It took me a split second to take each of these photos, I hope you take longer to look at them, Mai Chau, Viet Nam, rice fields.
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Woman in the Rice Fields.
A farmer checks her rice crop outside the town of Mai Chau, Vietnam.
Bike, conical hat, hut and rice.
A busy path between the rice fields, Mai Chau, Vietnam.
Morning mist, Mai Chau.
Mist and clouds envelop the surrounding hills at Mai Chau.
Bamboo Fence.
Bamboo fence and gate , early morning, Mai Chau.
Green Rice Field.
A shot of the rice stalks highlighting the green colours and farmer’s huts that are plentiful around Mai Chau.
across the fields.
A look across the valley at Mai Chau.
Umbrella, fields and White Thai.
A photograph opportunity in the feilds of Mai Chau. A visitor dressed in a traditional White Thai costume looks for the perfect pose.