50 Of The Most Important Reactions People Posted In Response To US Supreme Court Overturning Roe Vs. Wade
Shock, anger, and disbelief—this is how many Americans and people all over the world feel after the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and ended the constitutional right to abortions. What this means is that states can decide, individually, whether or not to permit abortions and what restrictions to impose.
Some people see this landmark decision by the Supreme Court as taking away the right to bodily autonomy, putting people’s health in danger, and even view it as a ‘war on women’ and going back in time as far as women’s rights are concerned. Many celebrities, public figures, and average Americans have expressed their outrage and have condemned the decision, and we’ve collected some of their most powerful reactions to show you just how deeply the injustice runs.
From actors Danny DeVito and Halle Berry to singer Taylor Swift and far more, stars are loud and clear about the fact that they will not stay silent on such an important issue. Meanwhile, powerful figures such as former First Lady Michelle Obama and former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders have also shared their thoughts about the decision.
Bored Panda got in touch with celebrity expert Mike Sington, who explained the importance of stars and public figures denouncing the Supreme Court's decision and the impact this might have. "Celebrities and public figures speaking out against Roe v. Wade being overturned has been very important, especially for young people. Freedom of choice has been a right granted to Americans for 50 years, so younger people don’t know what a world is like without that freedom," he told us.
The US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Here's a map showing which states have banned abortions and which ones plan to do so soon
Image credits: WorldwoutTrump
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According to pop culture and entertainment expert Mike, stars we know and respect can have a major impact when it comes to sensitive, polarizing issues.
"I think it’s the sensitive issues like this that celebrities have the most impact on because it tells the public they are not alone in the feeling of despair they are having by a fundamental right being taken away," he told Bored Panda.
Don’t forget Clarence Thomas and Amy Coney Barrett, two utterly despicable pieces of trash who aren’t old white men.
Realistically speaking, it's very unlikely that the Supreme Court or influential politicians will change their minds about Roe v. Wade. However, this doesn't mean that speaking up against the court's decision isn't important. Quite the opposite. This might galvanize Americans to head to the polls this Fall and vote in order to protect their rights and interests.
"The impact celebrities have will not be on the Supreme Court itself, and I don’t expect it to change the opinions of politicians either. What celebrities can do is drive people to the polls this November to actually change who the politicians are representing them," Mike said.
I support camping too. I would like to see more people support camping.
"Other rights granted by the Supreme Court are now in jeopardy, so it will be important to have political representatives in place that can turn those rights into laws," celebrity expert Mike pointed out why it's essential to vote.
Bored Panda also wanted to get Mike's take on how social media has reacted to Roe v. Wade being overturned. "I’m on Twitter a lot, and I’ve seen nothing but widespread condemnation of the Court’s opinion. Polling confirms what I’m seeing on Twitter. The vast majority of Americans support a woman’s right to choose."
Protests against the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade broke out over the weekend not just in the United States but also around the world. It’s not a surprise that many people are shocked at the court’s decision: it overturned a nearly-50-year-old precedent that had made abortion legal in the US.
Roe v. Wade refers to a case that started in 1969 when a 25-year-old woman, Norma McCorvey, using the pseudonym ‘Jane Roe’ challenged the criminal abortion laws in Texas, which, at the time, made abortions illegal except when the mother’s life was in danger. The district attorney for Dallas County, Henry Wade, defended the anti-abortion law.
It shouldn’t come to this, but thank goodness for this bit of light in such a dark space in America’s history.
I had endometriosis and suffered for decades with the consequences. I was over 30 and requested a hysterectomy to stop the symptoms. The doctors refused saying I may change my mind and want more kids. I said "That's not your choice, it's mine and I don't want any more kids." They still refused. Years later when my endo hit it's peak and I was in my forties, I still got refused. How does any of this make sense. My body, my choice. What are you saving my uterus for?
In 1973, the woman’s appeal made it to the US Supreme Court and it was then decided that abortion laws ran counter to the constitution because they infringed on a woman’s right to privacy. In short, the court ruled that governments could not prohibit abortions and that the constitution protected women’s rights to terminate their pregnancy.
Fast forward to today and it becomes clear why so many Americans are up in arms against the overturning of this decision. Something that was a constitutionally-protected right has now become vulnerable to decisions made at the state level. Some feel as though half a century’s progress has become undone.
When as*hole was elected, my mom knew this was going to happen. But my dad called her “hysterical”. And now he’s at a loss for words, because even though he’s very Conservative, he supports basic human rights, and never though this would happen.
And some states are already taking steps to ban abortions there. Around half of the states are likely to introduce new restrictions or bans. Meanwhile, 13 states have already passed laws that trigger automatically to outlaw the termination of pregnancies after the Supreme Court’s ruling.
What this means in practice is that many women in the US will have to travel out-of-state for abortions or might be forced to resort to medically unsafe procedures. The cost of travel alone means that there’s a greater financial burden placed on them.
They are not conservative, they are regressive, yearning for the days when women, like slaves, were chattel.
I like to think they've begun to miss the whole "torches and pitchforks, public execution of 'nobles'" from back in the day. That's what they're screaming towards.
Load More Replies...I won’t. I was raised conservative, I’m changing my ways…finally. We need equality and everything that goes with it.
I better go iron my handmaiden dress.
Load More Replies...Where's the law that says all young men of "breeding age" should have to get a vasectomy? They can be reversed, unlike a forced pregnancy.
Not disagreeing that it's a good place to start but just making one aspect a little clearer. It is only ALMOST all. Almost all vasectomies can be reversed. However, the longer it has been, the odds are reduced (even if small) that the reversal will work.
Load More Replies...We should all go buy a gun and shove the rest of these rulings up their a*s
I agree with everything except the Miranda rights thing. It is your job as a citizen to know your Miranda rights. You don't need a police officer to remind you or tell you. And forcing the legal system to throw out cases because the police officer either didn't use the correct phrasing or having to try to prove they said it at all is a legal travesty. Prosecuting a triple homicide with multiple witnesses should not hinge on whether the police properly recited the Miranda Rights phrase. There is a better way to do this.
Wait. When did cops stop reading Miranda rights? I thought they had to or the case could get dropped faster than a hot potato? Or have I just seen too many crime shows? What's going on?
Sadly, it doesn't really seem to matter who's in the white house. Dems didn't do anything to stop the repubes.
That's nonsense. That's what the Supreme Court just did a few days ago. What planet are you on?
Load More Replies...The Guttmacher Institute states that around 40 million women who can have children live in states where abortion rights will be restricted. The Institute’s research shows that around 860,000 abortions were performed in the US in 2019, while the Center for Disease Control (aka the CDC) puts the number at a slightly lower 630,000.
According to the CDC, nearly 93% of abortions are performed during the first trimester and most women who get them are unmarried. Most women who terminate unwanted pregnancies in the US are in their 20s while 1 in 10 are teenagers.
Yeah, all those suffragettes didn't sacrifice so much and die just to see this s**t from heaven
New rule: if you aint a woman, don't make laws on women's reproductive health, got it world
Whatever certain states might decide, some major companies with a lot of clout have already come out in support of women’s rights. Companies like Disney, JP Morgan, and Meta (which owns Facebook), have expressed their intent to support their staff and fund their travel expenses for abortions via health insurance plans.
The fact that men don't have to think about or consider these things underlines Male Privilege. We're not anti-men when we point this out. It's supposed to make men more aware and get them to help us to achieve/maintain the same rights and privileges they enjoy.
For instance, Disney has said that it’s committed to giving employees “comprehensive access” to affordable healthcare, which includes family planning and reproductive care, no matter where the workers live. This kind of support will have a very real impact. The company employs roughly 80,000 people at its Florida resort. Meanwhile, the state’s governor has signed a ban on abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy which will take effect in just a few days, on July 1.
But in Texas, you can supplement your income by turning in people you suspect of having or performing abortions.
Just right now there is a case of a pregnant woman in Malta that carries a child with the placenta detached! The baby cannot be saved and her life is in danger! However until the baby's heart stop beating or she goes in sepsis, the doctors cannot do anything because it's illegal!!! All of you that support this decision just think of this story cause this is the future in America now!!! A fetus that will die anyway is more important than the woman carrying it!!!! The doctors are waiting for her to go in sepsis!!! They are literally watching her die because it's illegal to help her!!! That's the reality we are facing!!
🇨🇦 Thankful to be a Canadian/Australian. Body autonomy, good healthcare systems, decent minimum wage and gun control. We often take these things for granted because it all just seems so obvious… daily snippets of news from the US seem totally impossible to believe. We aren’t without our own faults or issues but the heartache for those with an ounce of intelligence and compassion over there must be so hard to cope with every single day. It’s horrifying to just even imagine, I can’t fathom actually living it.
JP Morgan also plans to cover travel expenses for medical services which include “legal abortions.” Goldman Sachs plans to do the same. While Meta will reimburse travel expenses for those employees who travel out-of-state for abortions.
Some other companies that have expressed similar support for their employees include publisher Conde Nast, jeans brand Levi Straus, and ride-hailing companies Lyft and Uber. Meanwhile, Amazon, Yelp, and Citigroup stated that they would reimburse employees for their travel expenses.
I have a son who flat out has no respect for this decision. I told him to bring home any baby he creates so I can care for them. And when he leaves a girl, I will bill him for 18 years. He needs to have consequences too, it takes two. If he gets a girl pregnant, it’s his responsibility too. If he thinks she needs to have it, it’s his responsibility too. If you make the girl have a child she’s not ready for, you will take care of it when it’s born!
The only governments that attack freedoms are dictatorships. We must rebel
Ancient Greeks: I thought we explained democracy very clearly for them
I love to see how many people stand with the women of America. It's just horrible that people have to be supporting them in the first place and offering safe havens because they can't get a safe abortion.
Not even carry and give birth. A woman I worked with was pregnant and the fetus died in the womb. This was before Roe V Wade and she was forced to carry a dead baby inside her for months before it became a threat to her life and they were forced to do surgery to save her. But they had to wait until it was deemed "surgical procedure" and not "abortion" to avoid prosecution. How insane is that?
They don't give a flying f**k AFTER the baby is born, pro life my bumhole
Surprised to see Amazon, Disney and Tesla here, all things considered. Also, stupid censoring on D I C K S
This needs to be higher. Our shared anguish is not your political fundraiser! 😡
@Jiminy - At 6 weeks, an embryo does not have a fully formed heart. Rather, it has a cluster of cells (that eventually forms into a heart) that emits electrical signals, which can be detected on an ultrasound. The heartbeat “sound” on an ultrasound is actually generated by the ultrasound machine itself during this time period.
And as long as we allow the status quo we will never have them. Look at what happened to Bernie in the primary.
Sadly, a number of Tory MPs, some of them sitting as ministers, have been on record as wanting to restrict abortion rights in the UK. People say "It's the USA, it's none of our business". But IT IS. Where the radical right of America leads, the radical right in the UK follows. The one thing this ruling teaches the world is that rights are never "settled". Progress is not inevitable. You have to fight for basic rights and dignity every single day. Because there is always somebody willing to take them away. And it's always a bloody Tory.
And it's the same shitshow in Poland. My aunt lives there and she tells me there has been a sigificant rise in the death of young women due to unsafe abortions and pregnancy-related comlications (i.e. a woman who was expecting her second child, from a planned pregnancy, died of sepsis, because the doctors would not perform a medically necessary abortion on a foetus that was already dead). Abortion bans deny women their humanity and theat them like incubators. WTF is wrong with these countries?
We are ruled by a fanatic, unhinged, delusional minority. The Senate must be abolished, as it is manifestly unrepresentative. It allows states with less than a million citizens to have the same power as states with 40 million. This is how the minority holds power.
Load More Replies...I am so lucky to live in a country where I am still allowed a choice in my own life. I stand with you and will offer my help and support to anyone in need. I am far away and unsure of the help I could give but anything I can do be it emotional support, Internet searching for things you don't want on your search history, I don't know but I am here and I'm sorry this has happened to you all ❤️❤️❤️
Ladies, if you have to go camping, leave your smartphone at home. You don't want those bounty hunters to track and trace you too easily. Good luck.
This is the end. I hope you’re not in an interracial or gay marriage or want access to contraception (birth control and IUDs) because Judge Thomas has already signaled that those are next. Here we come 1930
Thomas is in a interracial marriage himself, with the batshit crazy Ginny Thomas. Like to see how he'll twist that.
Load More Replies...The most common cause of death for a pregnant women is being murdered by her partner. It accounts for 20% of all pregnancy-related deaths. I can't stress this enough: one in five pregnant women will be murdered by their partners.
Load More Replies...The life saving procedure in case of the ectopic (not compatible with life pregnancy where woman can bleed to death) is also called abortion. They rather see women dying in the biggest tragedies of their lives (loosing their babies)? The procedure where baby dies inside and the women can get a septic shock is also called abortion. So what - they rather see the women dying in agony, losing her reproductive organs or her life? It is the most horrible thing I ever seen as a women, that the law would rather have her bleeding to death, than be saved. This is a war against females. No uterus no opinion, this should be a law. I am beyond grateful to be born in Europe and I feel very sad for what's to come in the US.
An ectopic pregnancy cannot be saved. If not treated, the woman will die. Treatment is removal of the embryo from the Fallopian tubes, an embryo that will never, ever become a baby. These people are deluded and evil.
Load More Replies...I'm not from America, but I propose a law that every pro lifer should have to adopt three kids in care.
Yeah... bar the fact that those children would probably end up with miserable lives on top of being indoctrinated with archaic views. These aren't people who genuinely care about children. They are just interested in control and power.
Load More Replies...Stupid, stupid, stupid! So they want desperate women to go back to using wire clothes-hangers in back alleyways, overdosing on drugs/alcohol & risking their lives; for a law they have NO business changing in this day & age?! SMH. If they agree to this, the blood is on THEIR hands! 😡🤦♀️
At a time they can’t keep formula on the shelves and we have one of the highest maternal death rates in The World
Load More Replies...I cannot stress this enough: REGISTER TO VOTE AND GET YOUR A*S TO THE POLLS. Vote like your life depends on it, because it does. This is just the first of many decisions by the SCOTUS that will gradually remove all our rights and impose a religious authoritarianism on the US. IF YOU DON'T VOTE, THIS WILL BE YOUR FAULT.
My thoughts exactly! You took the words right off my keyboard.
Load More Replies...Thank you BoredPanda for having the courage to cover this. It’s terrifying and disgusting to know that women in the US are now second class citizens to assault rifles. What a truly sad and horrifying ruling. And don’t think that it will stop there. They’ll come after contraceptives and LGBTIA+ rights next. The US is inching closer to something straight out of the Handmaid’s Tale. Please exercise your right to vote in the US. I hear more and more people say that their vote doesn’t matter and that’s exactly what these hyper fundamentalist/conservatives want you to believe
YES! As a Swiss living the direct democracy, I can safely tell you, EVERY vote matters! Do it, it's your right!
Load More Replies...Tumors can grow hair, teeth, and even eyes. Yet, we remove those. I’m not even old enough to consent to any sexual activity, yet, im terrified. Im scared. Because horrible men exist, and many of them believe that they can do whatever they want with us. Im scared. Im very, very scared.
Keep in mind: No one has the right to make you feel that way. Be strong and stand up for your rights.
Load More Replies...The pro-choice side always has, and always will, care more about life than anyone who claims to be “pro-life.” That is a misnomer and we all must stop calling them pro anything aside from control. You can’t believe that children should be a punishment and a consequence for having sex and tell yourself you care about babies and kids. You can’t want a child to grow up in a home where it isn’t wanted and might not be provided for and tell yourself you’re for life. You can’t watch as women die and not care and say you care about life. Not one pro life person actually cares whether or not you have a child. They want you to be punished for engaging in sex, something they see as a moral issue. Let us not believe for a second they care about anything other than control.
Well the south didn’t want to be part of the union in the first place. Now is a good time to let them go. They already have a flag and everything.
Hey, I just saw a map of the states which would abolish abortions immediately or very soon because of roe being overturned. A little less than 3/4 of the entire country was highlighted red = anti-abortion. How is this just a South or minority thing then? I'm Not arguing just asking out of curiosity.
Load More Replies...I think/ hope this might be a " be careful what you wish for" thing for the GOP. Most GOP politicians just used the abortion issue to attract fringe voters not really giving a s**t about it and not expecting Roe to be overturned. Between this and the gun law insanity maybe the moderates will wake up and all they'll have left is the lunatic fringe.
Today I ordered plan B to keep on hand in case I get raped. I’m shopping for bullet proof vests and panels in case a shooter gets into my classroom. I’m terrified to lose the “birth control” medications that are actually preserving my fertility by preventing my right ovary from being destroyed by a cyst like my left one was. My country is toxic.
What in the literal fūck is wrong with America. The highest cause of death in school aged children is guns and are they regulating them? No. They're banning goddamn abortions. America doesn't seem like it's been a democracy in a while, more like some old weirdos decided they could do whatever the hell they want to it and ended up with this bullshït
Sadly, pretty much all you said is accurate. The system here has been so adulterated by money, privilege, & theocracy that it doesn't serve its citizens. This won't end well I suspect.
Load More Replies...I really don’t think an argument about when a fetus/zygote or unborn becomes a person will change anyone’s opinion. As a woman watching my fetus’ (twins) cardiac activity on an ultrasound at 6w4d, I want thinking about if they were people or not. I was running all the scenarios of how to care for them as they grew. Could I do it? This was my choice, my body and my life to decide. It’s been 10 years and I still have nightmares where I am pregnant and facing this situation all over again. No woman handles pregnancy lightly. It is her body, her decision to make.
Thank you for drawing attention to this, it’s not just a US issue. Anti-choice activists are stirring up s**t everywhere. Under the guise of religion or not, it’s pure misogyny and control. Don’t ever think you’re safe in your own country. Even in the Netherlands, very progressive compared to the US, abortion has yet to be decriminalized. Exception: New Zealand who have recently done that.
Through out history we have always been treated as the weaker sex. Every step of the way we have to fight for the rights that are just handled to men. There is no such thing in the US regarding equal rights, and I assure this is not the land of the free unless you are an old Christian white man.
We women are the STRONGER sex! Know who made up the B.S. about the "weaker" sex? A man. Look what we've had to put up with ever since we started walking upright.
Load More Replies...I want sexual education in schools. No I want free access to contraception. No I want to give birth without going bankrupt No I want child care so I can work No I want a safe environment without guns so my child can live No I want an abortion No
Meanwhile we in Germany discuss to ban the law preventing doctors from stating that they do abortions
I attended catholic high school in the U.S. Midwest. They used to take us into the church and broadcast images of miscarriages, telling us they were abortions, for a few hours until some of us were physically sick. The priests and nuns that ran the school forced us to write letters against abortion and they'd send them to politicians and the media. I was totally brainwashed. Life taught me differently and now I'll always be pro-choice.
The hypocrisy is unreal. I don’t want to waste my words on backwards assholes. I simply want us all to come together and undo what they did. I believe it’s possible so Im just going to place this here.. https://www.change.org/p/defend-roe-pass-legislation-to-protect-abortion-access And this.. https://www.change.org/p/president-of-the-united-states-impeach-scotus If your commenting because your pissed then sign for the same reason.
Democrats didn't have any plan to prevent this. They allowed this to happen. I am hardcore leftist. But I feel democrats failed many women.
Do they have the balance of power though? I'm not a US citizen and don't find this easy to follow sometimes (my own country's politics is bad enough!) but isn't it that the senate has too many republicans, because of Trump, and THAT'S why this has come about? Yet the senate is unvoted for, yes? How could the democrats have stopped it?
Load More Replies...The United States was founded on a principal that sparked a revolution. The government which was formed after this successful revolution was structured in such a way that no one branch had enough power to dictate. The truth is that one branch has always had the power to dictate. Fortunately, over the vast majority of this Country's existence, that branch has remained in balance. In just 2 or 3 years we saw that branch become catastrophically unbalanced. The people of this Country to enforce upon their chosen political leaders that the Supreme Court should never again be allowed to become so unbalanced in favor of one political party. Regardless of the party of the sitting President the Bench should be staffed to an equal 4 conservatives and 4 liberals. The ninth Justice is allowed to be chosen by party affiliation. Which party sits as President or controls Congress is nowhere near as important as having a balanced and rational Supreme Court.
Republicans are trying to surge the white baby count because they are afraid the white race is being bred out.
As if White people won't or don't have mixed rice children
Load More Replies...Somebody in another post wrote me that America is “going strong”. Yeah, i see…
I think that person may be a wee bit delusional. Maybe it’s going strongly if you are a white, American, Christian, straight, conservative man.
Load More Replies...Philippines is 88% Catholic and abortion is illegal. As a result, we are a 3rd world country that's 12th in the world's most populated, severe poverty. I have watched a friend's sister almost lose her life for a backyard abortion procedure they did at 5 months, it was performed in a cemetery!! People who perform abortions are jailed for life for murder. I almost died at 14 when a rapist got me pregnant and I bought medicines illegally and aborted it myself. I was bleeding so much. It was so scary. America, this is absolutely shocking and heartbreaking.
If having an abortion is against your beliefs/religion, good for you! But your beliefs and your religion will NOT dictate how I am going to live my life and what I do with my body!
I can't understand why it always has to be a black or white kind of thing as in all or nothing. Why not go with the rules a lot of European Nations have. Free decision on abortion up to the 12th week, after that only in medical emergencies to the mother. AND the decision is the womans alone, no permission of male relative/ husband needed! That said: my heart bleeds for all American women out there, you could 100% camp in my garden, were I not too far away!
Thank you for your kind words and support! :)...I think I'm still in shock over this decision personally...it seems like every time I think things are looking up something like this happens...and why?!? Wasn't the pandemic enough loss?!? Why are we going backwards to a time when hospitals had "abortion wards" that treated the aftermath of back alley abortions gone wrong?!? I'm just so....exasperated :(
Load More Replies...Random questions, if someone was going to kill you but you killed them first you could claim self defense. Why can't you use that for abortion? If a woman died because the state denied her the medical treatment for saving her life can the family sue the state for wrongful death? And lastly, does this mean that IVF is now illegal in these states since it requires destroying unused fetuses?
if you're not pissed off right now, go sit in the corner and think about stuff.
Again . . . where are all the men EXACTLY? Women don't get pregnant alone but none of the men share any responsibility for the pregnancy. They should be handcuffed to the woman and endure everything she has to put up with. They need to drive her, feed her, help her in every way. Most men don't even help pay for anything, a sleazy way out but it would help. Maybe a tattoo on their forehead to keep score . . .
This is honestly f*cked up. I've worked in some pretty repressive countries, f*cked up by war, and those people would fight tooth and nail for what you people in the US have. But now, you're going backwards with this. Hell some of these sh!tholes have even legalized abortions now.
Bleak. Thank you old, white, rich men. When I was a kid and watched American films and TV, love American punk and metal Back then it seemed like the coolest place ever, much cooler than boring old England where I live, the kids didn't wear school uniforms and it was always hot and just a trendy and happening place. I feel the exact opposite about it now.
I would like to say: please, please, please don’t forget about trans people when talking about this. Anyone with a uterus can get an abortion, not just women. Everyone with a uterus is effected by this (sorry if it’s the wrong affect/effect). I am a trans man who would have loved to read this article, but wasn’t able to because of dysphoria. Please use inclusive language. Many people say focusing on this is “distracting from the main point”, but it is not. Trans people are being affected by the overturning of Roe V. Wade, so they are a part of the main issue. Using inclusive language makes sure everyone is included, and fought for. I am really sorry for this rant, I still feel quite dysphoric and I had to try and let it out.
I stopped at #16. I have a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong list of why I'm never EVER going to the states ad this is first on my list
I think it's time to remove DNR from patient's IF this ruling is to protect (all) life. I really don't understand their thinking. Something has to give. Whether it is to codify Roe, or to make more seats on the Supreme Court. I fear this is just a start to the loss of freedom.
The more News I watch about the USA the prouder I am to be Canadian🇨🇦
In the past, the penalty for rape was death. Since then, that law has been repealed in many places. If it was reinstated, that may make stupid guys think twice before ruining an innocent girl's life.
Yeah, well what about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Being forced to have an unwanted child is stepping on my liberties!
Load More Replies...First of all, a lack of guns will likely make America safer than every citizen freely owning and using them at will. But sure, more idiots who are the perpetrators in school shootings should have access to guns to protect them from little 8 year olds! Second, we have no desire to kill fetuses that are wanted by their mothers. Being forced to have a completely unnecessary abortion is monstrous. But what about ones that will hurt or kill the mother? What if contraceptives fail or aren't safe? What should women do then?
Load More Replies...The fetus is only alive because the woman is alive. Outside her body, it is not alive on its own. So it is not a person yet.
Load More Replies...If you 'think' that having an abortion is a 'free-for-all' then you obviously don't actually think. Educate yourself and stop being a selfish know it all ahole.
Load More Replies...Perhaps there isn't a right regarding abortion specifically, but I imagine that being forced to go through with a pregnancy that could kill or disable you, or being saddled with a child that you do not have the resources or desire to care for infringes on "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"
Load More Replies...And it's the same shitshow in Poland. My aunt lives there and she tells me there has been a sigificant rise in the death of young women due to unsafe abortions and pregnancy-related comlications (i.e. a woman who was expecting her second child, from a planned pregnancy, died of sepsis, because the doctors would not perform a medically necessary abortion on a foetus that was already dead). Abortion bans deny women their humanity and theat them like incubators. WTF is wrong with these countries?
We are ruled by a fanatic, unhinged, delusional minority. The Senate must be abolished, as it is manifestly unrepresentative. It allows states with less than a million citizens to have the same power as states with 40 million. This is how the minority holds power.
Load More Replies...I am so lucky to live in a country where I am still allowed a choice in my own life. I stand with you and will offer my help and support to anyone in need. I am far away and unsure of the help I could give but anything I can do be it emotional support, Internet searching for things you don't want on your search history, I don't know but I am here and I'm sorry this has happened to you all ❤️❤️❤️
Ladies, if you have to go camping, leave your smartphone at home. You don't want those bounty hunters to track and trace you too easily. Good luck.
This is the end. I hope you’re not in an interracial or gay marriage or want access to contraception (birth control and IUDs) because Judge Thomas has already signaled that those are next. Here we come 1930
Thomas is in a interracial marriage himself, with the batshit crazy Ginny Thomas. Like to see how he'll twist that.
Load More Replies...The most common cause of death for a pregnant women is being murdered by her partner. It accounts for 20% of all pregnancy-related deaths. I can't stress this enough: one in five pregnant women will be murdered by their partners.
Load More Replies...The life saving procedure in case of the ectopic (not compatible with life pregnancy where woman can bleed to death) is also called abortion. They rather see women dying in the biggest tragedies of their lives (loosing their babies)? The procedure where baby dies inside and the women can get a septic shock is also called abortion. So what - they rather see the women dying in agony, losing her reproductive organs or her life? It is the most horrible thing I ever seen as a women, that the law would rather have her bleeding to death, than be saved. This is a war against females. No uterus no opinion, this should be a law. I am beyond grateful to be born in Europe and I feel very sad for what's to come in the US.
An ectopic pregnancy cannot be saved. If not treated, the woman will die. Treatment is removal of the embryo from the Fallopian tubes, an embryo that will never, ever become a baby. These people are deluded and evil.
Load More Replies...I'm not from America, but I propose a law that every pro lifer should have to adopt three kids in care.
Yeah... bar the fact that those children would probably end up with miserable lives on top of being indoctrinated with archaic views. These aren't people who genuinely care about children. They are just interested in control and power.
Load More Replies...Stupid, stupid, stupid! So they want desperate women to go back to using wire clothes-hangers in back alleyways, overdosing on drugs/alcohol & risking their lives; for a law they have NO business changing in this day & age?! SMH. If they agree to this, the blood is on THEIR hands! 😡🤦♀️
At a time they can’t keep formula on the shelves and we have one of the highest maternal death rates in The World
Load More Replies...I cannot stress this enough: REGISTER TO VOTE AND GET YOUR A*S TO THE POLLS. Vote like your life depends on it, because it does. This is just the first of many decisions by the SCOTUS that will gradually remove all our rights and impose a religious authoritarianism on the US. IF YOU DON'T VOTE, THIS WILL BE YOUR FAULT.
My thoughts exactly! You took the words right off my keyboard.
Load More Replies...Thank you BoredPanda for having the courage to cover this. It’s terrifying and disgusting to know that women in the US are now second class citizens to assault rifles. What a truly sad and horrifying ruling. And don’t think that it will stop there. They’ll come after contraceptives and LGBTIA+ rights next. The US is inching closer to something straight out of the Handmaid’s Tale. Please exercise your right to vote in the US. I hear more and more people say that their vote doesn’t matter and that’s exactly what these hyper fundamentalist/conservatives want you to believe
YES! As a Swiss living the direct democracy, I can safely tell you, EVERY vote matters! Do it, it's your right!
Load More Replies...Tumors can grow hair, teeth, and even eyes. Yet, we remove those. I’m not even old enough to consent to any sexual activity, yet, im terrified. Im scared. Because horrible men exist, and many of them believe that they can do whatever they want with us. Im scared. Im very, very scared.
Keep in mind: No one has the right to make you feel that way. Be strong and stand up for your rights.
Load More Replies...The pro-choice side always has, and always will, care more about life than anyone who claims to be “pro-life.” That is a misnomer and we all must stop calling them pro anything aside from control. You can’t believe that children should be a punishment and a consequence for having sex and tell yourself you care about babies and kids. You can’t want a child to grow up in a home where it isn’t wanted and might not be provided for and tell yourself you’re for life. You can’t watch as women die and not care and say you care about life. Not one pro life person actually cares whether or not you have a child. They want you to be punished for engaging in sex, something they see as a moral issue. Let us not believe for a second they care about anything other than control.
Well the south didn’t want to be part of the union in the first place. Now is a good time to let them go. They already have a flag and everything.
Hey, I just saw a map of the states which would abolish abortions immediately or very soon because of roe being overturned. A little less than 3/4 of the entire country was highlighted red = anti-abortion. How is this just a South or minority thing then? I'm Not arguing just asking out of curiosity.
Load More Replies...I think/ hope this might be a " be careful what you wish for" thing for the GOP. Most GOP politicians just used the abortion issue to attract fringe voters not really giving a s**t about it and not expecting Roe to be overturned. Between this and the gun law insanity maybe the moderates will wake up and all they'll have left is the lunatic fringe.
Today I ordered plan B to keep on hand in case I get raped. I’m shopping for bullet proof vests and panels in case a shooter gets into my classroom. I’m terrified to lose the “birth control” medications that are actually preserving my fertility by preventing my right ovary from being destroyed by a cyst like my left one was. My country is toxic.
What in the literal fūck is wrong with America. The highest cause of death in school aged children is guns and are they regulating them? No. They're banning goddamn abortions. America doesn't seem like it's been a democracy in a while, more like some old weirdos decided they could do whatever the hell they want to it and ended up with this bullshït
Sadly, pretty much all you said is accurate. The system here has been so adulterated by money, privilege, & theocracy that it doesn't serve its citizens. This won't end well I suspect.
Load More Replies...I really don’t think an argument about when a fetus/zygote or unborn becomes a person will change anyone’s opinion. As a woman watching my fetus’ (twins) cardiac activity on an ultrasound at 6w4d, I want thinking about if they were people or not. I was running all the scenarios of how to care for them as they grew. Could I do it? This was my choice, my body and my life to decide. It’s been 10 years and I still have nightmares where I am pregnant and facing this situation all over again. No woman handles pregnancy lightly. It is her body, her decision to make.
Thank you for drawing attention to this, it’s not just a US issue. Anti-choice activists are stirring up s**t everywhere. Under the guise of religion or not, it’s pure misogyny and control. Don’t ever think you’re safe in your own country. Even in the Netherlands, very progressive compared to the US, abortion has yet to be decriminalized. Exception: New Zealand who have recently done that.
Through out history we have always been treated as the weaker sex. Every step of the way we have to fight for the rights that are just handled to men. There is no such thing in the US regarding equal rights, and I assure this is not the land of the free unless you are an old Christian white man.
We women are the STRONGER sex! Know who made up the B.S. about the "weaker" sex? A man. Look what we've had to put up with ever since we started walking upright.
Load More Replies...I want sexual education in schools. No I want free access to contraception. No I want to give birth without going bankrupt No I want child care so I can work No I want a safe environment without guns so my child can live No I want an abortion No
Meanwhile we in Germany discuss to ban the law preventing doctors from stating that they do abortions
I attended catholic high school in the U.S. Midwest. They used to take us into the church and broadcast images of miscarriages, telling us they were abortions, for a few hours until some of us were physically sick. The priests and nuns that ran the school forced us to write letters against abortion and they'd send them to politicians and the media. I was totally brainwashed. Life taught me differently and now I'll always be pro-choice.
The hypocrisy is unreal. I don’t want to waste my words on backwards assholes. I simply want us all to come together and undo what they did. I believe it’s possible so Im just going to place this here.. https://www.change.org/p/defend-roe-pass-legislation-to-protect-abortion-access And this.. https://www.change.org/p/president-of-the-united-states-impeach-scotus If your commenting because your pissed then sign for the same reason.
Democrats didn't have any plan to prevent this. They allowed this to happen. I am hardcore leftist. But I feel democrats failed many women.
Do they have the balance of power though? I'm not a US citizen and don't find this easy to follow sometimes (my own country's politics is bad enough!) but isn't it that the senate has too many republicans, because of Trump, and THAT'S why this has come about? Yet the senate is unvoted for, yes? How could the democrats have stopped it?
Load More Replies...The United States was founded on a principal that sparked a revolution. The government which was formed after this successful revolution was structured in such a way that no one branch had enough power to dictate. The truth is that one branch has always had the power to dictate. Fortunately, over the vast majority of this Country's existence, that branch has remained in balance. In just 2 or 3 years we saw that branch become catastrophically unbalanced. The people of this Country to enforce upon their chosen political leaders that the Supreme Court should never again be allowed to become so unbalanced in favor of one political party. Regardless of the party of the sitting President the Bench should be staffed to an equal 4 conservatives and 4 liberals. The ninth Justice is allowed to be chosen by party affiliation. Which party sits as President or controls Congress is nowhere near as important as having a balanced and rational Supreme Court.
Republicans are trying to surge the white baby count because they are afraid the white race is being bred out.
As if White people won't or don't have mixed rice children
Load More Replies...Somebody in another post wrote me that America is “going strong”. Yeah, i see…
I think that person may be a wee bit delusional. Maybe it’s going strongly if you are a white, American, Christian, straight, conservative man.
Load More Replies...Philippines is 88% Catholic and abortion is illegal. As a result, we are a 3rd world country that's 12th in the world's most populated, severe poverty. I have watched a friend's sister almost lose her life for a backyard abortion procedure they did at 5 months, it was performed in a cemetery!! People who perform abortions are jailed for life for murder. I almost died at 14 when a rapist got me pregnant and I bought medicines illegally and aborted it myself. I was bleeding so much. It was so scary. America, this is absolutely shocking and heartbreaking.
If having an abortion is against your beliefs/religion, good for you! But your beliefs and your religion will NOT dictate how I am going to live my life and what I do with my body!
I can't understand why it always has to be a black or white kind of thing as in all or nothing. Why not go with the rules a lot of European Nations have. Free decision on abortion up to the 12th week, after that only in medical emergencies to the mother. AND the decision is the womans alone, no permission of male relative/ husband needed! That said: my heart bleeds for all American women out there, you could 100% camp in my garden, were I not too far away!
Thank you for your kind words and support! :)...I think I'm still in shock over this decision personally...it seems like every time I think things are looking up something like this happens...and why?!? Wasn't the pandemic enough loss?!? Why are we going backwards to a time when hospitals had "abortion wards" that treated the aftermath of back alley abortions gone wrong?!? I'm just so....exasperated :(
Load More Replies...Random questions, if someone was going to kill you but you killed them first you could claim self defense. Why can't you use that for abortion? If a woman died because the state denied her the medical treatment for saving her life can the family sue the state for wrongful death? And lastly, does this mean that IVF is now illegal in these states since it requires destroying unused fetuses?
if you're not pissed off right now, go sit in the corner and think about stuff.
Again . . . where are all the men EXACTLY? Women don't get pregnant alone but none of the men share any responsibility for the pregnancy. They should be handcuffed to the woman and endure everything she has to put up with. They need to drive her, feed her, help her in every way. Most men don't even help pay for anything, a sleazy way out but it would help. Maybe a tattoo on their forehead to keep score . . .
This is honestly f*cked up. I've worked in some pretty repressive countries, f*cked up by war, and those people would fight tooth and nail for what you people in the US have. But now, you're going backwards with this. Hell some of these sh!tholes have even legalized abortions now.
Bleak. Thank you old, white, rich men. When I was a kid and watched American films and TV, love American punk and metal Back then it seemed like the coolest place ever, much cooler than boring old England where I live, the kids didn't wear school uniforms and it was always hot and just a trendy and happening place. I feel the exact opposite about it now.
I would like to say: please, please, please don’t forget about trans people when talking about this. Anyone with a uterus can get an abortion, not just women. Everyone with a uterus is effected by this (sorry if it’s the wrong affect/effect). I am a trans man who would have loved to read this article, but wasn’t able to because of dysphoria. Please use inclusive language. Many people say focusing on this is “distracting from the main point”, but it is not. Trans people are being affected by the overturning of Roe V. Wade, so they are a part of the main issue. Using inclusive language makes sure everyone is included, and fought for. I am really sorry for this rant, I still feel quite dysphoric and I had to try and let it out.
I stopped at #16. I have a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong list of why I'm never EVER going to the states ad this is first on my list
I think it's time to remove DNR from patient's IF this ruling is to protect (all) life. I really don't understand their thinking. Something has to give. Whether it is to codify Roe, or to make more seats on the Supreme Court. I fear this is just a start to the loss of freedom.
The more News I watch about the USA the prouder I am to be Canadian🇨🇦
In the past, the penalty for rape was death. Since then, that law has been repealed in many places. If it was reinstated, that may make stupid guys think twice before ruining an innocent girl's life.
Yeah, well what about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Being forced to have an unwanted child is stepping on my liberties!
Load More Replies...First of all, a lack of guns will likely make America safer than every citizen freely owning and using them at will. But sure, more idiots who are the perpetrators in school shootings should have access to guns to protect them from little 8 year olds! Second, we have no desire to kill fetuses that are wanted by their mothers. Being forced to have a completely unnecessary abortion is monstrous. But what about ones that will hurt or kill the mother? What if contraceptives fail or aren't safe? What should women do then?
Load More Replies...The fetus is only alive because the woman is alive. Outside her body, it is not alive on its own. So it is not a person yet.
Load More Replies...If you 'think' that having an abortion is a 'free-for-all' then you obviously don't actually think. Educate yourself and stop being a selfish know it all ahole.
Load More Replies...Perhaps there isn't a right regarding abortion specifically, but I imagine that being forced to go through with a pregnancy that could kill or disable you, or being saddled with a child that you do not have the resources or desire to care for infringes on "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"
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