I dove headfirst into 3D modeling 4 years ago, and let me tell ya, it’s been a wild ride. Tons of bumps and bruises (metaphorical, of course), but I’m finally starting to sculpt characters that don’t look like melted potatoes!

Remember Doug from Nickelodeon?

Yeah, those were the days. To celebrate my 3D progress, I decided to bring some of those awesome characters to life in 3D!

Check out these 5 funky folks, and for the real behind-the-scenes magic, I even made time-lapse videos of how I brought them from mush to masterpiece!

What do you think?

If you wanted to see my progress from crappy renders up to these, you can check it out here on my 1,500-day 3D journey.

More info:


    Characters from Doug in 3D!

    My 1,500 3D Journey

    Judy Funnie


    Patti Mayonnaise


    Skeeter Valentine

    Mr. Dink


    Roger Klotz