Bitcoin can be considered as the currency of future. Even though it is safe to make financial transactions with Bitcoin, it is important for all Bitcoin users to have a clear understanding on how to keep it safe. It can assist them to avoid frustration linked with Bitcoin scams and security threats in the long run. The following 7 security tips can assist you to keep your Bitcoins safe at all times.


    1. Use Strong Passwords

    For your Bitcoin wallet, it is extremely important to use a strong password. A strong password has the ability to work just like a shield to the Bitcoin wallet. All your encrypted data is kept safe by the password and there is no need to worry about anything. This can also provide you with the opportunity to keep peace of mind while you are using the Bitcoin wallet.

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    2. Encrypt the Bitcoin Wallet

    Bitcoin wallet can be considered as a sensitive app. Due to this reason; it has become essential for all the people to keep their Bitcoin wallets safe. That’s where encryption comes into play. By encrypting the Bitcoin wallet with a password, you will be able to make sure that nobody is in a position to gain access to it. Even though all the Bitcoin wallets offer some sort of security features, it is up to you to do an extensive research before you select one out of them. If you are not in a position to do a research, you need to use one of the trusted wallets.

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    3. Always Use Trustable Cryptocurrency Exchange Websites


    To exchange Bitcoins, you are using a cryptocurrency exchange website. The specific website you use should be a trustable one. In other words, you need to be able to rely on the service that is provided to you by the Bitcoin exchange site. To make sure that you are dealing with a trustable website, you need to carefully go through reviews and select a one out of available options.


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    4. Use Multiple Signatures

    It is possible for you to find Bitcoin wallets, which offer multiple signatures at log in. If you are concerned about the security of your Bitcoins, you must go ahead with such a Bitcoin wallet. In here, you will need to have complete signature to initiate a Bitcoin transaction. Hence, maximum protection is guaranteed at all times.

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    5. Use Hardware Bitcoin Wallets

    Keeping everything digital is a big risk. Therefore, you can think about using hardware Bitcoin wallets. To initiate a transaction from a hardware wallet, physical access is needed. Therefore, nobody will be able to initiate the transaction without your approval. This can guarantee enhanced protection to the Bitcoin wallet.

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    6. Store All the Private Keys Offline


    In your Bitcoin wallet, you use public keys in order to receive Bitcoins. On the other hand, you use private keys in order to authorize a payment. If you can store all your private keys offline, you will be able to offer improved protection to them. That’s because your private keys will be protected from the hackers and malware attacks as they are kept offline.

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    7. Take Regular Backups of Bitcoin Wallets


    You should also take regular backups of Bitcoin wallets and keep them offline. You shouldn’t do the mistake of storing your backups online. If your computer is stolen or there is a hard drive failure, you will not be able to gain access to the Bitcoin. Therefore, you need to be careful to keep the offline backup somewhere else. It should be a place that you can trust. It is essential to take backups on a regular basis as well.

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