I’ve just made an instagram account to share my art from over the past year or so. Please see more at @just_sevy


    Khaleesi & Khal Drogo

    My FAVOURITE thing about the whole Game of Thrones series. The dothraki King & Queen of the Dragons.

    SlipKnoT; Iowa

    I made this slice collage sketch for my fiancés birthday & had it immortalised into a card & in KERRANG! magazine!


    Casja is a gorgeous Instagram Make-up/Goth guru who was just too good not to sketch!

    Mike Fuentes; Pierce The Veil

    One of my first portraits I ever did! Huge PTV fan & Mikes moodiness was perfect.

    Maria Brink

    The gorgeous Maria from In This Moment! Loved her make-up (face & hand) one of the most fun sketches I’ve done!