When the word Satan surfaces in practically any context, it’s most likely to raise an eyebrow or two because of its pre-dispositioned evil reputation that has been present for decades. Satanists basing their ideologies and beliefs around the notion of the Devil himself don’t necessarily directly worship or engage in rituals often associated with this practice. The non-theistic religious group called The Satanic Temple with branches all over the world are, in fact, avid supporters of their local communities’ wellbeing and regularly engage in philanthropy.
It seems that it’s not about the cliche performing violent rituals dressed in a black cloak while drawing inverted chalk pentagrams anymore—it’s more about donating blood, assisting victims of domestic abuse, and helping out the homeless. Below are a few of the initiatives established or supported by the Satanists.
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Organizing Initiatives To Provide Menstruation Products To Those Who Can't Afford It
Various Satanic Chapters across the USA participate in this initiative to make menstruation products, including tampons, sanitary pads, menstrual cups, and wipes available to anyone in need, focusing on whoever may not be able to afford it without assistance.
Sanitary products are extremely important - they get donated about as often as socks do. I always try to purchase them when on sale for the express purpose of donating. Being in need is one thing, imagine being in that position AND bleeding from the crotch. Also, I adore 'Menstruatin' with satin.' I would like that on a shirt.
Man, I read "satanic products". Made sense XD
Load More Replies...Just so everyone knows, most satanist don’t worship satan. The most common form of satanism is LaVeyan Satanism, which views satan as a kind of metaphor rather than a being. Also, satanism isn’t evil or anything. They don’t raise demons or sacrifice animals or babies. The rules of LaVeyan Satanism actually bans followers from killing any living being. https://www.churchofsatan.com/ Here’s the official website if anyone wants to know more about it.
Firm believer that sanitary products should be free to all females, not like us ladies asked to be female or have periods.
When you donate things to organizations not many feminine and sanitary products are donated so this is amazing thing beans did.
Remember the cheapest products are often the most toxic. Pads and tampons have bleach and chlorine and shît in them that you might not want on your vagina, and there often aren’t listed ingredients. Consider donating non toxic products if you do donate, like Honey Pot or Seventh Generation
Question, do you have to believe in God to believe in Satan? Feels like yes.
No. It's more of a rejection of hypocritical Christian ideals. Satanism is a celebration of being human, warts and all. It's about accepting who you are and not accepting the shame that others may put on you. It's about standing up for yourself and your community, and not being one of those hypocritical religious people who are so hell-bent on being 'perfect' that they themselves are actually evil. I'm not a Satanist myself, but reading their teachings is actually quite refreshing. It's more about being a good human, not being evil and sacrificing babies.
Load More Replies...it is totally free to join, the illuminati brotherhood will not charge you for any fee, there will take care of all the charges, the reason why i am saying this testimony is to inform you all that it is totally free to join the illuminati, and if you join the illuminati on your induction day you will be given so many benefits and a cash of $2,000,000.00 to start a new life as a new member of illuminati, i don't have much to say all i can do now is, i will direct you to this email and contact phone number of the real illuminati brotherhood, because i also want you to meet the real illuminati brotherhood, contact email: richbrotherhoodofwealth@gmail.com call contact phone number or WhatsApp +1(661) 666-4507 for more info on how to be part of the brotherhood, everything on how to join is free thanks to you all that will read my testimony.
I don't know how to say this, but all i can see is that the illuminati is real, because i have finally see the goodness of being a member of illuminati, the illuminati is a big brotherhood family, which help and protect human in this earth, the illuminati is real, why i said so is because i have meet so many fake people using the illuminati names to cheat on people, who are really interested to be part of the brotherhood, i was once a victim and i have so many experience, because of this i was thinking the illuminati brotherhood is just a name, but now i believe in the illuminati brotherhood because i finally meet the right agent, i spent thousands of dollars because i want to join, but all was fake people, when i meet the right people, i was thinking i will pay money to join, to my own surprise it is totally free to join, the illuminati brotherhood will not charge you for any fee, there will take care of all the charges, the reason why i am saying this testimony is to inform you all t
Um, no they didn't...since that is exactly what the flyer says???
Load More Replies...Providing Baby Supplies For Struggling Parents
The Satanic Temple Minnesota hosted a diaper/infant care products drive to help out those in need. They partnered with Simpson Housing services, which is a local non-profit supporting families with young children who suffer from homelessness.
Backing Up Campaigns To Battle Various Child Abuse At Schools
The Satanic Temple Chapters collectively joined forces nationwide to address abuse taking place in public schools and fight corporal punishment, use of physical restraints, restricting bathroom access, and violating other civil rights.
So in the meantime, as everyone waits for the summoned Devil to burst through the floor and bring the world’s end, these various Satanic groups are working on spreading good. Contrary to popular belief, most Satanists don’t pray to the Devil, but actually observe Baphomet, whose figure is composed of a human’s body, a goat's head, and wings.
Encouraging People To Donate Blood And Save Lives
Satanic Australia launched the very first charity event in the country called "Blood For Satan." Using quite the attention-drawing slogan "Satan wants your blood, not your soul," the campaign called Satanists in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand to save lives by donating blood which, according to The Red Cross, has saved 252 lives to date.
Keeping Homeless' Feet Clean And Warm By Providing Socks
"Socks For Satan," launched by The Satanic Temple Florida as a part of their long-running campaign, collects and distributes new socks for people on the streets.
Socks are more precious than you realize. You can't find socks in secondhand shops. Everyone wears theirs until they are unusable.
Providing Business Attire For People Trying To Break Out From Poverty
This clothing drive initiated by The Satanic Temple Arizona Chapter collected business casual and semi-formal attire aimed to provide resources for community members aiming to get out of hardship as they attend job interviews and employment fairs.
The controversial religious group that has been active for many years claim in their mission statement: “The mission of The Satanic Temple is to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense and justice, and be directed by the human conscience to undertake noble pursuits guided by the individual will.”
Information about any of the charities or campaigns is normally announced on the Facebook groups of the particular branches of the Satanist organizations for the members to join any of the active good deeds in progress.
Collecting Donations For People Who Experienced Domestic Abuse
With 21 other so-called Chapters, The Satanic Temple Austin are doing donation collections for SAFE (Stop Abuse For Everyone)—an organization dealing with domestic violence and conservative lobbying.
Donating Clothing And Raising Money For People In Need
In 2017, "Warmer Than Hell," a clothing collection organized by Boston's Satanic Temple Chapter, was actually intended to promote religious diversity and bring warmth to those in need. The initiative provided 191 coats, sweatshirts, jackets, hats, and gloves as well as two large bags of socks and more than 900 dollars.
Committing To Keeping The Beaches Clean With Save Our Shores Program
In 2018, The Satanic Temple in the state of California ended up adopting a beach and has committed to keeping it clean of trash, meanwhile raising awareness for the cause.
Supporting The Adopt-A-Highway Programs Across Different States
Various Satanic organizations participate in promotional campaigns aimed at volunteers to keep parts of highway free of trash across North America.
One of the most interesting things that the Satanic Temple does is fight for the "separation of religion and state". So when a government endorses a specific religion (typically a specific denomination of Christianity) the Satanic Temple steps in. For example, a city hall allows a church to erect a 12 commandments statue on city property, the Satanic Temple petitions to erect their own statue. If a school board allows a church to hand out pamphlets to the students, the Satanic Temple hands out "Satan and Me" coloring books. Suddenly these organizations are stuck in a bind, either they say "all religions are welcome" and allow the Satanic Temple to continue, or "no religions are welcome" and the local church has to stop... but they legally can't say "only this religion is welcome"
So does it really "worship Satan" or does it act as more of a check on religion and promote humanism? Curious.
Load More Replies...They aren't. From their website: The mission of The Satanic Temple is to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense, oppose injustice, and undertake noble pursuits. The Satanic Temple has publicly confronted hate groups, fought for the abolition of corporal punishment in public schools, applied for equal representation when religious installations are placed on public property...
Load More Replies...I'm a member of the UK chapter of The Satanic Temple and it really gets my goat, pardon the pun, when people assume we slaughter cattle and sacrifice children. When the founder, Lucien Greaves, gives public speeches especially when he was giving public outdoor speeches regarding The Satanic Temple monument outside the state capitol as well as the Ten Commandments in Little Rock Arkansas, he had to wear a bullet proof vest. It's ridiculous. Christians have threatened to shoot and kill Satanists but a Satanist would NEVER do the same to a Christian. Ever.
"... people assume we slaughter cattle and sacrifice children." No, dude- that's the "loving" Christians that do that s**t.
Load More Replies...im annoyed by the comments. evil? how are they evil? they are doing great things!
IKR, we should have our own beliefs and religions without being made fun of
Load More Replies...This honestly makes me want to do some research into this religion. Good people!
Check out the Sikhs too. I'm not one but love how they treat others.
Load More Replies...Giving is giving! The people who are doing good for their communities! Thanks so much for everything you are doing!!
Cool think about Satanism, only religion that expressly states that sex should be consensual.
The majority of Satanic Temples are really just Atheist's/Agnostics etc. They do it because the Church of Satan is considered a Religious organization which gives them the same rights as any other Religion in the U.S. like the ability to sit in and get to petition the city council, they have a voice in their community, they get tax exemption status etc. Personally, as a Christian, more power to them. They do a lot of good that I don't even see some churches in our communities doing. I'm friends with several people who are apart of our local satanic temple. One of them is my cousin.
The Satanic Temple and Church of Satan are two completely different groups.
Load More Replies...These people are awesome and kind, from my experience (my friend's sister is part of The Satanic Temple). They don't support gay conversion therapy, they support abortion, women's rights, the prevention of domestic violence, and they're environmentally friendly. To the Christians (not all Christians are bad, just the ones in the comments being jerks) in the comments claiming TST are bad people: please explain why a priest is allowed to molest a child then is moved to a different location to do it again. And explain gay conversion therapy.
Well uhm, you gotta get the EVIL SIN out of the gays, as it’s a disease that’s rapidly spreading, my non-existent son got a blood transfusion from a GAY man, and came out with a fashion sense and a fondness for Broadway musicals. Sinful (I’m joking ,of course)
Load More Replies...You know the book about that dude who thinks he’s the most awesomest dude in the universe and how everyone that doesn’t agree should burn, turn to salt and other disturbing stuff? I have always thought that if that book is true, that dude is a total d**k and probably lying about the one guy that stood up to him.
And also, apparently if u touch yourself or eat shrimp, sky daddy will punish you.
Load More Replies...From what I’ve gathered Satanism is Atheism just it’s an actual religion to stop people from being exclusive to any one religion.
I have yet to meet a Christian whose head doesn't explode when I point out Satan was once an angel serving God.
Well do t search Philly, or outlying towns, you won’t find any here
Load More Replies...Sibling is a satanist and they volunteer for alot of things.people tend to associate satanism with worshipping satan but its not they went against the church beliefs and so the church labeled them as such so people would think they were bad.y sibling is the coolest.
Hail Science! Hail human kindness! Hail separation of church and state! We need more of these things. A huge thanks to doctors, nurses, scientists, etc. fighting COVID! Praying to gods did not help end this pandemic. Instead we had christian nationalists storm the US capitol building.
Hail loyalty to country. Hail rule of law. Hail not murdering police. Hail not scrambling into the Capitol like roaches, swinging off the balconies like monkeys and smearing feces around like...is there an animal that smears excrement when its widdle feelings are hurt?
Load More Replies...Having seen the destruction that religion brings, along with along with false-hope and indoctrination, and that, according to legend, Lucifer was kicked out of heaven because, he would not bow down to His new creation, and revolted. I think he had it right all long.
This is a great thread and will helpfully dispel knee-jerk assumptions. I am familiar with the group, my daughter and her husband are members, so let me help provide a little insight.. The use of Satan as a name is not drawing on the Evil Destroyer aspect, but rather the earliest of reference - as an independent thinker unafraid to question authority. If the word satan is troubling, think of it more as a "don't drink the cool-aid" - rebellion with a conscience. "Awareness, no matter how confused it may be, develops from every act of rebellion: the sudden, dazzling perception that there is something in man with which he can identify himself, even if only for a moment." -Albert Camus
True Satanists are not "evil." I've a good friend who converted to Satanism. It's just a belief system like any other. Nothing to be afraid of.
If this isn't Crowley's doing in association with the Chattering Order of St. Beryl, i don't think I believe anyone
If any other religion did this they would be accused of forcing their religion on others (by community and pandas alike). That being said, I dont care what you worship as long as you are nice to people
Satanist are still the one who insist on consent and freedom of choice. I love that this article shown what they do for baby already here too
You guys do realize that Satanists don't actually worship Satan.... They are mainly atheists who see Satan as a sort of metaphor for individualism and liberty. Satanists aren't bad in any way. They are literally just living their lives to the fullest potential lol
Satanists aren’t necessarily bad people. They’re just different people with different beliefs, like Christians, Buddhists etc.🤔
These people aren´t satanic, they are just heroes with different beliefs.
People tend to label things they see as immoral as "Satanic". This is no more true than labeling acts of charity as "Christian". Too long have people tried to label themselves as Christian, and borrow a sense of virtue. If you want to be good, do good. It's as easy as that.
Load More Replies...The fact that these people are better people than some old christian boomers.
The only surprising thing about this is that people still don't know what the Satanic Temple or Church of Satan even believe. They're by far more tolerant and kind than most of the uber conservative Christians I've ever known.
I'm pretty sure the Church of Satan is completely disconnected from the Satanic Temple. Correct me if I'm wrong!
Load More Replies...Basically they are a bunch of obnoxious assholes who like pissing people off and small groups occasionally do something to allow themselves to get in your face. Would you accept baby formula from Neo-Nazis?
This is one of the more interesting articles on BP, not for the good TST are doing - that's self evident, but for the comments here. We're literally seeing thousands of years of programming and brainwashing in action. Those guys who wrote the bible would be paid handsome amounts these days for their skills in spinning.
I don’t agree with what they worship, but they’re honestly making the world a better place. It’s a pity I can’t say the same for my church.
They worship nothing, being materialistic.
Load More Replies...you know this makes me wonder if Satan IS real (not saying he is int or is or whatever but i do have my doubts i am only human) how would he react? i mean its not like you can blame the devil for being well, the devil it is his exestance and what he does. i mean when he see's things like this does he get happy? does his chest get warm? does he sit on his thrown doing his satanic thing's and take a break scrolling through his Facebook or twitter account and sees stuff like this and then stop for a moment and smile a nice genuine smile that there are people out there doing better for each other in his name? or does he get like weirdly offended? i feel like good cant be without evil and like how god 'punish's the sinners' he would reward the kind hearted in his domain? would he smile and then even if for just a moment hell would be bearable for a moment, would his nice followers randomly get a nice thing or boost or whatever? like just curiose.
Well this is what LaVey wanted with the group, so he probably isn’t angry at all
Load More Replies...I think Satanist are atheists so they don't believe in god or Satan. But to Christianity, if you are not for god, then you are against God. So Christians think all atheists and agnostics (like me) are devil worshippers so the satanic church just ran with it. It proves you don't need god to have Morals. How can people (Christians) be offended by people doing good deeds? In my experience of being around Christians my whole life (and 9 years of Catholic school) the farther away people get from Christianity, the nicer and more accepting and just easier to be around they because you don't have the bible in your head urging you to judge. I believe in letting people just be. Be yourself. Treat people, animals and the earth with respect! If someone believes differently, fine. Doesn't mean they are the enemy.
Load More Replies...Well I'm hardly surprised that this would be in the bible.
Load More Replies...I don’t think Anyone is going to rain fire on them for doing good works. Do you?
Load More Replies...Why don't you keep god out of it? The god of christianity seemed mostly interested in obedience and needing constant worship. If he didn't get those things, he was smiting, torturing, and committing genocides.
Load More Replies...If you support rule of law or are against child rape, I'm kinda sure it might a good choice of religions
Load More Replies...Thank you for the second part, but I would just like to point out that you can not agree with their belief but still respect it- That's exactly how I feel and they seem like very honorable people with good character and intentions :)
Load More Replies...Gosh Jackson, what an ignorant dweeb you are. It's not "There pathetic", it's they're pathetic. But, I think you are pathetic. Maybe stop typing for the day, you pathetic dumb-ass.
Load More Replies...The church of Satan doesn't actually believe in Satan...they picked Satan as a symbol of individuality...going against the grain if you will. The belief is that every person should think for themselves/be their own god as long as it doesn't hurt someone else. I myself am not a Satanist but I have known some...of course their are some people out there who call themselves satanists that actually do believe in some sick things but those people are really no different than any other religious cult in which people interpret a message to suit their own sick needs and ideas.
Load More Replies...Just like Christians who survived Christian clans? Every religion has extremists who twist a religion for their own purposes, they aren't representative of the whole religion. Imagine if all Christians were judged by others as if they were from "children of god"- would that be fair?
Load More Replies...Before being burned to death in the name of "god", Taíno chief Hatuey (in 1511) asked the priest present if Spaniards went to heaven. The priest replied 'yes'. Hatuey replied that he would prefer to go to hell so he would not have to see such cruel people. I see enough hypocrisy from so-called 'christians' on a day-to-day basis that I would have no trouble supporting a satanist who does good over a christian who does evil.
Load More Replies...Right. Because the xtianist terrorists at the White House last week are such a charming bunch.
Load More Replies...Hey I just wanted to say they really aren't "satanic" per-say, just more anti-christian fundamentals. They adopted the symbol of Satan as like a way to revolt almost because they were labelled as "Devil Worshippers" because of their non-believence. The Church of Satan isn't the same although they are stereotypically categorized as the cults you see with animal sacrificing and everything. Nothing they do is really satanic, and they don't actually believe in Satan himself. Here are a few websites to read a little bit as I had to look it up myself to see what it was about lol. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Satanism https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/satanist-reverend-religions-everything-know-facts-devil-worship-church-ashley-s-palmer-a7767641.html
Load More Replies...One of the most interesting things that the Satanic Temple does is fight for the "separation of religion and state". So when a government endorses a specific religion (typically a specific denomination of Christianity) the Satanic Temple steps in. For example, a city hall allows a church to erect a 12 commandments statue on city property, the Satanic Temple petitions to erect their own statue. If a school board allows a church to hand out pamphlets to the students, the Satanic Temple hands out "Satan and Me" coloring books. Suddenly these organizations are stuck in a bind, either they say "all religions are welcome" and allow the Satanic Temple to continue, or "no religions are welcome" and the local church has to stop... but they legally can't say "only this religion is welcome"
So does it really "worship Satan" or does it act as more of a check on religion and promote humanism? Curious.
Load More Replies...They aren't. From their website: The mission of The Satanic Temple is to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense, oppose injustice, and undertake noble pursuits. The Satanic Temple has publicly confronted hate groups, fought for the abolition of corporal punishment in public schools, applied for equal representation when religious installations are placed on public property...
Load More Replies...I'm a member of the UK chapter of The Satanic Temple and it really gets my goat, pardon the pun, when people assume we slaughter cattle and sacrifice children. When the founder, Lucien Greaves, gives public speeches especially when he was giving public outdoor speeches regarding The Satanic Temple monument outside the state capitol as well as the Ten Commandments in Little Rock Arkansas, he had to wear a bullet proof vest. It's ridiculous. Christians have threatened to shoot and kill Satanists but a Satanist would NEVER do the same to a Christian. Ever.
"... people assume we slaughter cattle and sacrifice children." No, dude- that's the "loving" Christians that do that s**t.
Load More Replies...im annoyed by the comments. evil? how are they evil? they are doing great things!
IKR, we should have our own beliefs and religions without being made fun of
Load More Replies...This honestly makes me want to do some research into this religion. Good people!
Check out the Sikhs too. I'm not one but love how they treat others.
Load More Replies...Giving is giving! The people who are doing good for their communities! Thanks so much for everything you are doing!!
Cool think about Satanism, only religion that expressly states that sex should be consensual.
The majority of Satanic Temples are really just Atheist's/Agnostics etc. They do it because the Church of Satan is considered a Religious organization which gives them the same rights as any other Religion in the U.S. like the ability to sit in and get to petition the city council, they have a voice in their community, they get tax exemption status etc. Personally, as a Christian, more power to them. They do a lot of good that I don't even see some churches in our communities doing. I'm friends with several people who are apart of our local satanic temple. One of them is my cousin.
The Satanic Temple and Church of Satan are two completely different groups.
Load More Replies...These people are awesome and kind, from my experience (my friend's sister is part of The Satanic Temple). They don't support gay conversion therapy, they support abortion, women's rights, the prevention of domestic violence, and they're environmentally friendly. To the Christians (not all Christians are bad, just the ones in the comments being jerks) in the comments claiming TST are bad people: please explain why a priest is allowed to molest a child then is moved to a different location to do it again. And explain gay conversion therapy.
Well uhm, you gotta get the EVIL SIN out of the gays, as it’s a disease that’s rapidly spreading, my non-existent son got a blood transfusion from a GAY man, and came out with a fashion sense and a fondness for Broadway musicals. Sinful (I’m joking ,of course)
Load More Replies...You know the book about that dude who thinks he’s the most awesomest dude in the universe and how everyone that doesn’t agree should burn, turn to salt and other disturbing stuff? I have always thought that if that book is true, that dude is a total d**k and probably lying about the one guy that stood up to him.
And also, apparently if u touch yourself or eat shrimp, sky daddy will punish you.
Load More Replies...From what I’ve gathered Satanism is Atheism just it’s an actual religion to stop people from being exclusive to any one religion.
I have yet to meet a Christian whose head doesn't explode when I point out Satan was once an angel serving God.
Well do t search Philly, or outlying towns, you won’t find any here
Load More Replies...Sibling is a satanist and they volunteer for alot of things.people tend to associate satanism with worshipping satan but its not they went against the church beliefs and so the church labeled them as such so people would think they were bad.y sibling is the coolest.
Hail Science! Hail human kindness! Hail separation of church and state! We need more of these things. A huge thanks to doctors, nurses, scientists, etc. fighting COVID! Praying to gods did not help end this pandemic. Instead we had christian nationalists storm the US capitol building.
Hail loyalty to country. Hail rule of law. Hail not murdering police. Hail not scrambling into the Capitol like roaches, swinging off the balconies like monkeys and smearing feces around like...is there an animal that smears excrement when its widdle feelings are hurt?
Load More Replies...Having seen the destruction that religion brings, along with along with false-hope and indoctrination, and that, according to legend, Lucifer was kicked out of heaven because, he would not bow down to His new creation, and revolted. I think he had it right all long.
This is a great thread and will helpfully dispel knee-jerk assumptions. I am familiar with the group, my daughter and her husband are members, so let me help provide a little insight.. The use of Satan as a name is not drawing on the Evil Destroyer aspect, but rather the earliest of reference - as an independent thinker unafraid to question authority. If the word satan is troubling, think of it more as a "don't drink the cool-aid" - rebellion with a conscience. "Awareness, no matter how confused it may be, develops from every act of rebellion: the sudden, dazzling perception that there is something in man with which he can identify himself, even if only for a moment." -Albert Camus
True Satanists are not "evil." I've a good friend who converted to Satanism. It's just a belief system like any other. Nothing to be afraid of.
If this isn't Crowley's doing in association with the Chattering Order of St. Beryl, i don't think I believe anyone
If any other religion did this they would be accused of forcing their religion on others (by community and pandas alike). That being said, I dont care what you worship as long as you are nice to people
Satanist are still the one who insist on consent and freedom of choice. I love that this article shown what they do for baby already here too
You guys do realize that Satanists don't actually worship Satan.... They are mainly atheists who see Satan as a sort of metaphor for individualism and liberty. Satanists aren't bad in any way. They are literally just living their lives to the fullest potential lol
Satanists aren’t necessarily bad people. They’re just different people with different beliefs, like Christians, Buddhists etc.🤔
These people aren´t satanic, they are just heroes with different beliefs.
People tend to label things they see as immoral as "Satanic". This is no more true than labeling acts of charity as "Christian". Too long have people tried to label themselves as Christian, and borrow a sense of virtue. If you want to be good, do good. It's as easy as that.
Load More Replies...The fact that these people are better people than some old christian boomers.
The only surprising thing about this is that people still don't know what the Satanic Temple or Church of Satan even believe. They're by far more tolerant and kind than most of the uber conservative Christians I've ever known.
I'm pretty sure the Church of Satan is completely disconnected from the Satanic Temple. Correct me if I'm wrong!
Load More Replies...Basically they are a bunch of obnoxious assholes who like pissing people off and small groups occasionally do something to allow themselves to get in your face. Would you accept baby formula from Neo-Nazis?
This is one of the more interesting articles on BP, not for the good TST are doing - that's self evident, but for the comments here. We're literally seeing thousands of years of programming and brainwashing in action. Those guys who wrote the bible would be paid handsome amounts these days for their skills in spinning.
I don’t agree with what they worship, but they’re honestly making the world a better place. It’s a pity I can’t say the same for my church.
They worship nothing, being materialistic.
Load More Replies...you know this makes me wonder if Satan IS real (not saying he is int or is or whatever but i do have my doubts i am only human) how would he react? i mean its not like you can blame the devil for being well, the devil it is his exestance and what he does. i mean when he see's things like this does he get happy? does his chest get warm? does he sit on his thrown doing his satanic thing's and take a break scrolling through his Facebook or twitter account and sees stuff like this and then stop for a moment and smile a nice genuine smile that there are people out there doing better for each other in his name? or does he get like weirdly offended? i feel like good cant be without evil and like how god 'punish's the sinners' he would reward the kind hearted in his domain? would he smile and then even if for just a moment hell would be bearable for a moment, would his nice followers randomly get a nice thing or boost or whatever? like just curiose.
Well this is what LaVey wanted with the group, so he probably isn’t angry at all
Load More Replies...I think Satanist are atheists so they don't believe in god or Satan. But to Christianity, if you are not for god, then you are against God. So Christians think all atheists and agnostics (like me) are devil worshippers so the satanic church just ran with it. It proves you don't need god to have Morals. How can people (Christians) be offended by people doing good deeds? In my experience of being around Christians my whole life (and 9 years of Catholic school) the farther away people get from Christianity, the nicer and more accepting and just easier to be around they because you don't have the bible in your head urging you to judge. I believe in letting people just be. Be yourself. Treat people, animals and the earth with respect! If someone believes differently, fine. Doesn't mean they are the enemy.
Load More Replies...Well I'm hardly surprised that this would be in the bible.
Load More Replies...I don’t think Anyone is going to rain fire on them for doing good works. Do you?
Load More Replies...Why don't you keep god out of it? The god of christianity seemed mostly interested in obedience and needing constant worship. If he didn't get those things, he was smiting, torturing, and committing genocides.
Load More Replies...If you support rule of law or are against child rape, I'm kinda sure it might a good choice of religions
Load More Replies...Thank you for the second part, but I would just like to point out that you can not agree with their belief but still respect it- That's exactly how I feel and they seem like very honorable people with good character and intentions :)
Load More Replies...Gosh Jackson, what an ignorant dweeb you are. It's not "There pathetic", it's they're pathetic. But, I think you are pathetic. Maybe stop typing for the day, you pathetic dumb-ass.
Load More Replies...The church of Satan doesn't actually believe in Satan...they picked Satan as a symbol of individuality...going against the grain if you will. The belief is that every person should think for themselves/be their own god as long as it doesn't hurt someone else. I myself am not a Satanist but I have known some...of course their are some people out there who call themselves satanists that actually do believe in some sick things but those people are really no different than any other religious cult in which people interpret a message to suit their own sick needs and ideas.
Load More Replies...Just like Christians who survived Christian clans? Every religion has extremists who twist a religion for their own purposes, they aren't representative of the whole religion. Imagine if all Christians were judged by others as if they were from "children of god"- would that be fair?
Load More Replies...Before being burned to death in the name of "god", Taíno chief Hatuey (in 1511) asked the priest present if Spaniards went to heaven. The priest replied 'yes'. Hatuey replied that he would prefer to go to hell so he would not have to see such cruel people. I see enough hypocrisy from so-called 'christians' on a day-to-day basis that I would have no trouble supporting a satanist who does good over a christian who does evil.
Load More Replies...Right. Because the xtianist terrorists at the White House last week are such a charming bunch.
Load More Replies...Hey I just wanted to say they really aren't "satanic" per-say, just more anti-christian fundamentals. They adopted the symbol of Satan as like a way to revolt almost because they were labelled as "Devil Worshippers" because of their non-believence. The Church of Satan isn't the same although they are stereotypically categorized as the cults you see with animal sacrificing and everything. Nothing they do is really satanic, and they don't actually believe in Satan himself. Here are a few websites to read a little bit as I had to look it up myself to see what it was about lol. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Satanism https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/satanist-reverend-religions-everything-know-facts-devil-worship-church-ashley-s-palmer-a7767641.html
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