50 Of The Most Interesting Comparison Pics That Might Give You A Fresh New Perspective On Things (New Pics)
While your 2nd grade teacher might have told you to never compare yourself to other kids in your class or to never compare apples to oranges, it’s not to say that comparing is wrong in general. In fact, it’s sometimes necessary or plain interesting. Or both.
We never knew we needed to see these particular comparisons, but we’re better off now that we have contrasted X and Y, or A and B, or [insert one object] and [insert another object].
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Reference Photo vs. Colored Pencil Drawing. My Latest Artwork
Not Possible To Get A Bigger Boost In Self Confidence
Being able to smile without feeling self-conscious is huge. No idea why people need to be critical of this.
Congrats! Love the smile in the second pic. Grace can tell you’re happier.
Oh, yes, we’re gonna dive deep into why we as a species compare ourselves to others. Or compare in general.
Well, you’ll likely be surprised to learn that comparison is a natural activity. Every animal with a functioning prefrontal cortex and a hippo on campus does this to determine the more important things in life, like what to eat and why pizza?
I’ve Been Feeding This Cat Named Feral Gerald. Just Discovered He’s Two Different Cats
First Day Back At School Took Its Toll On This Little Girl
Before And After Of A Backyard I Cleaned Up Today
And life is full of these small, yet significant (or not) choices, which can have both positive and negative consequences.
On the plus side, comparisons are great because of course these two dresses are the same, yet their pricing is different depending on the store. That in turn allows you to save money.
How My Girlfriend Gets To Sleep vs. How I Get To Sleep With The New Foster Dog
One Year Ago vs. Now
The Difference In My Hands Before And After A 130-Pound Weight Loss
Unfortunately I don't think it will last very long if it's intended for full-time wear. Rings with too many small pieces can easily snag, and are also not very sturdy. It's beautiful as an occasional piece, but a bad choice for an engagement/wedding ring, which is what it seems to be
Load More Replies...This was definitely one thing I didn't expect when I started losing weight. I've only lost 45 pounds and my wedding ring has gone down almost an entire size!
That i kind of expected. What surprised me was losing two shoe sizes
Load More Replies...Big difference the two photographs says it all. No need to comment any further. Well done marvellous.
No difference. Same ring, only turned. You’ll have to do better that that to fool ME !
Try again. You can see how the ring has a tighter fit in the first photo. Oh, wait, you're probably just joking that the OP meant comparing the ring, not the hand. I will let my comment remain for anyone else who had the initial "whoosh" reaction I did.
Load More Replies...And on the other hand, comparing things might just end up leaving you disappointed that your car or house or Pokemon collection isn’t as good as that of your friend or neighbor.
And it actually hits harder when we’re not comparing things, but rather ourselves to others. That’s called social comparison, and it can go both ways.
Before And After From Chemo. I Was Diagnosed In June
The Size Difference Between Brother And Sister Of The Same Litter
Look how big Malik is compared to his sister. I just don’t know if she’s really small or he’s really big, they’re only a couple of months old too. The size difference is crazy!
What My Cat Looks Like Normally vs. What She Looks Like Wet (Smoke Tortie)
Festinger and his social comparison theory studied human comparisons, noting an upward and downward trajectory.
Upward social comparisons involve comparing yourself to those superior to you. At first, it was believed that it only led to negative self evaluations, but the further the study went, the more nuances it uncovered that actually proved that it could boost self-esteem and motivation.
My Spine Before And After Spinal Fusion
My Husband Has Brown Eyes, I Have Blue. These Are Our Four Children's Eyes
Love that they look like they’re transitioning. I’m old enough that in school I was taught if one of your parents had brown eyes and the other had blue, the kids would all have brown eyes. Very confusing as a kid having parents with different colored eyes and not having brown eyes myself.
Before And After Saying "Good Boy"
Downward social comparisons are when folks compare themselves to those they perceive as being lesser than them, leading to a sense of superiority that reinforces self worth.
Studies showed that such comparisons were often employed to reduce the sense of threat from others, but ended up worsening distress and inducing feelings of guilt over the perceived superiority.
I’m Holding Him Close To Myself To Show That He Is Indeed Huge
Polar Bear vs. Black Bear Comparison
My Teeth, Before And After Braces
Well, instead of comparing yourself to others, try these on for size:
First and foremost, identify your triggers and avoid them. If there’s a scenario, place or even an individual that makes you engage in comparisons (like feeling uncomfortable in large spaces due to their size), avoid and don’t engage with them.
The Different Reflections From My Glasses
One Bench, Two Seasons. February vs. August 2023 In Åndalsnes, Norway
Before And After
It helps to avoid social media altogether as it’s considered a breeding ground for comparison. Everything there can easily become a measuring context, showing how better off someone is. However, everything has to be taken within context and that particular posts might be showing the positive side of things, without divulging how much had to be done for the post to be what it is.
My Local Hospital Has Examples Of When You May Need Urgent Care vs. An ER
My daughter and sister work in the ERs and this cannot be said too much. People taking up space and resources from people that need it all because they can’t be bothered to see a family physician is ridiculous.
Each Bottle Is The Same Whiskey Matured In The Cask For One Year More Than The Last
Can’t Tell The Difference
Other tactics include avoiding comparing other people’s “outsides” with your “insides” or even daring to use comparison as a motivator. Focus on your strengths and how these comparisons can make you better as an individual. Use others you deem superior as an inspiration and be open to becoming more like that person so you could be a better person in general.
My Mom Found A Lemon From Our Tree That's Shaped Like A Carrot. Normal Lemon For Comparison
My Roommate Bought A Patch That Looks Exactly Like Her Cat
The Difference Between A Phone And A True Camera
Note that all of this doesn’t mean that you can’t celebrate other people. The fact that we advocate ourselves as people doesn’t have to stop there—we can spread positivity by cheering friends and coworkers on for their milestones. And hey, you can be inspired by that too. Use that as a motivator.
This Egg From One Of Our Backyard Chickens That Looks Like Someone Gave It A Popcorn Ceiling Texture
The Difference Between My Brother's And My Tans
Me Looking Like 4 Different People On 4 Valid ID Cards Of Mine
So, with all of that said, we’d love to hear from you. What are some mind-blowing comparisons that you’ve learned about recently—whether personal or … thing-able… Share your thoughts and stories in the comment section below!
And if this ain’t your cup of tea, then maybe this similar article will be?
A Chunk Of My Red Hair From When I Was 16 Compared To My Faded With Time Hair Now That I'm 27
People seem genuinely surprised that blond headed children have dark hair later in life but it’s actually more common than people keeping blond hair, I think.
My Grown 2.5-Year-Old Cat Is Still Very Tiny
Here is my cat Bert next to a variety of items to showcase his tininess. He definitely looks bigger upon standing and can actually stretch himself quite long (and looks like a ferret doing it) but he is still the smallest full-grown cat I’ve ever met and was the runt of his litter by a long shot.
My Corn Came In Both Landscape And Portrait
I work as a cashier and actually many products come like this, especially items in boxes. it is so they can fit on the shelves. if you look closely you will see most store shelves have very few gaps between products
They Think We Don't Notice
Did Some Work For A Dentist's Office Yesterday. Very Concerned He Had These In His Office. Full-Sized Pencil For Scale
This 2-Inch Banana, Normal-Sized Banana For Scale
The Health Class In Our High School Has A Moldy Bread Display On The Wall To Show How We Should Wash Our Hands And Phones
These LEGO Bricks Are The Same Color... Except Under A Blacklight
The Shadow From The Sign Has A Different Spelling From The Actual Sign
The Difference Between The Stitches In My Eyes From My First And Second Corneal Transplants
Always wondering how you survive this kind of surgery without massive heartbeatings and bloodpressure. When I visit my ophtalmologist every half year, I get very nervous every time. Even after going every sig months for the last 8 years. especially measuring the pressure with that the extra liquid and the thing they put on the eyeball... sends shivers down my spine.
One Of The Eggs I Bought This Morning Is Randomly Purple
My Brother’s Vacation Pic vs. Mine
Nope. You got two hands, you make your own whole heart and love your single self whole heartedly. You are no less a person because you are single.
Me Jumping Into Jacob’s Well In 2014 vs. Its Current State
Bank Gave Me Three Iterations Of The $100 Bill In A $1,100 Transaction
Central Park In 1931 vs. 2020
This Keyboard, Hands For Scale
All Of These Containers Have The Same Volume
My Socks Turn Half Red Under One Of The Stage Lights
The Green Bean Size Difference Between The "No Salt Added" Can And A Regular Can
I don't think it's because of the salt, they were different size from the start? 🤷♂️
The Transitionary Period Of "Shrinkflation" Is Particularly Awkward When Getting Screwed Over Is So Obvious. Same Price Of Course
A little overboard on this post, yeah, but it's a fun tradition around here. Nowhere near as funny if I encounter it elsewhere *shrug*
Load More Replies...If upvotes are at 42 or 69, am I the only person who purposely doesn’t upvote, but instead just giggles and move on?
69 yes, I giggle and move on. Not 42, although I get the reference. But the smut wins 😁
Load More Replies...A little overboard on this post, yeah, but it's a fun tradition around here. Nowhere near as funny if I encounter it elsewhere *shrug*
Load More Replies...If upvotes are at 42 or 69, am I the only person who purposely doesn’t upvote, but instead just giggles and move on?
69 yes, I giggle and move on. Not 42, although I get the reference. But the smut wins 😁
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