These are toys that have mostly since been banned that could injure and even kill adults and children alike.


    The “Snacktime Kid” Cabbage Patch Doll. You would feed it paper but it was very easy to get your hair stuck.

    Hoverboards. There have been countless problems with them overheating when charging.

    Rollerblade Barbie. This would shoot sparks out of the boots and set fire to carpets and furnature.


    Clackers. You would hit these together to make a noise and you can obviously see the problem there.

    The fidget spinner. The magnets inside the holes would fall out and would be a choking hazard for young children.

    Lawn darts. These were literelly spikes that you threw. How were these even legal?!

    The Easy Bake Oven. This was a toy oven that actually cooked food and they let children play with it.