Hey Pandas, AITA For Teaching These Kids And Their Mothers A Lesson By Cutting Their Flowers?
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One kid in my neighborhood has autism and enjoys touching the flowers I grow. Other kids, not so much. I do not have children because I couldn’t.
So, this one particular child who loves to ‘touch’ flowers comes by my house daily. I like him. He’s totes adorbs, and he never harms anything. He has verbal communication issues, but he seems very intelligent overall. He likes to smell the flowers and talk to them in his own form of language. His mother and I are now very good friends.
Today, I found three kids in the yard pulling out my zinnias and making bunches for themselves. I asked them to stop and told them it was wrong of them to take things that weren’t theirs
Image credits: Leslie Cross (not the actual photo)
I took the flowers from them and put them in a vase. I was devastated by the audacity of these kids to do such a thing. They were over twelve, an age that most children know right from wrong.
They left my property after a bit of back and forth that included language that children shouldn’t know, let alone use.
I was soon confronted by two angry mothers who told me that I was wrong for chastising their children the way I did
Image credits: Julien L (not the actual photo)
I showed them the damage they had done, and again, I was met with the excuse of “they’re just children.”
Cue malicious response…
I found out where they lived. I cut down all the roses in one woman’s yard and proceeded to clip off every flower from the other woman’s bougainvillea
Image credits: Angèle Kamp (not the actual photo)
Maybe that will let them know not to let their kids do whatever they choose. AITA for doing this?
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Share on FacebookThere is a saying, "Two wrongs don't make a right." If it was wrong (and it was) for the children to cut the flowers in this person's garden, it was also wrong for this person to do the same thing. Instead of solving the problem there's at least 5 angry people. This was not handled well.
All she's done is made her neighborhood worse. Now there's friction between her and their parents. 12 year olds are quite often not very nice people- their brains are rewiring and they're pushing boundaries. It's up to the adults to be adults.
Load More Replies...It was stupid of the mothers to say anything except making the kids (pre-teens/NOT children) apologize and/or reimbursing you for the flowers lost. And yes, that was petty of you to cut up another's flowers instead of using your words. I'm all for pettiness, but I don't think anyone learned anything here.
Well, they learned how it felt to have their flowers desecrated
Load More Replies...The mothers didnt appologise but came over to criticize her? NTA i don't care if it's petty
I'm going to probably have an unpopular opinion, but not the AH. A different saying applies here, no not an eye for an eye. The saying I'm thinking of treat others the way you want to be treated. If this lady allows her kids to just continue treating people's property like this and blame you for it, not to mention the foul language of her and her kids, then she shouldn't be surprised if one day her flowers disappear, or the family van has a single nail in the tire. Two rights don't make a wrong, but if the other party doesn't play that same rulebook you're not entitled to either. I will say as long as no one gets hurt, in this scenario you're NOT the AH.
Honestly, I agree in this case. The parents and kids won't learn a lesson unless something drastic was done.
Load More Replies...NTA You did try to.talk to the mother's and not only did it NOT solve anything, they were angry that you told their OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW BETTER offspring that what they were doing was wrong. Kids will be kids is a worn out excuse when it comes to the destruction of other people's property. So what if they're mad. Being nice wouldn't have got you any further.
As a fellow gardener, I get it, I really do, but...OP shouldn't have done it.
Kids wouldn't get charged. OP can. Instead of doing it herself, she should have sent a horde of children.
Petty, but I'm here for it. People think their kids can do no wrong, but I've worked in a middle school and their kids are NOT, in fact, angels. Tell them to go pick flowers in their own yards! This is why there is no village anymore. No one wants to confront s****y parents because it's a pain to teach grown adults how to be respectful of others instead of raising entitled twats like themselves. Stop enabling them!
Popular or not, I agree with Essie Jo. I have had neighbors who respect No one's boundaries, fence or no. I am 76, yes really old, however these changes in our culture reflect poorly on everyone. I am talking about the kids and mothers. Sometimes, you have no other cheek to turn. Me, I am ok with a war. We have been here over 20 years. You don't get to come in and change our culture. Actions should have consequences. Kids will be kids is BS! My parents would have been appalled if we had treated neighbors property as open to all.
Load More Replies...People are talking about disproportional response. I have yet to hear any constructive alternatives.
"Next time your Kids damage my plants I bux new ones and send you the receipt. Or "accidentally" AIM the Hose to water the plants right at them when they are stealing again. "What are you doing in my properly anyway? Not my Problem you stand right there when I water my plants"
Load More Replies...I'm not saying OP was right, but what did those mothers and children expect? Just imagine if those kids grow up to talk like that to someone and get themselves stabbed or shot or something. It will come back and bite you in the @$$. They should consider themselves lucky it was just their garden that got vandalized out of retaliation.
It's childish, and might not even help. But I get the feeling and the revenge make me smile. Perhaps try to find another thing you could do if it was meant to happen again?
Oh but not appalling for the teens who should know better to not trespass or the mother's saying their monsters were not at fault. Yeah I don't think it is the problem here
Load More Replies...If some wack-job of a mom said that to me about their kids after they allow them to deface others property because they completely lack parental guidance, I would have proudly walked my children into their yards and let them do the same. But even then they would fight me on it because they know cutting someone's flowers without permission is wrong and is theft. Those children could take a page from the first little boys book. Unfortunately parents now are raising the next incarcerated, letting these kids grow up thinking they can do and say whatever without consequence.
Valuable lesson for the mothers, they obviously don't know that a parents only job is to teach their children to live in society. Now they know.
ESH -- They shouldn't have cut your flowers or sworn at you (BTW, most teens do know swear words) and the teen years is too old for the "they're just children" excuse, but doing it back was way too petty and extreme.
When I was a teenager; I should have known better but 3 of us picked tulips from several gardens and thought our mischief was fun for some reason. As an adult I realize that we trespassed property and some we tore up the bulb as well. We stole them! One stop was a business landscape and we demolished it. They never planted tulips there again. Not something I'm proud of and being rowdy teens doesn't explain it away. If we had been caught we would have several legal charges against us. Stupid!
I'm honestly curious what a good alternative for her would have been? I understand her horror at how this was handled, but it really does cause a war now between neighbors. I think there could be an alternative solution but it sounds like she responded in anger rather than finding out what a good legal and responsible option would be. Perhaps install security cameras or call the non emergency hotline and say that children are abusing people's flowers. I could get grief about this but the author is wanting to know if they handled it properly and I don't see any comments saying much for alternative options so I'm curious - anyone else got any ideas on how to take the high road but still set up a boundary line to hold to?.
Security cameras good. Tell police that they trespassed, committed vandalism. Go to to small claims court and sue for treble damages. Make sure the whole town finds out. Get a restraining order against all the families involved. And remember that if you ignore the aggressive side, when the war starts you will be destroyed. I guess the younger generations didn’t learn anything from WW2. If we had treated Germany that way we’d be speaking German now and all who are not blonde, blue eyed , athletic Aryans would be dead.
Load More Replies...uggh, that was kinda annoying to read, always switching between the normal text and the titles for the pics.
I love how the "poll" doesn't reflect the comments here. And the comments are right; this was an adult tantrum.
I've noticed this on a number of articles. The comments and poll don't match.
Load More Replies...NTA. At first I thought so until you described the bounty of expensive florals at these children's homes. Which they did Not pick (I wonder why). I have seen a good standard of entitlement as being: if you need to travel somewhere to behave in ways that arent acceptable at home (skateboards in the cul de sac rather than your own driveway, littering in the park, picking flowers at someone's house) then You are not the a*****e. I hope you saved every flower to compensate. Their flowers will grow back after your pruning, yours are annuals.
They had no respect the parents had no respect. Talking it out obviously wasn’t going to work. She could have called the police because technically it’s theft and vandalism. Now they know how it feels hopefully they will put in end to it before it goes farther. A toddler I get oh it’s a kid though you still teach right from wrong . My daughter stole a troll at age one, or tried 2. The she’s a child only went so far. That was her first lesson. She had to wait a week to get that troll as at that point I couldn’t very well buy it for her. Teaching starts from the cradle on
Unless they know it was you and why you did it (and it's still wrong and yes YTA) you didn't even accomplish anything or teach anything. This world is so sad because people simply refuse to even try communicating with words ever.
Omg adults playing toddlers, parents of children need to teach the kids that other people's property is not their to take. Op is a huge huge A, I wouldn't be surprised if the mothers talked to the police about the vandalism. Not a good look at all
Should have I guess told these "mothers" to let their vandals cut their flowers up and leave her garden alone. Vandalize their own property. Next time call the police on the vandals
You as a adult could have faces charges for destruction of property, it is equivalent to cutting down someone's tree in some cities which can carry severe fines OR liabilities. An eye for an eye leaves the while world blind.
YTA. Don't be surprised if those kids come back to retaliate now that you've gone after their moms. Please consider growing up.
Never fight with children in a neighborhood. You will lose in the long run.
Why is everybody so angry nowadays? Zinnias are common annuals that are easy to grow and far less expensive than roses, which take YEARS to establish. SMH..... ( Fellow gardener here with MANY flowers in my yard, kids pick them all the time, idgaf half the time they smile and give it to their mom standing by). *Edited to add absolutely YTA
What I was going to say. And the way the OP explained it did not sound like the kids were vandalizing. Sounds like they were picking them nicely enough that she was able to put them in a vase. She should have kindly explained that they should ask before they pick flowers from someone's yard. Then she should have allowed them to take what they had picked. What she did as revenge was horrible. Destroying flowers that are not easily replaceable was so over the top I can't imagine anyone thinking this is OK. OP needs a therapist.
Load More Replies...I'm sure there were a thousand and one other options before jumping straight to vandalism.
Usually petty revenge is something I agree with, but cutting someone's flowers maliciously like that is one that doesn't fly with me.
I can't stand these parents who are raising these entitled coddled kids who do whatever they want with no consequences. One day they are going to F with the wrong ppl and get a really big wake up call
Screw that. Nta . I would've done the same. I'm really tired of these entitled mothers raising entitled children. They just continue to get away with this type of behavior . That's how bullys operate. Entitled women are just mean girls all grown up. I was friends with the mean girls, and no one stood up to them . Now they're just entitled women raising children who do s**t just.like.this. I'm civil with these women, and as much as they try , I keep them at arms length.
Maybe all these so called parents who coddle their kids ( you know the angels that do no wrong) would do their job and raise their kids right this wouldn't happen. Those kids are too old to act like babies. This generation needs to do better or we are all in trouble in the future.
Retaliating is only going to worsen the issue. The kids and the parents are never going to learn because they just don't care. I just don't believe in starting range wars. Build a fence with a attack dog and believe me that will solve the problem if they trespass on your property. Also put up a sign. Vicious dog on premises so that they are warned ahead of time and will have no excuses. Hopefully this will solve the problem.
There's an old saying: Two wrongs don't make a right! There's another old saying: WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND! There's so much wrong with this scenerio, starting with two over entitled 'muthuhs' who should have been profusely embarrassed & apologizing for their 'hellspores's behavior & language. The OP's reaction, while extreme, does have ME chuckling about one thought: If The 'Evidence' Ain't Displayed, HOW ARE THESE 'SUPERIOR LADIES WHO LUNCH' GONNA PROVE IT WASN'T THEIRS OR SOMEBODY ELSE'S BRATS THAT DONE THE DEED?!😜
No, no this is not ok in my opinion. Plants and flowers are living things... yeah, i would also be very angry if someone cuts my flowers. But, as someone who loves plants, I couldnt cut so many other flowers just to get a revenge. This is not "the godfather" where a son´s killing is payed with a son´s killing. Acting Mafia-like is not ok. And they flowers didnt do anything to anyone! It´s like saying: you killed my dog so I´m killing yours! and then you make it very clear that you love dogs. doubble-standard is the name of this game.
It sounds like something I would want to do, but wouldn't because I still have to live with these people. I don't know what the solution is - I might've started with a garden party for the neighborhood, to educate people about the time and care put into growing the flowers, and let everyone see how much nicer it is to enjoy growing plants than dying flowers. I don't know that would have solved it, but if it didn't, you could have presented the parents with a bill for the damage, and the other neighbors may have shamed them into paying it, once the understood the value of the work destroyed.
But I always think a party is the answer 😅 So do with that what you will
Load More Replies...Sure the parents clearly didn't teach going into other people's property and tearing the flowers is unacceptable but you are a grown up. Who needs kids making mistakes when there are adults who take petty revenge on psycho mode. Yes, you were wrong for what you did to their yard. You said your peace to the parents and kids. They may not have liked it but you made it clear. If anything I would have sent them a bill and taken pictures of the kids and parents during the whole thing in case I needed proof for legal reasons. What you did could turn this around on you, and worse. Everyone makes mistakes it's how we learn or improve. Seriously, how old are you that you think what you did even comes close to a mistake by kids
I understand the lesson u were trying to teach. The way u went about was just as childish as the children. I understand they r old enough to understand right n wrong. I like planting flowers n I don't mind if someone picks them, that's y I grow them. Yes I understand not everyone wants they're pretty flowers picked. U could have talked to the parents n made a sign plz do not pick. Thank u. No one's perfect n we all have been petty to some else. Try making amends, it's a start in the right direction
If it's not okay for them to do it, it's not okay for you to do it. YTA
A bit of overreacting. She's lucky if she was not charged with vandalism and property damage.
Not the best move... Usually im down to read about MC stuff but this is just being TA.. no offense but that's more messed up than the kids ruining your flowers OP.
Roses are WAY harder to grow than wussy zinnias. Way to bully and hurt more plants because you thought you're right. When I catch children pulling on flowers, plants, and trees I ask them how they would like to be pulled up by their hair. *That* has always made my point. Shame on your petty soul.
So, basically, you're admitting to committing a crime. YTA. You're older than 12. If they should know better, what about you?
To all here who say OP should have talked it out?... do you think she held her tongue when the Parents came to tell her SHE was WRONG for telling their precious babies that they shouldn't be DESTROYING OTHER PEOPLE'S PROPERTY?! To those who think she should install cameras, call the Police, go to court and get restraining orders.?...Have you ever tried to do such things in a similar situation? I doubt she would have done more than flush her money and raise her blood pressure in doing so. And while these options obviously sound like 'being the Adult' (Even though these kids Parents weren't acting like adults) and 'taking the high road', I believe OP had very slim chances of coming out on top in any of those situations. Someone needs to BE the 'Parent'. Unfortunately, the kids are too immature and the parents are too ignorant. Without consequences, there is no learning. They all needed a lesson. OP may have started a war, but I hope her opponents at least come away feeling some pain due to their own actions.
You are worse than those kids were, as an adult not only do you know way better. You showed those kids it’s ok to destroy someone property. Nothing has been solved and now they know its ok to be the bigger bully
Flowers??? ESH/YTA - kids these days are by far worse than the kids who are now adults in terms of neighborhood behavior, and the slurs and swears I hear make me sickened with sadness that these kids see no issues with cussing out an adult that they have (perceived or observed) slighted. But here's the YTA- those are FLOWERS. THEY GROW BACK. Why is it such a big deal that OP felt justified trespassing and vandalizing someone else's property? I'm also confused about the idea that OP was angry with children and decided to act exactly the way the kids did that created the situation in the first place? I'm sensing they're a young under 25 or an older mid 50 with this whole "this is my property if you touch it I'll touch yours" attitude. Either way, trim the flowers out of access except for a small pot for the autistic kiddo to enjoy still and stop being petty over a plant. Be grateful to have a yard and a home you get to landscape as you please when that's more than many people can say.
Not necessarily condoning but. . . I'm going against the grain here but boy I bet it felt good. Why do I get the feeling this wasn't the first time something of this nature has happened with these families in the neighborhood, most people are not going to retaliate so fully over a 1st or single incident ( and talking was probably done then). And for that matter, the flower picking, when not in your own yard is vandalism as well,is it not? I bet the mothers will take a little more notice of what their kids are up to, never had a care about where those picked flowers bouquets were coming from before, did they? Bet you been getting more smiles and neighborly nods since you did it too haven't you LoL?
Those kids didn't like her showing kindness to the autistic child and retaliated to actually hurt that child more than her. Those vandals need community service helping kids with special needs.
Approve of the revenge, but you are not a 12 YO. You have now become the "target" of 3 hormonal teenagers and they will be there until after they graduate College. I really wouldn't plan on having any sort of foliage out front and they will find ways to make your life he double hockey sticks. I know because I was once 12 and had an a*****e neighbor that my mom was fighting with over a drainage ditch. We terrorized the poor guy till he moved. Everything from ding dong ditching with the poop bags to launching bottle rockets at his front door. Halloween was also interesting and as his back yard backed to the forest, We pretty much had free reign to cause chaos and me mum backed us every single time... Just saying this was not the way...
Free 'rein'. And your mum sounds just like the mothers in this story, backing little terrorists (your own word) instead of correcting you to 'leave it yo the adults to resolve', over a drainage ditch issue???
Load More Replies...I think what you did was terrible! As a gardener myself I know how long it takes perennials like roses or bougainvilleas to blossom whereas zinnias are annuals that basically blossom no matter what. You stick the young plant or seed in the dirt and a couple months later you have a flower. The last rose I planted took 5 years before it had multiple blossoms on it. What you did was a petty overreaction and I don't think you can consider yourself an "adult" without apologizing for this misstep. Shame on you! Shame on the kids too but they are kids!
Don't you just cut the roses at a 5leaf and boom more roses? I have roses growing out of my ears. After my plant had been decapitated I'd just go in and trim them all back to a 5leaf spot. Then voila, new roses. No idea about bougainvillea though.
Load More Replies...Yta, not a little one either. As the adult you are worse than the kids who were taking your flowers for themselves. You taught them that its ok to destroy other peoples property
Yta as an adult you should have talked it out instead you decided to act like a 12 year old. This is how neighborhood fights start.
There is a saying, "Two wrongs don't make a right." If it was wrong (and it was) for the children to cut the flowers in this person's garden, it was also wrong for this person to do the same thing. Instead of solving the problem there's at least 5 angry people. This was not handled well.
All she's done is made her neighborhood worse. Now there's friction between her and their parents. 12 year olds are quite often not very nice people- their brains are rewiring and they're pushing boundaries. It's up to the adults to be adults.
Load More Replies...It was stupid of the mothers to say anything except making the kids (pre-teens/NOT children) apologize and/or reimbursing you for the flowers lost. And yes, that was petty of you to cut up another's flowers instead of using your words. I'm all for pettiness, but I don't think anyone learned anything here.
Well, they learned how it felt to have their flowers desecrated
Load More Replies...The mothers didnt appologise but came over to criticize her? NTA i don't care if it's petty
I'm going to probably have an unpopular opinion, but not the AH. A different saying applies here, no not an eye for an eye. The saying I'm thinking of treat others the way you want to be treated. If this lady allows her kids to just continue treating people's property like this and blame you for it, not to mention the foul language of her and her kids, then she shouldn't be surprised if one day her flowers disappear, or the family van has a single nail in the tire. Two rights don't make a wrong, but if the other party doesn't play that same rulebook you're not entitled to either. I will say as long as no one gets hurt, in this scenario you're NOT the AH.
Honestly, I agree in this case. The parents and kids won't learn a lesson unless something drastic was done.
Load More Replies...NTA You did try to.talk to the mother's and not only did it NOT solve anything, they were angry that you told their OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW BETTER offspring that what they were doing was wrong. Kids will be kids is a worn out excuse when it comes to the destruction of other people's property. So what if they're mad. Being nice wouldn't have got you any further.
As a fellow gardener, I get it, I really do, but...OP shouldn't have done it.
Kids wouldn't get charged. OP can. Instead of doing it herself, she should have sent a horde of children.
Petty, but I'm here for it. People think their kids can do no wrong, but I've worked in a middle school and their kids are NOT, in fact, angels. Tell them to go pick flowers in their own yards! This is why there is no village anymore. No one wants to confront s****y parents because it's a pain to teach grown adults how to be respectful of others instead of raising entitled twats like themselves. Stop enabling them!
Popular or not, I agree with Essie Jo. I have had neighbors who respect No one's boundaries, fence or no. I am 76, yes really old, however these changes in our culture reflect poorly on everyone. I am talking about the kids and mothers. Sometimes, you have no other cheek to turn. Me, I am ok with a war. We have been here over 20 years. You don't get to come in and change our culture. Actions should have consequences. Kids will be kids is BS! My parents would have been appalled if we had treated neighbors property as open to all.
Load More Replies...People are talking about disproportional response. I have yet to hear any constructive alternatives.
"Next time your Kids damage my plants I bux new ones and send you the receipt. Or "accidentally" AIM the Hose to water the plants right at them when they are stealing again. "What are you doing in my properly anyway? Not my Problem you stand right there when I water my plants"
Load More Replies...I'm not saying OP was right, but what did those mothers and children expect? Just imagine if those kids grow up to talk like that to someone and get themselves stabbed or shot or something. It will come back and bite you in the @$$. They should consider themselves lucky it was just their garden that got vandalized out of retaliation.
It's childish, and might not even help. But I get the feeling and the revenge make me smile. Perhaps try to find another thing you could do if it was meant to happen again?
Oh but not appalling for the teens who should know better to not trespass or the mother's saying their monsters were not at fault. Yeah I don't think it is the problem here
Load More Replies...If some wack-job of a mom said that to me about their kids after they allow them to deface others property because they completely lack parental guidance, I would have proudly walked my children into their yards and let them do the same. But even then they would fight me on it because they know cutting someone's flowers without permission is wrong and is theft. Those children could take a page from the first little boys book. Unfortunately parents now are raising the next incarcerated, letting these kids grow up thinking they can do and say whatever without consequence.
Valuable lesson for the mothers, they obviously don't know that a parents only job is to teach their children to live in society. Now they know.
ESH -- They shouldn't have cut your flowers or sworn at you (BTW, most teens do know swear words) and the teen years is too old for the "they're just children" excuse, but doing it back was way too petty and extreme.
When I was a teenager; I should have known better but 3 of us picked tulips from several gardens and thought our mischief was fun for some reason. As an adult I realize that we trespassed property and some we tore up the bulb as well. We stole them! One stop was a business landscape and we demolished it. They never planted tulips there again. Not something I'm proud of and being rowdy teens doesn't explain it away. If we had been caught we would have several legal charges against us. Stupid!
I'm honestly curious what a good alternative for her would have been? I understand her horror at how this was handled, but it really does cause a war now between neighbors. I think there could be an alternative solution but it sounds like she responded in anger rather than finding out what a good legal and responsible option would be. Perhaps install security cameras or call the non emergency hotline and say that children are abusing people's flowers. I could get grief about this but the author is wanting to know if they handled it properly and I don't see any comments saying much for alternative options so I'm curious - anyone else got any ideas on how to take the high road but still set up a boundary line to hold to?.
Security cameras good. Tell police that they trespassed, committed vandalism. Go to to small claims court and sue for treble damages. Make sure the whole town finds out. Get a restraining order against all the families involved. And remember that if you ignore the aggressive side, when the war starts you will be destroyed. I guess the younger generations didn’t learn anything from WW2. If we had treated Germany that way we’d be speaking German now and all who are not blonde, blue eyed , athletic Aryans would be dead.
Load More Replies...uggh, that was kinda annoying to read, always switching between the normal text and the titles for the pics.
I love how the "poll" doesn't reflect the comments here. And the comments are right; this was an adult tantrum.
I've noticed this on a number of articles. The comments and poll don't match.
Load More Replies...NTA. At first I thought so until you described the bounty of expensive florals at these children's homes. Which they did Not pick (I wonder why). I have seen a good standard of entitlement as being: if you need to travel somewhere to behave in ways that arent acceptable at home (skateboards in the cul de sac rather than your own driveway, littering in the park, picking flowers at someone's house) then You are not the a*****e. I hope you saved every flower to compensate. Their flowers will grow back after your pruning, yours are annuals.
They had no respect the parents had no respect. Talking it out obviously wasn’t going to work. She could have called the police because technically it’s theft and vandalism. Now they know how it feels hopefully they will put in end to it before it goes farther. A toddler I get oh it’s a kid though you still teach right from wrong . My daughter stole a troll at age one, or tried 2. The she’s a child only went so far. That was her first lesson. She had to wait a week to get that troll as at that point I couldn’t very well buy it for her. Teaching starts from the cradle on
Unless they know it was you and why you did it (and it's still wrong and yes YTA) you didn't even accomplish anything or teach anything. This world is so sad because people simply refuse to even try communicating with words ever.
Omg adults playing toddlers, parents of children need to teach the kids that other people's property is not their to take. Op is a huge huge A, I wouldn't be surprised if the mothers talked to the police about the vandalism. Not a good look at all
Should have I guess told these "mothers" to let their vandals cut their flowers up and leave her garden alone. Vandalize their own property. Next time call the police on the vandals
You as a adult could have faces charges for destruction of property, it is equivalent to cutting down someone's tree in some cities which can carry severe fines OR liabilities. An eye for an eye leaves the while world blind.
YTA. Don't be surprised if those kids come back to retaliate now that you've gone after their moms. Please consider growing up.
Never fight with children in a neighborhood. You will lose in the long run.
Why is everybody so angry nowadays? Zinnias are common annuals that are easy to grow and far less expensive than roses, which take YEARS to establish. SMH..... ( Fellow gardener here with MANY flowers in my yard, kids pick them all the time, idgaf half the time they smile and give it to their mom standing by). *Edited to add absolutely YTA
What I was going to say. And the way the OP explained it did not sound like the kids were vandalizing. Sounds like they were picking them nicely enough that she was able to put them in a vase. She should have kindly explained that they should ask before they pick flowers from someone's yard. Then she should have allowed them to take what they had picked. What she did as revenge was horrible. Destroying flowers that are not easily replaceable was so over the top I can't imagine anyone thinking this is OK. OP needs a therapist.
Load More Replies...I'm sure there were a thousand and one other options before jumping straight to vandalism.
Usually petty revenge is something I agree with, but cutting someone's flowers maliciously like that is one that doesn't fly with me.
I can't stand these parents who are raising these entitled coddled kids who do whatever they want with no consequences. One day they are going to F with the wrong ppl and get a really big wake up call
Screw that. Nta . I would've done the same. I'm really tired of these entitled mothers raising entitled children. They just continue to get away with this type of behavior . That's how bullys operate. Entitled women are just mean girls all grown up. I was friends with the mean girls, and no one stood up to them . Now they're just entitled women raising children who do s**t just.like.this. I'm civil with these women, and as much as they try , I keep them at arms length.
Maybe all these so called parents who coddle their kids ( you know the angels that do no wrong) would do their job and raise their kids right this wouldn't happen. Those kids are too old to act like babies. This generation needs to do better or we are all in trouble in the future.
Retaliating is only going to worsen the issue. The kids and the parents are never going to learn because they just don't care. I just don't believe in starting range wars. Build a fence with a attack dog and believe me that will solve the problem if they trespass on your property. Also put up a sign. Vicious dog on premises so that they are warned ahead of time and will have no excuses. Hopefully this will solve the problem.
There's an old saying: Two wrongs don't make a right! There's another old saying: WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND! There's so much wrong with this scenerio, starting with two over entitled 'muthuhs' who should have been profusely embarrassed & apologizing for their 'hellspores's behavior & language. The OP's reaction, while extreme, does have ME chuckling about one thought: If The 'Evidence' Ain't Displayed, HOW ARE THESE 'SUPERIOR LADIES WHO LUNCH' GONNA PROVE IT WASN'T THEIRS OR SOMEBODY ELSE'S BRATS THAT DONE THE DEED?!😜
No, no this is not ok in my opinion. Plants and flowers are living things... yeah, i would also be very angry if someone cuts my flowers. But, as someone who loves plants, I couldnt cut so many other flowers just to get a revenge. This is not "the godfather" where a son´s killing is payed with a son´s killing. Acting Mafia-like is not ok. And they flowers didnt do anything to anyone! It´s like saying: you killed my dog so I´m killing yours! and then you make it very clear that you love dogs. doubble-standard is the name of this game.
It sounds like something I would want to do, but wouldn't because I still have to live with these people. I don't know what the solution is - I might've started with a garden party for the neighborhood, to educate people about the time and care put into growing the flowers, and let everyone see how much nicer it is to enjoy growing plants than dying flowers. I don't know that would have solved it, but if it didn't, you could have presented the parents with a bill for the damage, and the other neighbors may have shamed them into paying it, once the understood the value of the work destroyed.
But I always think a party is the answer 😅 So do with that what you will
Load More Replies...Sure the parents clearly didn't teach going into other people's property and tearing the flowers is unacceptable but you are a grown up. Who needs kids making mistakes when there are adults who take petty revenge on psycho mode. Yes, you were wrong for what you did to their yard. You said your peace to the parents and kids. They may not have liked it but you made it clear. If anything I would have sent them a bill and taken pictures of the kids and parents during the whole thing in case I needed proof for legal reasons. What you did could turn this around on you, and worse. Everyone makes mistakes it's how we learn or improve. Seriously, how old are you that you think what you did even comes close to a mistake by kids
I understand the lesson u were trying to teach. The way u went about was just as childish as the children. I understand they r old enough to understand right n wrong. I like planting flowers n I don't mind if someone picks them, that's y I grow them. Yes I understand not everyone wants they're pretty flowers picked. U could have talked to the parents n made a sign plz do not pick. Thank u. No one's perfect n we all have been petty to some else. Try making amends, it's a start in the right direction
If it's not okay for them to do it, it's not okay for you to do it. YTA
A bit of overreacting. She's lucky if she was not charged with vandalism and property damage.
Not the best move... Usually im down to read about MC stuff but this is just being TA.. no offense but that's more messed up than the kids ruining your flowers OP.
Roses are WAY harder to grow than wussy zinnias. Way to bully and hurt more plants because you thought you're right. When I catch children pulling on flowers, plants, and trees I ask them how they would like to be pulled up by their hair. *That* has always made my point. Shame on your petty soul.
So, basically, you're admitting to committing a crime. YTA. You're older than 12. If they should know better, what about you?
To all here who say OP should have talked it out?... do you think she held her tongue when the Parents came to tell her SHE was WRONG for telling their precious babies that they shouldn't be DESTROYING OTHER PEOPLE'S PROPERTY?! To those who think she should install cameras, call the Police, go to court and get restraining orders.?...Have you ever tried to do such things in a similar situation? I doubt she would have done more than flush her money and raise her blood pressure in doing so. And while these options obviously sound like 'being the Adult' (Even though these kids Parents weren't acting like adults) and 'taking the high road', I believe OP had very slim chances of coming out on top in any of those situations. Someone needs to BE the 'Parent'. Unfortunately, the kids are too immature and the parents are too ignorant. Without consequences, there is no learning. They all needed a lesson. OP may have started a war, but I hope her opponents at least come away feeling some pain due to their own actions.
You are worse than those kids were, as an adult not only do you know way better. You showed those kids it’s ok to destroy someone property. Nothing has been solved and now they know its ok to be the bigger bully
Flowers??? ESH/YTA - kids these days are by far worse than the kids who are now adults in terms of neighborhood behavior, and the slurs and swears I hear make me sickened with sadness that these kids see no issues with cussing out an adult that they have (perceived or observed) slighted. But here's the YTA- those are FLOWERS. THEY GROW BACK. Why is it such a big deal that OP felt justified trespassing and vandalizing someone else's property? I'm also confused about the idea that OP was angry with children and decided to act exactly the way the kids did that created the situation in the first place? I'm sensing they're a young under 25 or an older mid 50 with this whole "this is my property if you touch it I'll touch yours" attitude. Either way, trim the flowers out of access except for a small pot for the autistic kiddo to enjoy still and stop being petty over a plant. Be grateful to have a yard and a home you get to landscape as you please when that's more than many people can say.
Not necessarily condoning but. . . I'm going against the grain here but boy I bet it felt good. Why do I get the feeling this wasn't the first time something of this nature has happened with these families in the neighborhood, most people are not going to retaliate so fully over a 1st or single incident ( and talking was probably done then). And for that matter, the flower picking, when not in your own yard is vandalism as well,is it not? I bet the mothers will take a little more notice of what their kids are up to, never had a care about where those picked flowers bouquets were coming from before, did they? Bet you been getting more smiles and neighborly nods since you did it too haven't you LoL?
Those kids didn't like her showing kindness to the autistic child and retaliated to actually hurt that child more than her. Those vandals need community service helping kids with special needs.
Approve of the revenge, but you are not a 12 YO. You have now become the "target" of 3 hormonal teenagers and they will be there until after they graduate College. I really wouldn't plan on having any sort of foliage out front and they will find ways to make your life he double hockey sticks. I know because I was once 12 and had an a*****e neighbor that my mom was fighting with over a drainage ditch. We terrorized the poor guy till he moved. Everything from ding dong ditching with the poop bags to launching bottle rockets at his front door. Halloween was also interesting and as his back yard backed to the forest, We pretty much had free reign to cause chaos and me mum backed us every single time... Just saying this was not the way...
Free 'rein'. And your mum sounds just like the mothers in this story, backing little terrorists (your own word) instead of correcting you to 'leave it yo the adults to resolve', over a drainage ditch issue???
Load More Replies...I think what you did was terrible! As a gardener myself I know how long it takes perennials like roses or bougainvilleas to blossom whereas zinnias are annuals that basically blossom no matter what. You stick the young plant or seed in the dirt and a couple months later you have a flower. The last rose I planted took 5 years before it had multiple blossoms on it. What you did was a petty overreaction and I don't think you can consider yourself an "adult" without apologizing for this misstep. Shame on you! Shame on the kids too but they are kids!
Don't you just cut the roses at a 5leaf and boom more roses? I have roses growing out of my ears. After my plant had been decapitated I'd just go in and trim them all back to a 5leaf spot. Then voila, new roses. No idea about bougainvillea though.
Load More Replies...Yta, not a little one either. As the adult you are worse than the kids who were taking your flowers for themselves. You taught them that its ok to destroy other peoples property
Yta as an adult you should have talked it out instead you decided to act like a 12 year old. This is how neighborhood fights start.