Anyone who has a cat, or even knows one really, is well aware that cats have a certain… sort of catness to them. Gatochismo, as we call it, is basically the cat version of ‘Machismo’ – Catness taken to the extreme! Gatochismo is formally defined as a strong sense of feline pride, or an exaggerated display of catlike behavior, typically demonstrated for the sole purpose of being stereotypically catlike. As the year comes to a close, we thought we would share our five favorite 2018 examples of cats embodying Gatochismo.
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5 – The stupid snowmen were in this cat’s way, obstructing his clear path of travel, and had no place being on the bookshelf in the first place…
4 – Birthday kitty has zero fear when it comes to dealing with the raging fire some reckless human put in front of him…
3 – This Christmas-Tree-Takedown was clearly no accident… this kitty, in a valiant display of Gatochismo, made a calculated move, and quickly embraced the sweet taste of success in his mission…
2 – This tough cat shows his cat buddy (or purrrhaps frenemy?) who really is the boss in a feisty display of Gatochismo…
1 – Finally, our favorite of 2018, is this celebrity cat, Mochi from Portland Oregon. Mochi sooo nails Gatochismo on the regular when it comes to frog toys, and she truly is our ideal poster child/cat for embracing Gatochismo…
Are you down with the Gatochismo movement too? Check out our Gatochismo shirt, available for purchase here…
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