30 Times Employees Expected Something Great For A Holiday Bonus But Got These ‘Insults’ Instead (New Pics)
InterviewA year-end bonus (also called a "Christmas bonus") is a reward paid to an employee at the end of the year. So if you demonstrated exceptional performance, met the key goals and hit the milestones, you can expect a monetary (but not only) reward.
And while most workers would agree that a little something is always better than nothing, in some particular cases, that’s not exactly true. In fact, bosses and managers can be really, really cheap.
As we’re all about to face what's in the end-of-year bonus for us, these people have already had it and were left with mere crumbs that cannot be called a decent ‘bonus’ from any perspective. The images speak for themselves, and I just leave the stage to them.
More pics of insulting bonuses which left people scratching their heads and thinking of a better job to start the New Year with can be found in our previous article.
We also spoke with Christine Mitterbauer, a licensed and ICF-approved career coach and serial entrepreneur who shared some insights into whether annual bonuses are a good idea, as well as what kind of bonuses are reasonable and what aren’t. Scroll down to find out what she had to say.
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The Company I Work For Gave Us Our “Christmas Bonus” It’s $25 For In-Store Use Only And They’re Taxing Us At The End Of The Month Whether We Use It Or Not
I honestly think this should be at the top. I mean, yes, the other entries are crappy, but at least the others don't appear to be getting TAXED on their bonuses, regardless of whether they utilise it or not?
Instead Of Giving Us A Much Needed Christmas Bonus, They Got Us A Pool/Ping Pong Table. Never Even Half Enough Time On Break Or Lunch To Even Play. Company Made ~45 Billion In Profits Last Year
“I do think annual bonuses, whether they’re around year end or another time of year, are a great way to reward your employees and show them they’re valued by the company,” Christine Mitterbauer said.
“How you structure the bonuses depends on the kind of industry you’re in, but generally it’s always a good idea to be open and transparent in your communication to your employees. That way you reduce the chance of reality not living up to expectations.”
The Company I Work For Canceled Our Yearly Bonuses/Raises And Gave Us A $5 Starbucks Gift Card And An Ornament Instead
Girlfriend's Christmas Bonus
I once got a nicely wrapped calendar with ads for the employer, the same one we handed out for free to customers or random people on the street... Our supervisor was so embarrassed that she bought some chocolate for us from her own money.
Yes, That's Definitely What Happened
Mitterbauer’s advice is, throughout the year, to be as honest as you can about how well the company is doing, and how that might affect bonuses. “Also, if you decide to vary the size of the bonus depending on the contribution of individual employees, be very clear and transparent about this, and ensure employees know what kind of behavior and results are rewarded,” the career coach explained.
My Company’s “Christmas Bonus”
My Christmas Bonus
I Mean, I’d Rather Have The Bonus I Was Screwed Out Of, Or The 20+ Employees In My Department That Were Laid Off Right Before The Holidays, But This About Makes Up For It
Mitterbauer argues that a good idea to approach an annual bonus from an employer’s perspective is to try to promise a bit less than you think the company will be able to afford when the time comes. “You’d much rather positively surprise your employees than disappoint them,” she explained.
Moreover, Mitterbauer argues that offering some people an outrageously high bonus and other people a very low one is a very bad idea. “This will just lead to envy and disappointment. Also, keep this information confidential and communicate this clearly to your employees.”
I'm A Skilled Tradesman Who Is Supposed To Get A $3000 Bonus At The End Of The Year For Making The Company $150,000 In Profit, Per My Contract. I Doubled It, Which Is Supposed To Increase My Bonus. This Is What I Received. 100% Done With This Industry
Not From A Child’s Birthday Party. This Is Legit Our “Company Christmas Gift” (We Don’t Get Bonuses)
Walmart Holiday Bonus
Seems like a "these will all go too ripe if we don't sell them while the store is closed" ploy.
Planning and preparing months before is also a good strategy. “Ensure especially your top-performing employees remain happy. Again, you’d rather underpromise and overdeliver. If money is tight, think about how you can reward them with other things like promotions, extra training, flexible working, etc.”
“If in doubt,” Mitterbauer argues, “have a meeting with them way before bonuses are decided about what would make them happy to stay working with the company. Keep the question open-ended and really listen to your employees. Then generate some creative ideas and have them ready once you know what the bonus pool actually looks like.”
This Was My Dad's Only Christmas Bonus From The Company He's Worked At For Over 20 Years: A $20 Off Coupon For A Frozen Turkey. My Mom Got A Christmas Ornament
Bonus Cut
I feel this. My company's shareholders hold the key to bonuses. Since inflation is so high, even though this 2.5 billion dollar company made a profit, they shafted us with "bonuses" that are a small fraction of last year.
My Xmas Bonus. Yes, That's A Packet Of Lipton Cup Of Soup. But It Comes With A Cup And A Little Bow, So, You Know, All Good
Cancelled Bonus
What is 13th month? Just curious as I have never heard the term used for work before. Thanks to whoever responds. Help make a fellow human smarter please..
Some People Get Bonuses For Christmas. Every Employee At My Office Got This From Our Boss. Nothing Else. No Bonus, No Candy Canes. After Christmas We're Going To Have A Office-Wide Conference Call To Discuss. This Is Not A Joke
Christmas Bonus This Year
We Used To Get Small But Appreciated Xmas Bonuses. Now We Just Get Spam Emails Pretending To Be A Bonus. The Bonus Is A Free Registration To A Mandatory Internet Safety Class!
I would label it as phishing scam and delete itself after reporting. Not only do you give yourself a gift that keeps giving but you meet the mandatory internet safety requirements
I Work For A Company That's Very Well Placed On The Fortune 500 List
Christmas Bonus (Worked Here A Total Of 9 Years)
Been Working Here For 5 Years, And Each Year It’s Gone Down From A $100 Actual Bonus To This S**t
Smith's is Kroger. I'd bet your real bonus was before Kroger bought them. Now Kroger is trying to merge with Safeway/Albertsons and remove the last remaining competition. Please please write your congress person to ask them to stop. Hearing Kroger claim it will lower costs and increase benefits is a flat lie.
Thank You For Working Hard This Year! For Your Bonus And Annual Gift, Here’s A Pewter Ornament With The Company Logo. We’re Going To Advertise Our Hospital On Your Christmas Tree At Home
My Husband Got His Xmas Bonus At Work
I Got My Christmas Bonus Today! #blessed
Ladies And Gentlemen, This Year’s Holiday Bonus
This Was My Husbands Xmas Bonus. He’s Been There 7 Years And His Job Requires A Degree. The CEO Made $5.3 Million Last Year. Even If You Times $30 By The Number Of Employees They Have It’s Still Less Than What He Made By Almost Half. The Company Itself Is Worth $123bn
Check Out The Awesome "Bonus" I Got At My Work Christmas Party
Who Needs An End Of Year Bonus Anyway?
My Mom's Employer Informed Their Staff That They Would Not Be Getting A Bonus This Year, But Hey, At Least They Got This Cringe Xl Shirt
My Entire Store's Christmas Bonus Is This Box Of Cookies
I think there's a big difference between getting a bonus or getting a gift. If you're supposed to get a bonus then a gift is insulting. Just remember that most people get neither.
I've never worked somewhere that gave out bonuses. The holiday gifts I've gotten from work were from my supervisor out of her own pocket and are similar to many of these. I wonder how many of these gifts came from a person and not a massive corporation, and how many of the people complaining realize it.
Load More Replies...This actually pains me, these Americans working hours after hours lol, no vacations, barelly any time to eat, and what for??? I work 7h a day, since Im a public worker i have health insurance, though i don't need it since we have single payer health care, MANDATORY 22 business days payed vacation ( One month give or take ), plus a MANDATORY 2nd wage in december, am i gonna get rich from my work? lol nop, but i have enough to live decently, and enough time to actually have a life. You guys have a s**t work mentality, you are preety much " payed slaves ".
This has me torn... a lot of these are downright insulting but there's a few that are $20-50 that make me wonder-- my husbands job offers the box of cookies (as seen on the list). So, we are trying very hard to come up with even $50 each for his employees. It's out of our own pockets... Boss vs company is very different and some bosses try they're best to afford to give their employees something when the company won't.
I think there's a big difference between getting a bonus or getting a gift. If you're supposed to get a bonus then a gift is insulting. Just remember that most people get neither.
I've never worked somewhere that gave out bonuses. The holiday gifts I've gotten from work were from my supervisor out of her own pocket and are similar to many of these. I wonder how many of these gifts came from a person and not a massive corporation, and how many of the people complaining realize it.
Load More Replies...This actually pains me, these Americans working hours after hours lol, no vacations, barelly any time to eat, and what for??? I work 7h a day, since Im a public worker i have health insurance, though i don't need it since we have single payer health care, MANDATORY 22 business days payed vacation ( One month give or take ), plus a MANDATORY 2nd wage in december, am i gonna get rich from my work? lol nop, but i have enough to live decently, and enough time to actually have a life. You guys have a s**t work mentality, you are preety much " payed slaves ".
This has me torn... a lot of these are downright insulting but there's a few that are $20-50 that make me wonder-- my husbands job offers the box of cookies (as seen on the list). So, we are trying very hard to come up with even $50 each for his employees. It's out of our own pockets... Boss vs company is very different and some bosses try they're best to afford to give their employees something when the company won't.