If some of the places we see on TV and in the movies were real places, the tourist board might have a difficult job getting people to visit. The things that go on there, the people who live there and sometimes the landscapes themselves can be less than desirable. But as tourism is such an important part of the economy, somebody’s got to do it. That’s why we got our creative heads together to imagine how their travel posters would look. Just how would we tempt tourists to Gilead, or Mos Eisley? What about Hogwarts, a place us muggles can’t even see? It certainly wouldn’t be an easy sell.

Vintage style travel posters are popular in interior design and can help places look their best so we decided this was the way to make them appealing. Some snappy captions reveal enough, but not all the places have to offer. Would you be tempted to visit…?

More info:


    The Shire

    Mos Eisley



