conversation online with a penguin
Yes and you can be anything you want to be lol! I told mine I'm the Fairy Queen and I rule over a fairy kingdom in my back yard so does that make it true because I said it and it was also documented! Point made very well..check and mate!
Without knowing too much about body language, watching her testimony gave me the feeling that she wasn't being honest. It just felt fake. I wonder, while watching her testify, if the jury is getting the same feeling.
I have two comments. First I do believe that there was drug use and drinking on Depp's part. He has never denied that he drank and did drugs, Even going so far as to list the drugs he had done. Second, I'm puzzled as to why Amber heard never sought medical attention never went to the emergency room never reported anything all these times he supposedly did these things to her. If if someone tried to cut me in the vagina with a bottle I believe I would seek medical attention. To quote Shakespeare--- "There is something rotten in the State of Denmark"!
Load More Replies...She never did prove that he broke her nose, did she? No ER visit, no doctor's statement, no x-rays or invoice for corrective surgery to reset it. No way an actress with a face like that wouldn't run to a doctor right away.
She stated that Depp broke her nose. You cannot cover that with make up! Where is a doctor's medical treatment of that broken nose? She cannot hide somewhere until it heals itself without noticeable difference in her appearance! Heard has to have lied about that without question!
Look at her nose. It is perfect! Never even had the first punch or that delicate thing would not have that pretty nose. Noses do not come back from being broken without surgery. She not only never had that she never visited a dr for it. Can not wait for cross examination! Lies are so easy to see not only in body language but in what and how she says it!
She made sure her lawyers brought up his drug use. But its reported now . She was just at coachella doing lines of coke
"if someone tried to cut me in the vagina with a bottle I believe I would seek medical attention". Two things: 1. People often behave in unexpected/unpredictable ways in response to trauma. 2. When people say, "if X happened to me, I'd do Y", they often get that prediction wrong (and it implies there is a universal response to X, i.e., the way you suppose you would react is the way that all people would react - which is not true). Another thing: the vast majority of sexual assault/domestic violence goes unreported and the victim doesn't seek medical attention - even more so when the perpetrator is known to the victim. So in short, if it happened, it's more likely than not that Heard wouldn't go to the ER, statistically speaking. To be clear: I am not making a judgement on what actually happened and there are plenty of reasons to doubt Hears - but the reasons you give are not among them.
Thank you! I was going to say. I wouldn't. I'm an extremely private person and it's no one else's business. That said. I've never been physically ab*sed by someone I was dating so I don't actually know. But if I was. I'd only tell someone who could it between us. If I did tell. I'm not defending her btw as up untill now I hadn't known much about the trial, as I hadn't been following it.
I never meant to imply that Depp was an angel. I screamed back at and broke things when my abuser started sh!t. Because we aren't perfect doesn't make us any less abused than if we were.
I agree that many DV victims don't seek medical treatment for their abuse but for an actress such as herself to not get her nose looked at by a 'discreet' LA plastic surgeon is highly suspicious. She could have easily made up a story for that and gotten treatment. It isn't like celebrities get plastic surgery all the time. Plus, she would have had the ability to go to any of these discreet medical professionals that wouldn't call the police. On top of lack of seeking medical treatment, she took pictures of some of the alleged injuries so there was definitely a point when she decided to "document" it, medical records would have gone a lot further than fake-able photos
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Read about Natalie wood she had an audition when young it was in a hotel her mother waited outside in the car . When she returned to her mother she was bleeding badly and had been raped but never went to the hospital despite needing treatment because do so as her mother stated would mean never getting an acting role in Hollywood again. Johnny Depp has a powerful influence in Hollywood had she reported him at the time her career would be dead
BS.. this anger me.. So many true DV victims never leave. Why, finances, first and foremost. Heard had evey opportunity to leave and she had the finances to do it. If in fact she had gone through what happened she would not have gone back over and over and over and over again. Especially when she had a great income on her own. DV Victims that stay have no resources to leave... Heard needed the high and the drama the thrill of being able to abuse Johnny. In my opinion.. I couldn't even watch all he lies.. turned off her testimony when she played the crying scene for the jury. She was not crying and she should have been. NOT ONE REAL TEAR.Blow up screen shots and look for yourself. She is a dark and troubled young woman who is in desperate need of mental health help. No, Johnny. He hit the bottle into the wall. Now let's just think about that. Because of the abuse he and his father suffered he wanted to strike back, clearly. But he controlled himsle enough to hit the wall not Heard.
"BS.. this angers me.." - finding your comment a little hard to parse. Are you saying DV victims never leave because of finances, but Heard had finances, so her staying means she wasn't a DV victim? That's some interesting math: DV victim - finances = stay; Heard + finances + stay = not DV victim. Not sure that quite adds up? Also it suggests: DV victim + finances = leave; which is very often not the case (yes finances are an important reason why DV victims stay, but it's far from the only one, and adding finances to the equation is often not enough). Also the stuff about her crying (or not) - unsure what your point is there? What does it tell us if she cries on the stand, or doesn't cry on the stand? And your final bit, it seems you're saying Depp was abusive in his actions but didn't actually hit her (though you believe he wanted to). That's pretty damning of Depp. Seems like you're anti-both of them? Hard to tell.
Heresy. Speculation and BS. Had she reported him then and gotten seen to with her so called injuries, his career would have been sunk. Look at what all the false allegations have done to his career. It isn't 1959 anymore. People do not reward that behavior. Which is exactly why Heard never reported any of this since 2014... Please. She is trying to destroy him because he said NO MORE. You gotta go! He truly loved her and what did she do. Abused him like his mother did. She took advantage of his past and used it for her sick need for the fight now make up next drama that she craved.(in my opinion)
What are you talking about? She told the whole world what he allegedly did (hence the lawsuit), he lost his career and she's still working.
Idk why you're getting downvoted this is all true. Heard was 23 unknown actress when they met. He was a 48 yr old highly powerful man. The power imbalance was insane. I mean look what's happening right now. What if she's not lying? Everyone thought Anita hill and Monica Lewinsky were lying too. They said all the same things about them that's being said right now. Trying to find any and every angle to tell if she's lying. Depps fist wife got a restraining order, Jennifer grey said he was paranoid and jealous she left him a note in a hotel room to break up w him bc she didn't want to deal w it, Ryder was 17 yr old virgin that had never been kissed he was 26 when he love bombed her, moss won't confirm or deny what happened during their recorded tumultuous years, Ellen barkin testified he love bombed her then got jealous and paranoid and threw things around her his second wife said the same.
Before anyone starts downvoting me this was everything that's already been said by these women. They all said he never hit them but he would throw things around them. All of them said he was so charming and beautiful and gentle and then he'd have outbursts. It's all for anyone to look up. The only one that hasn't said a word is Kate moss. His first wife had long voice mail messages where he threatens her she was paid over a million in 1989 and signed a contract not to speak then he went after a teen age Winona a month or so later. She loved him dearly but she also said she was like the only most beautiful person in the world w him and then he'd get paranoid and jealous. She had her lawyer strike her testimony from the uk trial. Ellen barkin did testify she talked about what happened years ago so did Jennifer grey. Man I don't want to be wrong again about another woman if she's telling the truth.
Since I'm being downvoted did you see the testimony from the neighbor?? Cmon please defend that craziness. You cannot defend it. It's impossible. This testimony was recorded way before any trials and it had nothing to do w heard until it did. History is repeating itself again I cannot believe it.
it's seems like the whole time she answers questions she stares at the side where I'm assuming the jury is and to me it seems like she's trying to act out and describe things to the jury to try to convince them something instead of just looking out towards her lawyers and answering the questions
Every witness on both sides looks at the jury. I found it odd. It's like they've been coached to do it.
Highly likely. If you're called to give testimony in most cases, you practice and often with the lawyers of the side you're supporting. You're also instructed on how to sit and what facial expressions to give etc. even when not in the stand. Most commonly defendants are taught to be as blank as possible when sitting in court because the jury looks to their facial expressions to try and judge if they did it or not - and any facial expression is subject to the confirmation bias of the viewer. If you think the defendant did it and they seem upset, you think they're faking. If they crack a joke with their lawyer, you think they're callous. Best practice is to be as blank as possible so there's nothing to read.
This is ridiculous. Body language "experts" are not a reliable source of information.
Neither are liars. To be clear they are both lying where it makes them look better. It's literally their job in life.
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F**k ur mom.. justice for depp
Body Language is credible though. It’s exactly why we have gut feelings about people and situations - we’re unknowingly observing and processing hundreds of minutiae of another person or scene and computing these factors to assess our response. We happily recognise, and acknowledge ‘smug’, ‘sad’, ‘angry’ - it’s just breaking down what validates why we see these things. Agreed the above ‘expert’ statements read very poorly, but there are many I’d happily pay attention to. The Behavioural Panel on YouTube is very compelling, I don’t take it as gospel, but I do put weight by their interpretations and backgrounds. (See their breakdown of the Chris Watts bodycam footage)
Just going to weigh in. When people say they're a good judge of character, they don't often realize it's because they've already picked up body language cues. On the subject of The Behavioral Panel on YouTube, I like that you brought up their breakdown of Chris Watts, I would also suggest their breakdowns of Stephanie Lazarus as well as their breakdown of Michael Peterson. They have done their breakdowns of the Depp Heard trial. A two part as of now. As you said, their backgrounds lend much credibility, but also as they make sure it's known, their channel is learning tool. Not full fact.
Thanks! Also the piece on Russel Williams as an exercise of the Detective mastering interrogation incorporating body language. Riveting.
You're one of those annoying people who don't understand informal fallacies. An argument from authority is used when an expert in another field is being used as credibility for an arugment/proposition in a field not relating to theirs. I.E. body language expert being deferred to about body language is not an argument from authority.
WRONG. An argument from authority is when you rely on an "expert's" credentials to make your case instead of presenting a logical argument. For example, "I think you're diabetic because your blood glucose is over 45" is not an argument from authority, but "I think you're diabetic because I'm a doctor" IS. You're thinking of argument from *false* authority, which is a different thing. Looks like you're one of those annoying people who doesn't understand informal fallacies, Eli.
One of the things that I worry about if I were ever in court but innocent (yes, irrational worry I know xP) is that a lot of documented general body language can also happen as a result of where trauma and neurodivergence intersect. I read this and I'm like "I have stop-start sentences from struggling to maintain my train of thought/focus issues. I drop pronouns because I'm still scared my abuser will hurt me if I directly implicate them in any way and that becomes an obsessive-compulsive speech pattern for me. I mean hell, I struggle with eye contact and maintaining the ability to speak at the best of times, so when in high stress I'd look like the biggest liar. I think it's important that body language expertise include how different neurotypes and disorders can influence it, basically.
All those points are totally important considerations. And that’s why establishing a baseline is crucial. That’s essentially why police interrogations often start off by building rapport with a subject; to get them more relaxed and establish a baseline for their behavior and mannerisms while asking benign questions. Then they can take note of clusters of behavioral changes. The whole point of analyzing these things if to look for potential signs of deception. No credible analyst will say that any one cue is 100% deception.
I kinda disagree - as actors they’re portraying (faking? inventing? mimicking?) an idea of a personality and recognisable character behaviours, not the basic primal, subliminal responses we all show unwittingly and instinctively.
That's a common misunderstanding of what actors do. As an actor myself I can tell you that actors are trained to dive deep into and reveal their own feeling, not to fake feelings. That's exactly what actors are trained to not to do. So, if anything, most good actors would be more prone to being truthful through their facial expressions and emotions than an untrained person. And any actor knows what a crucial part of communication, what a huge part is nonverbal. And the kinds of behaviors that she is describing are unconscious behaviors. Tiny micro gestures and unconscious indicators that people don't consciously control. A good actor is not going to curl their lip to express disgust - unless they're actually feeling disgust.
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However you are talking about an actress that has always been very bad at her job and an actor that is moderately bad at his job. They've been trained, but doesn't mean their good at it
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It's not credible or it would be used in court. Gut feeling can be anything from social anxiety to a precieved threat that may or may not be real. This lady is full of s**t. Humans are too complex for this field to be legit.
I didn’t say credible in a court of law. Just that we all use it instinctively, therefore a credible, proven proposition. The FBI uses body language training techniques…
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It's not credible period. Humans are too complex for this field of study to be factual. The FBI and other law enforcement agencies use a lot of things in their line of work it doesn't mean it's credible and it doesn't make it correct.
Your entire comment history just reads as one bitter, crass whinge after another. I’m happy with my more thoughtful assessment thanks!
I don't think it ridiculous. 1. Our communication is based only about 20 % of the spoken word, the other 80 % are nonverbal. 2. She just tells us Amber Heard seems deceptive, she doesn't tell us what she's deceptive about. She might lie about being slapped, she might lie about she was disguted by being slapped at that time or something completly other. So of course no sentence should come cause of what body language experts say, but it helps decide how trustworthy a person is. And in dubio pro reo.
Yeah but body language analysis is one of those forensic pseudo-sciences, you can’t be an expert on the body language of a person you don’t know. I’m skeptical of her story because her former assistant says that she told Amber about the time she was raped and Amber basically stole her story.
Disagree with the first part of your comment, Ben Moss. You can most certainly use the body language of a stranger to figure out if they're anxious, angry, lying, etc. You may miss some of the more minute cues if you're not experienced in reading body language, but you can certainly use it to get a read on someone you don't know. Second part of your comment is shocking. I haven't really followed this situation at all so I wasn't aware that she'd done something so bad. Not only hijacking her assistant's trauma for her own use, but also proving to the world that she comfortable lying about big and terrible things. Telling someone that their permed mullet looks nice doesn't mean you're a pathological liar, but lying about rape certainly does.
This lady here trained CIA and FBI and police in interrogation tactics and other stuff that has to do with body language. You can learn a lot just buy watching how a person is behaving or by what they are saying. We all do it every day. It's how we "read a room". We can tell when someone is upset or angry just by reading their body language. You can tell when they are lying. Actors use this to do their job. They use body language to protray what feeling they are trying to get across to us the viewers. So her being deceptive like this on trial where she is under oath to tell the truth is important. Body language experts are a reliable source of information.
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No. Studies show that even highly-trained individuals are little better than 50/50 at spotting lies. Body language 'experts' are snake-oil salesmen.
Which studies? The studies I've seen show it to be very effective when done properly. It's important to know that no body language signs are the same between people (despite popular belief), which is why a baseline is established from a timeline of behaviors (same reason why we can read people close to us better than any expert). It's inadmissible because of how easy it is to get it wrong, not because it doesn't work. With several days of trial footage, there's a decent baseline (though admittedly not perfect), and the individual is highly trained in it, which is less likely to produce inaccuracies (but not impossible). I agree that without any baseline for behavior body language is useless, and any attempts to read someone without one are little better than guessing in those situations, though.
Three are DePaulo & Pfeifer, 1986; Ekman & O’Sullivan, 1991; Kraut & Poe, 1980. A meta-analysis by DePaulo, Charlton, Cooper, Lindsay, & Muhlenbruck, 1997, suggested that lie-detection training does not improve people's *ability* to detect lies but only their *confidence* in doing so - in other words, they will hold strongly to their conclusions even though those conclusions have a roughly equal chance of being wrong.
At one point fingerprints were "pseudoscience". Same for DNA...lie detectors, etc. Just because something isn' currently admissable in court (especially a CIVIL suit) doesn't mean it holds no validity. As mentioned above, many law enforcement agencies use it as one of their tools.
Lie detectors literally are pseudoscience. They don't work at all. Great example there, big hoss. What separates science from pseudoscience isn't time - it's results that can be replicated under laboratory conditions. DNA and fingerprinting can pass that test. Body language and using polygraphs to read minds can't.
Yeah, that's not it. Fingerprints were suspect because they were unproven. When proven, they were accepted. Body language interpretation has been actively proven wrong. Not to mention, these people are trained actors. Trying to read body language here is clickbaity entertainment.
Polygraphs are not allowed in court either but, those giving Heard that exam would have a field day with her if it were allowed!
I wish these articles would stop I wish this trial was over. This is all a distraction for what's really happening. Our rights are being taken from us so the media puts this c**p up non stop to deflect what we really should be focusing on. These two rich people fighting out abuse claims when depp will not win. She's already proven he's abused her at least once. He was found to be a "wife beater" in the uk trial. None of this is helping men or women that have been abused at all. It's not raising awareness it's bringing out the misogynists and it's making a mockery of men that have suffered bc it's mixed w fantastical acting ridiculous lies and utter disrespect. This is not helping men at all and she's making it much harder for women. Body language whatever.
These experts may not testify in count but greatly help law enforcement in gaging the reactions and the honesty of suspects. Its a legit field with practical uses and is interesting.
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Maybe but it's not ridiculous, don't just go saying people knowledge ridiculous like u have learnt it..u are the one who is ridiculous and bs'ing.. Justice for depp.