Mom Gets Called Into Parent-Teacher Conference After Her Son Writes An Angry Letter To Teacher For Disciplining Him
Most children have a tough time filtering what is appropriate to say to others and what they should keep to themselves. Their lighthearted bluntness often leaves their parents in very awkward situations. But some things just have to be said, and there’s no one to stop these kids!Recently, one such instance went viral across various social media platforms after Jaquya Bradford shared a letter her coworker’s son wrote to his teacher. The coworker was invited to a parent–teacher conference because of the content of the letter. Apparently, her son Isaiah was talking during class, so to discipline him for disrupting the lesson, the teacher decided to take his stuff away. This made the 6-year-old boy furious. To express his frustrations with the teacher, the boy wrote her a candid letter and said everything he thinks of her. While the letter clearly embarrassed the boy’s mom, both her coworkers and people who stumbled on the letter online couldn’t help but laugh. Isaiah’s brutal honesty won the hearts of thousands of people. Read what he wrote below!
More info: Facebook
Image credits: Jaquya Bradford
“Dear Ms. Jones I am angry of you Because you took 25 of my humm-ing bird Bucks all because I was talking to Conner that’s no big deal im only 6 I cant be quet all the time and that makes you a theif and crook a toy are going to Hell real Hell the burning 1 because you a theif. I worked hard for those bucks and my Only prayer in chaple today was that god gets you to hell fast super fast and your new hair cut is Bad real bad
Here’s how people reacted to the letter
Image credits: HelloKennedi
Image credits: HelloKennedi
Image credits: HelloKennedi
Image credits: Mad_Jamaican
Image credits: costagirl0708
Image credits: SouthernSweeti6
Image credits: JustCallMeFran
Image credits: jldeal
Image credits: SirCoach
Image credits: Tmhunter_3
Image credits: Griff_Mendez
Image credits: Toosdayborn
Share on FacebookI ran a middle school behavior program and have worked with kids for 15 years now. I assume the Hummingbird Bucks are a token economy for the classroom that kids earn to exchange for some sort of prize or privilege. It's a bad idea to take away something a kid has already earned as that generates a feeling of injustice. Imagine if you work 4 of 5 days but then no show for the 5th day. It's understandable to not be paid for that 5th day, but what if they also deducted 1 or 2 other days' pay as a penalty for your behavior on the 5th day? That's why it's good to have kids earn privileges (video games, etc) for good behavior instead of them feeling like it's a "right" to be able to play video games or whatever.
It's a bad idea to take away something a kid has earned? Even if it's a consequence of bad behavior? You don't know how disruptive this kid has been, it could be an ongoing issue and this was the result. Not holding people accountable for their bad behavior gets you a society full of entitled spoiled brats who think the rules don't apply to them.
Load More Replies...It's not okay to tell your teacher she is going to burn in hell. That's a big deal coming from a six year old. He needs some help managing his emotions.
And then to throw the hair comment in...says a lot about his parenting if you ask me.
Load More Replies...While he may have earned his "bucks", the letter is disrespectful to his teacher.
Me too. And praying "in chapel" for god to take her to hell, the real burning one? Yeah, I do not think this is cute.
Load More Replies...Yeah nah I don't agree with praising this behavior. If there's one thing I hate more than a blatant disrespectful child, it's the parent who doesn't correct their behavior. Those kids grow up to be self righteous entitled pricks.. The world doesn't need anymore
Exactly. This kid is showing major entitlement already. Rules are not for him, apparently. When punished, he reacts with rage. This won't be cute once he's older.
Load More Replies...The audacity to speak to a teacher/adult that way! The nerve of the parent to publish it like a kid speaking that way is something to be proud of! You may argue that the teacher did him wrong but the minute he spoke like that he showed exactly why he deserved what he got
And I'm sure the consequences are spelled out very clearly beforehand in class. He's just mad he got caught.
Load More Replies...This is not written by a six yo. Obviously 😒 He's using "2" to say "to" .... A six yo! ? Written in almost perfect straight lines. And the font. ... nope BS!
I don't know why you're getting downvoted. I 100% agree with you. It looks like it was written by an adult stylized to look like it was written by a child.
Load More Replies...So many wrong thing with that one. 'I can't be quiet all the time', that's what recess is for; when in class, don't disturb others. I doubt the teacher decided to punish him without asking him to stop talking a few time. 'I worked for these hummingbirds', if they are a reward for good conduct, it makes sense to remove them for bad conduct (fines are a thing). 'I want you to go to hell soon', 6-yo should not wish death on people, there is nothing funny there. 'Your haircut is bad', when all else fails, attack the other person's physical attribute; humiliating and belittling people is a age-old strategy of douchebags. Great parenting!
There is clearly no displine in that household - this boy is carrying on like he's never heard the word 'No' or had anything taken away from him before. Life is not fair and you will not always get what you deserve.
A kid being upset about a punishment is normal imo. The death threat part is what makes this letter creepy.
Load More Replies...Six year old goes to chapel and prays..."O Lord, please let my teacher die asap and send him to hell!" The benefit of religion....
Some suggest he earned those bucks... but did he really...following the rules to get the carrot doesnt mean their isn't consequences for breaking them.
And I'm sure those rules were carefully explained while he was 'earning them'.
Load More Replies...Trump is gonna have some real competition when this kid discoverers Twitter.
Geeeeez, so many people defending this sort of behavior out of a 6 year old. No wonder kids these days are such little monsters.
I know, right?! I had to sit in hall before class started in 1st grade cuz Mom had be at work 7 30AM and Dad was in Vietnam, that principal came out and grabbed me and beat my tale with a BELT for talking in hall. Goodness, they should of had a hall monitor, also my 3rd grade teacher locked me in closet in classroom for talking. So taking away something that doesn't leave whoppin' marks seems like a cake walk!!
Load More Replies...He told her she was going to hell and that he prayed for that... he knows that you go to hell when you're dead... so he's saying he wants her dead. That is a big deal! He also chose to be rude about her personal appearance which is not acceptable. His claim that he can't be quiet all the time shows he knew the rules but chose to break them, and has lashed out wanting her dead because of the consequences of his actions, which I'm sure he was aware of too. There are some big issues here that need working on now whilst he's young. In choosing to write this he has shown he needs some extra support understanding actions and consequences.
'I'm six year old, can't be quiet all the time' the boy heard it somewhere. A situation at home when one parent (usually mother) want to discipline son, but father comes up with excuses, such as this one - he's his son's playmate not parent. This is not that seldom. Parents should always be on the same page when raising their children.
Load More Replies...And we all laugh at a 6 year old wishing hell to his teacher as if this was a cute lovely thing, and the kid had some "strong personality good for him", and not a sign that adults have no influence and authority even on small children, let alone teenagers. I don't salute this as a good sign, actually.
I like this kid. He is speaking the truth. He can't be qyet all the time. He argues better than adults.
Yeah, that part was alright. When he got to the hell part, praying for the teacher to go there and her haircut, I was slightly taken aback. But I haven't been six in a while so what do I know...
Load More Replies...This kid needs anger management counseling. Nothing funny about this at all. Quite frankly, he should be suspended for a day.
I had flashbacks to when I read or hear the President of the US talk, especially the second half of the letter and ending. It's just like how trump expresses himself. If the letter had been photoshopped to look like a tweet with trump's profile picture, I promise you I would not have questioned that it is a real statement by the President. "I worked hard for the presidency and my Only prayer in chaple today was that the Do Nothing Democrats lose the election fast super fast because Obama left the economy Bad real bad." Also, Isaiah will probably pass the president in vocab words within 5 years. This has been a PSA
So ... if my child wrote that letter we would most definitely have to have a talk about appropriate ways to express anger, and how wishing people to hell because they have hurt you is not okay (I think Mister Rogers would have this kind of talk). But I would also express to him that BEING angry is okay, and that finding appropriate ways of dealing with it is important. As for his punishment, if taking away earned bucks isn't part of the discipline code in that classroom, then the teacher was wrong to do so. I always thought "talking in class" was a stupid thing to be punished for when you're a kid (guess who got conduct demerits in elementary school for that ...) Discipline is important, but APPROPRIATE discipline for the age of the child and the situation is key.
In my kids class the get clipped up if they are good and clipped down if bad. Kinda like a clothes line. They start in the middle. As long as you stay in the middle or forward you are good. Get in the negative it's bad. The farther forward the better. Better treats. They don't get anything taken if in the negative but they don't get a treat. So I'm mixed on this.25 humming bird bucks seems excessive unless they are receiving them 25 at a time.
The thing that stood out to me here is that this child has been taught that being "bad" means you will go to hell. That does not jive with Christian teachings (not to say this family was Christian), and it's actually a horrific thing to teach a child. I know it's somewhat common. I think it's emotional abuse. As for Christianity, in no way does it say "bad people go to hell, good people go to heaven". I'm not a Christian. What it does teach makes no sense to me, but this is NOT what it teaches.
Probably some credit the kids earn with good behavior.
Load More Replies...OK, now fast forward this little darling's school career ten years and you have a total nightmare in the classroom. Or in jail. Probably in jail. Hopefully in jail.
I get that this child is clever, most likely beyond his years, but it seems everyone who commented to the original post forgot that this kid, cuteness aside, broke the rules and needed to be punished.
What kind of parents raised a 6 year old to think it's okay to pray for someone to burn in hell and beg god to kill her? What a disgusting child. There's a mob heavy in the making. Well done to the mother. Very nicely moulded criminal in the making.
I'll tell you what I like most - he didn't send some anonymous note. He signed his name. More integrity than 90% of people online.
Okay guys, seriously this kid is 6 years old and is still learning how to deal with emotions. We do not know the context of talking nor the rules in the classroom so stop assuming this kid is a degenerate because he argues like a politician. It's good that this kid has learn to write feelings and share them but he still needs to learn that punishment needs to fit the crime and hoping for hell/attacking looks is a bit extreme. We can only hope that lesson was taught.
One of the hardest things to teach is how to express yourself calmly, but the fact that he spoke so angrily seems like a build up, or else that the punishment was way too severe for the crime. They should have a DO OVER, where BOTH Teacher and Student determine to have a better class. Maybe by apology, a lesser punishment possibly..... The boy is gifted no doubt, but without respect nothing will really be taught in that room.
well - good story - but we should here both sides - possibly the teacher was just helpless - to judge her is possibly wrong - I was blamed to be a pedo and lost my daughter for some years - fully innocently - I know how wrong assumptions can be when we do not listen to both sides
It looks more like the parent of this kid wrote the letter. You can see she's trying to imitate a child's handwriting. i stg
Compare to some comments posted by adults on this site and anywhere online, this boy is pretty polite and tactful .
that teacher is lucky that Isaiah said only what he said, and not more. she's also lucky that he is only 6 and that the letter isn't worse. remembering all the c**p that I put up with from teachers & staff... that teacher is lucky that letter is alll she had to deal with... I reallllly HATE teachers who are %^@^T&!!!
What an awful idea, to take away 'bucks' that the kid has earned. Good way to mess up his feelings about money. My parents did that - took away money I had saved, if they felt I had been in some way disrespectful. I still have a messed-up view of money and a poverty, high-stress mentality because of their punishing me by taking away money that was already mine, that I had saved from allowance. What this kid is objecting to (even though it is a proxy 'currency'), is basically the same thing. It is cruel and shouldn't be done.
Punishments for bad behavior is fine. Taking away what was already earned with good behavior is NOT fine. That does make one a thief. However, he earned something else, like sitting in the corner or something. This of course assumes that the currency was EARNED, and not the reverse. This is correct if the system is where they START with a certain amount and lose them for punishment. AND/OR given that the punishments for the actions were clearly listed ahead of time.
I ran a middle school behavior program and have worked with kids for 15 years now. I assume the Hummingbird Bucks are a token economy for the classroom that kids earn to exchange for some sort of prize or privilege. It's a bad idea to take away something a kid has already earned as that generates a feeling of injustice. Imagine if you work 4 of 5 days but then no show for the 5th day. It's understandable to not be paid for that 5th day, but what if they also deducted 1 or 2 other days' pay as a penalty for your behavior on the 5th day? That's why it's good to have kids earn privileges (video games, etc) for good behavior instead of them feeling like it's a "right" to be able to play video games or whatever.
It's a bad idea to take away something a kid has earned? Even if it's a consequence of bad behavior? You don't know how disruptive this kid has been, it could be an ongoing issue and this was the result. Not holding people accountable for their bad behavior gets you a society full of entitled spoiled brats who think the rules don't apply to them.
Load More Replies...It's not okay to tell your teacher she is going to burn in hell. That's a big deal coming from a six year old. He needs some help managing his emotions.
And then to throw the hair comment in...says a lot about his parenting if you ask me.
Load More Replies...While he may have earned his "bucks", the letter is disrespectful to his teacher.
Me too. And praying "in chapel" for god to take her to hell, the real burning one? Yeah, I do not think this is cute.
Load More Replies...Yeah nah I don't agree with praising this behavior. If there's one thing I hate more than a blatant disrespectful child, it's the parent who doesn't correct their behavior. Those kids grow up to be self righteous entitled pricks.. The world doesn't need anymore
Exactly. This kid is showing major entitlement already. Rules are not for him, apparently. When punished, he reacts with rage. This won't be cute once he's older.
Load More Replies...The audacity to speak to a teacher/adult that way! The nerve of the parent to publish it like a kid speaking that way is something to be proud of! You may argue that the teacher did him wrong but the minute he spoke like that he showed exactly why he deserved what he got
And I'm sure the consequences are spelled out very clearly beforehand in class. He's just mad he got caught.
Load More Replies...This is not written by a six yo. Obviously 😒 He's using "2" to say "to" .... A six yo! ? Written in almost perfect straight lines. And the font. ... nope BS!
I don't know why you're getting downvoted. I 100% agree with you. It looks like it was written by an adult stylized to look like it was written by a child.
Load More Replies...So many wrong thing with that one. 'I can't be quiet all the time', that's what recess is for; when in class, don't disturb others. I doubt the teacher decided to punish him without asking him to stop talking a few time. 'I worked for these hummingbirds', if they are a reward for good conduct, it makes sense to remove them for bad conduct (fines are a thing). 'I want you to go to hell soon', 6-yo should not wish death on people, there is nothing funny there. 'Your haircut is bad', when all else fails, attack the other person's physical attribute; humiliating and belittling people is a age-old strategy of douchebags. Great parenting!
There is clearly no displine in that household - this boy is carrying on like he's never heard the word 'No' or had anything taken away from him before. Life is not fair and you will not always get what you deserve.
A kid being upset about a punishment is normal imo. The death threat part is what makes this letter creepy.
Load More Replies...Six year old goes to chapel and prays..."O Lord, please let my teacher die asap and send him to hell!" The benefit of religion....
Some suggest he earned those bucks... but did he really...following the rules to get the carrot doesnt mean their isn't consequences for breaking them.
And I'm sure those rules were carefully explained while he was 'earning them'.
Load More Replies...Trump is gonna have some real competition when this kid discoverers Twitter.
Geeeeez, so many people defending this sort of behavior out of a 6 year old. No wonder kids these days are such little monsters.
I know, right?! I had to sit in hall before class started in 1st grade cuz Mom had be at work 7 30AM and Dad was in Vietnam, that principal came out and grabbed me and beat my tale with a BELT for talking in hall. Goodness, they should of had a hall monitor, also my 3rd grade teacher locked me in closet in classroom for talking. So taking away something that doesn't leave whoppin' marks seems like a cake walk!!
Load More Replies...He told her she was going to hell and that he prayed for that... he knows that you go to hell when you're dead... so he's saying he wants her dead. That is a big deal! He also chose to be rude about her personal appearance which is not acceptable. His claim that he can't be quiet all the time shows he knew the rules but chose to break them, and has lashed out wanting her dead because of the consequences of his actions, which I'm sure he was aware of too. There are some big issues here that need working on now whilst he's young. In choosing to write this he has shown he needs some extra support understanding actions and consequences.
'I'm six year old, can't be quiet all the time' the boy heard it somewhere. A situation at home when one parent (usually mother) want to discipline son, but father comes up with excuses, such as this one - he's his son's playmate not parent. This is not that seldom. Parents should always be on the same page when raising their children.
Load More Replies...And we all laugh at a 6 year old wishing hell to his teacher as if this was a cute lovely thing, and the kid had some "strong personality good for him", and not a sign that adults have no influence and authority even on small children, let alone teenagers. I don't salute this as a good sign, actually.
I like this kid. He is speaking the truth. He can't be qyet all the time. He argues better than adults.
Yeah, that part was alright. When he got to the hell part, praying for the teacher to go there and her haircut, I was slightly taken aback. But I haven't been six in a while so what do I know...
Load More Replies...This kid needs anger management counseling. Nothing funny about this at all. Quite frankly, he should be suspended for a day.
I had flashbacks to when I read or hear the President of the US talk, especially the second half of the letter and ending. It's just like how trump expresses himself. If the letter had been photoshopped to look like a tweet with trump's profile picture, I promise you I would not have questioned that it is a real statement by the President. "I worked hard for the presidency and my Only prayer in chaple today was that the Do Nothing Democrats lose the election fast super fast because Obama left the economy Bad real bad." Also, Isaiah will probably pass the president in vocab words within 5 years. This has been a PSA
So ... if my child wrote that letter we would most definitely have to have a talk about appropriate ways to express anger, and how wishing people to hell because they have hurt you is not okay (I think Mister Rogers would have this kind of talk). But I would also express to him that BEING angry is okay, and that finding appropriate ways of dealing with it is important. As for his punishment, if taking away earned bucks isn't part of the discipline code in that classroom, then the teacher was wrong to do so. I always thought "talking in class" was a stupid thing to be punished for when you're a kid (guess who got conduct demerits in elementary school for that ...) Discipline is important, but APPROPRIATE discipline for the age of the child and the situation is key.
In my kids class the get clipped up if they are good and clipped down if bad. Kinda like a clothes line. They start in the middle. As long as you stay in the middle or forward you are good. Get in the negative it's bad. The farther forward the better. Better treats. They don't get anything taken if in the negative but they don't get a treat. So I'm mixed on this.25 humming bird bucks seems excessive unless they are receiving them 25 at a time.
The thing that stood out to me here is that this child has been taught that being "bad" means you will go to hell. That does not jive with Christian teachings (not to say this family was Christian), and it's actually a horrific thing to teach a child. I know it's somewhat common. I think it's emotional abuse. As for Christianity, in no way does it say "bad people go to hell, good people go to heaven". I'm not a Christian. What it does teach makes no sense to me, but this is NOT what it teaches.
Probably some credit the kids earn with good behavior.
Load More Replies...OK, now fast forward this little darling's school career ten years and you have a total nightmare in the classroom. Or in jail. Probably in jail. Hopefully in jail.
I get that this child is clever, most likely beyond his years, but it seems everyone who commented to the original post forgot that this kid, cuteness aside, broke the rules and needed to be punished.
What kind of parents raised a 6 year old to think it's okay to pray for someone to burn in hell and beg god to kill her? What a disgusting child. There's a mob heavy in the making. Well done to the mother. Very nicely moulded criminal in the making.
I'll tell you what I like most - he didn't send some anonymous note. He signed his name. More integrity than 90% of people online.
Okay guys, seriously this kid is 6 years old and is still learning how to deal with emotions. We do not know the context of talking nor the rules in the classroom so stop assuming this kid is a degenerate because he argues like a politician. It's good that this kid has learn to write feelings and share them but he still needs to learn that punishment needs to fit the crime and hoping for hell/attacking looks is a bit extreme. We can only hope that lesson was taught.
One of the hardest things to teach is how to express yourself calmly, but the fact that he spoke so angrily seems like a build up, or else that the punishment was way too severe for the crime. They should have a DO OVER, where BOTH Teacher and Student determine to have a better class. Maybe by apology, a lesser punishment possibly..... The boy is gifted no doubt, but without respect nothing will really be taught in that room.
well - good story - but we should here both sides - possibly the teacher was just helpless - to judge her is possibly wrong - I was blamed to be a pedo and lost my daughter for some years - fully innocently - I know how wrong assumptions can be when we do not listen to both sides
It looks more like the parent of this kid wrote the letter. You can see she's trying to imitate a child's handwriting. i stg
Compare to some comments posted by adults on this site and anywhere online, this boy is pretty polite and tactful .
that teacher is lucky that Isaiah said only what he said, and not more. she's also lucky that he is only 6 and that the letter isn't worse. remembering all the c**p that I put up with from teachers & staff... that teacher is lucky that letter is alll she had to deal with... I reallllly HATE teachers who are %^@^T&!!!
What an awful idea, to take away 'bucks' that the kid has earned. Good way to mess up his feelings about money. My parents did that - took away money I had saved, if they felt I had been in some way disrespectful. I still have a messed-up view of money and a poverty, high-stress mentality because of their punishing me by taking away money that was already mine, that I had saved from allowance. What this kid is objecting to (even though it is a proxy 'currency'), is basically the same thing. It is cruel and shouldn't be done.
Punishments for bad behavior is fine. Taking away what was already earned with good behavior is NOT fine. That does make one a thief. However, he earned something else, like sitting in the corner or something. This of course assumes that the currency was EARNED, and not the reverse. This is correct if the system is where they START with a certain amount and lose them for punishment. AND/OR given that the punishments for the actions were clearly listed ahead of time.