We hear about people seeking moral judgment or advice online all the time. The notoriously popular AITA community on Reddit offers shelter to all the lost, upset, confused, and guilty souls with a whopping 5.5 million members who are willing to help, to condemn, or both.
Now imagine our beloved little furry daredevils, aka cats, tuning in on Reddit and asking for a piece of advice on whether they were a jerk in a particular situation or if they did everything right.
Apparently, this thread on Twitter turned this fantasy into reality, joining feline owners in sharing hilariously spot-on AITA posts: cats edition.
Below we wrapped up some of the funniest examples of cats lost in their actions.
This Twitter thread asking AITA from a cat’s perspective has gone viral
Image credits: freezydorito
Image credits: freezydorito
To find out whether our beloved felines can actually feel guilty or ashamed after misbehaving, as well as more about their range of emotions, we reached out to Dr. Jeff Smith, Medical Director at Danville Family Vet and TikTok creator who runs this very popular channel.
Dr. Smith confirmed that cats are certainly capable of human-like emotions. “I don’t think cats are capable of the full range of human thought, but we know that they experience fear, anxiety, stress, contentment, and affection,” he explained.
Dr. Smith added that humans know that we can make cats happy by adding hiding spaces, providing vertical space, and a window with a view.
Image credits: ToastCrust
Image credits: freezydorito
Image credits: hwabtyes
Image credits: marisaannac
Having said that, guilt is not something Dr. Smith has seen in a cat. “They know what they are not allowed to do and they will deliberately try not to get caught, but when they do something ‘wrong,’ they do not seem to feel guilty,” he explained.
In fact, sometimes it is quite the opposite. “If you asked me if cats will behave out of spitefulness, that is another story. Your cat may lay a guilt trip on you, but you won’t get far trying to get the cat to feel guilt.”
Image credits: goodthing_liker
Image credits: monalittlebebe
Image credits: LocalGentry3
Image credits: neongrey33
Cats will definitely mimic their owner’s behavior, Dr. Smith argues. “They will fit themselves into a household routine and study your behavior to get what they want. Cats are experts in body language!”
Moreover, when you are in their presence, they are constantly learning from you. “They will pick up on cues that let them know when you are about to leave, when you are headed to the kitchen, or when you are not watching them. They thrive on your attention and will mimic your behaviors, no matter how quirky.”
Image credits: AbelUndercity
Image credits: TwinnerCat
Image credits: margaeyre
Image credits: APurplePokemon
Image credits: jelwon
Other people were inspired to write AITA posts about their own cats
Image credits: kanoosaboat
Image credits: Hellcat_Press
Image credits: sweetiddies
Image credits: AlephDara
Image credits: misslucyjane
Image credits: spoonfulofbeez
AITA? I ( M6) was just chilling at home after mom scooped up my sister and put her in a carrier, likely to go to the mean kitty doctor, when mom came back and let this STRANGE cat back out of the carrier. She smelled wierd and was wearing a sweater so I growled and smacked her and mom yelled at me and said it was my sister, but I know better.
NTA! Keep hissing to alert your mom of the imposter. Make sure to pout majestically wherever fake “sister” is near. Only reconsider if it turns out new sibling is good at snuggling and grooming behind the ears. Even then, though, never let your mom know that you changed your mind. I understand exactly what your are going though. My human servant said “you will get over it” when they brought home my fake brother, but I’m still fighting the good fight. Good luck OP
Load More Replies...AITA? I (5QE - that's Queen of Everything for you, plebs) want to go out but my houseservant (I dunno, 278? F) refuses to make the outside warm and dry for my delicate paws so I have to scream at her incessantly for 2 hours! Is it my fault she forgot to turn the sun on?
AITA I (M6months) saw my brother (M1) brought in a live mouse for me to play with as I’m not big enough to get out of the garden yet. I took it to the one who gives us food’s bedroom, (she leaves her door open all night - what does she expect) and played with it on the rug at the bottom of her bed. She woke up and dangled me over the abyss, well it was some plastic container, until my new furry friend fell out of my mouth. She gave it all the attention and said, “oh poor mousey, I’ll take you back to the woods”. What thievery is this? AIBU for taking it upstairs? I don’t know where these “woods” are so I’m looking around the house for it now. Will update when I can.
NTA but she clearly can’t take care of herself, keep bringing it back to her so she can learn how to hunt properly /s
Load More Replies...AITA? I ( M6) was just chilling at home after mom scooped up my sister and put her in a carrier, likely to go to the mean kitty doctor, when mom came back and let this STRANGE cat back out of the carrier. She smelled wierd and was wearing a sweater so I growled and smacked her and mom yelled at me and said it was my sister, but I know better.
NTA! Keep hissing to alert your mom of the imposter. Make sure to pout majestically wherever fake “sister” is near. Only reconsider if it turns out new sibling is good at snuggling and grooming behind the ears. Even then, though, never let your mom know that you changed your mind. I understand exactly what your are going though. My human servant said “you will get over it” when they brought home my fake brother, but I’m still fighting the good fight. Good luck OP
Load More Replies...AITA? I (5QE - that's Queen of Everything for you, plebs) want to go out but my houseservant (I dunno, 278? F) refuses to make the outside warm and dry for my delicate paws so I have to scream at her incessantly for 2 hours! Is it my fault she forgot to turn the sun on?
AITA I (M6months) saw my brother (M1) brought in a live mouse for me to play with as I’m not big enough to get out of the garden yet. I took it to the one who gives us food’s bedroom, (she leaves her door open all night - what does she expect) and played with it on the rug at the bottom of her bed. She woke up and dangled me over the abyss, well it was some plastic container, until my new furry friend fell out of my mouth. She gave it all the attention and said, “oh poor mousey, I’ll take you back to the woods”. What thievery is this? AIBU for taking it upstairs? I don’t know where these “woods” are so I’m looking around the house for it now. Will update when I can.
NTA but she clearly can’t take care of herself, keep bringing it back to her so she can learn how to hunt properly /s
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