“Came Home With 2”: Pics Of People’s Adopted Pets, Which Make ‘Adorable’ An Understatement (October Edition)
October nearing its end means more than just Halloween fast approaching. Here at Bored Panda, the end of the month typically brings a moment to appreciate people who have provided critters in need with a forever home; consequently, it’s also the time to marvel at the pics of their adorable additions to the family.
Scroll down for the October edition of wholesome pictures of adopted pets in their new homes and see for yourself how far a little love and care can go. Do it at your own risk, though—some of these pictures can really melt your heart.
In order to learn more about what life might be like if one chose to adopt a cat, for instance, Bored Panda turned to Professor of Biology and Director of the Living Earth Collaborative, Jonathan Losos, who agreed to share his insight on feline behavior; you will find it in the text below.
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Adopted A 15yo Pupper. We Both Take Gabapentin For Arthritis And We're Both Partially Toothless
Wife And Daughter Went To Adopt A Cat, Came Home With 2 (Sisters)
Just Adopted This Lad
Thank you for taking a cat with a handicap. They are so hard to place, but no less deserving of a good home.
According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), around 6.3 million companion animals enter animal shelters in the US every year—roughly 3.1 million dogs and 3.2 million cats. With numbers this high, it’s no surprise that quite a few shelters might be overwhelmed by the workload.
To make matters worse, parallel to the abundant numbers of animals, shelters have to deal with a shortage of helping hands. Lack of human resources, including foster support, as well as staffing and volunteer support are among the main problems impacting nearly 90% of animal well-fare organizations, Animal Welfare Advancement reports.
Old Man Toastie, The Vet Thinks He’s 10-12 Yo, We Adopted Him 4 Months Ago 🥰
I Drove 4 Hours To Adopt This Girl From A Family Who Didn't Have Enough Time For Her
Fortunately, there are some people who take matters into their own hands and help improve the situation in shelters one adopted critter at a time. ASPCA points out that roughly 4.1 million animals are adopted annually—2 million dogs and 2.1 million cats.
No matter the pet one adopts, life with the critter tends to become quite an adventure. But the oftentimes goofy additions to the family might need time to relax or show their true character upon arriving at their new forever home.
After 5 Years, My Cat Finally Deemed Me Worthy And Hopped On My Lap! 😭🙏
Mom Adopted This Senior Pup 🥹❤️🎃
Someone Left Him Tied Up Outside The Shelter With A Note - Meet Our Sweet Boy Clifford!
In order to know what to expect after adopting a pet—a cat, in this case—and to learn what determines their behavior, Bored Panda discussed the subtleties of living with a feline with Jonathan Losos, a professor of biology and the author of The Cat’s Meow: How Cats Evolved from the Savanna to Your Sofa.
One of the main points the expert addressed was the fact that many people are under the impression that cats are aloof loners; but it’s not always the case. “As a result, they think that having a single cat is ok and don’t worry about leaving the cat alone for long periods of time,” he suggested.
“Some cats are ok with that, but many are not—they enjoy interaction with people and, in some cases, with other cats. Often, it is better to adopt two cats simultaneously, particularly when they are littermates.”
Adopted Brothers
My Male Cat Adopted Our Foster Kitten So Now We Have To Keep Her I Guess
This Is Wilfred, A Stray Cat Who Was Brought Into My Local Animal Shelter With Some Pretty Severe Injuries. He Is All Healed Up And Ready For Adoption Now!
According to Prof. Losos, the need for companionship is a quirk of cat biology, which relates to their predecessor wild cat. “Lions are the only truly social species of wild feline. Everyone is familiar with prides of lions, in which pride members are very friendly to each other, grooming and playing together and lying on top of each other. Females will even nurse each other’s cubs.
“The basis of lion pride sociality is that the females are all related to each other because females tend to remain in the pride, whereas males leave when they approach maturity. The result is that female pride members are mothers-and-daughter, sisters, cousins, and so on.”
My Step-Mom Adopted A Cat For Her Elderly Parents. We Were Nervous Her Dad Wouldn’t Like Him…
When We Adopted Her We Asked Who Had There The Longest. Can You Believe This Lil Lady Had Been There Well Over A Year???
Can You Help Me Name Her? I Adopted Her Today And I Can't Think Of A Name For This Beautiful Kitten
“It turns out that in some circumstances, domestic cats form very similar social groups. This occurs when there are a lot of cats living in the same place,” the expert explained, pointing out why adopting cats from the same litter might be a good idea. “Like lions, members of a group are very friendly to each other, even sometimes serving as midwives during birth. And, again like lions, group members are related because the females remain with the group, but males leave. Multiple groups can occur in the same place, and group members are not at all friendly to members of other groups.
“As a result, domestic cats have a rule-of-thumb: if I’ve lived with a cat my entire life (or the other cat’s entire life if it is younger), then be friendly, but if I don’t know this cat, then be much more wary. And that’s why, if you’re going to have multiple cats in your household, you’re going to have better success if you adopt littermates.
“That doesn’t mean that bringing unrelated cats into a house can’t work out, but the outcome is much less predictable: sometimes they become good friends, sometimes not,” Losos added.
This Is Orion That Was Adopted At Our Shelter In His Forever Home. He’s So Handsome That He Doesn’t Look Real
This Lil Pup Was Abandoned On The Streets. Don't Know How He Got Both His Hind Legs Broken, But He Crawled Upto Me While I Was Walking By. I Picked Him Up And After Reaching Out To 20 Helplines Finally Found Him A Nice Place 2 Hours Away From The City Where I Drove Him & He's Being Treated & Cared
This Is Jiggles. He Came To My Door With A Very Infected And Maggot Filled Foot. Now He Lives Here But Refuses To Pay Rent
“Another issue with adopting a cat is not realizing that cats are extremely intelligent, curious beings. They need mental stimulation. New toys, new smells, new objects to explore,” Prof. Losos told Bored Panda.
“They like to climb, both because of their curiosity and because they feel safer from a high vantage point. The reason for that is that in the wild, their ancestor, the African wildcat, is not only a consummate predator, but also potential prey to larger predators like leopards and hyenas. Getting off the ground is a way of being safe, and this urge remains in our household pets (probably reinforced when living with dogs or little children).”
These feline characteristics might require the new owners to make certain adjustments around the house or buy an additional item or two (a tall scratching post, for instance). But let’s be honest—it’s likely to end up being more than two as anyone with a pet knows how dangerous a game buying toys for their critter can be.
My Rescue Dog Max Enjoying A Treat
This Guy Adopted Me
Reddit, Meet The Little Girl We Just Adopted!
It’s fairly clear that cats tend to have quirks the owner has to get used to, but their quirky, often unpredictable behavior is one of the main reasons people enjoy being around them. Professor Patricia Pendry of Washington State University pointed out that sometimes the feline’s behavior might even make the owner feel special.
“The subtle and somewhat unpredictable responses cats give us, give us the perception that we are chosen—or perceived as ‘special’ when a response from a cat does occur,” she told Medical News Today. She added that because the response from a cat might take some time to emerge, people tend to be very curious about what it will do, which might result in them giving the critter their undivided attention.
[oc] Say Hi To My One-Eared Rescue, Kuro!
Exactly An Hour Ago This Cat Adopted Us 😂
Just Adopted This 11 Year Old Love Bug
Taking everything into consideration, one thing is clear—life is never boring with a cat (as with most pets, likely). That might be one of the reasons people make the decision to adopt them, but no matter the reason—and no matter the pet, for that matter—we’re happy they do, hence this list of appreciation. For earlier editions of adopted critters in their forever homes, continue to browse last month’s list or feel free to go as far back as August.
I Just Adopted This Character What Should I Call Him??
She Thinks She’s A Cutie Poo 🥰
We Just Adopted This Girl From An Animal Shelter
Adopted My Cats Two Years Apart... I Think They Bonded Flawlessly
Our Foster Kitty Aurora Got Adopted To Her Forever Home Yesterday, And I’m So Happy That I Needed To Share
My Dog Adopted My Kitten
Meet Ripley, My Newly Adopted Golden/Husky Mix!
Happy 1 Year Rescue-Anniversary To My Beloved Winnow
Our Newest Family Member, Ziggy. He Is Blind But Adapting Very Well Already
I Love When We Get Old Grizzly Tomcats From The Streets In Our Clinic At Work To Fix Up Then Adopt Out To A Home. His Name Is Beethoven (Aka Beefthoven)
We Adopted Her At 1 Years Old Because My Brother In Laws Sister Got Divorced And Was Going To Get Rid Of Her. Her Name Is Mila, I Call Her Mila And Miller. My Mom Keeps Saying She Is Ugly, Is She Ugly Too You?
Blind Shelter Baby Business Man Is Thriving In His Foster Home, His Best Friend Is A Previously Adopted Dog Named Bruce
Rescued A Puppy This Week! Everyone, Meet Snacks!
"No We're Going To Put Her Up For Adoption When She's Old Enough, We Already Have A Cat"
I Just Adopted My New Baby Boy Bruno! 🐶❤️
Hello, I’m Adopting These 2 Brothers. They’re Almost Identical
Our Little Rescue Bagel 🥯
She's keeping you in your place. As her warm bed. Best place to be.
My BF And I Just Adopted Amanda - Best Decision Ever ... So Cute!
A New Rescued Girl At Our Home
I Didn't Adopt A Cat, I Adopted A Demon!
I Adopted My First Dog Living On My Own. It’s My First Dog Since My Childhood Dog Passed In 2016. She Loves The Window View
Sweet. She could turn around and be a Muppet, and I would not be surprised.
She Has No Idea We’re Officially Adopting Her Tomorrow
My Best Friend Adopted This Beautiful Little Girl, And She Wants To Name Her Anne, But I Think She Deserves Something More Original. Can You Help Me?
Adopting Her Soon And In Need Of Cute Names
Realizing You Adopted A Chaotic Cat But Absolutely Love Them
Adopting This Sweet Kitty, Need Help With Names!
Bookmarked this article, this is the second time I've read it, so sweet!
Bookmarked this article, this is the second time I've read it, so sweet!