This Instagram Page Shares Pics Of Real-Life Locations That Look Like They’re Straight Out Of A Wes Anderson Movie
For an artist, finding your voice is achieving mastery. It means you've studied and experimented with your craft enough to be able to present it from a unique perspective. Your perspective.
When it comes to cinema, I couldn't name more than a few directors whose style is as distinct as Wes Anderson's. As SC Lannom pointed out in Studio Binder, his films are simultaneously idiosyncratic and relentlessly detailed; they're full of nuanced production design elements and visual gags, but are executed in such a deliberate manner that the viewer always 'catches' these little easter eggs that paint whatever mood Anderson intended.
Luckily for us, his vision lives on not just on the silver screen. Kind of. Founded in the summer of 2017 from a small apartment in Brooklyn, New York, Accidentally Wes Anderson (AWA) is an online project that has grown into a global community of more than one and a half million adventurers.
They share pictures of real-life places that look like movie sets that the great filmmaker could be working on. "We are intrigued by the image and delighted by the details," husband and wife duo Wally & Amanda, who started the AWA platform as a way to develop a personal travel bucket list, said. "Together, we seek and share the most beautiful, idiosyncratic, and interesting places on earth while uncovering unique and unexpected stories behind the facades."
Continue scrolling to check out some of the location scouting they did, and if you want more when you're done, check out this article we published on a subreddit with an almost identical name that is on the same quest.
More info: accidentallywesanderson.com | Instagram | Facebook
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Eastern Columbia Building | Los Angeles, California | C. 1930
Helsinki, Finland C.1907
Accidentally Wes Anderson categorizes these locations either by themes or color palette. In addition to a photo of a particular place, they also provide a detailed description of it as well as the exact spot on the map where you can find it.
According to Wally & Amanda, working on the project has gradually evolved from curating and researching interesting corners of the world to bringing the community along on virtual adventures. Their mission, however, remains the same – to provide a daily dose of delight, inspiration, and curiosity for all that wish to participate.
AWA has already brought people to destinations all over the globe from Los Angeles to Milan to Tokyo, and beyond.
Hotel Belvédère Furka Pass, Switzerland C. 1882
Upper Lausitzian Library Of Sciences | Görlitz, Germany | C. 1779
Palmenhaus Schönbrunn | Vienna, Austria | C. 1882
"Over the course of 10 films and counting, Wes has honed in on a distinct visual aesthetic that is both undeniably beautiful and deserving of adulation," Wally & Amanda wrote on their website.
"Each frame of his films stands alone, resulting in a collection of delightful gems. AWA has built upon Wes' imaginative scenes and seeks out their real-life counterparts around the globe. We are forever indebted to Wes for opening our eyes to the beauty that surrounds us. Sometimes all we need to do is 'reframe the perspective.'"
With that being said, AWA isn't directly associated with Mr. Anderson himself so please don't send them any of his fan mail!
Riad Yasmine Marrakech, Morocco C. 2002
Marshall Street Baths, London, England, C. 1850
Tourlitis Lighthouse Andros, Greece C. 1897
Imagine hauling a boatload of provisions from the mainland, struggling up the stairs, then realising that you forgot the baked beans
Suburban Station Philadelphia, Pennsylvania C.1930
Walked into that building and down the steps on a daily basis for 13 years. I miss working in town.
Brighton Beach Bandstand Brighton, United Kingdom C. 1884
Somehow I am glad there are grey skies behind it. Like a true British summer.
Patrika Gate Jaipur, India C. 2016
Georgian Hotel | Los Angeles, California | C. 1933
North Hobart Post Office Tasmania, Australia Est. 1913
I can't believe the architect forgot to include a gilded kangaroo statue on a plinth on each side of the stairs
Hunting Lodge Hohenlohe Tatranská Javorina, Slovakia C. 1883
St. Vincent Pilgrimage Church Heiligenblut Am Grosglockner, Austria C. 1491
I envy Europeans. You guys have access to some of the most beautiful architecture in the world. Just stunning.
Hauganes Village Eyjafjörður, Iceland Est. 1882
Golden Pass Railway Montreux, Switzerland C. 1901
I can already imagine just sitting by a window, the scenery of the forest passing by, while reading a favorite book and drinking hot chocolate.
Villa Sola Cabiati Como, Italy C.1500
Looks like a house owned by one of the women visiting M. Gustave.
Tinakilly Country House County Wicklow, Ireland C. 1876
Looks exactly like uncle Monty's house from a series of unfortunate events.
The Lanesborough London, United Kingdom C. 1719
Hotel Moskva | Belgrade, Serbia | C. 1908
Hotel Opera Prague, Czech Republic C. 1890
Is there an obscure law in Europe that large buildings must be painted pink?
Úlfljótsvatn Church Úlfljótsvatn, Iceland C. 1914
Saint Benedict Abbey | Quebec, Canada | C. 1912
Western Baths Club | glasgow, Scotland | C. 1876
The Madison Hotel | Morristown, New Jersey | C. 1936
Angels Flight | Los Angeles, California | C. 1901
Mills House Hotel, Charleston, South Carolina C.1853
Yet another architect who just happens to know a manufacturer of pink paint