30 New Honest And Funny Charts From Matt Shirley That Perfectly Sum Up Our Lives
Interview With ArtistSometimes you don’t need many words to say a lot. Ask Matt Shirley, Instagram’s favorite chart and graph creator who has been making one a day for the past… we've lost count!
Matt’s colorful designs have gained him quite a following online with a 400k-solid fan base and you can totally see why. Charged with humor, candidness, and a perfect ability to communicate things in a clear and simple manner, they serve as a reflection of the times we are living in.
Whether it’s sitting in a traffic jam, working from home, attending a Zoom meeting, or surviving March madness, these are just the tip of the iceberg of Matt’s ingenious designs that make you totally relate. Psst! After you’re done, be sure to check out our previous posts with Matt’s charts and graphs here, here, and here.
More info: Instagram | MattShirleyCharts.com | Facebook | Twitter | Patreon
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To find out how the creator of the widely popular charts and graphs is doing at the moment, Bored Panda reached out to Matt Shirley for an interview. “It's actually quite difficult to keep up with current events that might make for good charts without it driving me crazy,” he told us when asked how he keeps his charts ever-relevant.
“I tend to not pay attention to the news too awfully much because I find that it's not exactly great for my mental health, so I have to pick and choose the types of current events I talk about with my charts,” Matt explained.
“In general,” Matt said, “I like to do things that are light-hearted so it's natural that some of the more light-hearted news stories are right up my alley. And then, of course, I can always draw off my own experiences, whether it's working from home or dealing with isolation or my thoughts on anxiety.”
and next thing you know weather will show trashy reality tv shows about young, attractive clouds
Bravo: Makeover and weddings...I remember when Bravo was live performances and cultural events.
Channel Drift. Oh god, I hate it. Sadly, what this ultimately says is that, since trash reality shows are so profitable, people in general have awful, awful taste. It's a little more complicated than that, for instance reality shows are usually much cheaper to produce, but still.
Weather then: There is a 89% chance the forecast is incorrect. Weather now: There is a 90% chance the forecast is incorrect, and it's global warming fault.
When Matt started his Instagram account @mattsurelee, he was doing charts on white boards. “This worked great at first, but eventually I found that I would often make mistakes that were almost impossible to fix on a white board and I moved to more graphic design charts.”
The graphic design charts gave him the flexibility to do multiple drawings in a day and reuse the templates, “so I don't have to measure and draw the same pie charts or tables over and over again.” Plus, Matt likes the variety of colors he can use digitally.
“I absolutely didn't expect anything when I started. But it's very nice to find out that other people see the world in the same way I do,” Matt said humbly.
Incredibly, just like on the day he started, Matt is still making at least one graph per day. “If these charts see the light of day is another story. A lot of them turn out to be not up to snuff and are hidden away somewhere on my computer,” he added.
As someone who hads moved house recently, I can attest to this chart's accuracy!
Also, Matt’s amazing book “A Visual Learner's Guide to Being a Grown-Up” has just come out like a day ago, giving his fans a real treat in Matt’s signature tables, lists, and charts for all the visual learners out there. Check it out right here.
“Additionally, I am in the very beginning stages of working on an idea for a board game and have a couple of new Instagram accounts that should come out soon,” Matt said, so stay tuned!
santa's a creep, he sneaks into your home while you sleep and basically stalks you all year
I agree. I loved my science subjects in school and found them fascinating but 90% of what we learned was useless. Non biologists/geologists do not need to be able to recognize all the different kinds of rocks or knowing the structure of vegetable tissues. They need to learn first aid, nutrition, sex education, how menstruation works, basic anatomy, why antibiotics dont work in viruses, why vaccines are important etc.
As a New Yorker I can say that you are right about us. We are very loud.
the nicest & smartest employee usually resign in 1 year because they can just search for better job
I once heard a fact form my cousin's brother in law's sister's bestie way back in 2013 and I still stand by that fact to this day