Following the tradition of the 365 Days Digital Drawing Challenge, an artist called Hairy Problems did an amazing performance in the field of digital art.

The story behind. I used to work for a company that does 3D models and printing. It was a nice job, but at one point I came to the stage where I was no longer making any improvement. I have learned everything I could and it was the perfect time to take the next step.

By the time I used to work there, I have used all of my free time to draw and paint. That was the thing that I loved the most. The most of the time I was painting on the weekends, because that was the only free time that I had for myself. At one point my former company started to work on weekends as well, so I decided to quit my job and start doing things that I really love.

That is a story behind this project. I wanted to force myself to draw each day in order to improve my painting and drawing skills. And I did it.

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    Hairy Problems

    Hairy Problems

    Hairy Problems

    Hairy Problems


    Hairy Problems

    Hairy Problems


    Hairy Problems