Photographer Gets Accused Of Racism After His Perfect Black Model ‘Shudu’ Gets Instagram Famous
There are thousands of beautiful Instagram models, but Shudu Gram is one of the kind.
Cameron-James Wilson is a 28-year-old self-taught British photographer who is the man behind the stunning dark-skinned model. He created the beautiful woman after teaching himself 3D modeling, using online resources and YouTube videos.
“Shudu represents what I’ve always seen as beautiful, but something I don’t see often enough,” Wilson told Isiuwa Igodan. “Although there’s a slight change happening now, more people need to question, what really is beautiful.”
Even though the artist claims he wanted to spread the message of empowerment and inclusivity and many praises his talent for digital art, there was a huge backlash from people around the web, saying that by creating a black model the photographer wants to take away jobs from real black women.
“A white photographer figured out a way to profit off of black women without ever having to pay one,” wrote one Twitter user. “Now pls, tell me how our economic system is in no way built on and quite frankly reliant on racism, misogyny, and blacksploitation.”
When asked what he thinks about all the negativity, Wilson says that he never had any ill intentions and is not planning on using Shudu as a commercial model. “To me she’s special, yes, but as are millions of real-life African men and women.”
There are thousands of beautiful models on Instagram, but Shudu Gram is one of a kind
She won the hearts of more than 40k followers with her flawless skin and an enchanting gaze
But lately, she generated even more buzz around her
Except for this time, it’s not because of her beauty
It’s because of the fact that she’s not actually a real model
Shudu Gram is a digital creation of Cameron-James Wilson, a 28-year-old self-taught photographer from Great Britain
He created Shudu after teaching himself 3D, using online resources and Youtube tutorials
“Shudu represents what I’ve always seen as beautiful, but something I don’t see often enough,” Wilson said
“Although there’s a slight change happening now, more people need to question, what really is beautiful”
“Shudu is just everything I’m passionate about brought together”
“She embodies the best parts of the things that inspire me”
“A lot of what we see in media is trying to be less real, with filters and makeup”
“Shudu is coming from the other direction”
“She’s a fantasy trying to break through into reality and I have plans to help her do so”
Even though the artist claims he wanted to spread the message of empowerment and inclusivity
There was a huge backlash from people around the web
Some people accused the photographer of racism
Image credits: hodayum
Image credits: GraceFVictory
Others, though, were standing behind the photographer and his art
Image credits: KosiHendricks
Image credits: foxcorpse_k
What do you think about Shudu?
Share on FacebookAs a black woman I actually find this very touching and beautiful. The photographers muse is an ethereal and strong black woman. For those who don't understand artists and their deep connections to their muses (real or imaginary), it really is a passionate, personal and near sacred thing. Love this !
I find your comment short and too the point. Well done.
Load More Replies...Just argueing what a person of colour X should do with his digital creation in colour Y relating to real people of colour Z is a racist thought. Colours do not matter, people do. And whether you prefer digital art, actual models, or no pictures showing perfect beauty at all is personal choice. People discuss every fart today while forgetting that we drown in problems endangering the future of our children, and we do not even notice it.
I compltely agree with you, everyone spouting about this being a racist act and a big hurt to black people are forgetting the real problems of racism we face today, different skin colours showing appreciation for others is wonderful, not racist, and the artist even said himself this is what he thinks is the MOST beautiful thing, he found his art, he loves, not hates. Other people take photos of real models, he doesn't, this doesnt mean he is crushing the dreams of black models, he is simply one artist who chose to do it another (and frankly amazing) way.
Load More Replies...Uh..forget about the socio-political aspect of what YOU think the artist is trying to say. What about the fact that he taught himself 3D design and his work is better than most that actually go to school for it. Bravo! I am highly impressed with your motivation and attention to details.
My thoughts exactly. My first impression was "wow! That's self-taught skill?! Which program is he using?"
Load More Replies...I think they're amazing pictures, and he is a DIGITAL artist, therefore he created a digital person, that's what makes it unique, instead of generic. And he did it very well. Does this mean if a black person created the same thing but of a white girl everyone would be like "hell no, the blacks are being racist against the whites!" No, everyone would be celebrating how 'inclusive' they were being, spread the love and all that. Skin colours are something to be celebrated, and by telling him he is not allowed to do anything concerning black people or anyone of another colour, it's creating racism and hostility. And if he created the same thing but of an asian girl, would anyone have this big of an objection? I think not. People are inventing these politics and hateful comments just to screw with the inclusiveness the world is finally beginning to see, I wish people could back off and appreciate art instead of finding problems with something that is just a cool idea.
The thing that annoys me about this is not every black person will complain about this(Proof Kosi above) but this will sadly be the take away point.
Load More Replies...Not everything is about racism or exploitation. People are just salty because they found out she's not real. They'd probably complain if he'd modeled a white woman, saying she wasn't diverse enough.
If he made a white model he'd be racist for excluding blacks. As my mother said, "Can't win for losing"
I don't really see a problem with what he did. He created a muse. Did a damn good job doing it, too. Reminds me of the movie "simone" with Al Pacino. People really need to find better things to be mad at.
I'm disappointed in society. Suddenly even saying the word "black" makes you racist. People are commenting on all the things that aren't any bad whatsoever and making fun of the real bad stuff. Things like school shooter memes are a prime example of such. People disgust me.
So... we're labeling a photographer as 'racist' who became a digital artist by creating his own model and creating his own works portraying them in a fashionable and positive light? yeah, okay. I'd hate to see how people would react if he made her ugly and unflattering.
what a load of s**t. Is there NOTHING that people won't slap the racisim label on nowadays?
Is everything these days racist? This is art, and well done. Those who are crying about it need to GTFO themselves. Period.
Thank goodness it turns out she was a digital creation! Something looked really off with her pictures and I couldn't put my finger on it!
Tbh, her proportions are so perfect they're unrealistic. I find her skin color very beautiful though. But have you seen Khoudia Doup?
Load More Replies...This generation is way too sensitive and easy to get offended. Go whining in your own cave please.
I think she's gorgeous and he's so very talented to be able to create her. And I'm sure sorry he has to contend with a bunch of jealous, angry people who are just looking for something to be upset about. How about just appreciating something of beauty.
I have no idea how it is to be a black woman, what kind of racist comment they experiment daily and what kind of subject can be touchy for them. When a person victim of an oppression I don't experiment tell me something is oppressive I take a second to think about the situation instead of saying "people see racisme/ transphobia/ ableisme.. everywhere". I don't want to be the guy that thought I had to make him the coffe because I'm a woman or that daily tried to see the color of his female coworkers underwears. He was claiming we were seeing sexisme everywhere when we complained. In this case, not knowing the artist, I would have understand concerned about the fetishization of black women (I didn't realise fetish about ethnicities exist until someone told me my daughter would be sexy as f**** when she will be a teen because she's part Asian. Still want to throw up months later). But I don't understand the reproach of not using a real woman when he is a digital artist.
I appreciate your comment and I'm sorry you have to deal with such a horrible thing. This artist is no doubt very talented/hardworking but that obviously doesn't exempt him from his moral responsibilities. I suppose what people are really trying to say is that he shouldn’t profit off fake “representation” while real dark skinned models are still grossly underrepresented.
Load More Replies...People are so full of anger, hate and despair, that they will s**t on absolutely anything, for any reason they can think of. I think we are creating a society where everyone will be too afraid to do anything, because we will be called all kinds of negative names. I can't even imagine what kind of logic it is behind that kind of thinking, for me this is art, beautiful art that took hours and hours of practice, patience and love, simple as that.
It is unique. This is not racist. He is sharing his art and we should enjoy it for his dedacation and not for "Hiring" a real human being
its fine if its a white person but once the skin changes to black its immediately considered racist! this is so dumb! its like anything to do with black people and if youre not actually black then its off limits but if a black person does anything related to a white person then its fine and not racist? If he wants to make is image of beauty black then I see nothing wrong with that!
"Profit off of a black woman without having to pay one"??? WHAT?? It's a piece of his imagination, not a copyright infringement. To quote the internet "you just mad it ain't yours."
Would the people get mad if he made up a white model? If not, then it's an odd double-standard. The fact of the matter is that he made digital art that happens to to use the human form as a subject - you wouldn't go to a realistic painter and suggest that they photograph people instead of making up their own, it's the same here.
Yeah that comment about hiring a model really doesn't float here. They probably allowed it to be seen as a real person and photograph to give it something more special when it was revealed later on that was actually not. The point wasn't to cut down on human expenses Black or otherwise. The person who created this may not have even had the skills or a camera needed to produce this in real life.
Load More Replies...As an artist, I really applaud this man for creating these works. I totally agree that there isn't enough artists who showcase black women as a muse in their works. It's from his imagination, well that's what artists do. That's perfectly fine. He's not selling his work to Vogue magazine or fashion magazines. The very nature of art is it can be based on reality or one's imagination. Are we so oversensitive now that we need to sensor someone's imagination or tell an artist he has to use a real model when the reality is he was just exploring the process of 3D and visualizing a muse from his own imagination? There is a freedom of speech, certainly there should be a freedom to create. He has never intended this work to be used as a commercial model so the idea that his art is stealing people's jobs is just not true.
What's the problem with people?! This guy said it quite simply I WANTED THE PERFECT MODEL BUT COULDN'T FIND IT, SO I CREATED IT Thanks God he didn't create a Jewish girl, I can't even imagine what the world would have said
I am so stunned that anyone would find anything negative to say about this absolutely, stunningly beautiful art! Why must we always find fault, especially when the artist was doing just want he obviously is excellent at and that is ART!! Get over yourselves all you negative people and appreciate the shear beauty of these photos. I see passion in this artist's work and for that I am grateful that it was shared with me for I may not have seen it otherwise but here on this website. Thank you!
I'm reminded of the story of Pygmalion, the sculptor who found flaws in every model 'til he carved one of his own. Who he promptly fell in love with. Eventually the gods had mercy on him, and brought her to life. There's nothing wrong with seeking what you want. I imagine that eventually, he'll see her in real life. Whether he gets to keep her in real life is something else.
Next thing people will be complaining that animation doesn't use real actors. Seriously as someone complaining point it out "a white guy" chose to create "a black woman" as his muse. Those are the looks he found inspiring and he's accused of being racist. He could have made her white and I doubt anyone would be complaining on behalf of white models. People going on about how this could be a models job. The project would have been like any other generic photo shoot if he hadn't created her. No one would be paying attention right now. You think it's easy to create a 3D model? People who don't create anything seem to think there's no effort involved.
Oh look, more people offended by pretty much anything and seeing racism&exploitation in everything... again. If he had made a white model, would the comments have been the same? "so many white models... not paying them, exploit... blablabla"? Or is it just because he created a black model? (or what if he was black himself and created a black model?) I'm just amazed that someone can create something like this. (If you didn't tell me, I'd think she was real)
There are plenty of real examples of racism in this world to call out unfortunately. Leave this brilliant artist alone.
Wait...drawing a black woman in beautiful pieces of art full of admiration at the natural beauty of her kind is racism?o.O I can't even...I don't...did the meaning of word "racism" just change overnight or is there really that much stupid in the world?
Probably no controversy had raised if the digital model was a white girl.
No, then it would be racist because of all the colours he could choose from, he chose white as a superior and inspiring colour. People like this will always find a colour to nag about
Load More Replies...people need to stop saying everything is racist, is it wrong to like what you want to like its what inspires him and what he envisions so let him. There is real racism going on around the world and not towards black people only it's towards everyone we need to stop accusing people of being racist for liking our culture and race.
Who couldn't tell this wasn't a real woman? Idiots. No humans were exploited, cheated, or denied income because of this art. I do the same kind of art using the same kind of resources. The 3D sculptors who made the original 3D model form and 'skins' get paid. Although not real, the popularity of these images show how dark African-inspired skin is undeniably beautiful. These images should be philosohpically critiqued the same as a painting, not a photograph. I do the same kind of art with male 3D models. I spend a lot of time sculpting, editing the 'skin' bitmaps, and posing. My images depict men of all ethnicity. Life is a buffet, and I've sampled and enjoyed from all over the world. My art hobby reflects that.
This is absolutely ridiculous to say it is racist. The world if full of white models, so someone creates one who isn't white and that's racist? I'm a white woman and I enjoy writing romance novels. I get asked if I'll ever write a female African American lead character. I hesitate because of this type of thing. I'd be making money off of African Americans. But then I hear from my African American readers who say there are never books with characters who look like me. I think the question to ask is, if that digital artist had been any ethnicity other than white and he'd have created a white model, would people have called him racist? Ever look up "black comic artists"? They make amazing African American comics, but often they have white characters. Are they racist for making money? Nope. They are artists and they create what they want to create.
The people backlashing this are just stupid. Shudu "represents what I've always seen as beautiful, but something I don’t see often enough" as humanity is now broken with all these different kinds of "filters and makeup".
People have done this with White characters all the time.... so the man whats to show some diversity with his art... great job. some people arent happy till they find fault with everything. Haters gonna hate.
Maybe I'm just dumb, but I thought it was a tribute to African women. I was quite impressed with his digital skills, too.
Twidiots get their panties in a wad over everything. Twitter is home of the weak and ignorant.
When white people get offended on black peoples behalf. I find that infinitely more racist.
Awesome 3d modelling skills I would say, and the model, if she were real, would be stunning!
We need to STOP looking for racism under the rocks. This work is ingenious and should be applauded not vilified. When a person studies others outside their racial group, they are immediately repelled and that is what destroys the conversation about race. Let Caucasians feel our black skins and satisfy their curiosities; let blacks feel Caucasians long hairs and pinch their pointed noses. Let's get comfortable with each other. We really need to stop looking at each other from "over there."
The Proud family was a cartoon about a black family. Would any of the white animators who worked on that show be considered racist.?
Why is there always racism in everything? C'mon, this artist wanted to create something beautiful in his eyes, and that's exactly what he did! Shudu is gorgeous!
Let's say for a second that he did the same thing, but with a white 3d model instead of a black one, people would scream lack of diversity. I say Well done. She's beautiful. You are freaking talented.
A digital artist creates a beautiful black woman and that's racist? If he took a picture of a black woman it wouldn't be digital art, it would be photography. If he was a black digital artist would you still claim that he's a racist or is it only because he's white? Cause that seems racist more than what the artist did. Quit playing the race card for every little thing.
The "We only care for real dark skinned people being hired but don´t care at all if they do 3D models who are white" - squad.
I've seen better renderings in video games. This isn't taking work away from ANYONE.
I think it’s cool that he taught himself a 3D software skill. It looks amazing! Limbs are a tad too long though. That’s where you can tell it’s not real. Also, why would he need to hire a model when all you can do is use this? Business-wise it’s a smart idea. Bunch of haters.
As a artist and black woman, i find it to be interesting that a white male is profiting off the image. his fetish is making money, there is no way he's not making money. but this is typical colonial vibe. but why aren't black women allowed to be offended by this? why not just pay a live model?
I don't see this a racism at all. But what I am worried about is how marketers, fashion houses, magazines, ad exec's, etc., will try to buy into the idea of using digital models. Of course the obvious issue with that is the reduced work for existing models in an already competitive area. But, the more insidious issue at hand is the extreme beauty that can be created that will lend itself to the already existing body identification issues people of the Western nations already tend to have. Since the digital art of today has crossed into realism, it can be next to impossible to tell a fake from real. So, now we can look forward to actual impossible body ideals to strive for instead of the next to impossible ones.
I se ed he is an artist. If he had painted the portrait this would not be an issue. But because he used a computer to paint her it is. Nawww man. She is beautiful and if it was racist. Based on what he said. She would not be black. To emphasize again. The is an artist. Shudu is a magnificent work of art in a digital era. If he wanted a black model.. he would have call... me lol. U ... any of us will do. But it would not reflect his digital artistry. Shudu does.
Photographer? Maynr you need to learn a little more about proper lighting. Most of these pictures are underexposed or purely lit.
If anyone is worried about the racial dimension of black supermodels losing their jobs, do not worry, white supermodels will be replaced too, haha!
because I am an old woman and I do not have to look at young people because she is not in good taste? or why an elderly woman should not have sexual instincts? or maybe I can be accused of being someone because I do not support myself and in the end I'm guilty both on one side and on the other? allow everyone to live their sexuality, both by race, gender and age, as it deems appropriate, within the limits permitted by law. instead we condemn those who do not respect this law, which forbid women to be free to live their sexuality and their freedom, we condemn those who force children and girls to lose their childhood in a bed for a few cents, condemning those who are violent , who abuses, who beats. but who loves freely
I think everyone has the right to their own meaning of beauty. if for him the beauty is represented by a beautiful black skin and a perfect and soft body in the right places, who should tell him that he should not do, because if he is white and creates his ideal of black beauty means that he is racist? do we become limited and limiting for the cessation of anti-racism by falling into the same banal traps? if you want to be truly free and you really want to leave it free, the first step is not to judge. if he likes them so well for him. I like it too. I am a woman in her fifties and I like boys and girls, white or black, around 30 and beautiful. Am I to be ashamed because I am a racist if I look at black women and men, or because I am not just gay but bisexual? because I am an old woman and I do not have to look at young people because she is not in good taste? or why an elderly woman should not have sexual instincts? or maybe I can be accused of being someone because I do not support m
she's so beautiful I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or not she is just stunningly beautiful
This is jist amazing. Do you know how many loooongg hours of work it took? For god's sake would you have said the same if it were a white model? No so stop, u are being racists.
That's not a real person?!?!?!?!?!? I mean, that is all I can think
I was staring at the first few pictures trying to figure out how exactly anyone could have a body like that. Then find out she's not real - 'ahhh that makes sense'. As for the silly SJW rubbish; only racist people think about race all day long and make everything about the colour of people's skin. I wouldn't worry about them. They have nothing better to do than to complain about anything and everything.
I guess most people don't understand that even with the best tools, it takes education and talent to create a 3D model that actually looks human. Sad that people working in new mediums have to suffer such venom over their creations. I bet most of his critics couldn't do a 3D stick figure.
When an artist is involved, the haters and censors come out of the woodwork. That dumba55 lady up there just HAD to bring up that he's a white photographer. Would she and others sharing her point of view still be bitching if it had been a black photgrapher who came up with the digital model?
She is beautiful, smh, as to how this can be seen as racist; he isn't exploiting black culture or making money of her. He simply drew a beautiful black girl without the need to white washing her features. I am thinking Grace Jones, a beautiful and strong woman without finding the need to sexualizing her. She comes through as self assured, strong and as a girl, I wish, I would look like.
I can't understand why something should always end up being a racial thing. I personally thought the first time I saw the pictures she was genuine and stunning! But after reading this one I'm actually more stunned at how great of an artist he is for self-taught. Everything is so realistic.
Shudu is a heart-stopping beautiful fiction as much as Michelangelo's David. Both came from the mind of their creator. Both exist through love of subject and respect.
I'm less concerned by the colour of her skin and more concerned that yet another totally unrealistic ,unattainable image of the female form has been added to the already flooded market.We should be encouraging models to look more like "Real" women with attainable ,healthy body goals.Yet here is another impossibly thin unnaturally tall (in this case ,actually unnatural) image to make ordinary women and girls feel sub par with their many and varied body types.
“A white photographer figured out a way to profit off of black women without ever having to pay one,” wrote one Twitter user. “Now pls, tell me how our economic system is in no way built on and quite frankly reliant on racism and misogyny.”. That's adorable. Definitely a young person.
So, if he'd made a white woman model, who he also hadn't paid, would this be less of a problem? Or a white male model, just to be totally equal? He made a figure that is his idea of the essence of beauty and some people will read so much into it, rather than just seeing that he finds her beautiful.
That's a gorgeous "model" and I can see why he wanted to make this vision visible.
Why is it that it is mostly people of colour who complain about a white man's craft and not the other way round? Beauty in art is just that - no more, no less. Art is art.
I was so jealous of this woman until I realized it's wha wha whaaaat!?!? Not real!?
So black artists aren't allowed to paint, draw or create anything other than black people, either, then? Where does this end? So much division !
I do not understand the backlash. This should be empowering for black women. She is beautiful. Artist doing digital art is his choice.
I think these are beautiful!! I'm so tired of the race card!! No matter what anyone does there are always people crying RACIST!! Get over yourselves, and stop crying!! Get real, and go do something with your lives...
Someone should time travel back in time and scold Leonardo Da Vinci for being a cheapskate because he drew Monalisa without hiring a white model?
I have my Bachelor Degree in Computer Graphics, and this is simply Stunning digital art. This is not racist, so what if the artist is white, so what if his muse is black, neither of these facts changes my enjoyment of this art by this Artist. This is a totally irrelevant fact by a small minded person trying to make a problem where there is none. Art is personal and passionate, if you don't like his art that is one thing, but to label the artist as racist, really....Grow Up!
So is SHUDU a REAL person, or just a digitized "HER" --the result of a very talented graphic photographer / artist? This is not racism...whoever says so is jealous they didn't take these gorgeous photos/ nor have the talent to learn/ nor appreciate beauty comes in all forms and color and is in the eye of the beholder! Stop perpetrating such nonsense when it's not there and called for. Go out and do something creative yourselves!
I don't understand how someone can create something of beauty and have motives criticized. Does it matter that the artist behind this is white, and the model he created has black skin? If it were reversed, the artist being black and the subject created white, he would be criticized for not respecting women of his own color enough. What is wrong with people? Why have we become so hateful towards each other?
It's amazing the way things like this are blown into racist accusations. I mean this is like with Black Panther. It's a superhero movie, not a f**king race movement.
She's completely digital.. OMG this guy has skills. She looks so real. I don't get this.. people create white women/ Asian women all the time and never get accused of racism.. #utterbs #blackbeauty #digitalskillz
Now imagine the very commenter's reactions accusing the artist with racism if he was black. Then they would celebrate him for being so sensitive and putting diversity into spotlight. People like them just want to hate someone. It is always easier to criticise than actually doing anything productive.
So, if he just painted a picture of a black woman or maybe a sculpture, would their still be all this controversy? Do people not understand digital art? You don't use a person as a model. It is a creation from the artists' mind. Why does everything have to turn to racism? Can we not just enjoy this piece of art for what it is? It is beautiful and I am grateful that I stumbled across it.
anyone with huge issues with this is clearly missing the point of what art can be, what it can create. To say no to this, is to say no to any painting, statue or illustration, any animated movie, any single piece of imagined art that hopes to create a message. If done right, with the correct thought behind it and with the best of intentions, it can create something beautiful, like this.
I dont know what nationality it is or if it even is a certain nationality, but this dark color is so lovely its almost unreal. I used to volunteer at this clinic where all kinds of people, all from different countries came to. There was always a group of these beautiful tall, ebony, statuesque women wearing brightly colored flowing scarves, they were absolutely gorgeous, I was in total awe of them.
I find it sad that this may have not happened if the 3D model was white skinned. I think the art is beautiful and has nothing to do with racism.
It is NOT racist for an X color artist to paint a Y color person. It is just art. Get over it people.
What if he made a 3D of a white woman? Could he get the same reactions? The trouble with people sometimes, we are the ones making a fuss about it. Even barbie dolls are not spared. People always has something to say of something.
He basically "drew a picture" of a pretty woman and posted it on the internet. Outrage is an ignorant response. The proper response of an intelligent unbiased individual would be: Wow, that's really good art! That guy is talented.
Fuuuuuck! Finally someone painted & idolized a stunning black woman who could be a f*****g Queen, and not some white baroness...And people are not happy. F**k people, seriously! Some of us do not deserve all that brain! Fantastic work!
Shudu is stunningly beautiful, even if she's a digital creation. Wish she could be alive. So what's the big hullabaloo all about? What racism? Is this the only way some people can remain relevant... By trolling?
If making money off a 3D model is bad, why do animated movies and games exist and no one says anything? People are so weird ><
People think this is racist? And sexist? It's people like this that manage to stop equality. Sigh
I think it is absolutely beautiful artwork and meant as a compliment to black women everywhere.
The details of the skin and the lips. Wow, so much talent. The woman looks so strong and independent but at the same time so sweet. Hope this creation help some people see that #blackisbeautiful
Gorgeous rendition of a black woman; if she was real she would be the most famous sought after human being on the planet
If a black person is in any way related to, or in, a conversation, somebody is about to be called racist.
Wow, she is beautiful! I can see why he felt she would represent beauty. I think she has to be the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Real or not.
It's all about intentions. If the person who created her has a fetish for black women and sees them as sex objects, it's racist. If the guy genuinely thinks black women are beautiful and to be respected, and if he wants to educate ignorants that not only white skin is beautiful, it's antiracism. I think the latter is the case.
The aftermath of being hurt is that one speaks from pain.... All this people saying he is a racist are really just picking such on nothing to beat on. I am just sad she isn't real, and we don't get to see such beauty in a real way. In between can the artist please cover her up?
I'm totally impressed by the skill and work this must have taken. As for not using a real person I refer you to Vargas and all those other pinup artists. It's just different technology.
To me, the color of skin is no different from the color of hair. Why, if he made a digital model with ginger hair, would there be an outrage against making profit off redheads?? Pffft, that's ridiculous.
Sorry, but this is just racist people trying to find a reason to call someone else racist. We see this a lot with the reposts that we see here on Bored Panda about white privilege. Some people are just looking to pick a fight, and I am sure that most of the "backlash" that was not on this post was probably just that. My comment is in no way meant to say racism does exist. Or whether there is white privilege. Instead what we have here is that other thing that seems to cropping up. The person who try's to make everything racist even not the slightest touch of it exist. And it is just terrible.
Lord... I meant, "My comment is in no way meant to say racism does NOT exist." Bad place to miss typing a word. Heh
Load More Replies...She's his dream woman, not just his muse, his Venus. "The summit of beauty and love", and she's perfect. Those who see any kind of wrongness in this are shallow, one dimensional and unimaginative.
No time to scroll through comments, so it might have been asked already. Would the artist have suffered the same backlash if he were also a POC?
Oh, because a few people on Twitter got butt hurt, it somehow matters? Who cares?
AND. If a black photographer would use a white woman or man who is not real... would you p**s off the same way? I don't think so...
so if he created a white woman, or asian woman.....would it be also racism....LETS PULL THE RACISM CARD!! AN Artist paintend a beautiful black woman from his mind, his creation.....
In this world of racism, some are too negative and always looking for the wrong in many aspects of possible racism. Get a grip, that lady is gorgeous .
I don’t see what’s wrong with this? You rarely see black women this dark in the mainstream media. I’m pretty sure model scouts are hunting down a real Shudu. Why people focus on any negative they can find astrounds me. Focus on the positive. An amazing beautiful, incredibly dark, black woman, and the publicity she achieved!
Wonderful in many respects, and finding beauty inspired by a different ethnicity is the antithesis of racism. Some people create to share, even inspire, while others hate on creators just to be heard. Anyway, if he did hire an actual black, female model, the haters would say he was exploiting her. It's all they have, so they indulge themselves.
I thibk it should only be racism if it stereotypes something or is portrayed negatively which this isn't either of those things.
So a white person envisions the perfection of beauty and sees a black woman, and that makes him racist against black people? Lol, ok champ.
Instead of celebrating another tiny, tiny step towards a less 'white' beauty standard people start a backlash. So stupid.
Stop referring to a parcel of keystrokes as her and she, it’s creepy AF
I see no harm in the fact the the creator made a beautiful 3D model that happens to be of color. Who even gives a c**p about skin color?! Literally the only difference is the concentration of melanin in our skin. Something as little as that shouldn't cause rifts between us
Racist/m is a complete misnomer of a word bearing no logic, no rhyme or reason, and certainly no sensibility. The word racist was coined by a communist nut job in 1931. That nut job being one murderous Leon Trotsky. I refute the word every time.
To illustrate this specific example in a simplified way: an artist tells you they wants to create art to celebrate your family’s unique beauty. Two month later the artist creates an imaginary “sister” for you, potentially based on their own beauty standard, and starts showing only her pictures--and non of your real family’s pictures--under your family’s name. Everyone praises the beauty of your imaginary “sister.” Are people celebrating your beautiful family like the artist claimed their goal was, or are they in fact celebrating the artist’s own fantasy? Does this bring appreciation to your family, or is this artist the only one who actually profit from the situation?
I appreciate that most people here come from good intentions, and perhaps so does the artist, but it's important to understand good intention doesn't always equal good impact. There appears to be a lack of understanding of the power dynamics here. When one interacts with another culture there is a thin line between appreciation and exotification or appropriation. This is not limited to white artists/non-white cultures, but please acknowledge that because of the very dominant global representation of western culture and Eurocentric beauty standards, white artists often don’t face much pressure to fully understand their non-white “muse,” and have more freedom to represent their subject according to the artists own interpretation, which isn’t always appropriate such as in this case.
Load More Replies...The artwork is exceptionally flawless and truly captures the artist's view of beauty. For ccenturies, people have been painting the wonder of the world around them; first on a stone canvas, then on parchment, next as photography, now in digital. No matter the medium, art and appreciation of the the extraordinary world we live in, should always be celebrated. SHUDU is absolutely gorgeous and goddess-like; a tribute to all women of any color or ethnicity. 💗💗💗
And just a big kudos onto the Artist because the first photo, I couldn't even tell she was a 3D design. Amazing!
I applaud his creativity and am only sorry she is not real. In her face I see a better and more natural person than many models who are real.
Congrats real life models, you've just been made obsolete xD. This is not just racist, it's saying actual living women ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH... Too much work to photoshop their images, just start with a perfect digital model instead...
There is NO pleasing some people!! They are just watching...always on alert, for SOME way, ANY way, to attack people for ALL manner of different things!! They are pissed because there arent enough black models, then, when this guy hires one, they get pissed because he has! SHUT UP AND GO GET A LIFE!!!
Can we just stop for a second and talk about how skilled the artist is? The work is amazing!
Why did they have to animate a mouse when they could've just, ya know, used a real mouse...
His work is so great, I thought at first it was a REAL person! She's gorgeous, digital or not!
Whilst the person's skills are not indoubt, neither is the beauty of the images. However, his self-confession is a racist fetishisation. It is irrelevant that the model is virtual.
They are mad probably because they belong to this group of people who claim that blacks are somehow superior because of their skin , you know ... the "blacks dont crack" , the "whites steal our (superior ? ) culture" etc people lol it must ve been a big shock for them when they found out that their black beauty or whatever was fake lol at least they can accusse the white man for using the image of a black woman to make money now
Has nobody read that this is fake
He said just after that "“Shudu is coming from the other direction” “She’s a fantasy trying to break through into reality and I have plans to help her do so” He knows all that very well, that is his intention - creating a woman that isn't at all real and attempting to make her feel as close to real as possible.
Load More Replies...shes not naked xD and in a lot of photography they use naked people as models sooo theres really no difference there
Load More Replies...Just one point here Little Menace...she is not a human female. She is not human at all.
Load More Replies...If a black digital artist created a white girl and dressed her up in 'white girl' clothes I doubt everyone would have this stupidly huge reaction - they would say it was just art. By making this a big deal we are encouraging racism, and by saying that only black people can appreciate and learn about their cultural history is cutting that amazing culture off from being more included and accepted by the rest of the world. Let's learn about and celebrate ALL cultures instead of putting one like 'african attire' in a box and saying only the African people can love it and use it for art. It's so single-minded. The whole world should love and appreciate and be able to embrace the cultures from all around the world. That's how racism is stamped out. Not by building walls and cutting people off.
Load More Replies...As a black woman I actually find this very touching and beautiful. The photographers muse is an ethereal and strong black woman. For those who don't understand artists and their deep connections to their muses (real or imaginary), it really is a passionate, personal and near sacred thing. Love this !
I find your comment short and too the point. Well done.
Load More Replies...Just argueing what a person of colour X should do with his digital creation in colour Y relating to real people of colour Z is a racist thought. Colours do not matter, people do. And whether you prefer digital art, actual models, or no pictures showing perfect beauty at all is personal choice. People discuss every fart today while forgetting that we drown in problems endangering the future of our children, and we do not even notice it.
I compltely agree with you, everyone spouting about this being a racist act and a big hurt to black people are forgetting the real problems of racism we face today, different skin colours showing appreciation for others is wonderful, not racist, and the artist even said himself this is what he thinks is the MOST beautiful thing, he found his art, he loves, not hates. Other people take photos of real models, he doesn't, this doesnt mean he is crushing the dreams of black models, he is simply one artist who chose to do it another (and frankly amazing) way.
Load More Replies...Uh..forget about the socio-political aspect of what YOU think the artist is trying to say. What about the fact that he taught himself 3D design and his work is better than most that actually go to school for it. Bravo! I am highly impressed with your motivation and attention to details.
My thoughts exactly. My first impression was "wow! That's self-taught skill?! Which program is he using?"
Load More Replies...I think they're amazing pictures, and he is a DIGITAL artist, therefore he created a digital person, that's what makes it unique, instead of generic. And he did it very well. Does this mean if a black person created the same thing but of a white girl everyone would be like "hell no, the blacks are being racist against the whites!" No, everyone would be celebrating how 'inclusive' they were being, spread the love and all that. Skin colours are something to be celebrated, and by telling him he is not allowed to do anything concerning black people or anyone of another colour, it's creating racism and hostility. And if he created the same thing but of an asian girl, would anyone have this big of an objection? I think not. People are inventing these politics and hateful comments just to screw with the inclusiveness the world is finally beginning to see, I wish people could back off and appreciate art instead of finding problems with something that is just a cool idea.
The thing that annoys me about this is not every black person will complain about this(Proof Kosi above) but this will sadly be the take away point.
Load More Replies...Not everything is about racism or exploitation. People are just salty because they found out she's not real. They'd probably complain if he'd modeled a white woman, saying she wasn't diverse enough.
If he made a white model he'd be racist for excluding blacks. As my mother said, "Can't win for losing"
I don't really see a problem with what he did. He created a muse. Did a damn good job doing it, too. Reminds me of the movie "simone" with Al Pacino. People really need to find better things to be mad at.
I'm disappointed in society. Suddenly even saying the word "black" makes you racist. People are commenting on all the things that aren't any bad whatsoever and making fun of the real bad stuff. Things like school shooter memes are a prime example of such. People disgust me.
So... we're labeling a photographer as 'racist' who became a digital artist by creating his own model and creating his own works portraying them in a fashionable and positive light? yeah, okay. I'd hate to see how people would react if he made her ugly and unflattering.
what a load of s**t. Is there NOTHING that people won't slap the racisim label on nowadays?
Is everything these days racist? This is art, and well done. Those who are crying about it need to GTFO themselves. Period.
Thank goodness it turns out she was a digital creation! Something looked really off with her pictures and I couldn't put my finger on it!
Tbh, her proportions are so perfect they're unrealistic. I find her skin color very beautiful though. But have you seen Khoudia Doup?
Load More Replies...This generation is way too sensitive and easy to get offended. Go whining in your own cave please.
I think she's gorgeous and he's so very talented to be able to create her. And I'm sure sorry he has to contend with a bunch of jealous, angry people who are just looking for something to be upset about. How about just appreciating something of beauty.
I have no idea how it is to be a black woman, what kind of racist comment they experiment daily and what kind of subject can be touchy for them. When a person victim of an oppression I don't experiment tell me something is oppressive I take a second to think about the situation instead of saying "people see racisme/ transphobia/ ableisme.. everywhere". I don't want to be the guy that thought I had to make him the coffe because I'm a woman or that daily tried to see the color of his female coworkers underwears. He was claiming we were seeing sexisme everywhere when we complained. In this case, not knowing the artist, I would have understand concerned about the fetishization of black women (I didn't realise fetish about ethnicities exist until someone told me my daughter would be sexy as f**** when she will be a teen because she's part Asian. Still want to throw up months later). But I don't understand the reproach of not using a real woman when he is a digital artist.
I appreciate your comment and I'm sorry you have to deal with such a horrible thing. This artist is no doubt very talented/hardworking but that obviously doesn't exempt him from his moral responsibilities. I suppose what people are really trying to say is that he shouldn’t profit off fake “representation” while real dark skinned models are still grossly underrepresented.
Load More Replies...People are so full of anger, hate and despair, that they will s**t on absolutely anything, for any reason they can think of. I think we are creating a society where everyone will be too afraid to do anything, because we will be called all kinds of negative names. I can't even imagine what kind of logic it is behind that kind of thinking, for me this is art, beautiful art that took hours and hours of practice, patience and love, simple as that.
It is unique. This is not racist. He is sharing his art and we should enjoy it for his dedacation and not for "Hiring" a real human being
its fine if its a white person but once the skin changes to black its immediately considered racist! this is so dumb! its like anything to do with black people and if youre not actually black then its off limits but if a black person does anything related to a white person then its fine and not racist? If he wants to make is image of beauty black then I see nothing wrong with that!
"Profit off of a black woman without having to pay one"??? WHAT?? It's a piece of his imagination, not a copyright infringement. To quote the internet "you just mad it ain't yours."
Would the people get mad if he made up a white model? If not, then it's an odd double-standard. The fact of the matter is that he made digital art that happens to to use the human form as a subject - you wouldn't go to a realistic painter and suggest that they photograph people instead of making up their own, it's the same here.
Yeah that comment about hiring a model really doesn't float here. They probably allowed it to be seen as a real person and photograph to give it something more special when it was revealed later on that was actually not. The point wasn't to cut down on human expenses Black or otherwise. The person who created this may not have even had the skills or a camera needed to produce this in real life.
Load More Replies...As an artist, I really applaud this man for creating these works. I totally agree that there isn't enough artists who showcase black women as a muse in their works. It's from his imagination, well that's what artists do. That's perfectly fine. He's not selling his work to Vogue magazine or fashion magazines. The very nature of art is it can be based on reality or one's imagination. Are we so oversensitive now that we need to sensor someone's imagination or tell an artist he has to use a real model when the reality is he was just exploring the process of 3D and visualizing a muse from his own imagination? There is a freedom of speech, certainly there should be a freedom to create. He has never intended this work to be used as a commercial model so the idea that his art is stealing people's jobs is just not true.
What's the problem with people?! This guy said it quite simply I WANTED THE PERFECT MODEL BUT COULDN'T FIND IT, SO I CREATED IT Thanks God he didn't create a Jewish girl, I can't even imagine what the world would have said
I am so stunned that anyone would find anything negative to say about this absolutely, stunningly beautiful art! Why must we always find fault, especially when the artist was doing just want he obviously is excellent at and that is ART!! Get over yourselves all you negative people and appreciate the shear beauty of these photos. I see passion in this artist's work and for that I am grateful that it was shared with me for I may not have seen it otherwise but here on this website. Thank you!
I'm reminded of the story of Pygmalion, the sculptor who found flaws in every model 'til he carved one of his own. Who he promptly fell in love with. Eventually the gods had mercy on him, and brought her to life. There's nothing wrong with seeking what you want. I imagine that eventually, he'll see her in real life. Whether he gets to keep her in real life is something else.
Next thing people will be complaining that animation doesn't use real actors. Seriously as someone complaining point it out "a white guy" chose to create "a black woman" as his muse. Those are the looks he found inspiring and he's accused of being racist. He could have made her white and I doubt anyone would be complaining on behalf of white models. People going on about how this could be a models job. The project would have been like any other generic photo shoot if he hadn't created her. No one would be paying attention right now. You think it's easy to create a 3D model? People who don't create anything seem to think there's no effort involved.
Oh look, more people offended by pretty much anything and seeing racism&exploitation in everything... again. If he had made a white model, would the comments have been the same? "so many white models... not paying them, exploit... blablabla"? Or is it just because he created a black model? (or what if he was black himself and created a black model?) I'm just amazed that someone can create something like this. (If you didn't tell me, I'd think she was real)
There are plenty of real examples of racism in this world to call out unfortunately. Leave this brilliant artist alone.
Wait...drawing a black woman in beautiful pieces of art full of admiration at the natural beauty of her kind is racism?o.O I can't even...I don't...did the meaning of word "racism" just change overnight or is there really that much stupid in the world?
Probably no controversy had raised if the digital model was a white girl.
No, then it would be racist because of all the colours he could choose from, he chose white as a superior and inspiring colour. People like this will always find a colour to nag about
Load More Replies...people need to stop saying everything is racist, is it wrong to like what you want to like its what inspires him and what he envisions so let him. There is real racism going on around the world and not towards black people only it's towards everyone we need to stop accusing people of being racist for liking our culture and race.
Who couldn't tell this wasn't a real woman? Idiots. No humans were exploited, cheated, or denied income because of this art. I do the same kind of art using the same kind of resources. The 3D sculptors who made the original 3D model form and 'skins' get paid. Although not real, the popularity of these images show how dark African-inspired skin is undeniably beautiful. These images should be philosohpically critiqued the same as a painting, not a photograph. I do the same kind of art with male 3D models. I spend a lot of time sculpting, editing the 'skin' bitmaps, and posing. My images depict men of all ethnicity. Life is a buffet, and I've sampled and enjoyed from all over the world. My art hobby reflects that.
This is absolutely ridiculous to say it is racist. The world if full of white models, so someone creates one who isn't white and that's racist? I'm a white woman and I enjoy writing romance novels. I get asked if I'll ever write a female African American lead character. I hesitate because of this type of thing. I'd be making money off of African Americans. But then I hear from my African American readers who say there are never books with characters who look like me. I think the question to ask is, if that digital artist had been any ethnicity other than white and he'd have created a white model, would people have called him racist? Ever look up "black comic artists"? They make amazing African American comics, but often they have white characters. Are they racist for making money? Nope. They are artists and they create what they want to create.
The people backlashing this are just stupid. Shudu "represents what I've always seen as beautiful, but something I don’t see often enough" as humanity is now broken with all these different kinds of "filters and makeup".
People have done this with White characters all the time.... so the man whats to show some diversity with his art... great job. some people arent happy till they find fault with everything. Haters gonna hate.
Maybe I'm just dumb, but I thought it was a tribute to African women. I was quite impressed with his digital skills, too.
Twidiots get their panties in a wad over everything. Twitter is home of the weak and ignorant.
When white people get offended on black peoples behalf. I find that infinitely more racist.
Awesome 3d modelling skills I would say, and the model, if she were real, would be stunning!
We need to STOP looking for racism under the rocks. This work is ingenious and should be applauded not vilified. When a person studies others outside their racial group, they are immediately repelled and that is what destroys the conversation about race. Let Caucasians feel our black skins and satisfy their curiosities; let blacks feel Caucasians long hairs and pinch their pointed noses. Let's get comfortable with each other. We really need to stop looking at each other from "over there."
The Proud family was a cartoon about a black family. Would any of the white animators who worked on that show be considered racist.?
Why is there always racism in everything? C'mon, this artist wanted to create something beautiful in his eyes, and that's exactly what he did! Shudu is gorgeous!
Let's say for a second that he did the same thing, but with a white 3d model instead of a black one, people would scream lack of diversity. I say Well done. She's beautiful. You are freaking talented.
A digital artist creates a beautiful black woman and that's racist? If he took a picture of a black woman it wouldn't be digital art, it would be photography. If he was a black digital artist would you still claim that he's a racist or is it only because he's white? Cause that seems racist more than what the artist did. Quit playing the race card for every little thing.
The "We only care for real dark skinned people being hired but don´t care at all if they do 3D models who are white" - squad.
I've seen better renderings in video games. This isn't taking work away from ANYONE.
I think it’s cool that he taught himself a 3D software skill. It looks amazing! Limbs are a tad too long though. That’s where you can tell it’s not real. Also, why would he need to hire a model when all you can do is use this? Business-wise it’s a smart idea. Bunch of haters.
As a artist and black woman, i find it to be interesting that a white male is profiting off the image. his fetish is making money, there is no way he's not making money. but this is typical colonial vibe. but why aren't black women allowed to be offended by this? why not just pay a live model?
I don't see this a racism at all. But what I am worried about is how marketers, fashion houses, magazines, ad exec's, etc., will try to buy into the idea of using digital models. Of course the obvious issue with that is the reduced work for existing models in an already competitive area. But, the more insidious issue at hand is the extreme beauty that can be created that will lend itself to the already existing body identification issues people of the Western nations already tend to have. Since the digital art of today has crossed into realism, it can be next to impossible to tell a fake from real. So, now we can look forward to actual impossible body ideals to strive for instead of the next to impossible ones.
I se ed he is an artist. If he had painted the portrait this would not be an issue. But because he used a computer to paint her it is. Nawww man. She is beautiful and if it was racist. Based on what he said. She would not be black. To emphasize again. The is an artist. Shudu is a magnificent work of art in a digital era. If he wanted a black model.. he would have call... me lol. U ... any of us will do. But it would not reflect his digital artistry. Shudu does.
Photographer? Maynr you need to learn a little more about proper lighting. Most of these pictures are underexposed or purely lit.
If anyone is worried about the racial dimension of black supermodels losing their jobs, do not worry, white supermodels will be replaced too, haha!
because I am an old woman and I do not have to look at young people because she is not in good taste? or why an elderly woman should not have sexual instincts? or maybe I can be accused of being someone because I do not support myself and in the end I'm guilty both on one side and on the other? allow everyone to live their sexuality, both by race, gender and age, as it deems appropriate, within the limits permitted by law. instead we condemn those who do not respect this law, which forbid women to be free to live their sexuality and their freedom, we condemn those who force children and girls to lose their childhood in a bed for a few cents, condemning those who are violent , who abuses, who beats. but who loves freely
I think everyone has the right to their own meaning of beauty. if for him the beauty is represented by a beautiful black skin and a perfect and soft body in the right places, who should tell him that he should not do, because if he is white and creates his ideal of black beauty means that he is racist? do we become limited and limiting for the cessation of anti-racism by falling into the same banal traps? if you want to be truly free and you really want to leave it free, the first step is not to judge. if he likes them so well for him. I like it too. I am a woman in her fifties and I like boys and girls, white or black, around 30 and beautiful. Am I to be ashamed because I am a racist if I look at black women and men, or because I am not just gay but bisexual? because I am an old woman and I do not have to look at young people because she is not in good taste? or why an elderly woman should not have sexual instincts? or maybe I can be accused of being someone because I do not support m
she's so beautiful I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or not she is just stunningly beautiful
This is jist amazing. Do you know how many loooongg hours of work it took? For god's sake would you have said the same if it were a white model? No so stop, u are being racists.
That's not a real person?!?!?!?!?!? I mean, that is all I can think
I was staring at the first few pictures trying to figure out how exactly anyone could have a body like that. Then find out she's not real - 'ahhh that makes sense'. As for the silly SJW rubbish; only racist people think about race all day long and make everything about the colour of people's skin. I wouldn't worry about them. They have nothing better to do than to complain about anything and everything.
I guess most people don't understand that even with the best tools, it takes education and talent to create a 3D model that actually looks human. Sad that people working in new mediums have to suffer such venom over their creations. I bet most of his critics couldn't do a 3D stick figure.
When an artist is involved, the haters and censors come out of the woodwork. That dumba55 lady up there just HAD to bring up that he's a white photographer. Would she and others sharing her point of view still be bitching if it had been a black photgrapher who came up with the digital model?
She is beautiful, smh, as to how this can be seen as racist; he isn't exploiting black culture or making money of her. He simply drew a beautiful black girl without the need to white washing her features. I am thinking Grace Jones, a beautiful and strong woman without finding the need to sexualizing her. She comes through as self assured, strong and as a girl, I wish, I would look like.
I can't understand why something should always end up being a racial thing. I personally thought the first time I saw the pictures she was genuine and stunning! But after reading this one I'm actually more stunned at how great of an artist he is for self-taught. Everything is so realistic.
Shudu is a heart-stopping beautiful fiction as much as Michelangelo's David. Both came from the mind of their creator. Both exist through love of subject and respect.
I'm less concerned by the colour of her skin and more concerned that yet another totally unrealistic ,unattainable image of the female form has been added to the already flooded market.We should be encouraging models to look more like "Real" women with attainable ,healthy body goals.Yet here is another impossibly thin unnaturally tall (in this case ,actually unnatural) image to make ordinary women and girls feel sub par with their many and varied body types.
“A white photographer figured out a way to profit off of black women without ever having to pay one,” wrote one Twitter user. “Now pls, tell me how our economic system is in no way built on and quite frankly reliant on racism and misogyny.”. That's adorable. Definitely a young person.
So, if he'd made a white woman model, who he also hadn't paid, would this be less of a problem? Or a white male model, just to be totally equal? He made a figure that is his idea of the essence of beauty and some people will read so much into it, rather than just seeing that he finds her beautiful.
That's a gorgeous "model" and I can see why he wanted to make this vision visible.
Why is it that it is mostly people of colour who complain about a white man's craft and not the other way round? Beauty in art is just that - no more, no less. Art is art.
I was so jealous of this woman until I realized it's wha wha whaaaat!?!? Not real!?
So black artists aren't allowed to paint, draw or create anything other than black people, either, then? Where does this end? So much division !
I do not understand the backlash. This should be empowering for black women. She is beautiful. Artist doing digital art is his choice.
I think these are beautiful!! I'm so tired of the race card!! No matter what anyone does there are always people crying RACIST!! Get over yourselves, and stop crying!! Get real, and go do something with your lives...
Someone should time travel back in time and scold Leonardo Da Vinci for being a cheapskate because he drew Monalisa without hiring a white model?
I have my Bachelor Degree in Computer Graphics, and this is simply Stunning digital art. This is not racist, so what if the artist is white, so what if his muse is black, neither of these facts changes my enjoyment of this art by this Artist. This is a totally irrelevant fact by a small minded person trying to make a problem where there is none. Art is personal and passionate, if you don't like his art that is one thing, but to label the artist as racist, really....Grow Up!
So is SHUDU a REAL person, or just a digitized "HER" --the result of a very talented graphic photographer / artist? This is not racism...whoever says so is jealous they didn't take these gorgeous photos/ nor have the talent to learn/ nor appreciate beauty comes in all forms and color and is in the eye of the beholder! Stop perpetrating such nonsense when it's not there and called for. Go out and do something creative yourselves!
I don't understand how someone can create something of beauty and have motives criticized. Does it matter that the artist behind this is white, and the model he created has black skin? If it were reversed, the artist being black and the subject created white, he would be criticized for not respecting women of his own color enough. What is wrong with people? Why have we become so hateful towards each other?
It's amazing the way things like this are blown into racist accusations. I mean this is like with Black Panther. It's a superhero movie, not a f**king race movement.
She's completely digital.. OMG this guy has skills. She looks so real. I don't get this.. people create white women/ Asian women all the time and never get accused of racism.. #utterbs #blackbeauty #digitalskillz
Now imagine the very commenter's reactions accusing the artist with racism if he was black. Then they would celebrate him for being so sensitive and putting diversity into spotlight. People like them just want to hate someone. It is always easier to criticise than actually doing anything productive.
So, if he just painted a picture of a black woman or maybe a sculpture, would their still be all this controversy? Do people not understand digital art? You don't use a person as a model. It is a creation from the artists' mind. Why does everything have to turn to racism? Can we not just enjoy this piece of art for what it is? It is beautiful and I am grateful that I stumbled across it.
anyone with huge issues with this is clearly missing the point of what art can be, what it can create. To say no to this, is to say no to any painting, statue or illustration, any animated movie, any single piece of imagined art that hopes to create a message. If done right, with the correct thought behind it and with the best of intentions, it can create something beautiful, like this.
I dont know what nationality it is or if it even is a certain nationality, but this dark color is so lovely its almost unreal. I used to volunteer at this clinic where all kinds of people, all from different countries came to. There was always a group of these beautiful tall, ebony, statuesque women wearing brightly colored flowing scarves, they were absolutely gorgeous, I was in total awe of them.
I find it sad that this may have not happened if the 3D model was white skinned. I think the art is beautiful and has nothing to do with racism.
It is NOT racist for an X color artist to paint a Y color person. It is just art. Get over it people.
What if he made a 3D of a white woman? Could he get the same reactions? The trouble with people sometimes, we are the ones making a fuss about it. Even barbie dolls are not spared. People always has something to say of something.
He basically "drew a picture" of a pretty woman and posted it on the internet. Outrage is an ignorant response. The proper response of an intelligent unbiased individual would be: Wow, that's really good art! That guy is talented.
Fuuuuuck! Finally someone painted & idolized a stunning black woman who could be a f*****g Queen, and not some white baroness...And people are not happy. F**k people, seriously! Some of us do not deserve all that brain! Fantastic work!
Shudu is stunningly beautiful, even if she's a digital creation. Wish she could be alive. So what's the big hullabaloo all about? What racism? Is this the only way some people can remain relevant... By trolling?
If making money off a 3D model is bad, why do animated movies and games exist and no one says anything? People are so weird ><
People think this is racist? And sexist? It's people like this that manage to stop equality. Sigh
I think it is absolutely beautiful artwork and meant as a compliment to black women everywhere.
The details of the skin and the lips. Wow, so much talent. The woman looks so strong and independent but at the same time so sweet. Hope this creation help some people see that #blackisbeautiful
Gorgeous rendition of a black woman; if she was real she would be the most famous sought after human being on the planet
If a black person is in any way related to, or in, a conversation, somebody is about to be called racist.
Wow, she is beautiful! I can see why he felt she would represent beauty. I think she has to be the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Real or not.
It's all about intentions. If the person who created her has a fetish for black women and sees them as sex objects, it's racist. If the guy genuinely thinks black women are beautiful and to be respected, and if he wants to educate ignorants that not only white skin is beautiful, it's antiracism. I think the latter is the case.
The aftermath of being hurt is that one speaks from pain.... All this people saying he is a racist are really just picking such on nothing to beat on. I am just sad she isn't real, and we don't get to see such beauty in a real way. In between can the artist please cover her up?
I'm totally impressed by the skill and work this must have taken. As for not using a real person I refer you to Vargas and all those other pinup artists. It's just different technology.
To me, the color of skin is no different from the color of hair. Why, if he made a digital model with ginger hair, would there be an outrage against making profit off redheads?? Pffft, that's ridiculous.
Sorry, but this is just racist people trying to find a reason to call someone else racist. We see this a lot with the reposts that we see here on Bored Panda about white privilege. Some people are just looking to pick a fight, and I am sure that most of the "backlash" that was not on this post was probably just that. My comment is in no way meant to say racism does exist. Or whether there is white privilege. Instead what we have here is that other thing that seems to cropping up. The person who try's to make everything racist even not the slightest touch of it exist. And it is just terrible.
Lord... I meant, "My comment is in no way meant to say racism does NOT exist." Bad place to miss typing a word. Heh
Load More Replies...She's his dream woman, not just his muse, his Venus. "The summit of beauty and love", and she's perfect. Those who see any kind of wrongness in this are shallow, one dimensional and unimaginative.
No time to scroll through comments, so it might have been asked already. Would the artist have suffered the same backlash if he were also a POC?
Oh, because a few people on Twitter got butt hurt, it somehow matters? Who cares?
AND. If a black photographer would use a white woman or man who is not real... would you p**s off the same way? I don't think so...
so if he created a white woman, or asian woman.....would it be also racism....LETS PULL THE RACISM CARD!! AN Artist paintend a beautiful black woman from his mind, his creation.....
In this world of racism, some are too negative and always looking for the wrong in many aspects of possible racism. Get a grip, that lady is gorgeous .
I don’t see what’s wrong with this? You rarely see black women this dark in the mainstream media. I’m pretty sure model scouts are hunting down a real Shudu. Why people focus on any negative they can find astrounds me. Focus on the positive. An amazing beautiful, incredibly dark, black woman, and the publicity she achieved!
Wonderful in many respects, and finding beauty inspired by a different ethnicity is the antithesis of racism. Some people create to share, even inspire, while others hate on creators just to be heard. Anyway, if he did hire an actual black, female model, the haters would say he was exploiting her. It's all they have, so they indulge themselves.
I thibk it should only be racism if it stereotypes something or is portrayed negatively which this isn't either of those things.
So a white person envisions the perfection of beauty and sees a black woman, and that makes him racist against black people? Lol, ok champ.
Instead of celebrating another tiny, tiny step towards a less 'white' beauty standard people start a backlash. So stupid.
Stop referring to a parcel of keystrokes as her and she, it’s creepy AF
I see no harm in the fact the the creator made a beautiful 3D model that happens to be of color. Who even gives a c**p about skin color?! Literally the only difference is the concentration of melanin in our skin. Something as little as that shouldn't cause rifts between us
Racist/m is a complete misnomer of a word bearing no logic, no rhyme or reason, and certainly no sensibility. The word racist was coined by a communist nut job in 1931. That nut job being one murderous Leon Trotsky. I refute the word every time.
To illustrate this specific example in a simplified way: an artist tells you they wants to create art to celebrate your family’s unique beauty. Two month later the artist creates an imaginary “sister” for you, potentially based on their own beauty standard, and starts showing only her pictures--and non of your real family’s pictures--under your family’s name. Everyone praises the beauty of your imaginary “sister.” Are people celebrating your beautiful family like the artist claimed their goal was, or are they in fact celebrating the artist’s own fantasy? Does this bring appreciation to your family, or is this artist the only one who actually profit from the situation?
I appreciate that most people here come from good intentions, and perhaps so does the artist, but it's important to understand good intention doesn't always equal good impact. There appears to be a lack of understanding of the power dynamics here. When one interacts with another culture there is a thin line between appreciation and exotification or appropriation. This is not limited to white artists/non-white cultures, but please acknowledge that because of the very dominant global representation of western culture and Eurocentric beauty standards, white artists often don’t face much pressure to fully understand their non-white “muse,” and have more freedom to represent their subject according to the artists own interpretation, which isn’t always appropriate such as in this case.
Load More Replies...The artwork is exceptionally flawless and truly captures the artist's view of beauty. For ccenturies, people have been painting the wonder of the world around them; first on a stone canvas, then on parchment, next as photography, now in digital. No matter the medium, art and appreciation of the the extraordinary world we live in, should always be celebrated. SHUDU is absolutely gorgeous and goddess-like; a tribute to all women of any color or ethnicity. 💗💗💗
And just a big kudos onto the Artist because the first photo, I couldn't even tell she was a 3D design. Amazing!
I applaud his creativity and am only sorry she is not real. In her face I see a better and more natural person than many models who are real.
Congrats real life models, you've just been made obsolete xD. This is not just racist, it's saying actual living women ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH... Too much work to photoshop their images, just start with a perfect digital model instead...
There is NO pleasing some people!! They are just watching...always on alert, for SOME way, ANY way, to attack people for ALL manner of different things!! They are pissed because there arent enough black models, then, when this guy hires one, they get pissed because he has! SHUT UP AND GO GET A LIFE!!!
Can we just stop for a second and talk about how skilled the artist is? The work is amazing!
Why did they have to animate a mouse when they could've just, ya know, used a real mouse...
His work is so great, I thought at first it was a REAL person! She's gorgeous, digital or not!
Whilst the person's skills are not indoubt, neither is the beauty of the images. However, his self-confession is a racist fetishisation. It is irrelevant that the model is virtual.
They are mad probably because they belong to this group of people who claim that blacks are somehow superior because of their skin , you know ... the "blacks dont crack" , the "whites steal our (superior ? ) culture" etc people lol it must ve been a big shock for them when they found out that their black beauty or whatever was fake lol at least they can accusse the white man for using the image of a black woman to make money now
Has nobody read that this is fake
He said just after that "“Shudu is coming from the other direction” “She’s a fantasy trying to break through into reality and I have plans to help her do so” He knows all that very well, that is his intention - creating a woman that isn't at all real and attempting to make her feel as close to real as possible.
Load More Replies...shes not naked xD and in a lot of photography they use naked people as models sooo theres really no difference there
Load More Replies...Just one point here Little Menace...she is not a human female. She is not human at all.
Load More Replies...If a black digital artist created a white girl and dressed her up in 'white girl' clothes I doubt everyone would have this stupidly huge reaction - they would say it was just art. By making this a big deal we are encouraging racism, and by saying that only black people can appreciate and learn about their cultural history is cutting that amazing culture off from being more included and accepted by the rest of the world. Let's learn about and celebrate ALL cultures instead of putting one like 'african attire' in a box and saying only the African people can love it and use it for art. It's so single-minded. The whole world should love and appreciate and be able to embrace the cultures from all around the world. That's how racism is stamped out. Not by building walls and cutting people off.
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