Adam Savage Makes A Statement About People Who Refuse To Wear A Mask, Shuts Down Idiots One By One
Interview With AuthorFormer MythBusters co-host Adam Savage can be, well, savage when it comes to protecting science and the things he believes in. When he posted on Twitter that wearing a mask during the coronavirus pandemic shouldn’t be seen as weakness, some people started making a fuss and sharing their opinions that masks supposedly don’t protect you. Some even went as far as to say that Savage should brush up on his scientific knowledge.
Despite having a very busy schedule, Savage replied to some of these skeptics and conspiracy theory believers, telling them why they’re wrong and that he won’t miss them if they stop following him.
“To be honest I was considering writing out something more complex but then I remembered: I have no earthly idea why some people can’t see the simple humanity in wearing a mask. It makes me sad,” Savage told Bored Panda when we asked him why he believes so many people resist the idea of wearing masks. Scroll down for the full interview.
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Adam Savage urged people to wear face masks…
Image credits: donttrythis
…but some of his fans who are coronavirus skeptics got mad
So Savage savagely shut them down one by one
Image credits: donttrythis
Image credits: donttrythis
ADVERTISEMENTImage credits: donttrythis
Image credits: donttrythis
Image credits: donttrythis
Image credits: donttrythis
Savage also went into detail about why some people might fall prey to conspiracy theories. “Life is unending chaos. We are insignificant, we are born, briefly shine, and then we die. There’s plenty of suffering in between. Maybe, when they’re confronted with that chaos, for some people the idea of a coordinated plan is comforting, even if the plan is against them. At least someone is in charge,” he said.
“Real evil is way more banal, I imagine, than most people think it is. The true horror is preventable, incremental bureaucratic violence perpetrated on the weakest and most marginalized in society. Little people, each afraid for their jobs. Not some nefarious hidden genius with a big plan. I have no idea if I’m right but the odds are with me.”
Savage continued: “Trying to get hundreds or thousands of human beings to keep quiet forever about something huge in a perfectly coordinated fashion is about as realistic as making a skyscraper from jello. Humans are just too squishy and unpredictable.”
He added that the best way to fight coronavirus disinformation is to wear your face mask and not be a jerk: “If there was broken glass all over the floor would you refuse to wear shoes on principle?”
This isn’t the first time that Savage had to argue with his fans when he made a stand against conspiracy theories
Image credits: donttrythis
Image credits: donttrythis
This isn’t the first time that Savage went full-on savage on social media when fighting scientific misinformation. In November 2019, he called out anti-vaxxers and said that they’re not only wrong but also leading to people dying earlier than they should. As you could’ve probably guessed, some of his fans were seething that he was pro-vaccine.
Image credits: donttrythis
But let’s get back to the topic of masks. In the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, many politicians warned people not to wear masks because they were afraid that health professionals wouldn’t have enough supplies. Since then, however, lots of countries have changed their tune and urged citizens to wear masks to slow down the spread of the virus.
Chris Kenyon from The Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp told BBC Future that the countries that ‘flattened the curve’ used masks in public. According to him, most of these countries are in Asia.
Ben Cowling, the head of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of Hong Kong, told the BBC that “face masks could help to reduce transmission in the community particularly if used in public transport and crowded areas.” He and his colleagues recently found that wearing even a standard surgical face mask was enough to “considerably” reduce the amount of virus escaping in the breath and coughs of those who are infected.
According to one unpublished study by scientists at Arizona State University, if 80% of people wore even only moderately effective masks, it could reduce the number of deaths in New York by 17 to 45 percent over a two month period. According to the study, wearing masks that were just 20 percent effective could cut mortality by 24 to 65 percent in Washington and 2 to 9 percent in New York. That is if enough people wore them.
Here’s how people reacted when they saw how Savage clapped back at his critics
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Storytelling, journalism, and art are a core part of who I am. I've been writing and drawing ever since I could walk—there is nothing else I'd rather do. My formal education, however, is focused on politics, philosophy, and economics because I've always been curious about the gap between the ideal and the real. At work, I'm a Senior Writer and I cover a broad range of topics that I'm passionate about: from psychology and changes in work culture to healthy living, relationships, and design. In my spare time, I'm an avid hiker and reader, enjoy writing short stories, and love to doodle. I thrive when I'm outdoors, going on small adventures in nature. However, you can also find me enjoying a big mug of coffee with a good book (or ten) and entertaining friends with fantasy tabletop games and sci-fi movies.
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Writer, BoredPanda staff
Storytelling, journalism, and art are a core part of who I am. I've been writing and drawing ever since I could walk—there is nothing else I'd rather do. My formal education, however, is focused on politics, philosophy, and economics because I've always been curious about the gap between the ideal and the real. At work, I'm a Senior Writer and I cover a broad range of topics that I'm passionate about: from psychology and changes in work culture to healthy living, relationships, and design. In my spare time, I'm an avid hiker and reader, enjoy writing short stories, and love to doodle. I thrive when I'm outdoors, going on small adventures in nature. However, you can also find me enjoying a big mug of coffee with a good book (or ten) and entertaining friends with fantasy tabletop games and sci-fi movies.
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As a Visual Editor at Bored Panda, I indulge in the joy of curating delightful content, from adorable pet photos to hilarious memes, all while nurturing my wanderlust and continuously seeking new adventures and interests—sometimes thrilling, sometimes daunting, but always exciting!
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Author, BoredPanda staff
As a Visual Editor at Bored Panda, I indulge in the joy of curating delightful content, from adorable pet photos to hilarious memes, all while nurturing my wanderlust and continuously seeking new adventures and interests—sometimes thrilling, sometimes daunting, but always exciting!
I heard a neighbour complaining the other day that a woman was wearing a mask and had waited to allow him to walk down some stairs first, to allow for social distancing. He moaned that he was"happy to walk past her" and called her a "snooty b***h". So she wore a mask at her inconvenience for his protection then let him go first (again her inconvenience, his benefit) and somehow she's the bad guy? WTF is wrong with people? These are the same dickheads that bang on about blitz spirit, but ask them to put a bit of fabric over their face and they have a break down. Pathetic, idiotic wanksocks.
I'm glad they made mask wearing mandatory where I live (inside shops and public transport), so people like that nasty old man can't be nasty publicly.
Load More Replies...@Willyum If you think being asked to do your part to protect your peers from a deadly disease is akin to fascism then you have lived a VERY sheltered life.
I was waiting in an unbelievably slow line to return something the other day and watched quite a few people enter the store to be met by a 'private security guard' who was probably 17 in a vaguely intimidating polyester outfit rent-a-cop outfit. Everyone who wasn't wearing a mask got turned away. It just takes a tiny little bit of authority to make the system work.
@Willyum Wickerson -- "Good riddance" is the attitude the rest of us will have when you die
I guess you haven't seen that video of the lady who cut a hole over her mouth in the mask then...
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In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is…in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to. — Theodore Dalrymple
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So much for freedom huh? MANDATORY GOOD, CHOICE BAD, Me COMMIE.
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That's fascism. Good riddance.
My family friend died from a heart attack a couple weeks ago which devastated his son as he found him on the couch in the morning. Just this week his mother died from Covid-19 and he couldn't say goodbye to her either because of the circumstance. But of course, wearing a mask is such a hastle. It's not like people are dying or anything. They just want their "freedom." Complete and utter bullsh*t.
Ppl forget that weighed against each right you have, is a responsibility to ensure that right to others. It isn't fascism to act for the greater good of your whole community and work together. I live in nz, a democracy, and we locked down for 5-6 weeks. A few fools went against it but most of the country followed instructions. We could have but didn't question or fight the legality, we recognised it was necessary to save tens of thousands of potential deaths, and that it might just prevent it reaching community spread. Does this make us commie fascists, or logical ppl who still live in a democracy?
@ggirl225888 - it's not about freedom, it's about living. Does your brain work?
I am so sorry for your friend's son. It's sad that people are losing their loved ones and other people are complaining that their rights are being violated.
Anna Repp, right-wingers have trouble grasping "sit", "fetch" and "roll over." You can't expect them to understand something as complex as the meaning of freedom. ;-)
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And a lot of things just seem to be so arbitrary. Married couple who live together sitting together on a bench? Separate, more than 6 feet, or be ticketed. Really? In what way does that make sense? Man surfing all by himself. Arrested for violating quarantine orders–and put in a jail where he’ll be in enforced close association with a bunch of other people. How is “in jail” better from a perspective of slowing the spread of disease than is “surfing all alone, not another person in sight”? Boating (so long as no more than 10 people) okay. Drop a baited line off the boat (fishing) and that’s a violation. How does that make sense? Then there’s New York. New York is a city utterly dependent on mass transit. So, shutdowns reduce the number of people traveling every day? Well and good. But with fewer people using the mass transit, the city reduces the number of subways and buses running, thus ensuring that the remaining ones are every bit as packed as they were before the shutdowns.
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So give your freedom away, there is always someone out their waiting to take it from you and since you are so willing.....
You ask what's wrong with people. Trump. That's what's wrong with people. He has empowered the selfish idiots to do horrible things to everyone else, just like he does. All of the c**p they've wanted to say and do for decades is now ok. Gather a paramilitary group with guns on full display at a capital city to protest safe distances and masks. Churches holding services despite being told not to. States insisting people go back to work NOW or lose their benefits and job completely. These things should be illegal. Seriously... illegal for the government to threaten loss of jobs and livelihood just because someone wants to stay safe and healthy? What the hell is going on in this country?!?
@Ggirl You obviously don't live in a place where people are dying in droves. I do and if you're not scared you're not paying attention. You will die to protect your right to walk around unmasked? Have at it, but kindly wear a mask to protect those of us who are trying not to die.
@Johnny Orso nice thought, but all people still need food, medical care and basic supplies. How about not forcing those who are "scared" (or worse yet, immunocompromised or otherwise at higher risk) to risk their lives by doing so?
@AzKhaleesi...the US has been like this for a long time...we're just hearing about it a lot more lately because their crawling out from under their rocks and making public appearances now. Maybe a few well placed videos to publicly shame them into realizing they're the minority and they'll crawl back under their rocks.
Kerri, you are absolutely right that Trump is the cause of all this vocal stupidity. Since he became president the idiots have began to come out in droves. I live in an area where there have been three new COVID cases just this weekend, but unfortunately we have even more Trump supporting morons. Our country is falling apart is what is happening. And to anyone who is going to tell me that if I don't like then leave my answer is this:NO!!!!
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If you don't think the us was like that long BEFORE trump you have been gone a long time sleeping beauty.
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If you are scared ,STAY HOME
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Your lame pussy attempt at blaming Trump for your problems doesn't do any good, nor are your statements true. We have a constitution, Kerri. That means we have freedoms that cannot be violated by the government or any governing body. "He has empowered the selfish idiots to do horrible things to everyone else, just like he does. " God, I can't even begin to explain how stupid that statement sounds; it's not even specific, you're just blasting away at something while just using general terms that don't get your point across. I am against the practice of masks and social distancing at this point too Kerri, but I think it's important you know who the real enemy is, and it isn't me.
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You are the problem a lil puppy ready to roll over because a scientist says boo. A lil puppy ready to run under the couch in fear of the falling sky and give away your freedoms forever because you are just plain scared. Its kind of pathetic. The difference between us and you is we are the fighters we will take it to the street. We will die to protect what you so willingly give away. And as long as we are here and armed and ready to fight you will never have to live under a dictatorship, I know, I know so sad for you, you can't wait for someone to tell you how to dress, how to think, how to feel, how to spend your money, how to raise your kids. Oh yea, you already gave away all those freedoms by doing what the person in the tv set tells you to do and that's why you are so scared, because the tv tells you boo, now be scared and you are.
Aw, thanks Lauren, that made me smile! May you stay safe and healthy, brave ally!
Wanksocks 😂😂😂😂 just to let you know I will be adding that to my list of brilliant insults. Thank you x
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Most of these masks are not only worthless, they impede the proper exhalation of CO2 by 0ver 12% and reduce the proper oxygenation by 10%. Same with social distancing, totally worthless.
having a mask is better than not having a mask, which is really all that matters
People have all the scientific evidence in front of them, yet they choose to ignore it. The only problem is their stupidity can be lethal for other people too.
Agreed, I liken it to drunk driving. Fine if you want to get blasted, but don't get behind the wheel and place others in danger.
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Poor analogy but apparently you enjoy virtue signaling.
And yet these are the same idiots that will believe Trump when he says "Maybe we can inject a disinfectant or shine a UV light internally to kill it. Can we make that happen?"
William Wilkerson. Yes it was a question your president asked. He actually had to ask whether if light and disinfectant can be used internally! Cough that's your hero? cough.
Carol, these people don't want to see that their "great" president is an idiot who asks incredibly stupid questions.
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That was a question he asked; not a statement. coughdumbasscough
But a large number of Americans don't have all the scientific evidence in front of them. They have trump and FOX.
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I just left a discussion with some Americans that were convinced that their civil right to freedom meant that they had a legal right to participate in spreading a lethal virus and waging biological warfare against fellow Americans. One of them told me that even with a death rate of 0,1% it would kill around 300,000 people tops. The US has over 300 million people so that loss would be marginal.
What's really amazing is that, in the US, it seems like there could be a legal argument to be made that these people are committing criminal endangerment. They are knowingly and willfully putting the lives of others in danger. And gawds forbid if they actually get someone sick because of it, at that point it becomes assault, and possibly even terrorism (under US law). We should start prosecuting these people.
Load More Replies...@ggirl225888 Why is it that immature people, when being told "no" suddenly start screaming communism? Grow up and stop throwing temper tantrums. Just because you read Orwell and Animal Farm doesn't mean you understood them. Animal Farm was partly about communism and partly about blindly giving your free will over to a small group that claims to have your best interest at heart. It wasn't about giving into the was about giving in to dictators and tyrants. If that's really the case you think we'd be wanting to implement policies that contradict the Great Orange Sociopath? No..we'd be blindly following him to our deaths. Being informed and being blindly led by the nose are two different things. And if your reckless actions endanger my life and the lives of my family, you can bet damn sure you should be held criminally liable for it!
In most European countries it is actually considered a criminal offence if you do not follow the social distancing or mask rules. Especially when they are obligatory you can be arrested for endangering the public and courts are now full on sentencing these people to severe punishment or “no second chance punishment” (you get a year in prison you do not have to sit unless you f*ck up and then you’re in for the full run or more).
@Spinaap. The argument can be made for the criminality of it here in the USA as well. People who are HIV positive that knowingly go around infecting other people can be brought up on assault, endangerment and manslaughter charges because it's considered that their recklessness caused unnecessary fatalities. The same can be applied to a virus that, as of this moment, has claimed 300,000 lives worldwide.
Unfortunately, Republicans don't give a s**t about people. They only care about money and themselves. Business, money, possessions... that's what Republicans care about. They don't care about people. People just get in the way of making and keeping their money. They do not want to share. They do not want to save people. If 300k people die, so be it, they're ok. I do believe anyone who forces people to return to work and put themselves in danger is terrorism, plain and simple. States that are opening are suffering 1000s of new sick folks... and still, they say they have the right to go out there and endanger others and themselves. The United States has fallen so far from where she should be, it's disgusting. Republicans have destroyed this country... it will never be the same again.
Ah, Americans don't want to wear a mask because of their freedom. And it's their right to carry a gun... Just cherry picking their rights while violating other people's rights.
Not enough upvotes available to give for this comment.! You're so freaking right on this one!
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Wow, you sound like a full fledged communist. I bet you never read Orwell have you? I bet you haven't read animal farm have you? Wow, just wow, arrest people because they don't want to wear masks. Glad you live in your Mother's basement Daniel because if you had to operate in the normal world you'd probably melt.
Oh, loss of life is always acceptable in the US as long as it is not white-male-votes-correctly life. When enough GOP voters get sick, the tune iwll change, and be "How dare the Dems conspire not to let us have masks!".... (US citizen, Covie19 pandemic hospital volunteer, and I wear a mask.)
I hate to agree with this statement because it seems so oversimplified, the truth is that this is 1000% correct. As long as it is not rich, white men dying, the government is OK with it.
Good call, but Republitards also seem to be accepting of their higher mortality rates even before Corona. There's a "death belt" of high death rates from Ohio to Louisiana... The Lt Gov of Texas actually said that "there are more important things than living" when he was lobbying to have the state re-open the economy. Death in the name a'freedom y'all!!
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Stay in the hospital.
I should add that if a Muslim killed 300,000 Americans, that would not be marginal, but nuclear war... WTF? is wrong with them? I'm glad I don't understand them. I don't want to be that nuts.
This is so true. We had 4000 lives lost on 9/11 and we’ve spent trillions of dollars killing people that had nothing to do with it. But 300000 Americans dying so Jim Bob doesn’t need to wear a mask? That’s fine.
True. And if non-white Americans threatened to kill the governor and/or showed up outside and inside the state's capitol when the legislature is in session, everyone from the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and probably some twenty other agencies which we will never know about would be getting every protester, the protesters' families including distant relatives, friends, co-workers, and casual acquaintances in for tough questioning by dragging them out of bed between four and five in the morning. Trump: "They are fine people"
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"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.". - William Pitt the Younger
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A Muslim would be worse.
Please believe that all Americans don't "think" like that, but we have way too many who live in an alternate reality because of what trump and FOX and right-wing pundits tell them. They also tend to be prone to conspiracies. At this point too much of America is just a giant COVID Petri dish because of people like that. Of course there are lots of dumb and selfish people in other countries as well.
Well said. I worry for the large proportion of Americans that must feel trapped between an orange rock and a horde filled place, to paraphrase.
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You have pedo biden and CNN. Know your place filthy trash.
But they're waving their guns, flags and the constitution at the virus to show it who's boss. Clearly they have the superior mindset. In all honesty, we should be very concerned with the stupidity epidemic going on in this country. It gets worse every year.
I agree 1000%. Every year, it seems like more and more of these gun- happy, constitution spouting morons come out of their hiding spots.
They need to all gather on the white house lawn to celebrate their strength as a united front of persons banded together to enlighten the public of the opinions about the corruptions being perpetrated against them while being sure to exercise their 'constitutional rights' not to wear PPE - ie face masks. There by proving the myth and scandal of Covid 19 at the same time.
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I don't think the Democrats are going away.
The Infection Fatality Rate is mostly estimated by scientists at between 0.5-1%. That 0.1% is the right wing nut duplication of the "like the flu" fallacy. Even the flu us actually likely closer to 0.06% because of the asymptomatic cases which are only estimated and never really counted. So it in 330M people, we'd likely have closer to 1.65-3 million deaths.
Willyum, we have a vaccine for the flu. Not so for COVID. So... Not like the flu. Plus, the hospitals are overrun like they never have been. Which means if you break a leg, you get to wait behind all those who are infected. They wont give you preference. I'm sure they'll get around to treating you before gangrene sets in...
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It is like the flu, and the quarantine so far is a ridiculous idea.
Not surprising concerning their gunlaws. Viruses don't kill people, people kill people. ;) To be honest there are idiots everywhere, in my country we didn't had a lockdown at all and people complain that they can't have a haircut.
The math is more than a little off. The current death rate is around 6% in the US. Currently we are running about 25K new infections per day, or about 150K per week. 6% of 150K is 9000. If current conditions continue for the next 15 weeks, that's 135 thousand more deaths. Keep in mind that stay at home and shelter in place and social distancing have significantly reduced the transmission rate. Raising the number of cases will increase the death toll and the effect on our health care systems proportionately.
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One, it's not a lethal virus, at least any more lethal than the common cold. Are we going to quarantine ourselves until that goes away forever? And two, there is a civil right issue at play. That takes precedence over something minuscule such as this.
In case of a state of emergency the coverment can take measures like this, it's every counties law. Maybe you better should worry about people getting fired because they have a opinion your orange leader doesn't like. Or that Barr keeps Trumps minions out of prison. But you look like the type that wants to shoot corona with a ar -15 so why do I even bother.
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It isn't the right to infect others, because as it is we already do that without the coronavirus, and it has similar results. The blackout shade thing is a false analogy because it actually had a direct effect on the people.
I heard a neighbour complaining the other day that a woman was wearing a mask and had waited to allow him to walk down some stairs first, to allow for social distancing. He moaned that he was"happy to walk past her" and called her a "snooty b***h". So she wore a mask at her inconvenience for his protection then let him go first (again her inconvenience, his benefit) and somehow she's the bad guy? WTF is wrong with people? These are the same dickheads that bang on about blitz spirit, but ask them to put a bit of fabric over their face and they have a break down. Pathetic, idiotic wanksocks.
I'm glad they made mask wearing mandatory where I live (inside shops and public transport), so people like that nasty old man can't be nasty publicly.
Load More Replies...@Willyum If you think being asked to do your part to protect your peers from a deadly disease is akin to fascism then you have lived a VERY sheltered life.
I was waiting in an unbelievably slow line to return something the other day and watched quite a few people enter the store to be met by a 'private security guard' who was probably 17 in a vaguely intimidating polyester outfit rent-a-cop outfit. Everyone who wasn't wearing a mask got turned away. It just takes a tiny little bit of authority to make the system work.
@Willyum Wickerson -- "Good riddance" is the attitude the rest of us will have when you die
I guess you haven't seen that video of the lady who cut a hole over her mouth in the mask then...
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In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is…in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to. — Theodore Dalrymple
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So much for freedom huh? MANDATORY GOOD, CHOICE BAD, Me COMMIE.
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That's fascism. Good riddance.
My family friend died from a heart attack a couple weeks ago which devastated his son as he found him on the couch in the morning. Just this week his mother died from Covid-19 and he couldn't say goodbye to her either because of the circumstance. But of course, wearing a mask is such a hastle. It's not like people are dying or anything. They just want their "freedom." Complete and utter bullsh*t.
Ppl forget that weighed against each right you have, is a responsibility to ensure that right to others. It isn't fascism to act for the greater good of your whole community and work together. I live in nz, a democracy, and we locked down for 5-6 weeks. A few fools went against it but most of the country followed instructions. We could have but didn't question or fight the legality, we recognised it was necessary to save tens of thousands of potential deaths, and that it might just prevent it reaching community spread. Does this make us commie fascists, or logical ppl who still live in a democracy?
@ggirl225888 - it's not about freedom, it's about living. Does your brain work?
I am so sorry for your friend's son. It's sad that people are losing their loved ones and other people are complaining that their rights are being violated.
Anna Repp, right-wingers have trouble grasping "sit", "fetch" and "roll over." You can't expect them to understand something as complex as the meaning of freedom. ;-)
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And a lot of things just seem to be so arbitrary. Married couple who live together sitting together on a bench? Separate, more than 6 feet, or be ticketed. Really? In what way does that make sense? Man surfing all by himself. Arrested for violating quarantine orders–and put in a jail where he’ll be in enforced close association with a bunch of other people. How is “in jail” better from a perspective of slowing the spread of disease than is “surfing all alone, not another person in sight”? Boating (so long as no more than 10 people) okay. Drop a baited line off the boat (fishing) and that’s a violation. How does that make sense? Then there’s New York. New York is a city utterly dependent on mass transit. So, shutdowns reduce the number of people traveling every day? Well and good. But with fewer people using the mass transit, the city reduces the number of subways and buses running, thus ensuring that the remaining ones are every bit as packed as they were before the shutdowns.
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So give your freedom away, there is always someone out their waiting to take it from you and since you are so willing.....
You ask what's wrong with people. Trump. That's what's wrong with people. He has empowered the selfish idiots to do horrible things to everyone else, just like he does. All of the c**p they've wanted to say and do for decades is now ok. Gather a paramilitary group with guns on full display at a capital city to protest safe distances and masks. Churches holding services despite being told not to. States insisting people go back to work NOW or lose their benefits and job completely. These things should be illegal. Seriously... illegal for the government to threaten loss of jobs and livelihood just because someone wants to stay safe and healthy? What the hell is going on in this country?!?
@Ggirl You obviously don't live in a place where people are dying in droves. I do and if you're not scared you're not paying attention. You will die to protect your right to walk around unmasked? Have at it, but kindly wear a mask to protect those of us who are trying not to die.
@Johnny Orso nice thought, but all people still need food, medical care and basic supplies. How about not forcing those who are "scared" (or worse yet, immunocompromised or otherwise at higher risk) to risk their lives by doing so?
@AzKhaleesi...the US has been like this for a long time...we're just hearing about it a lot more lately because their crawling out from under their rocks and making public appearances now. Maybe a few well placed videos to publicly shame them into realizing they're the minority and they'll crawl back under their rocks.
Kerri, you are absolutely right that Trump is the cause of all this vocal stupidity. Since he became president the idiots have began to come out in droves. I live in an area where there have been three new COVID cases just this weekend, but unfortunately we have even more Trump supporting morons. Our country is falling apart is what is happening. And to anyone who is going to tell me that if I don't like then leave my answer is this:NO!!!!
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If you don't think the us was like that long BEFORE trump you have been gone a long time sleeping beauty.
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If you are scared ,STAY HOME
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Your lame pussy attempt at blaming Trump for your problems doesn't do any good, nor are your statements true. We have a constitution, Kerri. That means we have freedoms that cannot be violated by the government or any governing body. "He has empowered the selfish idiots to do horrible things to everyone else, just like he does. " God, I can't even begin to explain how stupid that statement sounds; it's not even specific, you're just blasting away at something while just using general terms that don't get your point across. I am against the practice of masks and social distancing at this point too Kerri, but I think it's important you know who the real enemy is, and it isn't me.
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You are the problem a lil puppy ready to roll over because a scientist says boo. A lil puppy ready to run under the couch in fear of the falling sky and give away your freedoms forever because you are just plain scared. Its kind of pathetic. The difference between us and you is we are the fighters we will take it to the street. We will die to protect what you so willingly give away. And as long as we are here and armed and ready to fight you will never have to live under a dictatorship, I know, I know so sad for you, you can't wait for someone to tell you how to dress, how to think, how to feel, how to spend your money, how to raise your kids. Oh yea, you already gave away all those freedoms by doing what the person in the tv set tells you to do and that's why you are so scared, because the tv tells you boo, now be scared and you are.
Aw, thanks Lauren, that made me smile! May you stay safe and healthy, brave ally!
Wanksocks 😂😂😂😂 just to let you know I will be adding that to my list of brilliant insults. Thank you x
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Most of these masks are not only worthless, they impede the proper exhalation of CO2 by 0ver 12% and reduce the proper oxygenation by 10%. Same with social distancing, totally worthless.
having a mask is better than not having a mask, which is really all that matters
People have all the scientific evidence in front of them, yet they choose to ignore it. The only problem is their stupidity can be lethal for other people too.
Agreed, I liken it to drunk driving. Fine if you want to get blasted, but don't get behind the wheel and place others in danger.
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Poor analogy but apparently you enjoy virtue signaling.
And yet these are the same idiots that will believe Trump when he says "Maybe we can inject a disinfectant or shine a UV light internally to kill it. Can we make that happen?"
William Wilkerson. Yes it was a question your president asked. He actually had to ask whether if light and disinfectant can be used internally! Cough that's your hero? cough.
Carol, these people don't want to see that their "great" president is an idiot who asks incredibly stupid questions.
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That was a question he asked; not a statement. coughdumbasscough
But a large number of Americans don't have all the scientific evidence in front of them. They have trump and FOX.
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I just left a discussion with some Americans that were convinced that their civil right to freedom meant that they had a legal right to participate in spreading a lethal virus and waging biological warfare against fellow Americans. One of them told me that even with a death rate of 0,1% it would kill around 300,000 people tops. The US has over 300 million people so that loss would be marginal.
What's really amazing is that, in the US, it seems like there could be a legal argument to be made that these people are committing criminal endangerment. They are knowingly and willfully putting the lives of others in danger. And gawds forbid if they actually get someone sick because of it, at that point it becomes assault, and possibly even terrorism (under US law). We should start prosecuting these people.
Load More Replies...@ggirl225888 Why is it that immature people, when being told "no" suddenly start screaming communism? Grow up and stop throwing temper tantrums. Just because you read Orwell and Animal Farm doesn't mean you understood them. Animal Farm was partly about communism and partly about blindly giving your free will over to a small group that claims to have your best interest at heart. It wasn't about giving into the was about giving in to dictators and tyrants. If that's really the case you think we'd be wanting to implement policies that contradict the Great Orange Sociopath? No..we'd be blindly following him to our deaths. Being informed and being blindly led by the nose are two different things. And if your reckless actions endanger my life and the lives of my family, you can bet damn sure you should be held criminally liable for it!
In most European countries it is actually considered a criminal offence if you do not follow the social distancing or mask rules. Especially when they are obligatory you can be arrested for endangering the public and courts are now full on sentencing these people to severe punishment or “no second chance punishment” (you get a year in prison you do not have to sit unless you f*ck up and then you’re in for the full run or more).
@Spinaap. The argument can be made for the criminality of it here in the USA as well. People who are HIV positive that knowingly go around infecting other people can be brought up on assault, endangerment and manslaughter charges because it's considered that their recklessness caused unnecessary fatalities. The same can be applied to a virus that, as of this moment, has claimed 300,000 lives worldwide.
Unfortunately, Republicans don't give a s**t about people. They only care about money and themselves. Business, money, possessions... that's what Republicans care about. They don't care about people. People just get in the way of making and keeping their money. They do not want to share. They do not want to save people. If 300k people die, so be it, they're ok. I do believe anyone who forces people to return to work and put themselves in danger is terrorism, plain and simple. States that are opening are suffering 1000s of new sick folks... and still, they say they have the right to go out there and endanger others and themselves. The United States has fallen so far from where she should be, it's disgusting. Republicans have destroyed this country... it will never be the same again.
Ah, Americans don't want to wear a mask because of their freedom. And it's their right to carry a gun... Just cherry picking their rights while violating other people's rights.
Not enough upvotes available to give for this comment.! You're so freaking right on this one!
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Wow, you sound like a full fledged communist. I bet you never read Orwell have you? I bet you haven't read animal farm have you? Wow, just wow, arrest people because they don't want to wear masks. Glad you live in your Mother's basement Daniel because if you had to operate in the normal world you'd probably melt.
Oh, loss of life is always acceptable in the US as long as it is not white-male-votes-correctly life. When enough GOP voters get sick, the tune iwll change, and be "How dare the Dems conspire not to let us have masks!".... (US citizen, Covie19 pandemic hospital volunteer, and I wear a mask.)
I hate to agree with this statement because it seems so oversimplified, the truth is that this is 1000% correct. As long as it is not rich, white men dying, the government is OK with it.
Good call, but Republitards also seem to be accepting of their higher mortality rates even before Corona. There's a "death belt" of high death rates from Ohio to Louisiana... The Lt Gov of Texas actually said that "there are more important things than living" when he was lobbying to have the state re-open the economy. Death in the name a'freedom y'all!!
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Stay in the hospital.
I should add that if a Muslim killed 300,000 Americans, that would not be marginal, but nuclear war... WTF? is wrong with them? I'm glad I don't understand them. I don't want to be that nuts.
This is so true. We had 4000 lives lost on 9/11 and we’ve spent trillions of dollars killing people that had nothing to do with it. But 300000 Americans dying so Jim Bob doesn’t need to wear a mask? That’s fine.
True. And if non-white Americans threatened to kill the governor and/or showed up outside and inside the state's capitol when the legislature is in session, everyone from the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and probably some twenty other agencies which we will never know about would be getting every protester, the protesters' families including distant relatives, friends, co-workers, and casual acquaintances in for tough questioning by dragging them out of bed between four and five in the morning. Trump: "They are fine people"
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"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.". - William Pitt the Younger
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A Muslim would be worse.
Please believe that all Americans don't "think" like that, but we have way too many who live in an alternate reality because of what trump and FOX and right-wing pundits tell them. They also tend to be prone to conspiracies. At this point too much of America is just a giant COVID Petri dish because of people like that. Of course there are lots of dumb and selfish people in other countries as well.
Well said. I worry for the large proportion of Americans that must feel trapped between an orange rock and a horde filled place, to paraphrase.
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You have pedo biden and CNN. Know your place filthy trash.
But they're waving their guns, flags and the constitution at the virus to show it who's boss. Clearly they have the superior mindset. In all honesty, we should be very concerned with the stupidity epidemic going on in this country. It gets worse every year.
I agree 1000%. Every year, it seems like more and more of these gun- happy, constitution spouting morons come out of their hiding spots.
They need to all gather on the white house lawn to celebrate their strength as a united front of persons banded together to enlighten the public of the opinions about the corruptions being perpetrated against them while being sure to exercise their 'constitutional rights' not to wear PPE - ie face masks. There by proving the myth and scandal of Covid 19 at the same time.
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I don't think the Democrats are going away.
The Infection Fatality Rate is mostly estimated by scientists at between 0.5-1%. That 0.1% is the right wing nut duplication of the "like the flu" fallacy. Even the flu us actually likely closer to 0.06% because of the asymptomatic cases which are only estimated and never really counted. So it in 330M people, we'd likely have closer to 1.65-3 million deaths.
Willyum, we have a vaccine for the flu. Not so for COVID. So... Not like the flu. Plus, the hospitals are overrun like they never have been. Which means if you break a leg, you get to wait behind all those who are infected. They wont give you preference. I'm sure they'll get around to treating you before gangrene sets in...
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It is like the flu, and the quarantine so far is a ridiculous idea.
Not surprising concerning their gunlaws. Viruses don't kill people, people kill people. ;) To be honest there are idiots everywhere, in my country we didn't had a lockdown at all and people complain that they can't have a haircut.
The math is more than a little off. The current death rate is around 6% in the US. Currently we are running about 25K new infections per day, or about 150K per week. 6% of 150K is 9000. If current conditions continue for the next 15 weeks, that's 135 thousand more deaths. Keep in mind that stay at home and shelter in place and social distancing have significantly reduced the transmission rate. Raising the number of cases will increase the death toll and the effect on our health care systems proportionately.
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One, it's not a lethal virus, at least any more lethal than the common cold. Are we going to quarantine ourselves until that goes away forever? And two, there is a civil right issue at play. That takes precedence over something minuscule such as this.
In case of a state of emergency the coverment can take measures like this, it's every counties law. Maybe you better should worry about people getting fired because they have a opinion your orange leader doesn't like. Or that Barr keeps Trumps minions out of prison. But you look like the type that wants to shoot corona with a ar -15 so why do I even bother.
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It isn't the right to infect others, because as it is we already do that without the coronavirus, and it has similar results. The blackout shade thing is a false analogy because it actually had a direct effect on the people.