“Am I The Jerk For Kicking My Husband Out Of The Delivery Room?”
The miracle of birth is one of the most difficult and life-changing events in a person’s life. As a partner, it’s up to you to become a one-stop shop of kindness, support, and entertainment. From rubbing their back to offering reassuring words, your role is to create an overall stress-free environment and just be there for your loved one. What childbirth doesn’t involve is for you to play games and constantly talk on the phone with your “bros”.
But not everyone gets that, as this is exactly what the husband of a recent poster Moody009 on Reddit’s AITA community did. As the woman explained in her story, her experience was neither convenient nor pretty as she opted for an epidural-free delivery and was in labor for 26 hours straight.
Yet, her other half made everything even more challenging by being on his phone, complaining. Wishing to “be in pain in peace”, the user decided to kick him out of the room, something that only ensued further family drama. Scroll down to read the story in full, as well as the community reactions that followed. Then decide whether the wife’s actions are justified or not and be sure to weigh in on the situation in the comments.
This woman recently asked if she was wrong to kick her husband out of the delivery room for constantly being on the phone
Image credits: Jimmy Conover
Image credits: Thom Holmes
Image credits: Moody009
Many commenters expressed overwhelming support for the woman and noticed several red flags from the husband that burdened the relationship. Childbirth does not happen every day — it’s an emotional and physical journey like no other — so the fact that the man was more willing to spend this time talking with his friends and family frustrated the community members. Not to mention he left the hospital and missed the birth of his child, something that made people deem the husband was in the wrong in this situation.
Bringing a child into this world is an overwhelming adventure. A birth partner carries a vital role that may have a significant impact on the outcome of the birth experience. In fact, research shows that continuous support during childbirth leads to positive results for the person in labor and the little one. They are less likely to report negative ratings or feelings about their childbirth experience, and it might even reduce the length of the delivery process.
A supportive partner nearby creates a safe and comfortable environment, so people should strive to learn as many tips and tricks to know what to expect in the delivery room. To gain insight from an expert in the field, we reached out to Aleksandra Evanguelidi LM, CPM, who has been a midwife in Los Angeles for over 20 years and is the co-creator and host of the podcast Under the Hood. She currently specializes in prenatal nutrition, home waterbirth, and prepping women for the rigors of conception and pregnancy. She says we don’t just need more babies, we need healthy babies.
When it comes to the main things expected from a birth partner during labor, Aleks told Bored Panda the number one thing is for them to be present, capital P. “It’s fantastic if they can do a childbirth preparation class so that they can help their loved ones navigate the landscape of birth. Labor is for real the hardest thing a person will ever go through. There is literally no comparison in what it demands of you – so showing up means being present, being calm, and for the love of God, DO NOT GET ON YOUR CELL PHONE.”
Aleks pointed out a few wonderful things you can do during the delivery process: rub their back, continue to offer hydration, and speak sweet words. “Tell them the story about when you fell totally in love with them. Tell them how beautiful they are again and again. Thank them for doing this hard work for them and their child.”
“The amount of effort required to birth a baby is beyond imagination,” she continued. “The ability to focus on the sensations which are mind-blowingly intense requires everything we have and then more. This means that we have to focus on each contraction or wave as if our life depends on it. It is also massively rewarding work to birth your child into this world.”
But if the partner is not supportive, such as in the story in question, it can cause the other person to feel alone and vulnerable, and even contribute to having a traumatic birth experience. “When we do not feel heard during the process of childbirth, it can often trigger trauma from our childhood when we were not listened to or when we had experiences of pain that were beyond our ability to control,” Aleks said.
The expert noted that, unfortunately, trauma during childbirth happens far more often than we realize “and impacts not only the outcome of the birth experience but stays with us and our babies for the rest of our lives.”
“I often meet people having their second or third child who still grieve years later about how the birth of their children impacted them and remain a daily source of pain,” she added. “During childbirth, we are in the most vulnerable time of our lives — having support, being cared for, feeling safe and loved and witnessed is critical in informing how we feel about ourselves and our partners in years to come.”
After reading the story, people expressed support for the woman and sounded the alarm about this relationship
To help your loved one get through the delivery process, start preparing early. “Hire a skilled and loving doula,” Aleks advised. Doulas are there to help the birth process and advocate on behalf of the family to ensure their desires outweigh hospital policies. “They help educate you on your options and choices and often become the translator between the hospital staff and you.”
Another tip Aleks shared for a supported birth and happy postpartum is to hire a midwife. “Midwives have excellent outcomes. In fact, countries that use midwives for Low-Risk pregnancies (including home birth) have the best Perinatal outcomes.”
“The United States is ranked 50th in perinatal outcomes among industrialized countries and we spend 2x as much on each pregnancy. There needs to be further research and education on the benefits and outcomes of safe midwifery care in the US.” The expert mentioned that the myth that home birth is dangerous puts fear into us and makes people choose hospital birth over home birth, “even though they might prefer an unmedicated delivery or want to feel empowered during the birth process, both of which are much harder to come by in the hospital.”
Moreover, Aleks suggested spending more time planning for postpartum care. “While it’s a luxury trend to hire a night nurse so new parents can sleep, the real benefit comes when you hire a postpartum doula who can cook nourishing foods, rub you in warming oils and help bind your belly postpartum.”
Lastly, take a childbirth preparation class. “You are not the expert in childbirth. Birth is a foreign landscape for most of us and the first time we are acquainted with pregnancy is when we pee positive and suddenly are faced with life taking on a completely new trajectory.”
According to her, there are a variety of classes available nowadays that offer the very best knowledge to help people prepare for the many parenting and life decisions ahead. “All the prep work done before labor really informs the kind of outcome we will end up with. The more we take classes and hire a provider that puts our desires and agendas first, the better the outcome. With birth, if you don’t educate yourself about your options, you don’t have any and the outcome will not be what you wanted but what the agenda is in the environment you give birth,” Aleks said.
At the end of the day, birth partners must be present and ensure their loved ones feel like they are in a supportive environment. Something that, unfortunately, the woman’s husband failed to fulfill. What did you think of his actions? Was kicking him out of the room the right choice? Do you have any similar experiences you would like to share? Be sure to weigh in on the discussion in the comments, we’d love to hear more from you down below!
Share on FacebookSo he was perfectly okay with going on a boys trip and likely missing the birth, but gets mad that he missed it because of his own pettiness? Seems a little like some gaslighting to shift his own issues...
Do you really believe that this is new behavior for him? Do you really believe that this woman has not put up with a childish twat of a man man since she started dating him?? Childish behavior like this is something that has been going on for years and she has put up with it the whole time. Frankly, it's kind of stupid to live with somebody and expect them to suddenly change their behavior simply because you're about to spit out a crotch goblin. That's not how spoiled brats work. That's not how entitled turds work.
Load More Replies...What an unbelievably selfish turd. I smell a divorce in the very near future.
I know women who would have yeeted that phone across the room the minute he started chatting with his bros. Some of them would have screamed at the jerks on the other end, then bounced the phone off his forehead. NTA. Delivery room etiquette is clear - no one gets to be in the room (or on screen) if they aren't helping and supporting the woman in labour. I hope this a*s gets an attitude adjustment, and learns to be a better partner and a good father.
Sounds like a little boy throwing a temper tantrum. NTA, but why did you marry someone like that? Seems like this is regular behavior on his part.
I was thinking exactly this. Why have a baby with this moron? He must have shown behaviour like this before...
Load More Replies...It's not a right to see your child being born. If you are there for the labor your role is to be the support person. Meaning supporting the one giving birth. Everything other than that - just GO. It's a woman's most vulnerable and painful moment - it's NOT about you. I wish more men understood that you are not at the hospital to "see your kid being born". You are supposed to be her advocate and support. If you can't do that let her know beforehand so she can find someone else to be present. I hope OP never apologize because what he did was unforgivable.
I'm worried that she doesn't mention any of her side of the family. That she feels trapped in a situation she has no control over because she has no one to turn to. Really hope she gets the help and support she needs.
We should invent the way to make men give birth. They have it way too easy with this whole parenting thing.
whatever makes the mom to be more comfortable is what needs to happen. my daughter in law had me in the room for delivery and i even cut the cord. where was my son? at home. why? because his first wife died while giving birth with his first child. on a false alarm with my daughter in law and they tried to send her home they almost had to get security on him because he refused to take her home because he was terrified something would happen. i had to intervene between the nurses and security and explain what was going on. he felt terrible at the time but realized that he would only create more tension for her. if they ever have another child i hope he will be able to be there for a wonderful experience that may or may not help with the memory of the birth of his first child.
My condolences for you and your son. In that situation, his actions are understandable; he went through a very traumatic event and didn't want to bring his wife more stress. The dude in op story is just a douche canoe.
Load More Replies...This woman has a dream of what her family is like. She wants that dream so badly that she is trying to make it the real. However, the reality is that she is willingly not seeing what is in front of her. Her husband is not the same man that she dreams he is. Her dream world will shatter one day, and it will be the worse time in her entire life. But right now, she’s just trying to reach for a reason to keep clinging to her dream by making this situation her fault, by making it into something that she can fix by correcting herself. I feel for her. I know her struggle. I was in her situation. I wish her well. I wish her strength.
Wow, so much to unpack! I like that one long comment, I hope she said those things to him. Yes, 26hrs is a long time, and he'll get bored and need some chill time. But constantly? In the room? And his mom was just a huge b*%&h. And I'm so sick and tired of the man-baby tantrums
I was my sisters birthing partner. Her husband was absolutely useless. Both of her births were traumatic as hell, the second ending in her being taken to surgery. I fed their baby the first time both times. He would barely hold her leg when she was pushing, and before then was watching shows nonstop on his tablet. He fell asleep for a majority of the labor. Just incredibly frustrating. But my sister and I are super tight because of this, and being there for the birth of my nephews was an incredible moment. :)
Hell, I have a bleeding disorder and couldn't have an epidural. My child's father was afraid of passing out so he just sat in the corner hoarding my ice chips. If he had pulled this c**p I would have grabbed his s*****m and pulled it up over his head.
I'd have done that for the ice chips, the bastard. 😡
Load More Replies...My husband made the mistake of saying his ex-wife’s name when I gave birth to my first child (his second.) We were all up for 36 hours for this. I obviously forgave him for this whole situation. Was terrible, still, but understandable. My own mother decided to turn the knife and call me by his ex-wife’s name the next few weeks. My. Own. Mother.
FYI, my husband and I are still happily married. I hope my mom is loving her best life, I haven’t seen her in 15 years.
Load More Replies...My husband always has been a practical joker kinda like that aggravating little twit brother you just wanna beat the shtt out of. My husband after 32yrs is never serious about anything and it's extremely annoying,he's that type too that will low key aggravate you so to make you look as if you're going crazy lol but yeah with each of our four children being born I had to throw him out each time.. with our first child I was in excruciating pain and he's down there you know like really down there with the Dr with that bright light and literally up close and personal with my hoohaa and so sneaky he'd make like fart noises to embarrass me and he's asking the Dr everything like when the babies crowning he's all loud "yo melanie she's got brown hair" it was extremely embarrassing ntm being in the worst pain of my life. So yeah I've thrown him out of all four of our children's births..I to this day have ulcerative disease and struggle with bleeding ulcers and I absolutely blame his a*s lol
When a woman gives birth, she is the absolute focus of attention and lacks the bandwidth to coddle her partner. Some men find that absolutely unbearable and get worse when the baby sucks up all the attention. OP should review her relationship to see if she can remember any times he focused his attention on her without the goal of him getting sex.
Why do people marry their blind dates? I don't support the husband or the wife. She chose HIM as her partner. It's not like she just found herself in this situation, randomnly. I'm sick of empathizing with people who make poor choices and then tell us about a sliver of their life. And all you wishing for divorce; not a solution to a reoccurring problem. She's attracted to guys like this. Why would the next one she chooses be different? I say, stay together and work on each other.
He missed the birth because he left the hospital. Thats on him. Its incredibly manipulative for him to try and play the victim here. The fact he couldn't devote this relatively small amount of time to his wife and the birth if his child is not a good sign.
What a piece of s**t. This fuckboy baby maker can get bent. I've seen mothers in labor send idiot fathers to the ER because they f****d around while they are trying to have a baby. He's not the one ripping himself in half to create another human
Been there my soon to be Ex-husband was playing his Switch then slept while I was in labor (went all natural)the nurse had to wake him just in time to see the birth. After the whole ordeal.. He had the nerve to say he was tired and couldn't sleep well because of the sofa bed in the hospital room and went home to get some rest..I let it go but things never change got worse be there was a crying baby.. The day I had enough baby was around 2months and he was yelling for the baby to stop crying (I was in the kitchen my making a bottle) and then suddenly the cry sounded muffled.. he had a hand over baby mouth saying I said to be quiet oh I lost my s**t..took my kid and left . I did explain to him what he did was wrong but gosh it's literally like talking and explaining things to a 12year old child sometimes.. I get ask why did I married him and truly I don't know .. I called it off the first time but went ahead and now this. .
Why are you having this man's child when he's still a kid himself. Poor woman, just when he needed to be understanding he did everything f*ked up
Hey, "Daddy" (and I use the term loosely), your wife just pushed a baby the size of a watermelon through an opening the size of a grapefruit! And what were you doing? Ignoring her and causing stress. I hope you get real blocked up intestinally and have to pass an eight-pound bowling ball - maybe then you'd understand.
The alleged father has been an idiot all along,he didn't suddenly become an idiot. Why did you have a baby with him?
Gross dude.. Gurl..you need to dump his a*s..how did it get so far!?
You kicked him out of the ROOM momentarily, not the hospital. He chose to be childish and petty and leave the entire building. Had he paid even a second of attention to you then he might have realized how close you were to delivering and wouldn't have missed it. I'd say keep him at an arms length for now and make sure he helps as much as physically possible with your newborn and then seriously reconsider the relationship. I say THEN reconsider because let's face it, the help he can provide you is important right now. Well, that is, if he even helps at all. If not, document every single thing and find yourself a lawyer because it sounds like MIL is going to help him in a possible divorce in the worst way possible.
Not for having him removed from delivery room, but yes if you stay with this little boy.
My sister had a scheduled inducement at 7:am. Nothing, nothing, nothing. She was miserable & STARVING. About 5:00pm my A$$HOLE of a BIL has his BFF bring him a full meal from a local BBQ place. My sister hadn't had anything to eat for over 18 hours. This pr*ck proceeds to sit in the chair next to her bed eating: ribs, BBQ beans, corn bread, greens, and potato salad. I LOST IT. Made him get TF out of the room (You inconsiderate PIECE OF SH*T). He almost missed my niece being born because he had one more rib to eat. I've hated that MF ever since.
He's a kid himself...playing video games and running off to "boys" trips. However, it's not like these red flag personality traits evolved over night. She knew these annoying things about him already, why would she expect it to be different with the birth of a child? She didn't want him to go on his boys trip because she wanted him "there" for the birth of the baby then why be upset because he's not behaving like a model husband? If you have to beg to be considered and relevant to your partner then please understand you're not relevant and that is unlikely to change even for the birth of a child. Sounds to me like she needs to prioritize her own self worth and not settle for any douche that comes along, now there's a child involved- great...
Wow this guy is a tool. My wife had to be induced for our son. We went in on Friday night and he was born Monday morning. I tried doing everything I could to keep her happy during that time. This guys behavior is sickening
If it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Even salt looks like sugar.
If it weren't for the labor, that whole "he can't go on the trip, but neither can he talk about it with his buddies" would be an issue. BUT!! You were in labor. He continuously disrespected you. During labor, it is YOUR room. Whatever you say goes. You want him there? Done. You want him gone? Done. You want the doctor to wear a Keanu reeves mask, fine. Maybe a bit extreme, but you get the point. You will never be TA.
Hubby was probably just upset that he missed the titty bar with his similarly immature friends. Lady you should take that baby and run as far and as fast as you can, cuz this is just the beginning of your disappointment and pain.
Divorce him. No need to take care of two babies when you only signed up for one.
You were so right to get him out of the room.what an immature jerk. Who would want somebody like that around at anytime, but you were having his child! That phone is'nt all he's playing with.He's busy with somebody else, & as an older lady that's been there, there's more to this than what you'r allowing yourself to.see.
If these women spent more time packing up and making plans to leave, they wouldn't have time to ask stupid questions like this
Wow there are a lot of people pushing divorce on this woman. Like there’s a problem in communication on both sides. Why didn’t she say how he was making her feel? Speak up girl. Yeah he was a jerk for leaving the hospital, but maybe if she just said she needed him present then they could have worked through it and had a great experience. Was he childish? Yeah. Is that a reason for divorce? Hell no! Talk it over and figure out how you guys can move on to make the meaningful experiences that are ahead, better.
She asked him to get off the phone while she was in labor. You think she should have given a monologue about her feelings? You think the first time he was a jerk was due leaving the hospital? Working it out when he ignores her for his friends when she wants to rant about her day makes sense. This took selfishness to a whole other level. If he can't find a feeling himself on behalf of his laboring wife....I can't think of a situation worse than that. But I'll try. Your mom just shot your dad in the head and your wife is gossiping with her friends about girls night out right there while it's happening. You tell her to get off the phone.. She does and then calls them right back. Is that a situation that you think can be worked through?
Load More Replies...Lmao Jesus why do women keep hooking up with men like this and having kids. The woman must either be desperate, bad looking or a moron otherwise she should have seen this coming from a mile away.
Interesting that you're blaming the woman, when it was clearly the man who was a complete failure. A better question would be "why can't men grow up and be actual men, instead of acting like perpetually irresponsible teenagers"?
Load More Replies...Love how people think they're now marriage counselors because they read one side of a story on the internet lol. None of us know anything about this woman and that's the whole point of AITA. People who give advice on that sub are obsessed with mettling in other people's affairs with no care about the whole story. People make posts on AITA for confirmation bias, not real advice. Why do you think almost every story conveniently makes the OP sound like an angel and a victim? At least half of the posts are creative writing anyway lol.
We do know that this is not an isolated event. It's not like he's the first dad to be to get kicked out from the hospital room. It happens fairly often. And in that situation it's not about marital issues. His whole purpose of being there is to support her. You are supposed to bring someone there to take care of your needs during labor to relieve stress/pain and make the procedure more quick and less stressful. If he can't fulfill that purpose he will get kicked out because in that case he's more of a burden than help. It's not like the hospital want you to invite people over to see the show and take care of their needs as well - you are supposed to serve a purpose. He was there = he was expected to do that. So - in that very situation it has nothing to do with whatever happened before or the state of their relationship.
Load More Replies...You'd divorce your wife for YOU being inconsiderate toward her while she's in labor?
Load More Replies...That kid won't remember its birth, so didn't miss out on anything. She didn't make a poor choice, her husband did. How about having some empathy for a woman who was in the worst physical pain of her life?
Load More Replies...This whole comment is utter bull s**t. "He's not being an a*s he's showing what his mother instilled in him.". He's also showing what his FATHER failed to instill in him. And yes, he's being an a*s. You're blaming a woman for his shitty behavior, and placing the responsibility on another woman for educating him to be a proper man. You are excusing his behavior, which was incredibly immature and selfish, during the most absolutely painful, frightening, and vulnerable moment in a woman's life, then saying it's on HER to calmly and patiently transform him into a proper, grown-a*s man. Bull s**t! This guy is a man-baby, and needs to get his s**t together.
Load More Replies...So he was perfectly okay with going on a boys trip and likely missing the birth, but gets mad that he missed it because of his own pettiness? Seems a little like some gaslighting to shift his own issues...
Do you really believe that this is new behavior for him? Do you really believe that this woman has not put up with a childish twat of a man man since she started dating him?? Childish behavior like this is something that has been going on for years and she has put up with it the whole time. Frankly, it's kind of stupid to live with somebody and expect them to suddenly change their behavior simply because you're about to spit out a crotch goblin. That's not how spoiled brats work. That's not how entitled turds work.
Load More Replies...What an unbelievably selfish turd. I smell a divorce in the very near future.
I know women who would have yeeted that phone across the room the minute he started chatting with his bros. Some of them would have screamed at the jerks on the other end, then bounced the phone off his forehead. NTA. Delivery room etiquette is clear - no one gets to be in the room (or on screen) if they aren't helping and supporting the woman in labour. I hope this a*s gets an attitude adjustment, and learns to be a better partner and a good father.
Sounds like a little boy throwing a temper tantrum. NTA, but why did you marry someone like that? Seems like this is regular behavior on his part.
I was thinking exactly this. Why have a baby with this moron? He must have shown behaviour like this before...
Load More Replies...It's not a right to see your child being born. If you are there for the labor your role is to be the support person. Meaning supporting the one giving birth. Everything other than that - just GO. It's a woman's most vulnerable and painful moment - it's NOT about you. I wish more men understood that you are not at the hospital to "see your kid being born". You are supposed to be her advocate and support. If you can't do that let her know beforehand so she can find someone else to be present. I hope OP never apologize because what he did was unforgivable.
I'm worried that she doesn't mention any of her side of the family. That she feels trapped in a situation she has no control over because she has no one to turn to. Really hope she gets the help and support she needs.
We should invent the way to make men give birth. They have it way too easy with this whole parenting thing.
whatever makes the mom to be more comfortable is what needs to happen. my daughter in law had me in the room for delivery and i even cut the cord. where was my son? at home. why? because his first wife died while giving birth with his first child. on a false alarm with my daughter in law and they tried to send her home they almost had to get security on him because he refused to take her home because he was terrified something would happen. i had to intervene between the nurses and security and explain what was going on. he felt terrible at the time but realized that he would only create more tension for her. if they ever have another child i hope he will be able to be there for a wonderful experience that may or may not help with the memory of the birth of his first child.
My condolences for you and your son. In that situation, his actions are understandable; he went through a very traumatic event and didn't want to bring his wife more stress. The dude in op story is just a douche canoe.
Load More Replies...This woman has a dream of what her family is like. She wants that dream so badly that she is trying to make it the real. However, the reality is that she is willingly not seeing what is in front of her. Her husband is not the same man that she dreams he is. Her dream world will shatter one day, and it will be the worse time in her entire life. But right now, she’s just trying to reach for a reason to keep clinging to her dream by making this situation her fault, by making it into something that she can fix by correcting herself. I feel for her. I know her struggle. I was in her situation. I wish her well. I wish her strength.
Wow, so much to unpack! I like that one long comment, I hope she said those things to him. Yes, 26hrs is a long time, and he'll get bored and need some chill time. But constantly? In the room? And his mom was just a huge b*%&h. And I'm so sick and tired of the man-baby tantrums
I was my sisters birthing partner. Her husband was absolutely useless. Both of her births were traumatic as hell, the second ending in her being taken to surgery. I fed their baby the first time both times. He would barely hold her leg when she was pushing, and before then was watching shows nonstop on his tablet. He fell asleep for a majority of the labor. Just incredibly frustrating. But my sister and I are super tight because of this, and being there for the birth of my nephews was an incredible moment. :)
Hell, I have a bleeding disorder and couldn't have an epidural. My child's father was afraid of passing out so he just sat in the corner hoarding my ice chips. If he had pulled this c**p I would have grabbed his s*****m and pulled it up over his head.
I'd have done that for the ice chips, the bastard. 😡
Load More Replies...My husband made the mistake of saying his ex-wife’s name when I gave birth to my first child (his second.) We were all up for 36 hours for this. I obviously forgave him for this whole situation. Was terrible, still, but understandable. My own mother decided to turn the knife and call me by his ex-wife’s name the next few weeks. My. Own. Mother.
FYI, my husband and I are still happily married. I hope my mom is loving her best life, I haven’t seen her in 15 years.
Load More Replies...My husband always has been a practical joker kinda like that aggravating little twit brother you just wanna beat the shtt out of. My husband after 32yrs is never serious about anything and it's extremely annoying,he's that type too that will low key aggravate you so to make you look as if you're going crazy lol but yeah with each of our four children being born I had to throw him out each time.. with our first child I was in excruciating pain and he's down there you know like really down there with the Dr with that bright light and literally up close and personal with my hoohaa and so sneaky he'd make like fart noises to embarrass me and he's asking the Dr everything like when the babies crowning he's all loud "yo melanie she's got brown hair" it was extremely embarrassing ntm being in the worst pain of my life. So yeah I've thrown him out of all four of our children's births..I to this day have ulcerative disease and struggle with bleeding ulcers and I absolutely blame his a*s lol
When a woman gives birth, she is the absolute focus of attention and lacks the bandwidth to coddle her partner. Some men find that absolutely unbearable and get worse when the baby sucks up all the attention. OP should review her relationship to see if she can remember any times he focused his attention on her without the goal of him getting sex.
Why do people marry their blind dates? I don't support the husband or the wife. She chose HIM as her partner. It's not like she just found herself in this situation, randomnly. I'm sick of empathizing with people who make poor choices and then tell us about a sliver of their life. And all you wishing for divorce; not a solution to a reoccurring problem. She's attracted to guys like this. Why would the next one she chooses be different? I say, stay together and work on each other.
He missed the birth because he left the hospital. Thats on him. Its incredibly manipulative for him to try and play the victim here. The fact he couldn't devote this relatively small amount of time to his wife and the birth if his child is not a good sign.
What a piece of s**t. This fuckboy baby maker can get bent. I've seen mothers in labor send idiot fathers to the ER because they f****d around while they are trying to have a baby. He's not the one ripping himself in half to create another human
Been there my soon to be Ex-husband was playing his Switch then slept while I was in labor (went all natural)the nurse had to wake him just in time to see the birth. After the whole ordeal.. He had the nerve to say he was tired and couldn't sleep well because of the sofa bed in the hospital room and went home to get some rest..I let it go but things never change got worse be there was a crying baby.. The day I had enough baby was around 2months and he was yelling for the baby to stop crying (I was in the kitchen my making a bottle) and then suddenly the cry sounded muffled.. he had a hand over baby mouth saying I said to be quiet oh I lost my s**t..took my kid and left . I did explain to him what he did was wrong but gosh it's literally like talking and explaining things to a 12year old child sometimes.. I get ask why did I married him and truly I don't know .. I called it off the first time but went ahead and now this. .
Why are you having this man's child when he's still a kid himself. Poor woman, just when he needed to be understanding he did everything f*ked up
Hey, "Daddy" (and I use the term loosely), your wife just pushed a baby the size of a watermelon through an opening the size of a grapefruit! And what were you doing? Ignoring her and causing stress. I hope you get real blocked up intestinally and have to pass an eight-pound bowling ball - maybe then you'd understand.
The alleged father has been an idiot all along,he didn't suddenly become an idiot. Why did you have a baby with him?
Gross dude.. Gurl..you need to dump his a*s..how did it get so far!?
You kicked him out of the ROOM momentarily, not the hospital. He chose to be childish and petty and leave the entire building. Had he paid even a second of attention to you then he might have realized how close you were to delivering and wouldn't have missed it. I'd say keep him at an arms length for now and make sure he helps as much as physically possible with your newborn and then seriously reconsider the relationship. I say THEN reconsider because let's face it, the help he can provide you is important right now. Well, that is, if he even helps at all. If not, document every single thing and find yourself a lawyer because it sounds like MIL is going to help him in a possible divorce in the worst way possible.
Not for having him removed from delivery room, but yes if you stay with this little boy.
My sister had a scheduled inducement at 7:am. Nothing, nothing, nothing. She was miserable & STARVING. About 5:00pm my A$$HOLE of a BIL has his BFF bring him a full meal from a local BBQ place. My sister hadn't had anything to eat for over 18 hours. This pr*ck proceeds to sit in the chair next to her bed eating: ribs, BBQ beans, corn bread, greens, and potato salad. I LOST IT. Made him get TF out of the room (You inconsiderate PIECE OF SH*T). He almost missed my niece being born because he had one more rib to eat. I've hated that MF ever since.
He's a kid himself...playing video games and running off to "boys" trips. However, it's not like these red flag personality traits evolved over night. She knew these annoying things about him already, why would she expect it to be different with the birth of a child? She didn't want him to go on his boys trip because she wanted him "there" for the birth of the baby then why be upset because he's not behaving like a model husband? If you have to beg to be considered and relevant to your partner then please understand you're not relevant and that is unlikely to change even for the birth of a child. Sounds to me like she needs to prioritize her own self worth and not settle for any douche that comes along, now there's a child involved- great...
Wow this guy is a tool. My wife had to be induced for our son. We went in on Friday night and he was born Monday morning. I tried doing everything I could to keep her happy during that time. This guys behavior is sickening
If it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Even salt looks like sugar.
If it weren't for the labor, that whole "he can't go on the trip, but neither can he talk about it with his buddies" would be an issue. BUT!! You were in labor. He continuously disrespected you. During labor, it is YOUR room. Whatever you say goes. You want him there? Done. You want him gone? Done. You want the doctor to wear a Keanu reeves mask, fine. Maybe a bit extreme, but you get the point. You will never be TA.
Hubby was probably just upset that he missed the titty bar with his similarly immature friends. Lady you should take that baby and run as far and as fast as you can, cuz this is just the beginning of your disappointment and pain.
Divorce him. No need to take care of two babies when you only signed up for one.
You were so right to get him out of the room.what an immature jerk. Who would want somebody like that around at anytime, but you were having his child! That phone is'nt all he's playing with.He's busy with somebody else, & as an older lady that's been there, there's more to this than what you'r allowing yourself to.see.
If these women spent more time packing up and making plans to leave, they wouldn't have time to ask stupid questions like this
Wow there are a lot of people pushing divorce on this woman. Like there’s a problem in communication on both sides. Why didn’t she say how he was making her feel? Speak up girl. Yeah he was a jerk for leaving the hospital, but maybe if she just said she needed him present then they could have worked through it and had a great experience. Was he childish? Yeah. Is that a reason for divorce? Hell no! Talk it over and figure out how you guys can move on to make the meaningful experiences that are ahead, better.
She asked him to get off the phone while she was in labor. You think she should have given a monologue about her feelings? You think the first time he was a jerk was due leaving the hospital? Working it out when he ignores her for his friends when she wants to rant about her day makes sense. This took selfishness to a whole other level. If he can't find a feeling himself on behalf of his laboring wife....I can't think of a situation worse than that. But I'll try. Your mom just shot your dad in the head and your wife is gossiping with her friends about girls night out right there while it's happening. You tell her to get off the phone.. She does and then calls them right back. Is that a situation that you think can be worked through?
Load More Replies...Lmao Jesus why do women keep hooking up with men like this and having kids. The woman must either be desperate, bad looking or a moron otherwise she should have seen this coming from a mile away.
Interesting that you're blaming the woman, when it was clearly the man who was a complete failure. A better question would be "why can't men grow up and be actual men, instead of acting like perpetually irresponsible teenagers"?
Load More Replies...Love how people think they're now marriage counselors because they read one side of a story on the internet lol. None of us know anything about this woman and that's the whole point of AITA. People who give advice on that sub are obsessed with mettling in other people's affairs with no care about the whole story. People make posts on AITA for confirmation bias, not real advice. Why do you think almost every story conveniently makes the OP sound like an angel and a victim? At least half of the posts are creative writing anyway lol.
We do know that this is not an isolated event. It's not like he's the first dad to be to get kicked out from the hospital room. It happens fairly often. And in that situation it's not about marital issues. His whole purpose of being there is to support her. You are supposed to bring someone there to take care of your needs during labor to relieve stress/pain and make the procedure more quick and less stressful. If he can't fulfill that purpose he will get kicked out because in that case he's more of a burden than help. It's not like the hospital want you to invite people over to see the show and take care of their needs as well - you are supposed to serve a purpose. He was there = he was expected to do that. So - in that very situation it has nothing to do with whatever happened before or the state of their relationship.
Load More Replies...You'd divorce your wife for YOU being inconsiderate toward her while she's in labor?
Load More Replies...That kid won't remember its birth, so didn't miss out on anything. She didn't make a poor choice, her husband did. How about having some empathy for a woman who was in the worst physical pain of her life?
Load More Replies...This whole comment is utter bull s**t. "He's not being an a*s he's showing what his mother instilled in him.". He's also showing what his FATHER failed to instill in him. And yes, he's being an a*s. You're blaming a woman for his shitty behavior, and placing the responsibility on another woman for educating him to be a proper man. You are excusing his behavior, which was incredibly immature and selfish, during the most absolutely painful, frightening, and vulnerable moment in a woman's life, then saying it's on HER to calmly and patiently transform him into a proper, grown-a*s man. Bull s**t! This guy is a man-baby, and needs to get his s**t together.
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