Do you know the TV series “The Fall” starring Gillian Anderson and Jamie Dornan!? Well, that series and poem read in the very last episode of the drama had haunted me for over a year. Since Croatian Society of Visual Artist Zagreb is hosting the exhibition “Through Image and Word” in March 2018, it has prompted me to show in my way a British folk poem entitled “There was a man of double deed”.
The earliest known record is from the 18th century, but it is probably much older.
There was a man of double deed,
Who sowed his garden full of seed;
When the seed began to grow,
‘Twas like a garden full of snow;
When the snow began to melt,
‘Twas like a ship without a belt;
When the ship began to sail,
‘Twas like a bird without a tail;
When the bird began to fly,
‘Twas like an eagle in the sky;
When the sky began to roar,
‘Twas like a lion at my door;
When my door began to crack,
‘Twas like a stick across my back;
When my back began to smart,
‘Twas like a penknife in my heart;
And when my heart began to bleed,
‘Twas death, and death, and death indeed.
Listen to the poem recital by actor Jamie Dornan as Paul Spector from the TV series “The Fall” at the end of the post.
Boris Pecigoš: A Man of Double Deed, 2018, mixed media (acrylic paint, acrylic felt pen, wooden slats, wooden sticks, fabric, cardboard, nail) on canvas, 60 x 60 cm
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